
Mysterious Murder

Emad Sadiq

Emad_Sadiq · perkotaan
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13 Chs

The Carrears

(In the previous chapter we mentioned that Aliza got a job in (SUPARCO), this is a Pakistan's space technology center, she got her job as Satellite Navigator.)

(Now Aliza had arrived to Rawalpindi she reported in the office and she offered a probation period of six months, she accepted and then Aliza had started working in the office.)

(On the other side in Lahore Aaliya's college final exam had about to began. She's studying like an average student and mama would scold her every time, to study with all concentrations, but she is behaving like an irresponsible girl. At last mama will make a call to Aliza and said that Aaliya is not studying properly, then Aliza call for scolding her.)

(phone is ringing) Aaliya seeing her phone but she is afraid to pick up a call. Now finally she is picking up a call and said)

Aaliya: Assalam o Alekum Aapi how are you?

Aliza: walekum salam. I'm fine but you(scolding) Tell me why you are making too mess in your studies, what happens when you got grew up, haan, why I'm listening that Aaliya is not studying properly, why, answer me, what is this.

Aaliya: Aapi actually the thing is that I missed you so much I can't Studying without you, that you Like you used to explain the topic to me. I can't understand alone at all. When will you come.

Aliza: look my dear now I am on my professional training I can't came without completing my job training. It's about three months remaining and your exam will be starting from the next month how could I came.

Aaliya: Aapi please!

Aliza: At one thing I can do that I am convinced mama to hire a tutor for you.

Aaliya: OK. But no one can teach me better than you Aapi.

Aliza: (smiled and said) I know my dear, since your childhood I have been teaching you all the time. That's why you are feeling so alone at this time.

Aaliya: hmm maybe

Aliza: it's not maybe, It's surely you missed me so much in your studies. But you don't worry whenever you feeling troubled you can contact me in the evening I'll teach you. We can connected on video calls through watsapp.

Aaliya: (happily said) Mmm... Yeah! that's sounds good.

Aliza: OK dear I have to go outside for some work. Meet you later.

Aaliya: OK bye...

Aliza: bye

(and the call ends)

(After a month later Aaliya got busy in her studies. Aliza came back after her office and in the evening she teach Aaliya)

(After a few weeks later Aaliya's college final exam had about to began, Aliza doned all the preparation her for their final exams and Aaliya fully prepared and hopeful for the better grades in exams. Afterwards her exams would be completed and she will be waiting for the results of the exam. In vacations Aaliya planned to visit Rawalpindi to meet Aliza at her hostel. She convincing her mother to take permission to visit Aliza's hostel at Rawalpindi)

(Aaliya at on dinner time)

Aaliya: Mama! I want to asked you about something.

Mama: Yes my child. What you want to ask

Aaliya: Mama I want to visit Aliza's Aapi hostel to meet her. I really miss her so much.

Mama: As per my information Aliza had coming on this weekend for a vacations of few days.

Aaliya: (says happily) Really Mom!

Mom: Yes! My dear child. She is coming on this weekend. She told me make it surprise for you. But I can't! As I see you're sad face.

Aaliya: (says happily) Oh! Mama I love you and thank you so much.

(Later on a weekend)

(From the morning Aaliya waited for Aliza and counting a time, when Aliza reached at home and asked to Moms a lot (on which time Aliza Aapi told to reach at home) and at last her waiting time would be ended now. At 17:30 hrs Aliza reached her home and Aaliya warmly welcome her)

Aaliya: Assalam o Alekum Aapi (she happily says with loud voice)

Aliza: Walekum Assalam my cutie girl. How are you.

Aaliya: I am fine. You know how much I missed you, my exams was going very well and you know I am learn cooking with Mama and you know when I was cooked my first roti it was overcooked with a bad shape, not a rounded.

(At the mean time Mrs Muneerah come on the door and says)

Mom: Hey Aaliya! Will you do all the talking today? Let her in.

Aaliya: Oh! I'm so sorry. Please come in.

(Aliza smile and came into home and said to Aaliya)

Aliza: My naughty girl! You'll never learn anything.

