
Training Ground Ten

"Holy shit that's about 176,000 Ryo," I murmur counting up the last of the money I made these past three weeks. (Around ~$3500 USD)

Due to me sleeping early because of my little chakra "training", which included me feeling my chakra for the first time. I could wake up early quite easily.

'If I made this much every time with my calculations I could make 3.1 million Ryo a year." I say in excitement knowing how much this could change my life. Though things like gas, water, off days and more aren't accounted for. (Yes I legitimately did the math because my attention span is bad. ~$62,000 USD)

Kids don't pay taxes fortunately, that changes when I graduate though.

Of course, I hundred per cent will make way less money as I've got to train. So in the future when I go to the academy, I'll hire some people to my place to maximise the amount of money made.

I'm gonna be making a set schedule to release the stress of work and maybe a break. But knowing the amount of profit I could make in the future is making me shiver.

Now this amount of money might not seem "like much". But here in a poverty-stricken world, this amount of money could buy me heaps of things.

Like from what I remember an S-Rank mission is 350,000 Ryo or higher. So things like this aren't out of my reach, like assassination.

Would be a bit weird for a kid to ask for the assassination of a daimyo though. But I guess the price would increase depending on the person.

Things like renovation and other crap like that will matter though…

My biggest con back on earth was my bad quality buildings and furniture, my need for improvement is immense.

Considering that if I constantly sold food like this throughout the year in one restaurant. Think of four or five more establishments.

But now I'm getting out of track. I will note these ideas now before I enter the academy. Right now I got a decent amount of time.

Looking back at the old pantry my "parents" had. They sold other foods like grilled chicken on a stick and other stuff like smoked vegetables. Compared to what I made people will actually come back to eat and remember the place.

Is this a diss toward them?

Yeah kind of. I mean there's a reason why I could probably make more than their life savings but they could of just recently made the place. So I can't really talk.

So most of the money I make is from the ideas I implemented which feels like a nice accomplishment.

'I think those Akamichi contributed to half the money.' I joked to myself remembering those guys inhaling up all the fries.

With all this money to myself, I can start to invest in my training. Like weights, seals, private training grounds, hiring shinobi to teach me and more.

Taking my mind off of these things for now, I checked the clock to see that I had half an hour before Asuma arrived.


Stepping onto the wooden floor of my room, I went to my desk and gathered the items I would need like my academy kunai and the wooden spear.

Opening both of the academy kunai boxes I randomly chose a box. With one box being able to carry more than five kunai, I placed all 10 kunai in one box.

With this, I also noted down all my ideas on a note pod on my desk.

"That should be everything," I say with all my items ready to go. Getting ready I take a shower for the last amount of time I had.

*Knock* *Knock*

"That's him."

Walking up to the door with a smirk, I proceed to open it.


With the person now visible it was Asuma cladding a brown jacket that was over his Chunin vest. He black shirt and black pants to finish his look.

In all, it looked pretty shit, not that I should judge the fashion of this timeline.

"You look ass," I comment seeing his setup.

"And you look goofy with that spear and box pipsqueak, it's time to move," Asuma says making fun of me while imitating a running man with his hands.

Currently, I was holding the box full of 10 kunai and a spear in my hands. With my normie get-up of a grey shirt and navy shorts, I headed outside and closed the door.


"You seem ready to go. Just hold onto me for a second alright."

"Wait wh-"

Before I could finish my words, Asuma put his hand on my shoulder and did a hand seal with the other. Instantly we zoomed past the streets as I could visibly see some areas at times and in others was blurry.

It didn't take too long before we arrived at a flat piece of land.

"Okay we're here in training grounds ten, hopefully, ya didn't pee yourself on the way," Asuma said laughing at my demise.

Feeling a little nauseous it took me a few seconds to recover. The high speed didn't affect me as much as I thought it would.

"You goddamn bastard," I mutter.

"Woah hey now. That's no way to talk to your sensei now, is it? Is that language that kids you're age have now?" Asuma brags while basking in his own glory.

"My sensei is rocking a brown jacket. It symbolises his dumb look."

"I thought the brown jacket rocked…"

"Before you leave we need to fix your wardrobe." I snarl out feeling my head come back to normal. Asuma who took this insult in stride just tanked it like a champ.

"Alright then below average, I need clothes to dress and impress."

After a short little back and forth we got back to the idea we both had with getting here. It took a while as I had to jab in a few insults.

Looking around there was a river close by and over five stumps to aim at. Beyond the stumps with targets, there was a huge forest with trees unnaturally tall as hell.

'Which guy drugged the trees? Oh wait it was probably the first Hokage.'

I broke out of my musings as a tap on my shoulders woke me up.

"It's time for our simple warmup. Just just do a short jog to get the blood pumping." Asuma says leading me over to a dirt patch. "Leave your stuff next to this place so we can find it easily."

Nodding at his words I just drop all my items and go for a little jog with Asuma. The start of the jog was fine but being made fun of wasn't.

"Already tired? I guess with your height you'll be expected to be pretty short."

Hearing him say two completely different topics at the same time made me furrow my eyebrows. People think I'm older due to my height, what the fvck is he talking about?

"My mom told me that guys like you don't last a minute in bed?" I say "not knowing" what this meant. But to Asuma's heart, it nearly shattered on those words alone.

A few minutes after this we stopped our jog as my body received it pretty well. I'm breathing a little heavily but I know I could have gone for quite a bit longer.

So in all my little progress is showing which is nice.

"Alright, kid you seem pretty proud but don't get too excited. You've told me that you haven't tried to throw a kunai yet correct?"

