
Naruto's Strange Night.

Mr_Insane_3041 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 8: Settling Night

Once the group had arrived in Hidden Mist Naruto, Hinata and Ino was really surprised at how foggy it was. The village sure lived up to its name.

The newly formed Uzumaki clan, (that now included Mei, Ino, Hinata, Anko (she had found herself wanting to get married to Naruto because he was one of the most interesting guys she had ever met), Tsunade (she had found herself falling in love with Naruto's passion and determination, not to mention he had started to dress in a more seductive way, imagine yourself) and Kurenai (after seeing the way he was treating his girls and the fact that he had recently started to be more mature and reliable), was given an abandoned compound in one of the surrounding mountains with a secret tunnel leading from the compound to the Mizukage Tower. Mei had discovered it all by accident so in case of an attack the only way to their home would not only be extremely hard to find but easy to defend. Barely anyone, even inside the village, knew that the compound existed.

The clan and Jiraiya stayed in some extra rooms in the tower (though Naruto stayed with the Mizukage) while they along with Naruto's clones renovated the compound so that it became livable again. The Uzumakis also got new headbands, since they were now Hidden Mist ninjas, not Hidden Leaf.

The renovation took about two weeks. During that time Samui had arrived with her team and started to help with the renovation. Her team along with Jiraiya was allowed to stay in the guesthouses.

Once everyone had settled in Naruto and the younger kunoichis could start training and going on missions. But first Anko and the Mizukage had something to tell the rest of their clan, especially the head, Naruto.

Needless to say, Naruto and the other girls were really surprised that the old man had left the Sharingan for the young boy as a compensation for everything he had been through. This gave him no less than three bloodlines; even the Mizukage couldn't top that. In Samui's eyes it looked like she had hit the jackpot. Her future husband possessed many desired qualities, both personally and politically. The young, busty blonde was looking forward even more to the day when the young male would be legally old enough to marry.

About a month after the first group's arrival Naruto, Ino and Hinata found themselves getting stronger in an incredible pace. Thanks to the Sharingan that had been implanted into him Naruto found himself learning water and wind jutsus as easy as a walk in the park. That and the fact that Jiraiya turned out to be just as good as a teacher as he was a pervert really helped him getting promoted in to a jonin at the end of the year. He and his girls now only got missions that were no less than A-rank, which should give a hint on how much the former Hyuuga and Yamanaka (even though they weren't married Ino and Hinata still replaced their last names with Naruto's) had improved, considering that all three of them were now jonins.

Now let's turn back the clock a few weeks and watch the start of the more intimate parts of their relationship.

First night after renovation has been completed.

It had been decided that while Naruto and the girls would have their own rooms the male blonde would sleep with a different girl every night following a circle and the first lucky one was Hinata since she had been in love with him the longest.

The raven haired young beauty laid on the bed in just her underwear. This would be the night that she and her beloved Naruto, her future husband, would make love for the first time, and to tell the truth, she was quite nervous.

Naruto was straddling his bride to be and he couldn't help but marvel at how cute she looked with that blushing face while having such a sexy body despite being just twelve years old.

"Um, please be gentle with me, ok?" Hinata said meekly, arousing the blonde even more.

The blonde bent down and captured his lover's pink lips with his own while massaging her breasts causing her to moan. He also gently pinched her nipples adding to her excitement. The young girl could feel herself getting wet, not knowing that Naruto planned to drag out on it as much as he could.

Naruto then started to kiss and suck on Hinata's neck while reaching under her so that he could remove her bra.

The Byakugan user was getting impatient and moved her hands to her back to aid him allowing the young man to finally remove the garment and throw it to the floor.

He then continued to trail his kisses down to Hinata's chest while cupping her mounds in his hands, causing the soon-to-be ex-virgin to pant heavily which turned him on even more.

Naruto then licked the girl's nipples before sucking on them, causing her to press his face further into her white breasts while leaning her head back and closing her eyes, signaling that she loved his treatment.

The blonde then continued to trace the raven head's body with his tongue down her stomach and along her legs before going back up to her vagina and sticking it inside her panties.

"P-p-please N-N-aru-to-kun," Hinata panted, "please take of my panties."

The aforementioned boy wasn't late to comply and soon followed with his boxers before putting on a condom.

