
Mysterious App

Yamaguchi Ryuichi, discovered a mysterious app installed on his smartphone. Thanks to the app, his ordinary, flat life has taken a 180% turn. An ordinary man, but not ordinary if you get to know him closely. Tag : #Gender Bender #Netori #MindControl #Harem #Romance ================== But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama I WILL POST MANY INTERESTING NOVELS THERE Thank you so much for your support!

Bakakeju · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs

Chapter 54

"You wanted this." Ryu slips his hand into Hana's panties, only to get a gentle wiggle as his fingers enter her pussy.

Ryu lets out a long sigh, he already knows Hana's attraction to her male gender. It wasn't unusual for him to find Hana being a man and having sex with Miko, as Ryu only allowed Hana to do it with Miko as either a woman or a man.

As long as they didn't do it while they were both men, Ryu allowed it.

Ryu hugged the woman gently and rested his head on Hana's chest gently.

"One more."

Hana shook her head softly, "No. No way..."

"I'll do anything but that."

Hana shakes her head softly again. "If you don't want to do it that's fine, I don't want anything other than that."

Ryu closes his eyes and feels the softness of Hana's breasts as he leans against them, he can feel Hana's heartbeat quickening.

Hana was still playing with her index finger which met each other several times. Ryu lifted his face, gently kissing the girl's front neck several times.

"Are you sure you won't regret it, Hana? Maybe this is your last chance to ask for another."

Hana shakes her head softly. "I really don't need anything Ryu, you can refuse too, I told you. I just want to do it when you become a girl and I become a boy. You're... Very beautiful in your female form Ryu."

"I think Hana is more beautiful."

"No, it's more beautiful you Ryu."

"It's you..."

Ryu did realize that his female form was very beautiful, but he thought Hana was more beautiful than him. That was Ryu's honest opinion.

Ryu kisses the front of Hana's neck several times until he reaches her chin, but Hana doesn't budge an inch. He gently crushed Hana's seductive pink lips, with no reply at all.

Ryu let out a long sigh right in front of her mouth. Making Hana can clearly feel the breath from Ryu's mouth crashing into her mouth.

The girl in front of her really solidified her will.

"If you don't want to, just say so Ryu, I won't force you."

"Then you'll ask for something else?"

Hana shook her head slowly. "I won't ask for anything."

She continued to spin in circles. Ryu thought.

Ryu kissed the girl's pink lips gently again.

"Kiss me back Hana."

Hana began to smother Ryu's lips again.

"Open your mouth."

Hana opened her mouth as Ryu inserted his tongue, Hana also wrapped her tongue around Ryu. She followed Ryu's command, but Ryu felt no passion at all in return.

Ryu broke the kiss. Hana followed what Ryu wanted. But she felt no passion at all.

"Damn, you won Hana. Just for tonight, with you only." Ryu scratched his head in frustration.

Hana's face, looking limp and empty. So luminous that it dazzles Ryu.

"B-really!?" She smiled widely at Ryu.

"Damn, you're really happy when I'm tormented. Do whatever you want." Ryu resigned himself to it all, after all this was all happening because of his own words.

"Just because I want to-."

"I know! Just for tonight!" Hana replied with a bright smile.

Ryu sighed after seeing Hana's excited face. He could have turned that excited face into despair and disappointment with just one sentence. But Ryu had no intention of doing that and let Hana do whatever she wanted.

Damn... He cursed to himself as he looked at his own reflection in the large mirror in his room. Really beautiful, he admitted. But still.

Damn... He cursed again inwardly.

"Look, you're really pretty. More than me." The man(?) hugged Ryu gently from behind.

Ryu frowned slightly, could it be said that Ryu was no longer disgusted by being hugged by a man(?) He was just amused at the fact that there was a man who hugged him like that.

Hana, who was already in a manly state, gently kissed Ryu's snow-white neck. Ryu suddenly got goosebumps when he felt that kiss, even though it was full of affection and feelings. Still, Hana being in her male mode, despite being handsome still made Ryu shiver with amusement.

