

A fine celebration; great awe and surprises, gifts in every house where every family were celebrating Christmas. A day so called a celebration of surprises and entertainment. A noisy night, celebration night to Trevewood Town. Everyone loves this town especially when it is summer or winter After huge celebration, the night leads to a beautiful sunrise to the beautiful town. Before sunrise, the newspaper boy goes to every house to place the newspaper. This time, he placed the newspaper along with a CD tied with it. Everyone thought, as it is a video of celebration in Trevewood. Everyone loaded the CD and the town was shocked to see the suspense of it. The town was shook to grave as the video contains the murder of unknown girl while the town was celebrating Christmas. The questions remains same as who killed Hannah Ford?

Sachin_Gomez_22 · Seram
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15 Chs


Sofia continues,"We are here to investigate this little wicked town. In fact, I need to have a conversation with Sheriff Jack Philson while my assistant will investigate Hannah Ford body in mortuary."

He was shocked, picks up his phone, calls Sheriff Jack. The phone rings, and he picks it up, "This is Sheriff Jack speaking." He replies, "Well, Mr. Jack, this is Mayor William speaking. As we have been informed, the FBI team is here. You need to be reported back to your department." He smiles, "Sir, I'm really sorry but we're in Brown's house as someone has lit their house to ground." Mayor was shocked, "What the hell?" Sofia notes him down, "What is it, Mayor William?" He holds up, "Well, Mr. Brown's house in fire and it's full of ash."

She says, "Maybe, I'll meet him there…" Towards me, "Well, Sachin, report to mortuary and find something juicy for me. While, I'll be back to our office by midnight." I picked up my waist coat, walked down half a mile to the mortuary for some intersecting fact. Whereas, Sofia Rose started the engines, hustles forward to the crime scene, Mr. Brown's house.

Sheriff Jack welcomes Sofia, "Well, I'm Sheriff Jack and this town is really wicked." He gives tour around the house, "Until now, the house is burnt to ground and nothing is left except the traces or footprint of the person who burnt it to ground. It was completely soaked with ethanol and kerosene. While, the interesting fact to note, he has forgotten to burn down the basement as he leaves an important note. Yep, the place is filled with cobwebs and rats and stinks bad. We didn't investigate it as it was stinking bad with methane gas."

She smiles, "You should've investigated the basement at first and later the beautiful garden." Something feels bad for her about the basement, "Well, I do agree as it is dark but we'll not leave any piece of evidence to be hidden. Call back the deputy and let's find the interesting things in the basement. By the way, dig the place where he left the footprints and report me about it." He agreed and calls the deputy to help Sofia and sends the footprints to forensic lab. When Sofia and I left the Mayor office, he calls someone in his phone and speaks with the stranger, maybe business…

Whereas, I was looking for interesting fact about Hannah Ford in mortuary. Dr. Thomas line says, "Sir, we've detected everything but it was so similar to note that there is something interesting to note. The marks or bite marks is obviously the teeth of canine and I'm a go to Siberian Husky. He/she may have tortured her with the pet. Also, it is unsure that the liquid she has consumed has a drug called Heplamine Toxin, a drug which makes the body to feel free from her soul. It relaxes her brain. By the way, we've found some blood stain but it was the blood of her. We've also found a hair, which was not investigated…" I thought, 'it's interesting to note' "…by the way, sir. We need to cremate the body for final rites as her family has appealed for burial of her."

I replied, "Let it be. Cremate her for her last ritual rites. Finally, I need the blood samples, the dress which was filled with blood stains, a sample of her brain tissue, the hair sample, her mortuary report and also her brain. I need it now for further investigation report." He agreed and it was prepared for me. I took a cab, back to my office. While, the investigation team was back in the basement. They cleansed cobweb and spiders and lit a spark of brightness to the basement. As brightness reaches out, the basement was fully filled with boxes and inside the boxes were the rum bottles, fully sealed down with a mark of business.

Suddenly, one of the deputy screams in fear for opening one of the boxes. Sofia and Sheriff Jack hustles to the scene and they were shocked to see it. The box was sealed down with jars, which contains organs of human body, an unknown body stored and sealed with liquid . It was also freezed for a fresh start. The box was marked with a seal of Brown Industries. Lately, they found 25 boxes filled with jars of organs, was ready to be exported to other countries for business.

She said, "We need to raid this place again and in fact we should investigate Lewis Brown for illegal sales of human organs." Sheriff replied, "You're right, ma'am. I'll file a petition to the Trevewood Court to rule justice to Hannah Ford and also a life time imprisonment to Lewis Brown." She smiles, "Don't be stupid. We need to confirm these jars and by the way, lead me a visit to Lewis Brown." He smiles, "You're really cunning and I think you're planning for something." "Well, I should go and investigate the conclusion of Sachin and by the way you're right" replied Sofia Rose.

Back in the office, I placed the strand of hair in the DNA- testing machine to get a perfect shot of DNA. While, the machine will take 12 hours for complete updates, I took the blood samples as reported by the town and also the mortuary report. The blood seems 'AB Positive' and the mortuary report claims the truth.

The office's doorbell rings, and I walk forward towards the door. The knocking of the door continues, I said, "Password to enter." "Operation: Trevewood" answered Sofia. I opened the door and it was Sofia Rose, who looks weary and tensed for this complicated case. I said, "May I get a cup of hot chocolate coffee to you." She agreed, "Well, how's the investigation going on?" I went to the kitchen, serving the cup of hot chocolate coffee to Sofia, "Well, it's really interesting. I placed a strand of hair in DNA testing machine. Also, I installed Haematology Analysers for blood testing. The report submitted to police department is true and the victim contains AB Positive blood type."

