
Heartbroken Scott and Logan

Lynn and Jean had a great time chatting, especially the latter.

Jean had a lot of fun talking to Lynn about mutants and other topics.

This was her first time talking so much to someone. Usually if it was with other people, she was rather reserved, even when talking to her friends at Xavier School and the X-Men group.

She didn't talk much with them.

But with Lynn, a guy she had only known for less than a day, she talked to him so much.

Whether it was because Lynn had saved her life, because he was so handsome, or maybe something else.

Jean wasn't sure why.

What was certain was that when she talked to Lynn, she was somehow very excited, and felt like she wanted to keep talking to her.

And she also wanted to know more about Lynn.

But she refrained from asking too many questions of course.

For example, she asked who was the little girl living with Lynn? When Lynn said the little girl was named Koko and her identity was his adopted sister.

She somehow felt relieved that the little girl wasn't Lynn's child or something.

Jean felt strange to herself when worrying about this, but she didn't think too much and continued asking about other things.

For example, how Lynn healed her wounds, especially the hole in her stomach that was so horrible from being shot by the laser.

In her view, to be able to heal such a severe wound without leaving a mark so quickly, she thought Lynn had some super ability related to healing wounds or something.

She even suspected that Lynn was a mutant, just like her.

But surprisingly, Lynn's answer was...

Lynn took her to a room where there was a large white capsule-like object with green glass inside.

"I healed you using this baby. Cough! I mean this technology called the Life Capsule can heal various wounds or diseases that humans have."

Lynn looked at Jean, "and mutants."

"Mutants are no exception either."

"Amazing! Human technology has developed this far? I just found out!"

Jean began to doubt herself. From Lynn's light-hearted tone, it seemed that this thing called the Life Capsule was a common object that people could buy with money in the market and could store it privately at home.

So she couldn't help but think that humans had created this kind of medical technology and that it could be bought by someone using money.

Something like that and Lynn had used it on her, right?

Lynn laughed when he heard Jean's misunderstanding.

As the creator of the Life Capsule, you can't let Jean misunderstand that the Life Capsule is a technology created by humans in this era.

After all, what year is it? The most advanced technology of mankind on earth this year has not yet reached such a high level.

Even Tony Stark, the smartest scientist who created the Arc Reactor and the Iron Man costume is still in the early stages.

Ultron hasn't appeared yet.

Many the alien technologies that HYDRA and SHIELD are hiding have not been revealed to the public either.

The point is that only Lynn can create technology at the Life Capsule level, and that's very easy using his Herrscher of Reason creation ability.

It only took him 1-2 seconds to create a Life Capsule out of thin air.

If he wanted to, he could create so many super advanced technologies. As long as he knew how to make them and had enough honkai energy.

Even making a star cannon like Bifrost with an upgraded version was easy for him.

After Lynn explained that the Life Capsule was a work that he had created himself and he was the only person who had it.

Jean who heard this was even more surprised, her reaction was even more overwhelming and she looked at Lynn with admiration in her eyes.

"By the way Lynn, why have you told me your secret so far? Aren't you afraid of me telling everything I heard to my group or others?"

Lynn shook his head. "Well... It's not like I'm really trying to keep it a secret. Even if my technology is exposed to many people, I don't care. At most it would just be inconvenient for me."

Then he smiled wryly while looking at Jean's beautiful face. "Besides, I believe Jean won't tell anyone else about this."

"Jean is not that kind of person."

Lynn's gaze looked at Jean as if he knew her personality well.

This left Jean in a daze, really not knowing where Lynn's immense trust in her came from.

But feeling this much trust wasn't bad, she didn't even notice her face and Lynn's faces getting closer as they stared at each other.

Unfortunately this moment was ruined by the sound of someone's stomach.

Jean's face turned red.


So embarrassed that she wanted to cover her face!

By the way, she just remembered that she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday.

This morning she only drank milk tea.

Then started chatting with Lynn without realizing the time.

Lynn chuckled, she looked at her watch and said: "It just so happens that it's lunchtime. Koko and I will usually order takeaway at this time."

"Do you also want to order it with us, Jean? Let's eat together."

Faced with Lynn's enthusiastic lunch invitation, how could Jean refuse?

She nodded with a blush on her cheeks.

"O-okay me too. Let me treat you guys. After all, you've saved me, Lynn."

