I was born in MHA.I have unreality manipulation.I have it.It was aweken when i was 2.I can control people dream with it.
I was born in the middle of one for all journey.That mean Izuku will be born ages away.Currently I am outside my house.I am training with my unreality manipulation.
This ability i know it is too op in this world.But only the unreality is i capable of.
mother pov
My child is training hard.His quirk is dream related.He explaind to me his quirk is able to control it.He is such a harworker.Im worry he doesnt make any friends.
Father pov
My son is a genius.At 3 he awoken his quirk.I am so proud of him.My quirk is only illusion.How can he awoken it in the age of 3.
Me pov
So my family is lively since i awoken it.Since i more mature than my age my mother allow me to train as long as i dont overdoit.