
Chapter 22 - Nana Does Business

Chapter 22


"Clovis, Alexander! Guess your cozy retirement got cut pretty short, didn't it?" A man with short messy rust colored hair, fierce bushy eyebrows and a scarred noticeably crooked bulbous nose with a stocky powerful build let out a loud burst of boisterous laughter watching the two stepping into the war room, a thick wooden table placed in the center of the spacious cozy library-esque room well lit by graceful candle holders strewn throughout with the King seated at it's head slowly filling as more people arrived.

"And just who's fault do you think that is, Doxa? If you'da kept the enemies away us oldies wouldn't have to come back, isn't it?" Alexander scoffed as he took a seat next to him followed by Clovis to his right.

"That's true! Hahahaha!" Doxa took the jibe in stride, giving the larger man a jolly pat on the back.

"What are you idiots yapping about now?" A gruff voice questioned from behind.

"Diana." Clovis glanced over his shoulder, giving the ruggedly homely woman a polite nod.

"Bah, who're you calling an idiot?"

"If it isn't the War Mother of Light, your beauty grows by the day Diana." Doxa commented with his best impression of a rougish smirk sending her a wink.

"So does your potbelly." She snorted and clipped the back of his head like she was reprimanding a child as she took a seat to his left with a huff. "Don't go getting lousy just because we've had some peace now, Bronze Dwarf."

"Tsk. I ain't that short and I'm not even a dwarf for divine's sake." He grumbled to himself, irritatedly chewing on his thumb and simultaneously picking at some leftover food scraps. "If I ever get my hands on whoever gave me that blasted moniker I'm smashing 'em to a paste."

"Why? In my opinion it fits perfectly." Alexander smirked.

"What's that, Valiant Shield? The name's too good for you why don't you change it to Meathead Wall instead, huh? See how you like that." Doxa retorted.

Locking narrowed gazes the two were just about to start arguing when another voice carrying a naturally commanding air somewhat exasperatedly called out, the person walking past them trading an acknowledging nod with Clovis and sitting down next to Diana.

"How you two can go from genial ribbing to powder and spark in the span of less than 30 seconds so consistently is something I still don't think I'll ever understand."

"So you were called too, huh? Old man." Diana grunted out with a raised eyebrow, crossing her arms.

"Where's your manners, brat? I taught you better than that." Marcus lightly scolded with no real heat behind his words. "Also, you two behave. We're in the presence of the King." A stern glare swept over the two more muscled men who suddenly found the elegant crystal chandelier hanging from the high domed ceiling carved with legends of long past history very interesting.

Marcus shook his head seeing their antics.

Him, Alexander and Clovis were old comrade-in-arms and had known each other basically since they were first enlisted, having fought side by side for many years now.

Diana had entered service later, the three by then fairly established in the military saddled with teaching the fiery girl with an obvious talent for battle and shape her into a fine warrior.

Their relationship as teachers and stundet started on a somewhat rocky note because the three of them weren't the happiest having the obligation abruptly sprung onto them with no chance of refusal combined the Diana of back then carrying a substantial amount of pride bordering on arrogance having not faced any real adversaries prior to their meeting.

Fortunately, despite more arguments than he could count taking place between them she eventually grew on them and vice versa.

And now, roughly two decades give or take a few years since she'd graduated from their tutelage she'd grown to become a renowned combatant recognized for her prowess on her own.

Snapped out of his reminiscence by the King placing a stack of reports he had been reading down on the table with a sigh, the room turned silent as everyone straightened up.

The King may be fairly lax in that he saw the more exaggerated manners people tended to treat his peers with as unecessary and superfluous making interactions a rather relaxed affair most of the time, however, that privilege came with a caveat of no one abusing the grace granted.

There had been surprisingly numerous people with great ambitions interpreting his behavior as timidity and many attempts were made in a bid to capitalize on such a convenient 'weakness'.

They were no longer amongst the living.

"Now then-"The King raised his head to adress the room before pausing and looking around. "Hmm? We seem to be missing someone." He hummed, turning to one of his advisors stood at his side. "Have you called for her yet?"

"Yes, my King. I had thought the 'Guardian' would be here by now but apparently even your esteemed summons were not a matter important enough to at least exercise due punctuality." The advisor's teeth imperceptibly grit behind a forced smile, inwardly hurling obscenities he wouldn't ever be caught uttering out loud at the cause of his own show of incompetence."Should I send another royal guard, my King?"

"No that is quite alright. I'm sure she-"

The King's words were interrupted by the war room's doors being pushed open drawing everyone's attention to the briefly shadowed figure obscured by the sun's rays gushing into the opening from the corridor's windows.

"Ah, there she is." The King commented lightly as Crisa's Guardian lumbered into the room accompanied by her friend who he had previously seen tagging along when she returned with the [Oyster King's Dawn Pearl].

Her arrival also drew mixed gazes from everyone present, the three most prominent reactions being-

Surprise and some measure of disbelief from those who had not seen her before, priorly only fleetingly aware of her existence thanks to the King's decree alongside a brief description of her appearance which had been taken with a healthy dose of scepticism at the time.

Evaluation, both approvingly and disapprovingly with the former mostly from familiar faces and the latter from unfamiliar.

And lastly, stark indifference hiding carefully concealed disdain after learning she was not of noble blood nor the holder of any significant status outside of a title the King had arbitrarily granted her without consulting anyone, mostly themselves as personages of more illustrous rank, beforehand.

Though these cases were notably fewer in number compared to the other categories.

Despite the ranging opinions floating around however, no one voiced them out loud as so blatantly questioning the King, especially the premise of being the first one to do so, was not something anyone was quite brave nor foolhardy enough to entertain.

"Please, take a seat." The King gestured towards a large chair trumping all but just barely surpassed by his own exquisite wooden throne in scale which to those astute enough to notice the more subtle meanings was placed although not quite in line with himself, closer to him than anyone else's all but confirming how highly he valued her.

After she had sat down following her responding to Alexander, Clovis, Marcus and Diana's small greetings with a blank nod, Abaddon silently taking a place next to her when he noticed the King didn't really seem to intend adressing him, the scene looking somewhat comical due to the unintentional comparison displayed, the King now looking rather petite and mismatched to his own throne's size.

Alexander and Doxa's mouths stretched into fiendish arcs, faces contorting with undisguised amusement before being promptly elbowed by Clovis and Diana respectively.

"Now then-" The King began. "The reason I have recalled everyone from your posts is, as I'm sure most of you know by now, because the Grephiten Kingdom has finally decided to act. They have already occupied two towns estalished within Crisa's lands, the villagers' status is currently unknown as our scouts have so far been unsuccessful in their return. I can't imagine it to be very pleasant."

