
Chapter 35: Oden is similar to Tobirama?!

Oden sat on his knees in an expensive, black kimono. In front of him sat Hinata in a white, wedding kimono.

They were in a great matrimony hall, where married people, oftentimes the nobles got married.

There are 3 lines of people sitting and watching the marriage. The one in the middle was filled with important civilians, clan heads, and Jonins. The one on Hinata's side was filled with Hyuga clan members and the one on Oden's side was filled with Zaraki clan members.

Everyone sat on chairs and had a small table with fruits, cakes, and drinks in front of them.

Oden and Hinata sat in front of everyone. Behind Oden was a black banner hanging, with the emblem of his Zaraki clan. And behind Hinata was a white banner Hanging with the emblem of Hyuga clan.

Finally, Hiashi and Akai walked forward and shook hands, publically agreeing to the marriage.

Oden was looking at Hinata at this time, usually, she would dress... In an unimpressive way, hiding her cuteness but this time she really looked noble.

"Then from henceforth, Oden Zaraki and Hinata Hyuga are one in marriage. Akai spoke as everyone started clapping.

Oden turned his sight and looked at everyone's faces, some familiar and some unfamiliar.

He knew that this was an important social affair, as the two strongest clans came together.

Zaraki clan was somewhat royalty in Konoha, and Hyuga was one of the noblest, otherwise, Oden would have liked to keep it between the families and only invite the near and dear.

At first, Oden's brows furrowed just slightly as he couldn't find the white-haired shinobi he was looking for, but in the end, he found him standing furthest away, seemingly to have come late.

Oden was happy that Kakashi finally found his resolve to say goodbye.

Using his chakra sense he felt Kakashi's chakra and found that it has tripled already...

'It seems like it really worked... Hopefully he'll completely be over his trauma soon.' Oden thought before turning his attention back to Hinata.

Both of the shared food together as husband and wife.

The next day, Oden woke up early as usual, ready to train. As he turned he found Hinata sleeping beside him peacefully.

He put his hands on her soft cheek and smiled. The feeling of having a wife was... It was a new experience for Oden, and before this, he didn't think much of it but now that he woke up with Hinata beside him, knowing they'd have to fight their life battles as companions from now on forth, Oden felt happier.

'So this is what it means to get married huh?' Oden thought as he stood up and went for his training.

Hinata had also woken up but she didn't know how to face Oden, so she pretended to sleep. She also had to get up as she had missions to do with her team.

Later that day Oden received a letter from Hiruzen asking him to visit so that Hiruzen can personally congratulate him.

"Old man... Why do I feel like you're scheming something?" Oden whispered.

"knock knock!"

"Come in..." Oden said, he already knew who was visiting as he could feel his chakra signature.

"Kakashi, I'm glad you came..." Oden said.

"Thank you... Truthfully, I went to their graves to say goodbye, but I couldn't bring myself to do it even after you sent Yamato." Kakashi said, admitting that he almost gave up being shinobi.

"Then what changed your mind?" asked as he got intrigued.

"I met another friend... She also had to say goodbye to someone dear to her. When I asked her how she could move forward so easily she got mad at me telling me that she couldn't waste her life which was dear to the dead person." Kakashi said.

'Bastard, didn't I basically tell you that as well, to not waste your life as that wouldn't make the dead happy?' Oden thought but didn't say anything.

"It gave me the courage to walk forward." Kakashi said, this time with a genuinely happy smile, although only his eyes were visible.

"Hmm good, I take it you've realized the expansion of your chakra volume." Oden said. Kakashi's chakra is still growing.

"Yes, you were right." Kakashi said.

"So what else do you want." Oden asked as he knew that Kakashi had something else to say.

"Thank you Hokage-sama... I wanted to ask how I should deal with my team as Naruto is with Jiraiya on a mission and Sasuke has been acting weird since Itachi infiltrated Konoha..." Kakashi asked for advice.

"Hmm.. I'll introduce a new temporary member for now. And Yamato will be your assistant. Figure the rest out with him." Oden said with no intention to keep giving out all the answers.

After he completed all his work, Oden left his office with two clones, and he headed toward the Sarutobi clan.

Their district was smaller than expected and there were no guards there. Oden didn't need to ask around, he could sense Hiruzen, as his chakra is one of the biggest in the whole village.

As he arrived outside Hiruzen's door, he knocked with a frown. He still had the nagging feeling that the old pervert was up to something.

Soon the door opened and Oden saw the Elderly Hiruzen with a white kimono. He looked a few years younger.

"Welcome, I didn't expect you to come here so soon..." Hiruze said with a kind smile, lying through his teeth. Hiruzen knew very well that Oden liked to finish business as soon as possible. So after sending the invitation he had ordered Ayako to keep him company.

"If I knew you'd come so soon I wouldn't have invited my granddaughter Ayako." Hiruzen said as if he had made a mistake.

"Old man, if you already have company I'll come back another time." Oden said as he turned around. He didn't feel like wasting more time.

"No it's fine, you might as well meet her, you're the same age and have lots in common. I think you'll be good friends." Hirizen said as he invited Oden in.

"...Old man, I just got married..." Oden said as he felt like Hiruzen might be trying to get a grandson-in-law.

"I know, that's why I invited you, to congratulate you." Hiruzen said, playing oblivious to what Oden meant.

Oden reluctantly stepped in.

Hiruzen led Oden towards his back garden where they sat down.

Soon a 15-year-old girl, with short brown hair arrived to serve the tea and then took a seat beside Hiruzen.

Oden found her familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"I'm Ayako Saratobi, nice to meet you!" She introduced herself very politely but there was a hint of vitality in her voice, she seemed almost happy to meet him.

'Ayako... Sarutobi, right it's her!' Oden finally remembered her when he heard her name.

"I am Oden Zaraki, patriarch of Zaraki clan and the acting Hokage of Konahagakure." Oden said slightly too proudly, it had come out instinctively.

Only after he said those words did he realize that he might come off as arrogant, which he didn't want since he might send a letter of a marriage proposal to her in the future.

Hiruzen's eye twitched, he knew Oden's character well, yet he couldn't help but feel surprised whenever Oden acted similar to the second Hokage.

Yet, Ayako's eyes only gained a hint of admiration at his behavior.

'my granddaughter has a screw loose... Sigh...' Hiruzen thought as he saw her expression when Oden spoke arrogantly.


Another one cause it's Monday!!

But don't think I'm being nice, no, I'm robbing you of your power stones! Give'em or get stabbed! (with love of course )🔪

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