"And it's also funny to see you wearing only men's underwear." Hana chuckles at Ryu's slightly oversized underwear while being a woman.

Ryu also looked at them flatly, it was true that they were oversized.

"Can we do it now?" Hana strengthens her embrace gently while stroking Ryu's slender stomach.

Ryu took a deep breath as if he was solidifying his resolve. He replied with a small nod.

"Then, put on these clothes!" Hana opened the closet happily as she revealed a beautiful knee-length black dress.

Ryu opened his mouth in surprise. "What for!?"

"Because we're going out, and it's half past five. So there's still time for a date."

Ryu's mouth opened even wider. He... Had to wear women's clothes out there!?

"No, no! I'm not going out!"

"Come on Ryu, you said 'do whatever you want' before."


"Anyway, you said, now let's change clothes. You should also wear a bra and panties. Your body shape and breast size are not too different."

"Wait! Why did you just decide that!" Ryu yelled, his face completely flushed at having to wear women's underwear, even that elegant looking dress.

"Because we don't have much time." The man rummaged through his clothes to find a suitable pair of panties and bra for Ryu.

Finally after a while...

Ryu looked at himself in the mirror, never once did he think that he would look like this. There was a small red tinge around his cheeks, he was very embarrassed while wearing this knee-length black dress. There was also a black ribbon that slightly tied the back of the left side of his hair.

When asked if he wanted to wear high heels or shoes, Ryu yelled in annoyance as he chose shoes.

"Just as I thought." Hana chuckled.

Ryu could only growl in embarrassment as he felt toyed with.

Hana just smiled mesmerized at Ryu's beauty, she could date Ryu until 10 pm. As for sex, it can be done later after their date is over.

Hana also borrowed some of Ryu's clothes, a plain white t-shirt with a jacket that did not wear a zipper and long black pants with shoes that matched what Ryu was wearing.

"So, where are we going late at night like this?"

"Hmm, well... Maybe we'll go to the night market. There's plenty of food there anyway."

Damn... Ryu swore again. Don't get excited about the male form, it's so silly. Ryu thought while looking at Hana flatly.

"Whatever, I'll just go along." Well, regardless of his current form. He was also a little interested in the night market.

Hana hugged Ryu gently from the front, stroking the woman's waist affectionately.

"Ready for your first date princess."

Damn... Ryu cursed as he looked into Hana's very close eyes.

Ohhh Shit... Ryu didn't change his expression at all as Hana gently kissed his lips. Crushing them for a moment.

Ryu was silent as he closed his eyes, not knowing what to do. He didn't feel disgusted anymore, but it was still a little ridiculous. Hana gently guided Ryu's hands to wrap around her neck. Due to their different heights, Hana bends down slightly to match Ryu's height, while Ryu still goes with Hana's flow.

Hana broke the kiss, looking at Ryu with a faint smile.

"You should have answered, 'Of course my prince'."

"Oh, to hell with it all Hana." Ryu rolled his eyes.

Hana chuckled as she could already guess the answer that would come out of Ryu's mouth. Hana began to gently crush the woman's pink lips again.

"If you hadn't reciprocated, we might never have left."

"That's very much in my favor, I thought I'd never reciprocate." Ryu smiled slightly.

"You can't take a joke Ryu." Hana sighed as she linked her fingers with Ryu's tiny fingers and grasped them gently.

"Come on, hold my hand too." Hana smiled at him as she opened the door and pulled Ryu in gently, leaving the woman no choice but to follow her gentle pull.

Ryu let out a resigned sigh as he went along with what Hana wanted right now. There was no turning back as he stepped out of this apartment in a form he had never imagined before.

Name Yamaguchi Ryuichi (Female Ver)

Age: 16 years old

Status : High school student.

Height : 165 cm

Personality : Doesn't hate crowds, just more comfortable being alone. Can be said to be a closed person. Has a sexual disorder by degrading his partner.



1. Discharged semen cannot make a woman pregnant.

2. Heals wounds quickly].