Hinata was glowing red with having her most private parts exposed to the boy of her dreams. Luckily he was the only one she planned to show off her nude body to.

Naruto looked down at the blushing girl and couldn't help but blush himself. He saw his lover close her eyes and pout cutely with her lips, indicating that she wanted to be kissed. She got her wish granted as the blonde leaned down and kissed her passionately while touching her g-spot with his little Naruto, making the girl even wetter.

Hinata knew that this was it as she felt her barrier breaking. She was becoming one with the person she loved the most.

The raven haired, petite girl let out a scream that was muffled by the blonde's mouth as she felt her hymen break.

Naruto parted a little from those sweet lips and looked down at the panting girl. She smiled a little before nodding. She was ready for the main course.

The young blonde started to thrust in and out of the preteen girl just like he had done with Sakura, except that this time his objective wasn't to hurt the girl but to pleasure her as much as he could. Hinata moaned at his actions as she found out firsthand how wonderful sex could be. There was no way she would ever deny this boy her body.

The two soon came together and Naruto collapsed on his fiancé. They looked at each other with tired but happy eyes before kissing their loved one and whispering good night as they fell asleep.

In Hidden Leaf a week after Naruto and company had left the village, Sakura Haruno was laying on a bed, nude, bruised and bound and gagged with duct tape. Despite her body hurting like hell she was happy and satisfied though a little tired.

The pink haired girl had noticed how angry Sasuke had been lately, most likely because he had lost big time to Naruto. So she had gone over to his apartment and asked him to take his frustration out on her. The black haired boy hadn't hesitated to accept her offer before tearing off her clothes and tying her up with duct tape and ravishing her as hard as he could, which was perfect for Sakura since she had found herself being a masochist after her rape a few days earlier, which she still hadn't told anyone about.

She was just happy that she could help Sasuke with his frustrations this way, and since Ino had gone with Naruto, her worst rival was gone.

Even though he had let out most of his aggression on the girl currently lying on his bed Sasuke Uchiha still wasn't satisfied. He just couldn't accept that the dead-last of the academy had surpassed him so soon after graduation.

He needed to get stronger and revive his own clan so that he could one day challenge Naruto which was why he had decided to kidnap several women and let them become part of his clan, even if it would be against their will. He had already set his eyes on his next victim, Hanabi Hyuuga. The Hyuuga Council would probably not agree to let him have such a young bride from their clan even though he was an Uchiha, but what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them, right? Besides, Sakura seemed to be more than willing to do whatever he asked. Those two girls would be a good start, at least until he would be old enough to be offered more brides. Having a blood connection with the Hyuuga clan was just the beginning.

Luckily Danzo, the new Fifth Hokage, had approached him the other day, offering him more power and getting a chance to have his revenge on both Naruto and Itachi in exchange for joining a secret organization called ROOT.

The Uchiha had been a bit hesitant. Even the council didn't seem to trust the old man his offer was too tempting to be ignored.

The two shook hands. If Danzo gave him Hanabi Hyuuga, even if it meant kidnapping her, then the deal would be permanently sealed. Then it would be just a matter of time before they could attack Hidden Mist and Hidden Sand for leaving them, especially since Shikamaru and Neji had moved to the later to be with their girls, Temari and Tenten, away from the greedy Danzo.

Kakashi would be a problem but Danzo was confident that he would be able to handle it. What he didn't expect was that Sasuke was already gathering data so that he could kill the old warmonger when the time would be right and take his place as the Hokage.

A few nights later a masked man stealthy entered Hanabi Hyuuga's room. He quickly pressed a sweet smelling rag over the young girl's face causing her to wake up and start to struggle, though in vain.


The remaining Hyuuga Heiress felt darkness claim her as she drifted into a deep sleep by the fumes from the chloroform. Her days in freedom were over.

The next day the whole village was in uproar when it was discovered that Hanabi Hyuuga had been kidnapped. The only trace the perpetrator had left behind was the chloroformed drenched cloth which proved that the young girl had been kidnapped and neither the Aburame nor the Inuzuka could track her down.

In order to gain more support Danzo claimed that it could only have been done by the Hidden Cloud, especially since they had already done it once before. He also claimed that the kidnapping was supported by the Hidden Mist who wanted to strengthen their relationship with the Great Ninja Village in Land of Lightning.

