
Mystic Null

"In a world where magic and mystery are woven together, There exists the Trinity, The Ultimate Reality made out of nothingness, an empty existence that holds the Barrier Of Fiction. Everything was made out of it, behind a realm called False Reality. As the war progressed with humanity in the crossfire, legends appeared from across the world to defend humanity, they were known as the 12 Havens. They were the first ones to use the powers of divinity also known as Law and Authorities. Every story that had been created continued to become reality... ...Every human who is capable of wielding magic, no matter how weak it is, will become the center of attention. There is no end to their destiny and every human is a character to the eyes of the gods. A single life can change the whole history as they are the main actors of this world. Taiji Kameoka is one of the weak humans that was given a chance to become a legendary figure, but his fate was unexpected... The Barrier of Fiction that surrounds the reality of the world is the first and ultimate barrier created by the trinity to separate the ultimate reality from the false reality where all concepts came from. The Barrier Of Fiction contains all the fictional worlds that are created from stories and has no concept of time. Inside the Barrier of Fiction, there are beings who try to escape through stories to the Ultimate Reality and destroy it. And there are also beings who create stories to protect the Ultimate Reality... The Transcenders and Archives are lower than the Barrier of Fiction and are the final defense for the Ultimate Reality from the beings of False Reality. They are beings who control a certain aspect of the Barrier of Fiction and keep the stories within their domain safe. They are considered to be the last resort against invaders."

KoroXXToki · Fantasi
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"In a world where magic and mystery are woven together, There exists the Trinity, The Ultimate Reality made out of nothingness, an empty existence that holds the Barrier Of Fiction. Everything was made out of it, behind a realm called False Reality. As the war progressed with humanity in the crossfire, legends appeared from across the world to defend humanity, they were known as the 12 Havens. They were the first ones to use the powers of divinity also known as Law and Authorities. Every story that had been created continued to become reality...

...Every human who is capable of wielding magic, no matter how weak it is, will become the center of attention. There is no end to their destiny and every human is a character to the eyes of the gods. A single life can change the whole history as they are the main actors of this world. Taiji Kameoka is one of the weak humans that was given a chance to become a legendary figure, but his fate was unexpected...

The Barrier of Fiction that surrounds the reality of the world is the first and ultimate barrier created by the trinity to separate the ultimate reality from the false reality where all concepts came from. The Barrier Of Fiction contains all the fictional worlds that are created from stories and has no concept of time. Inside the Barrier of Fiction, there are beings who try to escape through stories to the Ultimate Reality and destroy it. And there are also beings who create stories to protect the Ultimate Reality...

The Transcenders and Archives are lower than the Barrier of Fiction and are the final defense for the Ultimate Reality from the beings of False Reality. They are beings who control a certain aspect of the Barrier of Fiction and keep the stories within their domain safe. They are considered to be the last resort against invaders.

The Barrier of Fiction is the first barrier that separates the ultimate reality from the false reality where every single story is created. It holds infinite realities created from stories that humans have written across time.

The False Reality is where stories originate from and is a realm made out of nothingness. Everything that does exist in this place is simply an imaginary fiction. It is the breeding ground for all concepts and ideas that manifest in the true reality.

The Trinity is the collection of three divine beings that are responsible for the existence of everything. They are the primeval gods that exist outside of our universe and created the ultimate reality after the False Reality began to become unstable.

The True Reality is the real world where everything actually exists. All of the stories originate from this world and become reality through the Barrier of Fiction. It is the final destination for all concepts that have yet to be manifested.

The Beyond is a realm outside of reality itself and is where all of the stories that don't exist yet reside. All new concepts are created in this place.

The Ultimate Reality is the highest and truest form of existence that contains the entirety of everything that exists. It is the realm where all of the stories that have been written and will be written exist simultaneously.

It is the ultimate source of all reality and is considered to be the final goal for every existence and story to reach. It is the highest point of existence that even the gods cannot reach.

The Transcenders are a group of entities that reside inside the Barrier of Fiction and hold a portion of its power. They act as the final defense against the inhabitants of the False Reality that are trying to destroy the ultimate reality.

They have absolute control over the domain they oversee and can modify any concept that resides within it. They are considered to be the most powerful beings in the Barrier of Fiction and the only ones that the gods are not allowed to interfere with.

The Archives are a group of entities that also reside within the Barrier of Fiction and hold the same level of power as the Transcenders.

The difference between them is that the Archives focus on maintaining the history of stories that have been written and making sure the Barrier of Fiction works properly. They ensure that not only does every story get created properly, but that they continue to keep working.

The archives cannot modify anything inside the Barrier of Fiction and can only monitor and fix any issues that may arise. They are considered to be the most important guardians of the Barrier of Fiction.

The 12 Havens are a group of legendary humans who were chosen in their respective times of need to fight the invaders from the False Reality. They have the ability to wield the powers of divinity or Law and Authorities and are considered to be the strongest mortal beings in the Barrier of Fiction and the most important entities to protect the ultimate reality.

They are each associated with a specific domain, and their powers and authority over their respective domain is absolute. They can even create stories themselves and shape reality to their will.

The Hell Gems are a collection of magical artifacts that contain a single narrative inside of them. They are considered to be the ultimate weapons against the invaders from the False Reality and can be used to destroy entire realms.

The narrative that is present within each gem is completely unique and cannot be replicated in any way. It gives them the power to distort the reality around them. The amount of power that each gem can bestow is limitless and cannot be measured."