The information elicited numerous exclamations of shock, some more vocal than others, from the people present.

Raising his hand to stall the obvious question the King continued, "At the time this meeting was called even I myself was unaware of such happenings, only accidentally stumbling upon the discovery not too long ago thanks to a recent incident regarding reports intercepted on their way back to Crisa being brought to my attention. Very likely, I wouldn't have noticed this for quite some time yet had I not been deliberately keeping a more meticulous eye out for similar occurrences."

"My King." Marcus's wizened brows drew together into a thoughtful frown as he spoke up half-grumbling, "Do you think they are trying to set up fortifications in those towns or continue to advance deeper into Crisa's territory? The ambushers the Guardian encountered traversing the roads may have been just one of many scouting parties disguised as bandits."

"I have already sent out for two parties to protect the next towns they're most likely to besiege should they proceed with the latter. Any reports of noise or sightings have yet to be brought back so I do not think they are marching as it is."


"My King!"

Abaddon who's feet were now killing him after being forced to stand in the same place for hours on end was jolted awake by a series of hurried footsteps echoing through the corridor shortly followed by a frantic knocking from outside.

Casting an envious glance at Nana haphazardly slumped in her chair, soft, light and somewhat adorable, he begrudgingly admitted to himself, snores escaping her nose causing visible irritation amongst a large percentage of participants, he moments later saw a roughed up man dressed in what could generously be called rags showcasing a body covered in blood stains, burns, bruises and numerous gnarly lacerations carefully escorted in by two royal guards.

"I come bearing terrible news!" The man rasped out haggardly, chugging down a low quality HP potion which didn't seem to do very much to improve his state, Abaddon quickly deducing the man probably consumed alot of them if the benefits had diminished to such a depressingly meager degree.

The King acted snappily in order to silence the possible outrage brought by the man barging into the war room currently in active use. "You may speak." He allowed, a gaze heavy with imperial might bearing down on who he recognized as a messanger which was one of the only reason The King hadn't just sentenced him with attempted espionage of the Kingdom's security secrets.

Fuelled both by a healthy dose of awe and some slight fear on top of his weary body shouting at him to take a rest as soon as possible the man hastily went on to relay the crucial information he had been saddled with delivering, the room turning more somber and terse the longer he spoke.

Apparently, the Grephiten Kingdom had had a sudden influx of mages proficient in earth related terraforming spells and dug tunnels around and past the two towns Crisa's soldiers were sent to garrison, catching them off guard with a swift and ruthless night raid that unfortunately enough rendered their storage of food and water supplies absolutely non-consumable.

Subsequently, they had soon been pinned between two halves of the enemy army with no way of retreat suffering numerous brief but nonetheless devestating back to back guerilla-esque attacks that rather swiftly brought by a tragic defeat.

Furthermore, any attempts at surrender following the sharp-minded Generals, Commanders and Colonels present quickly deducing their coming fate and wanting to at least prevent unecessary deaths was met with silence as the Grephiten forces callously slaughtered Crisa's people down to the last man, woman and child, both army and civilian.

As the now broken looking man, having relapsed back into the memories of the horrors he had witnessed towards the end of his recountal leaving him sickly pale and shaky with glazed hazy eyes was now more gently escorted back out a heavy silence permeated the room, concerned frowns and grave scowls marred faces in equal measure.

"My King." Marcus eventually broke the silence, tapping the table with a calculating glint flashing past his eyes. "Though the knowledge that no one suffered torture nor degradation or humiliation before their deaths is a phyrric consolation at best, why do you think that is? Based on previous records the Grephiten Kingdom's army in conduct doesn't differ much from lustful bandit scum once victory is assured, why have their modus operandi seen such a stark change?"

"Marshal-General Marcus, we have matters of more importance to discuss than speculating on a small and furthermore inconsequential behavorial change." A willowy elderly man with sharp vulture-like features and a prominent bottom lip permanently stuck in a scornful downward arc drawled condescendingly, idly removing and brifly wiping a golden monocle with a spotelessly white handkerchief. "This could majorly impact our trade routes, I propose we engage the Grephiten dregs post-haste and force them out lest merchants and travellers start deeming Crisa's roads too perilous to fare."

Marcus' expression visibly soured, face darkening a few degrees as he leaned forwards interlocking his fingers in front of him. "Cornelius, any deviations in military discipline is not mere 'inconsequential changes'. Not only could it hint towards a change in possible tactics deployed, it could also reveal a complete restructure and approach to warfare." He stressed gravely.

"And?" Cornelius questioned with an imperiously raised eyebrow. "Is that in any way relevant to the fact that should we delay Crisa's economy is in danger of deteriorating?"

The man cast a lofty self-superior gaze at the gathered military personnel. "It is your responsibility to defend Crisa from threats, whether martial or otherwise, which it now is under. So. Grand-Marshal Marcus, Grand-General Clovis, Grand-General Alexander and Grand-General Diana." He rabbled patronisingly, pausing. "Do your jobs and exterminate the problem instead of spending precious time speculating such inane trivialities." He commanded, then gestured towards Nana who was still sound asleep. "And take our 'Guardian'- "The title was regarded with heavy sarcasm. "With you while you're at it."

"If you think it's so easy why don't you join us on the front-lines, huh?" Alexander scoffed loudly, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair. "I bet your bony wrinkly ass an inexperienced trainee wet behind the ears'll have you knocked out before you know it."

Cornelius's haughty features drained into a fierce scowl. "And why, pray tell, Grand-General Alexander. Do you think I myself would ever take part in such uncivilised activities?"

"Huh? I thought youd've been in a brawl or two already. If your mug is naturally that ugly then I guess I'll apologize for assuming shit 'bout you, that's on me."

"You-" Cornelius shot to his feet with a furious glare instantly followed by Alexander who wore a challenging smirk on his face.


The word was not spoken loudly, however, it contained the weight of mountains as it smashed the tense atmosphere apart.

""Apologies, my King.""

The two shared a last hostile chuff before bowing waist deep to the King, one with decidedly less sincerity in the gesture.

They held the position until they received pardon and reprimand accompanied by a stern unapproving gaze from both advisors before the meeing continued with no further interruptions from there-on out.


"Seems we'll be fighting side by side in the near future, girl! You must'a done something real impressive for the King himself to create a whole new title for ya, good job!" Alexander praised boisterously, pats that would've sent lesser men sprawling ineffectually impacting against the taller girl's back as the group traversed the castle.

"She deserves nothing less for having supplied Crisa's Aegis with a sufficient source of power to fuel it's activation. Especially with the war now lurking on the horizon." Marcus revealed. "Not to mention doing so by braving a Tier 4 Dungeon by her lonesome." An acknowleding nod was sent Nana's way.