The war was years away for now, but what Danzo didn't know was that in the end it would be the Hidden Leaf and several smaller ninja villages against the other four Great Ninja Villages who would have the support of several jinchuriki and a very powerful clan that made even the Uchiha pale.

Once the captured Hyuuga regained consciousness she found herself in darkness and tied to a chair with a blindfold over her eyes.

She tried to call out but found that a rag had been stuffed deeply down her throat preventing her from calling for help.

The only question now was who had kidnapped her. She could already figure the why; she was a Hyuuga and most people wanted the Byakugan that she possessed.

Sasuke opened a door and took a look at the captive inside. She was really young so she would need a lot of training before she could become wife material, but he had time, or so he thought.

The day after losing her virginity Hinata and the rest of the clan reached the news that Hinata's younger sister Hanabi had been kidnapped.

Even though the two siblings had never been so close Hinata still feared for the younger sister and decided to go to Hidden Leaf in secret to rescue her, and Naruto wouldn't let her go alone so he, Ino and Anko accompanied her on the rescue mission, that by the way was authorized by the Mizukage. Seemed like the other girls would have to wait for a few days before it would be their turn with Naruto.

They reached the village in half the time it had taken them to leave, mostly because they were travelling as a small team now with the more experienced Anko as the team leader.

After disguising themselves and sneaking in to the village Anko decided that they would check up on Danzo. She wouldn't put it beneath that man to go this far, especially since she had suspected him of dealing with Orochimaru.

With the help of Hinata they soon found Danzo talking to someone who at first glance looked like ANBU, but Anko identified him as a member of ROOT, Danzo's secret and personal organization.

Once the two had parted the team acted fast.

Hinata quickly and silently struck down the man with her Gentle Fist before Ino rushed over and started probing his mind. It went pretty fast since they had just talked about where the Hyuuga Heiress was being held.

After Ino was done they left him lying on the ground and went to the cell where Hanabi was being held.

Full of fury of what Danzo had done to her sister Hinata struck down every ROOT member they came across in the underground complex with the intention to kill. With this pace they would be at least on their way back to Hidden Mist before Danzo would find his precious captive gone and most of ROOT dead or unconscious, and thanks to Hinata's bloodline they had no problems finding the way. There was only one obstacle that they hadn't counted on finding down there.

Sasuke Uchiha.

Luckily the Byakugan discovered him before he found them so they could plan an ambush.

As soon as Sasuke came into view he sensed something was wrong but it was too late.

"Crystal Style! Crystal Needle!"

A barrage of sharp crystals flew at him from the darkness and even though the Uchiha managed to deflect most of them some still hit his body, pinning him to the wall. Now Naruto came flying with a crystal blade ready and his Sharingan de-activated after using it to aim at Sasuke. No need to make things worse, right?

With his blade against his former friend's throat and the girls rushing by to save the prisoner the blonde wondered what Sasuke was doing with ROOT.

"What's the meaning of this, Sasuke?" He asked, not wanting to believe that his greatest rival had assisted in kidnapping a little girl.

"Danzo promised me the power to kill you and my brother if I joined ROOT."

"And where does Hinata-chan's little sister fit into this?"

Sasuke smirked, forgetting that his life was in the hands of Naruto right now.

"Simple, I need to revive my clan and a Hyuuga girl would be perfect. Sure she's a little young, but a few years of training and she should be ready to be my obedient and child bearing wife."

Naruto couldn't believe what he was hearing, but before he could end this traitor's worthless life a kunai penetrated the black haired boy's skull instantly killing him.

The blonde looked to his right and saw his Hinata-chan pushing the sharp metal object through the boy's head with an incredible fury visible in her eyes, Hanabi covering behind Anko and Ino. The youngest girl had never seen her sister so angry. She suddenly found a deep respect for her older sister.

The group took one last look at the Uchiha's corpse before sneaking away, though Naruto and Ino had a hard time keeping their tears back. They had never imagined that their old classmate would go this far for power. Good thing that they had already taken care of all the ROOT member that had been down there at the moment.

They then decided that it would better to take Hanabi with them. That would be safer for her.

Once Hanabi was informed what would happen she asked the last question that Hinata expected hearing from her younger sibling.

"Does that mean that I too will become one of Naruto-nichan's wives?"