Aaliya: I know that....! (naughty sense)

(After that meeting Aliza came into the home and she sits on the couch. Mom came to her and sits on the couch and asks her about herself and her job. At the mean time Aliza says)

Aliza: Assalam o Alekum Mama.

Mom answered: Walekum Assalam my daughter. How are you.

Aliza: I'm fine.

Mom: And what about your work? How's going on?

Aliza: Mmmm...! Work is going well with a little bit of difficulties.

Mom: OH....! You never lose your hopes. Every work has its own difficulties, but after difficulties you feel relaxed.

Aliza: Yeah! Mom now tell me how's Aaliya's final exam was going?

Mom: No...! Don't ask me about that. She was making mess all day, whenever I was saying that do some studies she said that I was prepared all about my exams.

Aliza: (Strangely said) But Mama! She was called me and said that I am not be able passed exams with a good grades.

Mom: Oh...! She was making a drama with you on phone calls.

Aliza: OK I will seeing her. She thinks that I'm a fool. She was making a fool of me.

Mom: Aaah! Forgive and forget. She is naughty as well.

Aliza: (she explained with an anger) No Mama she was telling lie and I am not tolerate that.

Mom: (She explained lovingly) My dear child. Don't be so angry, she is quiet naughty.

Aliza: Mom! You know I I can't stand lies about anything.

Mom: Aliza no my baby! She is so much missed you every day and every night. But you're going to angry on her on a little thing. That's not a good thing.

Aliza: OK mama! I accept and I forgive her. Because she's loved me and I love her so much.


(All the housemates are sitting together on the dinning table for a dinner, suddenly as usual Aaliya says that, should we have a dinner party outside at any restaurant, should we.)

Mom: (smiles and says) Why not my child! I think it's a good time, Aliza is here, you're free for your exams and...

(Suddenly Aliza says)

Aliza: Mom! I don't think so, this is a bad idea. I'm not convinced....

(Aaliya says in little anger word's)

Aaliya: Aapi! Why you opposed to me every time?

Aliza: I am not in favor of wasteful spending.

Aaliya: So, you think. It seems like a waste of money.

Aliza: Yeah my dear sweetheart.

Aaliya: Oh! Very well, I'm convinced mama but you know mama is with me in this idea.

Aliza: Mother is just saying this to keep your heart. My sweet heart.

Aaliya: OK let's Ask to mama. What's the best idea. You or me.

(Now both Aliza and Aaliya asking to mama)

Mom: (After listening and thinking and said) Mmm....! I think Aaliya is having a good idea. We have a dinner outside and make some enjoying, what you say Aliza?

(Suddenly Aaliya said)

Aaliya: What she's saying, she already doesn't want to be....!

Aliza: Oye! My sweetheart don't so sad I'm just annoying you. I really likes your idea but Mama winked at me to play with you.

Aaliya: So, both of you makes me fool.

Aliza: No, we didn't makes fool you. We got us you a ready-made.

Aaliya: Hahaha! Very funny.

(And the dinner meeting is over and everyone is going to be sleep in their rooms.)


(Aliza got up at 10 o'clock in the morning and went to Aaliya's room to wake up her)

Aliza: Get up you lazy girl it's 10 o'clock now. We're getting late for a dinner.

Aaliya: What happened Aapi. Are you alright, as per my information dinner time is in evening and it's a lots of time.

Aaliya: I know you stupid! I'm saying on your laziness, you taking too much time in getting ready. Now get up and came out for a breakfast.

Aaliya: OK I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Aliza: OK, I'm coming back after 10 minutes, if I found you sleep again then I throwing a water bottle on you. OK.

Aaliya: Yeah...! My Hitler.

(Aaliya really came on time as she said, Aliza got surprised to see her face on time. After a breakfast everyone back to their rooms and selecting dress for a dinner party outside. At on 8 pm everyone is going to be ready, they going towards a car in the parking of home, suddenly Aliza said confidently I'll drive a car and Mom said OK, and then Aliza sit on a driving seat, Mom sits on next seat of the driving seat and Aaliya is sitting on a back seat in a car. Aliza drives car and they stopped a car on the gate of CP FIVE STAR RESTAURANT. They went inn and sits at the center table of a dining hall. After a few moments later waiter came and asked for an order of a dinner. Aliza makes an order and waiter writes up and moved from there. After a few minutes later Aliza suddenly seeing a man in blue jacket, wearing black t-shirt and blue jeans with black joggers a handsome and a good looking personality. He's none other than, he's Major Hamza Siddiqui with his Mom and a sister.)