"Huh? You serious Marcus?" Alexander slightly boggled at his words sharing a glance with an equally baffled Clovis.

"What are you so surprised for?" Diana asked with a confusedly furrowed eyebrow. "I thought you two would've already known her strength when you tasked her with delivering your reports." As if thinking of something, her eyes suddenly narrowed into an unamused glower. "You didn't just send her over not knowing if she could handle herself, right?"

"Bah, do you think I'm an idiot? The girl plenty proved herself when she smacked me into the ground."

"Of course not." Clovis shook his head in reassurance. "However, I still find it somewhat hard to believe she tackled such a trying endeavor on her own. It is a bit sobering, though I suppose it is true the younger generation will always surpass the old."

"You've met her before?" Doxa asked curiously, he hadn't interacted with the newly appointed Guardian so he didn't know much about her outside of rumors which he always treated with a skeptical eye.

This had nothing in particular to do with people expecting him to be a dwarf after hearing his cursed nickname.

"Hmph, I personally guided her onto the path of becoming a Tank!" Alexander stated proudly, firmly patting his puffed up chest.

"I still believe she also would've made a splendid Warrior." Clovis voiced somewhat grouchily.

"She didn't even have a class when you two met her. . .?" Diana's eyes widened in shock processing their words, letting out an incredulous whisper.

"No, why? Something wrong?" Alexander quickly asked in slight concern, there wasn't alot that could destabilize the usually unflappable woman he still sometimes saw just the spunky girl with a venomous lip and a mean punch.

Marcus, Clovis and Doxa also picked up on the oddness in her tone and looked over.

Diana didn't answer immediately, instead opting to somewhat apprehensively fire up a quick spell.

[Detect Prowess - Physical]

[Strength: 16 408 Vitality: 13 695 AGI: 1876]

"W-What the-" Diana abruptly choked on air, heart dropping into an ice cold cavern as a wave of reality shattering shock washed over her.


"Are you serious. . .?" Abaddon muttered lifelessly, desolately slumped in his chair back in the Hidden Depths.

That the inn owner had apparently been a fairly important NPC which came completely out of left field as he hadn't pegged her as anything other than a, if somewhat stern, normal matronly woman.

On the other hand he wasn't constantly going around spamming [Appraise] at every moving and unmoving person, thing or otherwise so he wasn't all that hung up about it slipping his notice.

What she had gapingly revealed however sent him for a loop, Abaddon immediately asking Nana if he could take another look at her Status not a moment after their return.

He wasn't entirely sure whether her so easily granting his request was good or bad for his continued sanity which was already swiftly draining away dealing with her on a day-to-day basis.

What the fuck even was this absolute bullsh-




Rank: 9

Titles: [Infant Titan] Lv.1, [Brightly Shining Star] Lv.Max, [Guardian of Crisa] Lv.Max

Race: Hybrid - (Human) - (Tecton Swamp Turtle) - (Rage Glutton Dragon)

Class: Juvenile Titanus - Tank] (Legendary) +25 VIT +25 STR +8 AGI +13 INT +13 PER

HP: 602 060/602 060 (48 164/3s) - (301 030/301 030 + 100%)

MP: 32 020/32 020

STR: 16 408 - (2344 + 600%)

VIT: 13 695 - (2490 + 450%)

AGI: 1876 - (1251 + 50%)

INT: 3202 - (2135 + 50%)

PER: 2907 - (1938 + 50%)

SP: 670

Skills: [Taunt] Lv.Max (5), [Shield Bash] Lv.Max (5), [Charge] Lv.Max (5), [Bite] Lv.Max (5), [Crushing Presence] Lv.Max (5), [Seismic Smash] Lv.Max(5), [Spatial Storage] Lv.Max, [Earth Magic] Lv.8, [Water Magic] Lv.8, [Burrow] Lv.Max, [Appraise] Lv.1

Passives: [Tectonic Shell] Lv.4, [Draconic Might] Lv.4, [Ravenous Advancement] Lv.5, [Rapid Regeneration] Lv.8, [Mental Attack Immunity] Lv.Max, [Royal's Pride Last Stand] Lv.1, [Monstrous Swimmer] Lv.4

--- (So. Nana is now pretty mega OP Some may not like it but I really don't like nerfs so I won't deliberately lower her growth rate. The biggest reason for her Stats are Tectonic Shell, Draconic Might and Brightly Shining Star stacking onto Ravenous Advancement further boosted by her entire being's gluttonous craving for evolution which also works in her 25 instances, meaning, in the roughly 5 weeks GAO has been online Nana has been non-stop fighting for about 14 000 hours inside her mind if she spent 8 hours each day in the real world and the rest in VR give or take a few hours. I'm actually kinda low-balling the estimates as it is already.) ---

"I'm just. . . lost for words, really. At this point you're way past the point of being called a mere cheater because who in their right mind would be this damn blatant about it, huh!?" Abaddon barely resisted the urge to cry, a few tears of frustration inevitably bubbling up despite his best efforts. "And the worst part is that I don't ever see you actually trying to get stronger! This is so unfair, dammit!" A shout of vexation left him as he floppily threw his arms in the air.

"So you're back." Arctic Raven's cold voice was heard as steps approached from a distance. "I didn't see you two when I checked in a few hours ago. I take it you have accepted the Quest regarding Crisa's invasio-"

Entering the central chamber of the Hidden Depths, Arctic Raven briefly stilled, sending a strange look at Abaddon who appeared just about done with life in general, a stark contrast to Nana who lazily floated in the entrance of her makeshift dungeon with a content half-asleep expression on her face.

"What happened here?"


"I see." A fierce, wide, malice filled smile that wouldn't look out of place on a demon slowly stretched across Arctic Raven's face after being allowed to parse through Nana's Status. "I do not understand how you could possibly see this as anything other than wonderful." Her prejudice had gradually dissipated during their interactions following her joining up in alliance, simmering dislike turning into tolerating neutrality. "With such an incredible insurance present, what need we fear?" Arctic Raven's eyes glinted visciously as her mind spun, conjuring new and previously unimplementable ideas.

"I know. . ." Abaddon muttered into the table he was slumped over. "It's just-" He began, leaning back against the back-rest with a disgruntled sigh.

"You are indignant?" Arctic Raven drawled.

"I'm not. Bu-"

"You are." She sharply cut him off. "If not you wouldn't behave like a child that just got second place."

Abaddon frowned in slight irritation at her know-it-all tone before a sudden crisp snap caught his attention, turning his head to the source he was met with a pair of eyes intently staring into his that for some inexplicable reason made him feel uncomfortably exposed, making him shift in his seat.

