
chapter 1 : andela

Andela sighed softly, this was the third course she was taking today. This beautiful girl from Jakarta cleans up her things. He wanted to get to his favorite place as soon as possible. Where else if not a mattress.

"Ndel, are you going to the club tonight or not? With the kids?". she asked. Andela's classmate.

"No, I'm really tired. I want to go straight home."

"Well, why don't you come?"

"Next time, okay?" Andela walked out, leaving her friend behind.

Jakarta's erratic weather sometimes makes people complain. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it's hot. Another sigh came out of the 23 year old girl. It was raining heavily when Andela was about to go home. The Andela campus is considered very elite. Unfortunately, Andela class is far from the parking lot. Andela was forced to have to wait for the rain to stop because she forgot to bring an umbrella.

"Not yet home?". Andella glanced sideways. A handsome, tall and athletic man stood beside her.

"Not yet, waiting for the rain to stop first."

"Didn't you bring an umbrella?" Andella shook her head.

30 minutes of silence fell between them. Only the sound of rain falling on the roof and the street could be heard. Andela herself is a girl who is quite popular on campus. Many men tried to approach her, but andela was not a girl who was easily attracted to the opposite sex.

"Oh, don't you bring an umbrella too?" Andela asked the man beside her.

"You know, I don't like to carry that." Andela nodded.

"Ndel". Andella turned.

"Tonight, do you have time?" Andela is no stranger to questions like that. If it were written in a book, it would probably be as thick as the novel Titanic.

"I'll go first." Andela walked away with the hands she used to cover her head from the rain. The man just stood there, watching her leave.

"As usual, he was in a hurry". he said smiling. Unbeknownst to him, someone was watching from behind the wall.


andela immediately closed her car door, her whole body drenched from the rain. Luckily, today Andela deliberately brought spare clothes just in case. Andela's car windows were dark, so no one would be able to see into the car, plus it was raining heavily. Andela threw her wet clothes into the backseat.

"Just lucky". he muttered. Andela started the car and drove out of the campus grounds.

"Reza wait!" The handsome man named Reza turned around. A beautiful woman with long hair approached him.

"What is it?". Reza said coolly.

"I don't like it, you're close to andela." she said.

"Why are you controlling my life, who are you?"

"Za, you should know that I love you." The man named Reza only smiled crookedly. He knew how the character of this woman in front of him.

"Love?, How many boys have become toys, because they believe in that rotten talk."

"Reza, I really really love you." The girl held Reza's hand tightly.

"Listen, Karina, the only girl I like is Andela. So don't get your hopes up too much." Reza threw his hand away roughly, and walked away leaving Karina who kept calling him. Karian clenched his fists. He kicked the trash Ting that was nearby until it fell apart.

"Watch out, Andela, I won't let you get Reza." he muttered.

He asked, realizing that someone had been recording the incident.

Andela parked her car in the trunk of her house. He entered his room sluggishly. Today's activities really drained his energy. Andela threw her bag everywhere and slammed her body on the bed.

Looking deep into his past. " Mah, papa andela miss ". A drop of clear liquid fell from his eye.

Andela opened her eyes slowly, because she was too tired from the activities she had done all day, andela fell asleep on her bed. The girl glanced at the clock on the wall. 17:00.

Andela rubbed her eyes, and gathered herself together. The girl yawned and grabbed the towel hanging near her bedroom door. Andela felt someone passing behind her when she was going to the bathroom. The girl turned around, no one was there. "Maybe it's just the wind" he thought.

Andela put hot chocolate on the study table and opened her laptop. Apart from being a student, Andela also works as a famous writer. She has sent many manuscripts to the editor, but she always gets criticism that makes her head throb. While writing the script on her laptop, Andela was startled by a loud noise in the attic of her house. It was so loud that Andela was knocked out of her chair. The girl took a flashlight and went to check the source of the sound.

The house that Andela lives in is the only inheritance from her parents. Both of her parents died in an accident. Andela was forced to support herself.

Andela is an only child, so she lives alone in this house. This house is fairly old, the aura is also a little hair-raising. But, andela is not a cowardly girl. Precisely he does not believe in mystical things.

Slowly you climbed the stairs to the attic, the sound of the stairs breaking the silence of the night. Andela glanced at the corner of the attic, there was nothing. The attic was very dusty because it had not been cleaned for a long time. It was Andela's first time going up to the attic. Andela highlighted all the objects that were there, many used items that were no longer used. Maybe you can sell it later.

His gaze was distracted by an old book dusty on the old table. Andela approached the table and made the book random pages. The old black book looked more like a diary. Andela read the book from the beginning of the page.

Nadifa diary "so her owner is named nadifa". Inner andela.

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