
Naruto: Did i Just Get Reincarnated as Gojo?

In a World where power is everything, Gojo finds himself reincarnated into the Naruto universe, armed with a unique System known as the Konoha Prosperity System. With each investment he makes in the growth and prosperity of the Hidden Leaf Village, Gojo becomes stronger, how Strong and Influenceable will he become?

DragonnX · Komik
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53 Chs

Chapter 16: The Changing Winds of Konoha

~/ Extra Chapter if we Reach 1000 Collection!!

~/ Extra Chapter if we Reach 200 Power Stones!!


"Eh?! Is that really okay? But when I entered the village, I heard them say that you're a ninja now, Kaigetsu."

"Isn't your work related to being a ninja?"

"I'm just an ordinary person. Is it really okay for me to get involved in ninja business...?"

This is happening way too fast!

Samui had anticipated many possibilities, but she hadn't expected Gojo Kaigetsu to invite her into the inner workings of Konoha so quickly.

'As expected, he's just a mediocre ninja who got his position due to his connections with the Fourth Hokage. It won't be long before I can completely control him and use him for the benefit of Kumogakure.'

Samui thought to herself. If Gojo Kaigetsu really was just a mediocre ninja, then her subsequent plans could proceed smoothly.

As for whether Gojo Kaigetsu had seen through her disguise and was deliberately luring her in... Samui was confident that her chakra-suppressing techniques and her acting skills were far beyond what an ordinary Chunin like Gojo Kaigetsu could detect.

This game between the hunter and the prey-she was sure she would be the winner!

"Of course, it's no problem!" 

Gojo Kaigetsu acted like the stereotypical overconfident fool, eager to flaunt the power he had acquired:

"A ninja? So what?! I've gotten to where I am today all because of my own intelligence!"

Gojo Kaigetsu tapped his temple with a finger, his tone mysterious: "My business is actually... a publishing house."

"A... publishing house?!" 

Samui's breath hitched for a moment, as if she was both puzzled and had suddenly found an answer. From the way her pupils dilated uncontrollably, Gojo Kaigetsu had a pretty good idea of why she was really here.

Piecing together the clues he had, Gojo Kaigetsu formulated a theory:

Given the recent decline in sales of contraband books in Kumogakure, it was likely that selling these books to Kumogakure had been discovered. Because a significant figure's child was affected, they had sent a kunoichi like Samui to infiltrate Konoha and eliminate the publisher.

At least, that's what it looked like right now.

But Samui was too skilled, and the higher-ups in Kumogakure were probably planning for her to remain in Konoha long-term, perhaps even to gain a larger advantage by posing as a distant relative.

'So, they really think I'm just some easily manipulated fool, huh?'

Beneath the dark fabric covering his eyes, Gojo Kaigetsu's gaze turned cold.

True, he enjoyed the kind of negotiations where the woman involved underestimated him beforehand. But in a formal situation, such disdain was a direct insult to his pride as a ninja!

But that's fine too-the more they underestimate him, the greater the gap in information, and eventually...

Gojo Kaigetsu's gaze swept up and down Samui with ill intentions, thinking: 'When the tables turn, it'll be your loyalty to Kumogakure that's humiliated, not mine.'

"Yes, it's a very special publishing house. It's a secret business of mine~ Because of its sensitive nature, I can only entrust it to those I deeply trust. Your arrival, Ai, is a big help to me!"

Samui instinctively crossed her arms over her chest. In that brief moment, she had a strange feeling that Gojo Kaigetsu had completely seen through her. It felt as though, beneath that dark fabric, there wasn't the warm gaze of a newfound relative, but rather the calculating eyes of someone ready to devour her whole.

"Is that so... Kaigetsu-kun, you're really impressive. I'll leave it all to you then, because honestly, I don't know what I'd do on my own in Konoha."

Samui softened her voice, making it as gentle as possible, but the words were insincere: "Handling so much must be exhausting for you~"

'What an idiot!'

She thought bitterly.

A publishing house... that's not what she was after! But for now, she had to proceed cautiously, gradually gaining Gojo Kaigetsu's trust until he began sharing more sensitive political and military information about Konoha.

If she performed well at that publishing house, surely Gojo Kaigetsu would trust her more!

'Stay calm, Samui! You've already successfully made contact with Gojo Kaigetsu. That's a solid start.'

They exchanged a wordless glance, but the dark fabric between them prevented any real connection. No matter how expressive her eyes were, they might as well have been aimed at a blind man-at least, that's how Samui felt.

Finding the situation dull, she abandoned her plan to subtly flirt with Gojo Kaigetsu.

Silence settled over them, until Gojo Kaigetsu finally broke it:

"Ai, my house is pretty spacious. You're welcome to stay there. If you get tired from work, you can just rest at home-no problem at all~"

"You wouldn't want to keep staying in the Konoha guesthouse, right~?"

Gojo Kaigetsu leaned forward just slightly.

Samui stiffened, easily catching the implications in his words. Her already low opinion of the young Konoha politician sank further. This guy wasn't just incompetent-he was also a lecher!

She uneasily rubbed her arms, forcing a strained smile: "No, no, that wouldn't be necessary, Kaigetsu-kun. I wouldn't want to trouble you."

"I've still got some money left. I was planning to find some time tomorrow to rent a place in Konoha."

"I see... Even though you're my relative. Well, okay, I'll respect your choice."

Gojo Kaigetsu pulled back, his tone carrying an unintended note of distance, which only made Samui more uncertain.

'Did I mess up the pacing? Was I too conservative? Or... has the atmosphere in Konoha become so open that...?'



At the Namikaze Residence...

"Ah, Kaigetsu, you're finally here."

Namikaze Minato, donning an apron, had taken on the role of a model househusband, bustling between the kitchen and dining room, bringing out dish after dish of hot food.

"Really, Kaigetsu, why so late!" Uzumaki Kushina, known as the Red-Hot Habanero, complained: "It's pretty rude to show up this late as a guest!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry. I got held up by something."

Gojo Kaigetsu pulled out a chair and sat down without hesitation. They both knew Kushina was just teasing. His relationship with Minato was as close as brothers, and Kushina treated him like a younger brother herself.

"Don't say that, Kushina."

Minato removed his apron and explained for Gojo Kaigetsu: "Today, Kaigetsu's relatives from the Land of Flowers came to join him, so he was delayed a bit."

"Given the circumstances, the fact that he still came over to our place is already a big deal."

"Oh, relatives?!"

Kushina's expression dimmed as if she recalled something, but she quickly recovered.

She raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile appearing on her face as she leaned forward and nudged Gojo Kaigetsu with her elbow:

"Is it a man or a woman? Distant relative?"