"You can delude yourself into thinking you are indifferent, however, you are lacking may years of experience if you want to conceal your inner thoughts from me." She said bluntly. "You carry a, so far as I've seen, extraordinarily misplaced sense of superiority as if every situation you encounter is rigged to always end in your favor. Where it could possibly stem from seeing how reliant you are on the girl is a question that truly has me stumped, you also have a constant undercurrent of arrogance with which you regard others, as if spectating illiterates attempting to read a simple script you have already memorized down to the letter." She scanned him sharply, as if trying to figure out a particularly confounding puzzle.

The room descended into a heavy silence following her ruthless analysis, Abaddon left gaping like a fish on land, his words failing him, his mouth eventually thinning into a tight line as his brows scrunched together in a thoughtful frown.

"I strongly encourage confidence as without it you will move nowhere, however-" Her face drained away into a blank cold mask, chilling eyes piercing into him like needles of hail. "You'd do well to heed my warning before it's too late. You are not as smart as you'd like to believe yourself to be and I'd wager sooner or later you will encounter someone more than capable enough of taking advantage of that hubris. A situation I would rather you avoid as it could negatively affect not only your Guild and our alliance by proxy, but also myself, my people, and lastly but perhaps most importantly, the girl."

Abaddon could only direct a vacant stare down at the table as he inwardly engaged in some thorough intro- and retro- spection.

Was it possible that he was still entertaining delusions of being a 'Protagonist' somewhere deep inside his mind and subconscioously carried himself like the generic MC with a plot armor thicker than a neutron star was dense?

Really thinking about it, hypothetically, if Nana were to just up and disappear on him tomorrow morning without warning, did he possess the capital to remain as idle as he had been?

Granted, he wasn't slacking off, far from it in fact, however, had he dedicated his precious time in the wrong places?

Had he been taking things as seriously as he should have?

His strength, previously miles ahead of every other Player bar one had diminished to the point there was a real possibility that some may be able to match him, maybe even best him, in combat.

He was somewhat confident he remained undisputed in most terrains that weren't just straight up flat with no covers nor obstacles in sight, however-

The fact that he even considered the situation a feasibility no matter how small the chance, soon after realizing that the chance was much larger than just 'small', should never come to pass.

Especially not with the advantages he was afforded.

Without her he would also lose access to the lots on top of a connection with numerous important NPCs which he hadn't yet established a relationship past 'Nana's friend' with.

A breathless chill suddenly flooded his system as he was faced with a startling realization-

He had been counting Nana's strength as his own.

Though technically not entirely wrong, gut-punched with the truth of his own status merely being a somewhat impressive Player without any real backing or foundation, apparently not even individual strength in present time, compared to most Top Players many of which were seemingly blessed with luck, others with natural skill, and extremely rare select few with all of the above on top of a reliable family supporting them was like having a bucket of arctic water dumped on his head, an uncontrollable shudder wracking through his body.

"At least you are mature enough to acknowledge it, a stark improvement compared to alot of others I have had the distinct displeasure of meeting." Arctic Raven commented casually as if she hadn't just metahporically drilled him a new hole puncturing his previous perception of the situation to reveal a more somber reality.

". . .Did you really have to rip into me like that?" Abaddon grumbled under his breath closing his eyes, mentally tuckered out from the revelation that he was probably being arrogant in thinking he was now untouchable.

"Yes." The blunt direct manner in which she responded somewhat irked him as it really hammered home the fact that her words were simply spoken as she'd observed, containing not even a sliver of malice.

He almost would've felt better if that was not the case.

"You ever thought of becoming an evil psychologist? I think you'd excel at bringing everyone's flaws to the surface and shoving it in their faces."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Abaddon suddenly had the urge to punch her upon seeing Arctic Raven's lips pulling into an amused smirk that looked a tad bit too sadistic to be discarded as just a trick of the light.

In lieu of the newfound revelations about himself, Abaddon resolved himself to start acting rather than just planning for eventualities which may not even be realized.


Whilst Abbadon and Crisa kicked things into high gear Nana remained operating at her own pace, having taken it easy for a while following the Drowning Gulf exploration that had more or less sated her restless desires for the moment, she was now once again raring for another period of activity.

To the detriment of many however, she neglected to inform anyone of her abrupt departure.

If things got bad enough to where the Kingdom was facing an actual danger she had the title to notify her and also allow her to teleport back either way.

Therefore there shouldn't be any problems going away for a while-

The frantic panic stirred when the matter was discovered was not a concern in her mind.

After doing a routine check to see that everything was in order down in her territory, reminding the inhabitants of her presence and subsequently her sovereignty over the cave-system, she then raced through a tunnel leading to the ocean.

With [Monstrous Swimmer] and her not insignificant AGI she made good time, emerging near the familiar fishing town she'd unintentionally heard called Blue Fin Town in record speed.

Passing through the familiar blanket of refreshing coldness as she swam out of the hole located near the bottom of the steep cliff-side beneath the town's wooden wharf, she luxuriated in the sheer feeling of freeing spaciousness she experienced gazing into the expanse of seemingly endless blue void enveloping her vision.

Instinctively picking up on the changes in the currents around her she didn't need to raise her head to know the exact positions of the unassuming boats periodically setting out to sea.

Struck with a sudden childish urge to cause some small inconveniences she grabbed onto the waves left in her wake following a rapid leave as she jetted towards the more interesting depths, weaving them into a tiny vortex which she then unleashed on one of the poor unsuspecting victims above.


"Nice weather today, not a cloud in sight." A rugged man dressed in hardy warrior armor made out of a scaly hide colored a dull red and a broadsword hilted on his hip exclaimed with a smile, a relaxed sigh escaping him feeling the comfortable winds blowing through his hair as he basked in the sun's gentle rays leaning back against the ship's railing.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself so much." A lithely muscled woman wearing a sleeveless stiff-collared dark blue top with a line of silver buckles running down the front disappearing into a heavy pleated skirt hanging down to her ankles snarked irritatedly, the ornamental silver bangles hanging on her wrists swaying with her smooth movements as she pushed the ship forwards, hands subtly glowing blue as she tugged at the air.

"Fucking asshole, why the hell did you take this quest on the ONE day the ocean's completely still!?" She glared at him blowing strands of soon to be sweaty crow black hair styled in a shoulder-length bobcut out of her face. "I'm getting taking a bigger cut just so you know, I'm not a fucking paddle!" She ground out.

Inclining his head the man lazily went to answer.

Before he could even get a word out however, the previous calm changed to chaos faster than either of the two could react with anything other than an impreceptible widening of their eyes.