Aliza: (saying to Aaliyal slowly) I think he is Major Hamza right.

Aaliya: Mmm....! Maybe I think so...! But Aapi how could be possible that he is here...!

Aliza: May be your right. Maybe this is the deception of my eyes.

Aaliya: I think you fell in love with him. Right....

Aliza: shut up and wait for dinner.

(As after few minutes later Major Hamza is coming towards on that table where Aliza sits with their family members and said)

Major Hamza: Assalam o Alekum.

(Aliza and all of them answer and said Walekum Assalam. Then Mrs Muneerah says to Major Hamza)

Mrs Muneerah: How are you.

Major Hamza: I'm fine and how about you.

Mrs Muneerah: I'm fine also. So, you're on vacations or you got a posting in Lahore.

(Major Hamza asking a permission to Mrs Muneerah to calling her Aunty and she accepted)

Major Hamza: Aunty I am on vacations here. My grandmother is living here and we belongs to Hyderabad.

Mrs Muneerah: oh...! You from Hyderabad. A city of delightful and cool evenings.

Major Hamza: Yeah! And Hyderabad is also called a City of Birds. Lots of birds flew in the sky at morning and on evening.

(suddenly Aliza said)

Aliza: Wow! You had a great knowledge about your birth place city.

Major Hamza: I think as everyone knows about their birth places.

(Mrs Muneerah said to Major Hamza)

Mrs Muneerah: Son, I think you're not alone here. There is some people with you.

Major Hamza: Oh...! I'm sorry I forgot to meet you to my Mom Mrs Ayesha Khalid and my Cute little sister Hafsa.

(Mrs Muneerah offerering Major Hamza to let them join us)

(then going towards his dinning table where his sister and mother is sitting he asking them and after few moments they moved from their table and going towards where there Aliza sitting with her family to join them)

(they meets and sits together both Moms were sitting together and all of the youngsters were sitting together, they all talking to each other, in between the dinner has came on their table every one is having a dinner and after dinner they're leaving, where Mrs Muneerah invites Mrs Ayesha to came their home for a dinner)

Mrs Ayesha: Yeah Sure we will.

Mrs Muneerah: OK then Allah Hafiz.

(After that every one came to their homes)


(Aliza is preparing her bags to return to Rawalpindi on her job, Aaliya is helping her out in packing and asking her about Major Hamza and asking when she will be return also.)

Aaliya: Aapi what do you think about Major Hamza. Is he a nice person for you haan?

Aliza: I don't know.

Aaliya: You know very much, on that time when he was coming on our table, I saw your face, you were feeling shy. I'm right.

Aliza: You shut up! Naughty girl. If you're here to help me, just do that, don't asking me that kind of irrelevant questions.

Aaliya: Mmmm! I know you feel some thing, and wishing about Major Hamza. Hey what a handsome man, I wish that I could have been marry with him.

(After that Aliza hitting a pillow on the face of Aaliya and said)

Aliza: Just shut up and get lost from here it's getting late. I want to sleep.

Aaliya: Now who has to sleep, now you will spend the whole night in his memories. Finally meeting him with eyes, that have come. Will you be able to sleep through the night?

Aliza: (said In a little angry and shyness) You shut up and help me in packing.

Aaliya: OK. Silence. I'm not saying any word about that topic.

Aliza: Aaaah.... Thank you very much.

(Aaliya helping Aliza in packing. After packing they were going to sleep. At morning at 6 o'clock Aliza get up and getting ready for breakfast at 7 o'clock Aliza had a breakfast with Mom and after breakfast she went to Aaliya's room to greet her and saying goodbye and after that she is moving towards parking of the house where driver Feroz ready to go the airport. Mom is going with Aliza to see off her at airport. Aliza had a flight to Rawalpindi at 9 o'clock in the morning. Mom after see off Aliza at airport and then came back to home)