"Although this is nothing compared to the grace of saving lives, I want to return the favor to you."

Lynn wordlessly took out his phone to order a takeaway, he didn't refuse Jean who wanted to return the favor.

After all, one would feel bad if they didn't return the favor to the person who saved their life.

Besides, the current development was good.

Lynn is very satisfied.

Jean might not realize it, Lynn had planted many seeds in her heart in one day and it was only a matter of time before she fell completely.

Scott and Logan?

Who is that?

In some versions of the comics, they may both have some connection to Jean.

But in this world? At most they are just Jean's friends in the same X-Men group.

With Lynn in this world.

Those two were destined to have green hats on their heads.

How sad!


After everyone had finished eating lunch together.

Jean felt it was time to return to Xavier School. Although she was reluctant to go, but she still had to go because her friends might be worried about her.

Seeing Jean's reluctant look, Lynn smiled and said: "Go Jean, if you have free time, you can come to my house again to play."

Jean's eyes lit up, and she nodded.

"Thanks Lynn! Then I'm off!"

After Jean left the mansion, Lynn closed the door and sat on the sofa while turning on the TV.

Judging from the current timeline.

It should be time for the news to appear.

Sure enough, the first thing on TV was the news of Tony Stark's return to New York.

Tony Stark survived the terrorist organization that kidnapped him in Afghanistan, and he also did a cool pretend scene like pushing away the crowd who wanted to interview him and saying "I'm Iron-Man" to all the cameras shining on his face.

Seeing this, Lynn laughed while shaking his head.

"Iron-Man 1 has begun."

"In the near future, Tony will definitely throw a party to celebrate his return and at the same time stabilize the shares of Stark Industries."

"As the owner of 30% of Stark's shares, I will also definitely be invited."

"At that time, should I tell Tony about the danger of Palladium and his uncle's betrayal? Disrupting the plot seems like fun..."

"But forget it, why should I take the initiative? If Tony comes and asks, I'll consider telling him. If not, I'll just watch the fun."

Lynn's mentality about the plot of this world is actually relatively indifferent.

He just did whatever he wanted to do.

Unlike other time travelers who want to be heroes or villains when transported to the Marvel/MCU universe.

For most of the time, Lynn has actually always been a gray character.

And his purpose for living in this world? He just wants to be immortal with his family and be the strongest in the universe.

Thanos? Wait for him to collect all the Infinite Gems before slapping him to death.

Heavenly Group? When they rise, Lynn believes that a group of Single-Universe-level beings will pose no threat to him.

After all, he had a system, as long as he raised Koko every day, he would get rewards that would increase his power indefinitely.

As for the plot? The plot would only be his source of entertainment.

Just like when he messed up Jean's plot, he also has the desire to mess up the plots of other heroine or protagonists in this universe.

Not all plots of course, but as a cultured man, sorry the beautiful heroines probably won't escape him.

Seeing her host's grin that resembled that of a big villain behind the scenes, Koko didn't care, she drank some more milk tea that she had just taken from the fridge and changed Tony Stark's news channel to the latest episode of SpongeBob.

Just as the opening song was about to start.

"SpongeBob SquarePants~ SpongeBob SquarePants~ SpongeBob! SquarePants! Lalalalala~"

Koko's eyes sparkled as she sat on the sofa sipping milk tea.

"...." Lynn who saw this fell silent.

He felt the feeling of a father who was watching the news on TV, but his daughter suddenly changed the channel to a cartoonist show.

Even so, he was also watching SpongeBob with Koko.

What else was there to do? As long as Koko was pampered, he would just have to wait and get his reward.

Just as a farmer waits for his ducks to lay eggs, he also waits for Koko to bring out the rewards.

To become the strongest in the universe, you just need to be patient!

Lynn took some milk tea from the fridge and sat down again next to Koko while watching SpongeBob lazily.


"This milk tea is delicious as always, I never get tired of drinking it."

"As expected of me, I must be too good at making it, right, Koko?"

Koko nodded, but her gaze on the TV was not distracted.

"Un, right. The milk tea made by host, is very good. Please make more in the future for Koko."

Lynn laughed happily, he somehow felt like a proud father because his daughter praised him.

"Really? Don't worry, Koko. We won't be short of milk tea in the future!"