The vessel beneath them abruptly exploded, blasted and rent asunder by a monstrous cyclone that unhampered by obstacles climbed high into the sky.

Terrified screams blended together with ones of excrutiating pain, the swirling abomination darkening a tad as it subsumed the crimson liquid of numerous sailors trapped within it's heartless grasp.

Those truly unfortunate not granted a swift end subjected to an unyielding wild ride whilst slowly being cut, battered and smashed into by debris ironically enough originating from the ship previously responsible for their protection leaving nary a soul left alive in it's wake.

People at the harbor watched it's rampage with fear filled eyes, some of which shifted to desperation as the nearby waters swiftly turned agitated, a massive whirlpool starting to increasingly strongly tug at the boats docked at the harbor.

As scattered owners quickly leapt into action in an attempt to prevent a further tragedy, those with smaller vehicles somewhat more successful only to in the end succumb to nature's wrath as those with bigger ones could do nothing, some of who were forced to watch their lifeblood's imminent destruction in real time.

They were not afforded to even say their farewells in peace however, the whole wharf suddenly shaking bringing further panic as people scrambled to get off as quickly as they could.

It was unable to hold on for very long, bursting at it's seams and positively rupturing as the supports gave way with a loud tragic creak echoing over the town as if to express the haunting agony it felt just moments before it's inevitable death.

Truly stubborn captains and few unlucky stragglers were quickly dragged underwater no matter their struggles, soon contributing to the cold statistic of casualties caused.

Town inhabitants, adventurers and others alike watched on in suffocating silence as the ocean in a display of overwhelming might roared and lashed out for what felt like an eternity before it finally began losing power, gradually slowing until it could no longer support itself.

A heavy rain composed of hefty doses of water fell from the sky accompanied by shattered parts of boats of all sizes, clothes, items and whatever was left of numerous human bodies, ruthlessly plunging down into the now suddenly even more daunting depths not unlike the pangs of pain puncturing the hearts of the victims' close ones.

The priorly pleasant day filled with the vibrancy of life, bustle and joyful laughter of children had jarringly quick turned into one that of mourning, stillness, screams of heart-rending misery and profound loss.


"Brelghrh-!" A body-arching gurgle of pink water containing flecks of flesh was ejected as a pair of wide blood-shot eyes snapped open frantically darting around without any real purpose, the owner of said eyes too out of it to take in any details.

Harsh raspy weak breaths emerged from the broken body drifting on the water's surface, clothes destroyed and ripped to shreds revealing grave lacerations cutting into skin, meat and bone, trails of nails and other hazards having dragged brutal lines criss-crossing and intersecting littered her form currently resembling that of a nightmarish horror.

Slowly coming back to herself, the woman didn't even seem to feel the pain assaulting her senses nor the stark lack of an arm missing from her upper bicep, the stump helpelssly bleeding like a broken faucet feeding into an ever-growing cloud of red.

"What power. . ." A nearly imperceptible whisper left her lips prompting a wave of blood to eject splashing onto her front, ignoring this she continued as if in a trance. "Such overwhelming command- In the split second I had to react and then the few moments before I was thrown out of the cyclone, the water refused to even interact with me at all. . ."

"How. It has always spoken to me." She muttered, unblinkingly staring into the sky with an unnaturaly calm visage merely portraying confusion. "Even against those my superior in guiding it's magnificence it has never forsaken my touch, however-" A shaky glow like a flickering candle-light enveloped her hand. "Now it remains wholly unresponsive to my call."

". . ."

"Kgh- Heh- KehahahaHAHAHA-" Low deranged cackles that quickly transitioned into full-blown crazed laughter was heard. "How extraordinarily wonderful! You are worthy! Whoever you are, I, Marina, a name not given by mere mortal whim, but rather bestowed upon me denoting my undisputed authority over water shall chase you until the ends of this world! You who has surpassed my genius self in both control and favor of the oceans, a feat many deemed an impossibility!!" She bellowed esctatically to the heavens, chest heaving with every excited breath she took paying no heed to her worsening wounds.

"The Elders were wrong! I am not destined to traverse my path to inevitable greatness alone!" Another bout of maniacal laughter soon followed, the woman's eyes filling with overwhelming deranged glee whilst a wide overjoyed, positively demented smile stretched across her lips, suddenly starting to sink below the surface.

Just before she fully disappeared beneath the waves a blinding glow enveloped her figure.

Shortly after a large shadowed slihouette emerged in her place, quickly vanishing into the all-encompassing darkness down under.


A magnificent vessel of royal proportions wholly composed of rich brown-red wood with expansive gilded sections decorating the body oppressively cut across the ocean, a couple hundred hired veteran crew buzzed around the deck visibly tense but focused nonetheless, carefully managing it's travel to remain as pleasant as possible very much aware of the personages currently on-board.

Powerful magical cannons lined it's body, two rows on each side spanning it's whole length, every single one of them manned by a reputable mage of it's own ready to unleash a frightening volley of arcane might, one capable of, at the very least, if not instantly vaporizing the target, deterring any beasts roaming these waters from a prolonged confrontation.

Flanked by an additional two ships, not quite as large nor grandiose as the first but still a positively marvelling sight on their own, the trio would've made a menacing sight for any knowing creature brave enough to accost them.

"I see word of your intellect are not mere boasts, Callen." A narrow-eyed man reluctantly admitted chagrained as his last piece was captured with a disturbing ease, the nagging feeling that he was simply being toyed with disregarded by a stubborn pride deeply ingrained in his bones. "Your entourage itself also shows your Royal Father values you dearly, I'm a bit jealous myself." Undercurrents of burning envy shadowed his every word like tar.

The opponent facing him, another man, inwardly frowned at the very much unsolicited familiarity he was treated with.

"Your kind words are much appreciated, Third Prince of Grephiten." Callen effortlessly concealed his inner thoughts, defaulting to a deliberately flat but carefully polite tone he had been thoroughly trained to utilize proficiently.

"Why do you address me with such cordiality, my friend?" The Prince's expression turned brittle, Callen incomparably more deft in such games easily seeing through the facade for what it was.

"Well. I suppose it is not unexpected you would treat me with a respectible amount of stoicism taking into account what my K- my Royal Father's Kingdom has initiated." The Prince stood up with a desolate somewhat disappointed sigh. "Come along. I tire of remaining idle and require a bit of fresh air."

Callen, very strictly and according to proper etiquette, rose and followed after. Clearly able to see the man's shoulders shake from a 'suppressed but largely futile, bitter outrage' which he, though not a betting man himself, would wager was instead a 'barely suppressed dislike' for himself and doubtlessly the task of ensuing Callen's own favor forced upon him.

