

"No how can this be happening everything was going according to the plan" says Niko join the exciting journey of Niko where she makes many friend who fights the evil power alongside her. Journey of friendship love family betrayal and tragedy that occurs on her. Join Mai, Gean, Reed and Welkin in this journey. ------------------------------------------------------------------- hey guys i hope you like my novel. i will update the chapters 4 or 5 days a week and some bonus chapters if possible : ) please give the story a lots of your love and support thankyou

healer_1 · perkotaan
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5 Chs

|| Chapter 2 || Stranger's strange meeting

Next day, early morning "Agh... my head feels like it will split in half" Saying this Niko gets up from her bed "last night dream was really scary and real" than she directly goes to kitchen for a glass of water. While drinking water her eyes goes to the uneaten chocolate thrown their from last night "pff....." all the water comes out from her mouth. All the sleepiness is gone from her eyes. She picks up the wrapper while shaking "it can't be true it has to be a dream or did my brother druged the chocolate".

"Ahhh..." while screaming she runs to her room and hides inside her blanket sweating bullets. Then from no where a voice of boy comes "What are you doing"? She instantly recognizes the voice from last night which scare her living daylight.

After some silence Niko silently tries to peek through her blanket, then she hear more voices. "I told you not to scare her but you..." this time it was the voice of a girl. From the sound of it she was berating someone. when Niko tried to find out where the voices were coming from her eyes went to the ceiling and the sight shocked her.

What she saw was a girl and a boy were talking to each other standing on her ceiling upside down comfortably. 'i should run...i should run....' is all Niko thinking. 'carefully i should run away the door is just right infront of me, just few more step.....' "ahh....". Niko is tied in a rope instantly and before she could shout even more louder her voice was gone just like last night. The girl from the ceiling comes down and says "their is no use of shouting". The boy comes down lift his finger which magically fly me to the bed and make me sit on it while smiling for no reason.

"My name is Mai and he is my brother Gean" the girl says. After what she says makes Niko turn white from shock "we are beings of Tenjiku land which is ruled by our queen named Huyana. And we both came here to take you with us the princess of Tenjiku Ms Kaia"

Niko "huh..."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

healer_1creators' thoughts