"Yeah, I bought these things but had nowhere to practise or learn the form to throw them". I respond as we walked over to my kunai box.

After being instructed to pick up a kunai, Asuma shortly took one of my kunai and told me to move aside.

"Your goal for now is to have the right stance as it mostly has the same premise but it just switched sides depending on what you want.

But first, we are gonna do an overhead throw with the kunai to start. Here's the grip or hold."

Looking at how Asuma held the kunai. I observed how his index finger (Or pointy finger for idiots like me) was along the handle near the actual blade. While the rest of his fingers are gripping the weapon which made me nod. Asuma proceeded to explain how my stance would depend on the situation at hand.

For the start, I would need the leg opposite to my throwing hand to be forward and my other behind. This is so I can use my momentum leaning forward to speed my hit.

While later on when I get stronger or older, I'll do the opposite. Because by putting the same foot forward as my throwing hand, I'll be given enough space to sort of flick the kunai without using my whole hand. Which mostly involves the wrist so it's quite good and used more often as it's more efficient than overhead. It's just that I'm so weak I've gotta start with this first.

The information Asuma is giving me is way simpler than what I've described. But it's what I've observed and interpreted from his words alone.

"It's finally time for a demonstration." He cheerfully says as I took a good look at how Asuma was positioned.

My "sensei" was in the middle of the dirt floor and got into a stance to throw overhead. Soon after this, he threw the kunai after leaning forward before letting go.


Watching the kunai in the air, it took just below a second to cleanly hit the stump in the middle. The weapon didn't spin or waver mid-air at all, raw power and the aim were clearly shown with that throw.


"That was cool," I say in awe after witnessing that demonstration. Asuma who saw this got a smug smirk and looked at me.

"So ya liked it huh?" He says getting all giddy.

"Yeah, dude! That was amazing!" I replied wanting my turn. The weird shit coloured jacket guy got off the dirt floor as I quickly replaced him.

Before I could get into place though, Asume quickly body flickered to the stump and back to retrieve the kunai.

"Now throw when you're ready."

Nodding at these words I try my best to imitate what I saw and got into some sort of stance. With my left leg forward and gripping the kunai with my right hand.

Soon after I leaned forward before launching the kunai forward.


The kunai mid-air spun uncontrollably and hit the bottom of the stump with its side. Asuma who saw this started to laugh a little.

"Hey, that wasn't too bad for your first try but unfortunately for you, I did way better at your age. Maybe try to keep it straight this time." He says giving me "advice".

'Bruh.' Giving him a deadpan look as he started to scratch his own chin.

"Fine, fine… You did really well on your first try. Hitting a perfect hit isn't the goal but the stance and technique to throw straight."

Getting back into my stance, Asuma would spend a decent amount of time adjusting my technique. Like tucking in my elbow more and widening my legs for better momentum when leaning forward.

After getting a few satisfying throws to which it wasn't even close to sticking onto the stump but still hit it, Asuma brought out a pack of shurikens from his pouch.

"I see that you didn't buy any shurikens so we'll be using mine. Don't worry about your aim or power for now. As long as your weapon is going in a straight line, you're doing something right!" Asuma encourages with a thumbs up. With stars in my eyes, I nod like the kid I am and walk up to him.

Looking at the weapons I just get a curious look as my thoughts went wild.

'What's the point of these if they practically have the same killing chance as a senbon.' I thought with a bored look. But my thoughts were later clarified as it wasn't their real purpose.

Shuriken were meant to do small amounts of damage depending on the spot or buy time. Like hitting the eye and blinding a target before battle, or buying time by throwing them at a charging enemy to dodge.

They were more useful than I thought.

Asuma who was by my side had these trench knives.

"That sure looks dangerous." I whistle looking at the slashes being created with wind transformation.

*Swirl* *Crash*

A mini hurricane was being maintained by the knives as Asuma slashed a tree multiple times. A bunch of deep gashes could be seen on the bark where he hit.

'So it seems like he's currently perfecting or trying to improve the power of his trump card.' I thought to myself watching Asuma train.

I could practically feel the breeze from his weapons even a couple of meters away. They were ripping the bark to shreds on contact.

It kinda acted like the original rasengan Jiraya showcases to Naruto in the anime. The rasengan didn't explode and create an explosion on impact. But acted like hundreds of sharp objects cutting something.

To be fair in the anime Asuma was known for his wind release using his trench knives, so it did pay off in the end.

"I wonder what my element is," I murmur as I took an overhead-throwing stance.

For the next few hours both Asuma and I didn't talk to each other and silently trained by ourselves. I knew what I needed to improve and he already has his own little thing.

So we focused after he fixed my stance earlier on. Not surprisingly with shurikens, I was able to hit my first one that stuck to the stump.

Unfortunately, though it wasn't close at all to the actual target but I was making progress. After we finished our training sessions we did the same thing for the next few weeks.

The progress I was able to achieve was instinctively getting into a stance before throwing. But later on, near the time Asuma leaves is when I'll start to measure how many out of 10/10 I can land for both throwables.

Fortunately for my sanity, I made it so my restaurant got a set schedule to be open and closed to keep me stress-free. This in turn worked well with my constant stamina training and chakra

Sadly my spear training just ended up being more endurance training as there wasn't anything special to it. I only had two attacks with the weapon which were a diagonal slash and a forward stab.

(A/N: Don't worry about this being too slow-paced. There will be some more weeks and months time skips till the academy soon. I'm just building the foundation of the MC right now so y'all understand his future progress.)

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