There was scant few that did not know of the Grephiten Kingdom's rather blatant actions, the astute ones having foreseen the inevitability long ago, that it would eventually descend into war.

More specifically, this time, against the Kingdom of Crisa.

Why they were grasping for allies if, presumably, the warlord parading around as King had planned this he was unsure, though maybe he was giving the deranged man too much credit in thinking he had in any capacity thought his actions through beforehand.

Callen as the Crown Prince of a lesser Kingdom renowned for an unusually mighty army had unfortunately received the 'honor' of accompanying the Third Prince on one of his renowned 'Pleasure Cruises', otherwise known as recklessly putting himself and everyone else in danger by daring the dangerous seas whilst he himself indulged in debauchery during the fare.

He had been propositioned to at first by the roster of beautiful women the Third Prince brought along of course, insistently so at that, at least until he finally put his foot down in the form of a stern refusal after which the Third Prince had changed his approach to more intellectual pursuits.

Emerging on deck Callen heard the massive sails billowing in the wind, gentle sunlight warming him accompanied by a refreshing breeze ruffling his hair.

Disregarding the actual purpose of the cruise and the solemn words of his Royal Father warning him of exercising utmost caution in treading these waters echoing in the back of his mind, Callen had to admit he wasn't as opposed to this as he had initially thought.

Granted that bar was very, very low to begin with.

Closing his eyes in quiet enjoyment, he was only allowed a scant few seconds of peace before he was flung into a wall as the ship suddenly rocked powerfully.

Breath knocked out of him caught by surprise he ignored the Third Prince's shrill screams and instead made use of the mandatory martial training his Royal Father had forced upon all his children and swiftly ascended half-way up the mast utilizing the shroud, perching as he quickly scanned the surrounding area for hostiles.

He knew pirates and bandits alike too sailed these oceans, it wouldn't be unthinkable they'd singled them out for the rather opulent vessels rightly thinking they were a bountiful harvest in the making.

A few moments of heart-pounding silence followed as orders were barked bellow chastising the mages for being negligent in their duties, the imbecillic Third Prince after recovering just about to flippantly declare the incident unimportant and coincidental when another equally strong push shoved the boat almost completely on it's side, Callen instantly wrapping his arms around the mast lest he get thrown off, bathed in a shower of rain by the massive wave provoked by the movement.

The ocean and the air itself trembled as a staggering shockwave shook the area, ears popping into a deafening ringing as if a siege-cannon had fired right next to him.

Cursing aloud despite his lessons Callen's somewhat shaky hope of escaping this damnable situation with his life intact dimmed down to a mere flicker as a humongous beast jumped out of the water to completely eclipse the already gigantic ship in a frightening shadow blotting out the sun's light.

Tightly holding onto the mast as the ship was once again pushed around by the massive displacement of water the maneuver prompted, Callen regardless of the adrenaline flooding through his veins urging him into action remained dismally powerless in the face of his first experience with the ocean's true terror.

Though constantly curbed by a disciplined mind, his pride at excelling in his martial studies past his siblings brought him a strong confidence with which he carried himself.

He had even nearly bested one of his Royal Father's esteemed generals in pure skill and technique during one of their frequent spars.

It was only now, impotently trapped on a vessel of certain death unable to do more than hold on for, quite literally, dear life, that he realized what his Royal Father had meant in saying he 'may be formidable, but far from strong'.

Ignoring the frantic fearful screams blending together, many coming from the sizable portion of the crew that had been washed over board, Callen's breath hitched in his chest as a colossal beam of energy glowing a deep and brilliant blue swallowed a third of one of their tagger-ons, quickly beginning to sink as water invaded the vessel's now exposed innards.

More tremors emerged from below for a period before the beast re-emerged, the massive whale of draconic features composed of bulging muscles running along it's wide oppressive form lined with sharp ridges and tough scales in shades of blue thrown out of the depths, landing on their remaining intact escort instantly crushing it to pieces.

The beast soon made use of the 8 towering side fins to re-orient itself onto it's stomach as the dozens of eyes covering the top of it's head and scattered sparsely on it's underbelly seemingly surveyed the waters for something, thankfully completely disregarding the magical cannons blasting it on the orders on some divine forsaken fool with a deathwish.

Moments later it's many eyes suddenly sharpened into pinpricks, an orb resembling the beam from earlier materialized in front of it's gigantic jaw that snapped open to reveal harrowing rows of thick spikes of teeth.

Before it could fire however, it's mouth was slammed shut, it's attack destabilizing with the shape distorting as it briefly emitted a foreboding crackling then exploding with a booming thunderous bang producing another shockwave that almost ripped Callen's grip loose.

The beast was launched flying by whatever had hit it, drawing a large arc in the air and landing a fair distance away from the single still surviving ship.

A comparatively miniscule shadow leapt after it in chase, Callen only having an instant to make out what in his relatively untravelled mind almost looked like a human quickly falling towards the beast, a flickering orb of raw power similar to the beast's shakily undulating in front of her gaping maw.

Hope suddenly rekindled in Callen upon seeing one of the combatants being of his ilk rather than another equally terrifying beast, hope which shortly after died a fiery death as the beast sent out a volley of smaller and presumably less powerful but in exchange many times faster beams originating from a field of spheres materializing around it.

The previous incident repeated, the 'human' blitzingly launched by the ensuing explosion on top of taking multiple hits dead-on, brutally shot back down towards the water entering an uncontrollable roll.

The person continued bouncing on the ocean's surface like a skipping rock until eventually being, with one last skip, thrown onto their ship crashing into the rapidly evacuated captain's quarters.

Callen swiftly realizing that their sudden ship hijacker was their, mostly his, only chance at ensuring his continued existence hastily made his way down from the mast, palming a high-grade Health Potion as he hurried over.

Waving away the copious amount of dust the person's entry had brought, he found an astonishingly unharmed, relatively that is, looking girl who couldn't have been much older than his youngest sister in age, whatever visible damage he still found completely healed only seconds later with an unbelievable speed that beggared pure disbelief.

Whatever she had consumed just before his arrival Callen wasn't sure even his Royal Father possessed anything of equal potency.

Brifly stumbling from suddenly being shoved out of the way, the potion clattering to the floor as the Third Prince roughly pushed past him subsequently shoulder-checking him in the process, Callen was unable to suppress an irritated frown.

"Hey!" The Third Prince snarled as he charged upon her downed form. "Are you attempting to murder a member of Grephiten Royalty with this stunt!? I can have you executed for your transgressions enacted this day!! Immediately draw the beast away from my esteemed presence!!"