Jean, who had returned to Xavier School, was annoyed by two men who kept questioning her.

She had gone to the Professor to report what had happened during her absence. Of course she hadn't mentioned the Life Capsule and hadn't even said anything about Lynn's information.

She only said that she had been saved by someone when she was near death after being attacked by a group of people with advanced weapons.

Professor understood what she was saying, although he seemed to want to ask further, he still seemed to know what privacy was and just told her to rest in her dormitory.

Jean was glad Professor X didn't press her to tell her about Lynn, the person who had saved her.

But when she was about to return to her dormitory, two annoying men, Scott and Logan followed her like dogs.

"Scott, Logan, stop following me! I know you're worried about me, but this is enough, okay? I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine now."

"So please stop following me, I'm going back to my room!"

Jean had a displeased expression written clearly on her face, she kept her distance from Scott and Logan who seemed to be trying to touch her while asking about her health.

It was honestly very annoying, and even disgusting.

The thought of her body being touched by a man other than Lynn, for some reason she really wanted to blast that man with her power.

Fortunately she could still restrain herself from blasting Scott and Logan, after all they were still her friends.

It was just that from now on, Jean felt that she had to keep her distance from this friend who had romantic feelings for her.

It was just a one-sided love, she didn't like Scott or Logan romantically at all.

"Jean... Sorry, I'm just worried about you." Scott said humbly.

Logan also sighed. "Right, Jean. Don't get mad, okay?"

Although Jean was still disgusted and kept her distance, she was also a reasonable person and could not get angry just because her friend was worried about her.

She nodded at Scott and Logan as if to say it was okay, she wasn't angry.

Scott and Logan breathed a sigh of relief.

Jean didn't want to pay any more attention to the two, so she quickly turned around and walked to enter her dorm.

But she didn't expect, at this moment, Logan suddenly shouted.

"Jean, wait! Wait I want to ask you something!"

Jean stopped her steps, she turned to Logan with a frown.

Scott who was standing next to Logan also seemed to have the same question as Logan.

These two men were very troublesome.

Jean nodded lightly.

"Okay, what do you want to ask, Logan? Please say it quickly, I want to go back to my room immediately."

Logan had a bitter expression on his face, was it just him or was Jean becoming more distant from him?

Not just Logan, even Scott also noticed Jean was a little different from usual, making him nervous and clenching his fists unconsciously.

"Jean, I just wanted to ask if you... Do you have a guy you like now?"

To Logan's question, Jean unconsciously blushed.

She blushed because Lynn's handsome face suddenly appeared in her mind.

"W-What are you saying! I didn't..."

Jean was about to say that she didn't like any man, but when thinking this answer would continue to give Scott and Logan hope.

She felt the need to draw a clear line.

So she looked at Scott and Logan calmly.

"Yes, you're right. I already like someone, and he's the guy who saved me yesterday."

"Scott, Logan, I know you both like me. But sorry, I already have someone I like."

"So please stop following me, and don't get too close to me. Being friends is fine, but beyond that, you two should find another girl."

After saying all that calmly and expressionlessly, Jean immediately turned around and this time she actually went into her dormitory.

"...." Scott and Logan were left with stiff expressions in front of the dormitory.

The other mutants who happened to be passing around the dormitory could faintly hear the sound of heartbreak.

They looked at Scott and Logan with sympathetic gazes.

There were also some mutants who laughed after watching the drama from the beginning.

It was truly amazing!

Two of the most handsome and popular men at Xavier School were ruthlessly rejected by Jean Grey who is the most beautiful mutant prima donna at Xavier School.

It is said that Jean already has someone she likes, that's why this time she rejected Scott and Logan firmly.

Usually if it was before, although Jean always showed rejection of Scott and Logan's pursuit in public. They could see that Jean was not too assertive, which made Scott and Logan never give up.

But this time was different!

Jean was so serious, she actually scolded Scott and Logan to stop chasing her!

Even Scott and Logan were left speechless this time.

It didn't take long for all the mutants at Xavier School to find out about this news, Jean who was sleeping in her room of course had no idea what was going on outside.

She was busy dreaming at the moment and in the dream she saw Lynn.

There was no telling what she did to Lynn in her dream, but from the grin she showed while sleeping.

Lynn in the dream must be very happy (>_<)

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