
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


"W-whats up with this kid?" The scared old man whose heart was pounding asked, "Haha please forgive him, it's just the way he looks" Sakura quickly explained as she didn't want to miss a chance to go on a C-rank mission because they scared the client away.

"Humph. My name is Tazuna and I hope you can excort me safely to the land of Waves", the old man introduced himself avoiding naruto's gaze but his heart was still pounding as Naruto was still looking at him.

"Of course I'm Haruno Sakura, this is Uchiha Sasuke, that is Uzumaki Naruto and that is our Jounin sensei Kakashi umm -hehe I forgot his last name" she introduced everyone and scratched the back head embarrassed as she forgot Kakashi last name.

"It's Hatake *sigh*" Kakashi said as he head chop her, "Haha, such an energetic team, well you guys should meet him by the gate of the village by six tommorow morning, Mr Tazuna is that ok with you?", "Ahh yes yes sir" Tazuna replied to the Hokage's question.

Then next day the team assembled by the gate and prepared to leave when Kakashi asked, "Naruto why didn't you bring any supplies".

The rest of the team and their client noticed this and were immediately puzzled.

"It's fine let's get a move on I'm feeling sleepy" Naruto said lazier than usual.

'What do you mean it's fine, looks like his to overconfident about his abilities' Thought Kakashi,

"Alright it will take us five days to reach the land of tea, and a reminder even if this is an escort mission, don't ever let you gaurd down." Kakashi said while Tazuna nodded his head in approval.


It's been four days since they left and didn't encounter much of a problem except few bandits here and there but nothing much.

"Stop!!" Kakashi suddenly said, "Naruto how many are they and what's their level". Kakashi has recently gotten a bit of knowledge about naruto's personality, in the sense that he knows that if Naruto is not asked to do something he won't even bother about it.

The rest were lost as they didn't know what's going on until Naruto spoke and said,

"Five of them, three genins and two chunins, a chunin is hiding in that puddle of water, while the other one is behind that tree, the genins are right there" he explained pointing to their location.

When the ninjas heard they knew they've been exposed because he accurately pointed out their location, not wasting anymore time the Ninjas abandoned their stealth and went on the offensive immediately.

"Water style: Water wave"

A chunin said as he quickly did the hand seals and spat a large amount of water towards Kakashi hoping the water pressure would do the job by squashing him.

Kakashi quickly flickered away and appeared in front of the now terrified Ninja, the ninja attempted to engage in a taijutsu match with Kakashi but was surprised as he saw his body headless, he blacked out and died.

While it was going on the others ran to kill Tazuna but Naruto quickly did handseals and said

"Water style: Raindrops jutsu"

Naruto infused a lot a chakra and spat a large current of water at the sky, the ninjas seeing this wanted to mock him but before he knew it, the drops of water falling down shot his head with terrifying lethality, but it didnt stop there, it completely decorated the rest of of the ninja's with holes.

Kakashi looked and saw Naruto using an unknown jutsu, he thought it would be a random one so he didn't bother copying it, but when he saw the lethality he immediately knew that it was an A-rank jutsu.

"Naruto where did you learn that jutsu" Kakashi walked over and asked.

"I made it" Naruto replied bluntly.

When the rest of them had it, they didn't want to believe it but they knew it's true, 'Damn it Sasuke clenched his fist as he started doubting the meaning of life, he had never once seen Naruto train yet he who trained all the time was still weak, he felt so much pain and anger.

Sakura and Tazuna just stood there, with their minds racing, each had different thoughts, Sakura also felt depressed at the fact she was weak but mostly surprised that naruto just killed without batting an eye.

"Do you want to contribute it to the village?" Kakashi asked hopefully

"No" Naruto said straight away.

'I knew it, he doesn't care about the village, looks like Hokage's will of fire didn't get to him. I'll just copy it next time he does a jutsu' Kakashi thought

"And for you, the difficulty of the mission is clearly not what you mentioned" Kakashi said looking at Tazuna.

Tazuna sighed and explained how the village was poor, how it would become prosperous when the build a bridge to connect the land of waves and fire together, also how a ruthless business man was bent on stopping him, he even lost his son because of it, how they are his only hope.

Kakashi looked and decided to help him but asked Naruto "What do you think Naruto" as he was the one who contributed the most so far in this mission.

"He lied and could have endangered our lifes all because of people we don't know, I don't care who or who does not die 'MR.' we are ninjas not saints, So I suggest we kill him for false info, so I can go back home I'm tired" Naruto said in a tired tone will staring at the stunned, angry and afraid Tazuna.

"NARUTO!!!" Sakura shouted angrily, Naruto immediately looked at her as he sped over to her and held her neck. Kakashi, Sasuke and even Tazuna were surprised by this development.

"Don't ever shout again!! I hate it, I will snap you neck, remember this warning" Naruto said as he dropped the shaking Sakura furiously gasping for air.

"Naruto you can't do that to your teammates, next time just use your words Instead" Kakashi said to reprimand Naruto's behaviour.

'tsk Hypocrithe' Naruto thought

While Sasuke was surprised as he didn't see naruto's movement, it felt like he disappeared and appeared again, of course that just because he was not using his Sharingan.

While Sakura was still on the floor shaking, Kakashi said "Naruto what you said is correct, nevertheless we are not just tools we have emotions and should know when to show sympathy, so we are helping him"




But wish me good luck on my exams.

~Yours Truly Lord SuckKanyeCock.