The girl seemingly didn't hear him, vacantly staring into space, Callen spotting a small orb of energy bordering on illusory oscillating in and out of being hovering in the center of her clawed hand, suddenly stabilizing mere moments later with a crisp snap and a small dispersal of wind, emitting a tangible magnetic buzz as it hovered in place, a minute coat of something akin to static charge clinging onto the surface of his skin.

Though not entirely sure of it's exact level of danger Callen felt his instinctively tensed body instantly relax when it vanished shortly after.

Smoothly getting onto her feet pushing off of the crash-sight's debris Callen could only watch blankly as she continued rising taller and taller until his neck started hurting from following her visage with his gaze, forced into taking a step back, eyes wide as he stared up at her speechlessly.

She was even bigger than all the half-giant adventurers he'd seen prior by a decent margin, now all but confirmed in his mind that she was of mixed heritage.

He was a bit unsure of what, though if her prowess were any indication, he would very much prefer to establish friendly relations or remain far, far away.

Unfortunately the Third Prince did not share his concerns, his 'peer' was either in a state of overwhelming excitement impairing his rationality or he was more of an idiot than he'd already showed to be, remaining in place as he barked orders at the extraordinarily powerful being in front of him.

"Did you not hear my creed, dullard!? What are you delaying for!!" The Third Prince's eyes then scanned her body up and down, taking on a laviscious gleam as his tongue snakes across his lips. "And when you're done, how would you like to experience heave-"

The man's words were interrupted as the girl, as if she hadn't even acknowledged his existence, bowled past and knocked him over harshly landing on his ass with a pained shout.

Her head swerved to lock onto something, Callen's eyes unintentionally drifting to follow the direction and promptly turning to ice upon seeing the temporarily forgotten beast charging up another beam in the distance, the orb a magnitude or two greater in size than when it had tried previously radiating a foreboding feeling of impending doom.

Hearing a subtle 'khaaa' sound from the side a shiver ran down his spine noticing a sphere of what felt like raw unadultered power materialize inbetween the girl's open jaws lined with sharp white teeth, slowly growing bigger and bigger as blue currents crackled and arced around it's surface.

The suffocating silence that ensued during both monsters funneling more and more energy into their respective attacks was abruptly, shockingly and swiftly broken when the Third Prince in a move so stupid Callen would've strangled the imbecile right then and there if he could, rushed over.

He could see the girl was unfamiliar with whatever she was doing, not only because he'd seen her making rapid progress in replicating the beast's own attack but also because her's was still visibly deforming like a malleable ball of dough from time to time.

The Third Prince then, in all his non-existent wisdom decided to get back at her slight of ignoring and throwing him aside by barreling into her fuming like a temperamental child.

Though she remained unmoved, the split second her concentration was disturbed resulted in the sphere she'd built up precariously wobbling in place, it was also at that moment that the beast unleashed a gargantuan beam that quickly shot towards the ship, on course to swallow it whole forcing the ocean itself to curve around it's untamed savage might.

Red consumed Callen's vision, an ashy volcanic anger surging through his veins, blazing furious eyes locked onto the Third Prince with a climbing wrath as a hoarse bellow ripped out of his throat. "YOU ABSOLUTE FOOL!!!"

He had sentenced them all to death with his petty act of revenge.

The girl seemed to just barely manage to wrestle it back under control before firing a beam of her own blowing the Third Prince away and cracking the surrounding area whipping up strong winds, unfortunately, whether due to inexperience or interference, it wasn't strong enough to contend with the beast's resulting in her's slowly but surely beginning to get pushed back.

As the beam approached ever-closer Callen felt indignant despair settle in wondering why he was unlucky enough to be required out of obligation to accept the Third Prince's invitation despite already knowing their Kingdom was going to be forced to supply the Grephiten Kingdom's war efforts with the utmost bare minimum due to, once again, societal obligation lest they be targetted next.

Almost like he'd somehow gone through the lengthy process of grief in the span of a few moments, a lone tear escaped him as he inwardly bid farewell to his Royal Father and siblings, straightening his back as he imperiously glared his incoming death in the face, if this was his end, he was at least going out with his dignity intact.

His solemn preparations ultimately turned out to be for naught, however.

Just as he'd tightly clenched his eyes shut, they abruptly snapped open again upon hearing a heavy 'thoom' that seemed to shake the vicinity in time to see the girl abandoning contesting the beast's attack, the beam instantly speeding up as a result, before she suddenly reared back and performed an sky-rending downward swipe with her arm looking like it was distorting the very space around it.

[Seismic Smash]

The following sight would forever remain ingrained in Callen's memory, watching in numb shock as the beam was easily dispersed upon contact followed by a vast imprint like a clawed cloud tall column had suddenly fallen from the heavens smashing down onto the beast a mere instant later.

The world stilled for a scant few moments, a vast chasm splitting the ocean in twain before time resumed.

Water madly flooded back into place harshly jostling the ship back and forth. People flew off accompanied by screams as they were soon swallowed and crushed under the towering waves.

It was only later when Callen managed to pry his hands instinctively gripping the now loose creaking railings tightly like a life-line and tried taking a step that he realized his knees had gone weak.

Getting his frantically heaving chest under control he swallowed, thickly and dryly, shakily gazing to the side to observe the girl with a tiny dissatisfied pout in a new uneasy light, her eyes narrowed in focus on another two glowy spheres of energy one innocently hovering in each hand.

Previous experience fresh in his mind he was suddenly alot more nervous and apprehensive being in such close proximity, both to the somewhat unstable orbs and the girl herself.

He didn't know which was more dangerous which was somehow even more terrifying.

In his stunned state he was unable to react when the Third Prince once again in a show of incredible brainlessness made his way over, unsteady on his feet as if majorly inebriated further confirming to Callen that he was most likely not right in the head at the moment.

The man was stupid but event that had limits, he had so far survived under the Grephiten King's volatile temper for some thirty odd years, after all, unachievable by a bumbling fool.

Roughly reaching out to grab at her without a word the Third Prince's hand had just barely glanced her arm before she, almost absentmindedly as if her body responded automatically, lashed out with a blinding fast swat.

No one had time to react to the suddenness and speed of her action, the Third Prince's upper body promptly combusting into a bloody, gory mess which splattered over the deck with a cocophony of repulsive meaty squelches as his lower half remained standing for a second or two before limply falling over producing a wet splat, innards flopping free to become outnards.

Silence reigned over the scene, the death of a royal and the consequences running through the staff's heads like a sentence from hell inevitable, turning increasingly pale.

Meanwhile the girl merely looked over her shoulder with slight curiosity, blinking, then unconcernedly taking a step to the side as if she herself wasn't the perpetrator, instead going back to concentrating on her own matters.

