
Myriad Realms Gatekeeper

Fiksi Ilmiah
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  • 780 Bab
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  • NO.200+

Planets died, gods fell. After the Dharma Realm collapsed, humanity lost all its protectors. Now. "Anomaly" and "Catastrophe" began to invade the Human World. As the Dark Age approached, a soul from Blue Star transcended and arrived...

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Chapter 1Prologue

Police Case File

Witness: Shen Ye

Age: 15

Status: Junior High Student, Grade 9, at the City's Second Middle School

Location of Record: Room 301, Inpatient Department, East City Hospital

Time of Record: Unified World Calendar Year 398, May 25, Friday, 9:25 AM.

Interrogation Content:

(The witness recounted as follows)

"That Monday afternoon, I asked my teacher for leave to visit a friend in the hospital.

I had no idea that after I arrived, the nurse would tell me my friend was momentarily undergoing treatment and I would need to wait a while before he could return to his room.

So I waited in his room.

With the middle school exams around the corner, I simultaneously waited and took out my books to review.

At first, nothing out of the ordinary happened.

About ten minutes later, the room darkened.

I initially thought there was a power outage, or perhaps my friend had finished his treatment, and I instinctively looked up towards the doorway.

The door opened.

An empty hospital bed was rolling along the corridor.

I found it very strange at that moment, fixated on watching the bed, only to see a woman crawling out from underneath it.

At first, I thought she was a janitor, but she was wearing ancient black robes that clearly didn't look like a cleaner's attire.

Then I thought she might be a relative of my friend's, but I immediately knew this to be incorrect as well.

Because when the woman looked up, I saw she had no face.

I finally realized this was something eerie.

The woman got up amidst the silence, soundlessly drifted over to me.

—Yes, I couldn't see her feet.

Black hair kept growing from her head, falling to the ground, quickly reaching a length of five or six meters.

Chills ran down my spine, but at that moment, my body was completely stiff, unable to move.

She walked up to me, and suddenly her long hair enveloped me, wrapping around like a cocoon.

I heard a scream of extreme terror coming from the corridor.

Then I passed out.


I missed the middle school exams the next day.

(End of account)

Assessment as follows:

Upon strict testing and examining in accordance with pertinent procedures, it was confirmed that this is an innocent student who inadvertently came into contact with that other world, and at this moment, he remains in a state of high fever and weakness.

Treatment Suggestions:

This is an uncontrollable event; the only option is to comfort the victim.

I hope he survives.

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Flaming Fortress