"That really seems interesting. We'll finish the job as quickly as we investigate every inch of this town" smiled Sofia. We laughed, had little conversation and slept in our room. It was almost 2am in the silent town of Trevewood. My phone rings and it was an unknown caller ID. I picked it up, "Who's this speaking?" His voice was distorted, obviously some kind of deep, infrared voice, "Well, don't you remember this little town. Your favourite place is to visit Hudson River with you friends and especially your special one." I shouted, "Who're you and why do you suggest me?" He laughed maniacally, "I am the one who killed Hannah Ford. Yes, I am the one who started this little business called 'ORGAN DONOR' to help the one who've lost their organ."

I smiled, "You call yourself as a killer and now you're calling yourself as an organ donor to the world. Listen, wherever you're, I'll find you and kill you." The phone cuts off with a beep. Sofia Rose wakes up, lits the night light, "Who's it?" I stammered, "Nobody, it's some prank call who claims himself as a killer and organ donor to the world. He knows me and my whole detail." She smiled, "Let's trace him and kill him to ground." I replied, "I've done it. It was untraceable. The signal points somewhere in the midst of Chile." "Really? He's really intelligent...um, sorry...he's genius." She turned off the light, "Well, sleep well. We've had complicated case to deal with. Tomorrow, let's investigate Lewis Brown." I smiled, "That's great. Well, good night and sweet dreams."

Whereas, Steve Anderson, boyfriend of Late. Hannah Ford was depressed. He cannot sleep as the sadness and agony grasps his heart. He tries some technique to sleep but it worsening. He keeps on thinking of her and his memories was far better but it was worsening his anger. He was curious to know the cold-serial killer. His mind was deeply disturbed from her death. Thus, he got up, loosened himself, walks slowly towards the door. He knew that his parents are sleeping soundly in their room and it's almost 3 am. He walks silently, without a sound of needle, opens it and goes out. Finally, he felt some fresh air which was surprising for him.

He felt happiness in his heart when he was outside his house. Then, he starts breaking down his legs, I mean, jogging to the streets. While, passing Hannah's house, he feels depressed but he starts listening to music. But it was obvious that one of his memories triggered in his mind when he was passing her house. To mention not the situation of her house was deeply tragic. The house seems sad, shattered in means of tragic loss.

He was halfway to Trevewood High School, and another memory triggers his mind; how he, Hannah and his friends used to plan for high school musical. But, not to be depressed, keeps moving up, but he heard some kind of weird sound behind the school. He pulls out the earphone, stops the music, loosens his bolts and breaks in the school like a burglar. The interesting thing to note is that the school alarm didn't triggered and he was surprised.

As he was walking slowly, towards the library, he heard a metal sound which was clanging here and there, obviously it was echo. He was not afraid as he is strong but deep inside his heart was a word, 'Fear'. He hustles to the way where he heard the sound but there was no one except a test tube lying down on the ground. When he bent down, took the test tube in his hand, someone behind him, swinged the metal to his head but he escaped. He got up, starts running towards the door and finally the school alarm triggered.

Lights turned out in every house, unfortunately Steve who couldn't make it, felt right under the trap. Police arrived at the right time, Sheriff Jack was under the watch, as he was there at the right time. He handcuffs him and takes him to the station. The message was triggered to us. We woke up, packed ourself with things which is necessary. We reached the station, and of course we were shocked to see a teenager.

Steve shouts, "Look, I'm not the one for the rightful cause of school. Well, there was someone in the school." "He keeps on saying the same thing when I asked the reason?" replied Sheriff Jack Philson. Sofie walks forward towards him, "Well, are you sure that you've seen someone…" Suddenly, his parents make a scene along with a lawyer. The lawyer said, "I'm rightful attorney to your victim. Release him." Sofia smiles, "We can't release him. We need to interrogate him with few questions and we'll release him." "No, that cannot happen. Release him or we'll call the Mayor" replied his parents. We laughed, "Well, you can do try-outs. To be honest we're FBI agents sent by US Government to solve the mystery in this wicked town." Lawyer stammered, "Well, we're sorry for disrespect." I smiled, "No, we don't feel it. I'm going to charge you with one of the finest methods like execution due to suspicion…" "Stop it, Sachin…sorry he always makes up the old jokes. I'm Sofia Rose, lead officer of FBI team to lead this case and this is Sachin Anthony, asst. FBI agent of this case."

David replied, "Well, we're sorry but can you please interrogate him tomorrow. It's already 4am." Sofia smiled, "Yep, but I need to ask him just a single question." "Parents of Steve, please wait up in the reception" replied Sheriff Jack. Steve followed us to the interrogation room. We closed the door, and we put forth the question, "Listen, Steve, we knew your feelings to Hannah. We knew everything, the reason why you can't sleep and took off a break to bring back your memories. To be honest, you're boyfriend to her. Am I right?" said Sofia.

He was surprised, "Absolutely, you're right. Well, I end up to high school. I heard weird sound and broke in the school but the alarm never triggered. I was surprised as when we used to break-in in our days, someday it'll trigger out and we're caught for it. But today I was really amazed. Then, I walked slowly toward the library where I heard a metal sound. But it was test tube, broken down to the ground. When I went to pick it up, someone swinged the cross bar to my head but it was slipped and I ran for my life. While running, towards the door, the alarm triggered and here I am."

I noted down every point from the starting scene to the end. Then, I put forth the question, "Did you see him?" He replied, "Nope. It was too dark but he was dressed exactly to the very scene of the room. It really does match the room."

We got up, left the interrogation room and bid farewell to him. He returned to his parents, left the place. We felt something weird when we heard him say, 'it really does match the room'. We also bid farewell to Sheriff Jack and made our way to office. While, we moved on, Sheriff Jack Philson picks up his phone, and starts speaking with a stranger, obviously it maybe a business or murder….

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