Callen could see rationality leaving the others in real time, fists clenching and incredibly viscious glares landing on the girl who'd sealed their fate.

Quickly preparing to step in and mediate the situation lest they all be sent to an early grave provoking her, Callen exhaustedly bit back a curse upon hearing a booming roar announcing the beast's resurfacing.

Thankfully, it looked much worse for wear, bleeding into the surrounding waters with 5 of it's 8 side fins rendered completely broken, the 3 remaining also slightly bent out of shape, a large visible dent flattening the top of it's body conspicuously missing the scales there previously.

Attention caught the girl raised her head, dispelling the orbs who fizzled away and shook out her hands which then briefly tightened into fists before unclenching again, ignoring the livid shouts of protest she took off in a run then pushed off and dove over the side of the boat followed by a surprisingly subdued splash.

Callen saw her shadowed figure zooming across the ocean just below the surface before dipping down and disappearing from view, shortly after the battle resumed in the distance, the waters turning agitated and raging as subtle shockwaves rattled their insides.

Amidst the chaos, an alarmed cry hastily echoed out as a portion of all the masts were suddenly erased clean off by an unfortunately aimed beam, the ship shook as the massive pillars of wood dropped through about a meter of air slamming back down into the remaining stumps before slowly tilting into a fall, luckily avoiding penetrating the deck, instead bouncing off of the side leaving deep marks and holes in the ship's body.

Good news, no one had died miraculously enough.

Bad news, they were now stranded out at sea, immobile with two monsters duking it out not too far away from their current position.

This day was just going splendidly, wasn't it?


"Please wait!"

Callen involuntarily held his breath as he stood on the vessel's far edge, his prayers answered when the girl dragging the beast's umoving body by the tail-fin actually stopped at his call, looking up at him.

Getting such a close up of the majestic being just further drove home it's veritable size and subsequently her prowess in besting it in battle.

"Our ship has sustained heavy damage and is unable to move, would you possibly be able to deliver a message back to my Royal Father's people to come to our aid? I beseech of you, I also promise a handsome reward in return!"

Cold shudders ran through Callen as the girl silently held her stare, relaxing when she averted her eyes to seemingly scan the ship up and down instead.

A stiffling minute or so later she let go of the beast and dipped under the water's surface, making a few laps around the boat before suddenly disappearing.

Callen's heart dropped, mind spinning as he immediately began thinking of possible solutions out of his predicament now excluding his previous one which had hinged on enlisting her help, made impossible now that she'd up and left them up to their fates.

Startled by a loud sound of creaking wood and whines of metal bending followed by a few pops like a series of nails being forcefully uprooted he cursed and quickly ran in search of the source post-haste, although they were stuck, it was a much more optimal situation than potentially sinking out here on the ocean.

Especially now that he was well aware of the danger it represented.

Sprinting up the stairs leading to the quarterdeck he was met with a large mob of crew yelling threats and warnings.

Muscling through the crowd he emerged on the other side to see the girl just finished with the process of removing the rudder and a substantial portion of the captain cabin's outer shell, the whole section she had ripped out glinting resplendantly in the sun's rays striking it's ornamentally gilded surface.

Callen choked on air watching her presumably store the thing. Where? He had no idea. Was she doing this in retaliation to his request? He had absolutely no intentions to sound in any way demeaning or demanding, was it his fault that they were now in an even worse situation?

When it looked like she was going to continue salvaging further pieces Callen hurriedly spoke up to apologize, now openly pleading for mercy in her hopefully sparing their sole life-line and sanctuary available.

"Please cease your actions! I beg of you! Pardon my previous rudeness upon your person, I did not mean offense! I swear it on my honor and pride!" Callen gritted his teeth readying himself in preparation to grovel if that was what it took, though the situation seemed bleak he was unwilling to give up just yet, there was still a chance to get out of this alive.

"Hmm?" The girl blinked up at him, tilting her head with a question mark written on her face.

"Were you not planning to slowly dismantle the ship and leave us for dead?" Callen asked, eyes narrowed apprehensively now combined with slight confusion, had he misunderstood her intentions somehow?

He received a small head shake in response, the girl leaving a few words behind as she continued stripping the ship's body of anything valuable looking.




"Ghk-!? KH- Mer- MERCY-!!" A small green, winged creature about a meter tall with gangly thin malnourishesd looking limbs, two horns on it's forehead, glowing yellow eyes that covered the whole sclera and black talons on it's hands and feet pleaded pitifully feeling it's supply of air quickly dwindling.

Trashing, it instinctively clawed and pried at the large red-skinned hand strongly clenching around it's throat, a slender spike-tipped tail agitatedly whipping around in the air behind it.

"Who gave you clearance, bug?" The hulking shadowed figure growled fiercely, body bulking with muscles upon muscles partly clad in a sharp jet-black set of nightmarish knight armor leaving the powerful bulging arms out on display instead opting to wear two bladed vambraces in the same color ending in tufts of ashy fur at the elbow.

The smaller creature was unable to answer no matter how much it wanted to, only capable of forcing out choked wheezes, saliva soon dribbling from it's mouth as it's struggles got increasingly weaker, frantically tapping at the hand holding it hostage.

"I asked you a question-" The armored being droned, a pair of sharp similarly yellow eyes peering through the helmet's visor furiously glaring down at the smaller creature, raising it up to just in front of it's helmet. "WHO GAVE YOU CLEARANCE TO USE- MY! PROPERTY! WITHOUT MY CONSENT!!" Spittle flew rabidly, the cave shaking twice as if feeling the pure unbridled wrath expelled with the shout.

"Oh settle down, would you?" Another shadowed figure hummed pleasantly, more slender in shape with wide shoulders clad in tight fitting black fabric showing off a triangular torso rippling with lean muscle under an open sleeve-less hooded black coat reaching down to his shins with thick combat pants and slender-toed boots.

"It's not like that little Prince held any actual use either way, so easy to influence too, like most royalty in that Kingdom."

"BUT THAT HUMAN WAS MINE! MINE!! NO ONE TOUCHES WHAT'S MINE!" The armored being bellowed thunderously, rage palpable in the air fuelling it's hand to clench just a bit too tightly snapping the smaller creature's neck like a twig, it's lifeless body then callously thrown to the side.

"Get a new one, then." The slender figure shrugged nonchalantly. "We've already corrupted like three fourth's of that Kingdom's army, pick one of those."

"They're not as rare! All the royalty are already in someone else's hands!"

"Unlucky, I guess."


"Well. Just wait for a bit, it won't be long until we're released, you can go look for one you like at that time."

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