
Nano machine (Naruto x My Hero Academia)

will be rewritten [Naruto x MHA-Fic] with the background of the MHA world and some additional characters from Naruto.

comingmoon · Komik
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6 Chs

Result and Unexpected information 2

"So, Kira, what are you going to do when you have your quirk?"

"Uhm, I-I still don't know." - I answered nervously.

Hearing my answer he just smiled and say,

"It's okay, you have plenty of time to think about it."

I just nod my head.

Then he took an X-ray which I believe was mine, it was an X-ray of the left foot.

But when I saw the result I was stunned, before he even explained I already knew what happened.

This is how the broccoli boy feels, huh?

It was disappointing, but somehow I had prepared myself for an outcome like this. I can't drag on.

I realized from stunned I saw that he did not continue his explanation.

"You can take your time." - he said answering my confusion.

"N-no, I'm fine. You can continue."

"You're a great kid aren't you" - he nodded and smiled in appreciation.

Then he continued his explanation, which was now more direct.

Mostly I keep quiet listening, but sometimes ask when something is foreign to me. For example, about how someone who can't have a quirk can still be a hero.

"Hm, Gai-san is a great person, he trained from your age after finding out that he doesn't have a quirk, even now he might still be training. He's a hard worker, to be able to be a hero despite not having a quirk is a great thing. Even though his rank isn't that high, judging from his young age and the hard work he puts in, I'm sure his future will be great."

Hearing his explanation I was quite amazed, but at the same time felt familiar with this person.

So to satisfy my curiosity I asked him for a little help,

"Can I meet him?"

He thought for a moment before answering,

"I'm not sure we can do that." - it makes me a little disappointed, but then, "But if you just want to see it come here."

Got off the chair, I walked beside him to the computer in the corner of the room.

He operates the computer and looks for 'Quirkless Hero', I only saw what he was doing from the side. There are many articles about him, he seems to be an icon for those who don't have a quirk.

When he opened one of the pages that posted a picture of Gai, that's when I realized what was wrong.

A person wearing a green jumpsuit with thick eyebrows and a bowl haircut appeared on the screen. Isn't that Maito Gai (Might Guy)? Wait, don't tell me-

"This is Gai-san"

Really? Is this some kind of crossover or something? Because I'm sure this person isn't in the original story.

I want to know what's really going on here. But rushing was not the way, if something unexpected like this happened again, it would either be good or bad.

So after looking around and hearing the explanation given, I thanked him and went outside.

I have to plan what I should do now, and because I don't have a quirk, meaning the thing I need to do is learn from Gai. I'm sure he won't refuse, but I can't be too sure.