
My World Traveling System

After my world is flipped upside down, I find myself with a system with the sole ability to allow one to travel the Omniverse...

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53 Chs

The Game 5

The War God. It's a powerful job class thats for only the best of players. it had only five skills, but these 6 skills were overpowered.

Perfect Block: A skill that allows one to perfectly block any spell or skill, even illusions can be blocked, so long as one uses it with perfect timing, then it could be used. the stronger the attack, the more MP this skill uses.

Perfect Parry: A skill that allows one to perfectly Parry any spell or skill. So long as the timing is perfect, then all moves could be parried, leaving an opening where the enemy is open for attacks. The stronger the attack, the more MP this skill uses. 

Perfect Strike: A skill that puts a buff on one's attack, allowing for one attack to bypass resistance, defenses, and immunities. This would make one attack the ultimate attack so long as it hits, it just needs 120 seconds to charge up, and within that time one can't use any other skill or spell. but after that 120 seconds is over, one would have their next attack pretty much be an instant kill attack.

Perfect Counter: A skill that allows one to perfectly counter any attack so long as one gets the timing down perfectly, the damage the user takes from the counter would be greater, 20% greater, with it also being a critical hit.

War God Aura: A Buff skill that boosts one stats by 50%, it lasts for 30 seconds, but so long as one kills a player, that time is increased by an extra 10 seconds. for every kill, thats an extra 10 seconds this skill would last. At the same time, for every skill, one gets a +5% to their buff. meaning, if one kills 10 players with this skill active, then the time this buff would be active would be 300 seconds, while the buff to their stats is 500%. but 10 kills were this skill limit, Also, those without resistance strong enough would turn into the user's minions, fighting for the user and doing the user's wishes.

Sharp Instincts: A passive skill that allows one to know when something is about to happen to them. For example, if one wants to cast an illusion upon you, this skill would let you know, and help you get the timing down to either block or parry the illusion. Of course, it's not limited to illusions. no matter the skill or spell, and no matter how hidden they are, your instincts are so sharp that at times, your body reacts on its own, to any attack that would do more than 50% damage to you. meaning, you can't be one-shot.

Overpowered right? But that wasn't everything, with me going on to reach level 100, I gained the power needed to even one-shot a world enemy. I gained 2 new job classes.

World Caster. this was a job class that only goes to the strongest magic casters, It greatly boosts one MP and also reduces the MP cost for both skills and spells. It came with many boosts and spells which made this overpowered.

Lastly, the last Job class I got was World Disaster. When comparing this class to the other magical job classes, World Disaster is said to be the strongest in terms of pure firepower. World Disaster was a class that mainly specialized in destructive magic. It was a type of class built with incredible firepower on the offensive side of a battle. However, the MP consumption rate for using the spells offered in this class is quite high. The class's horrible mana pool was considered not suited for long-term adventures alone without a party.

Adding World Caster, allowed me to reduce the Mana cost for the skills World Disaster offered. well, I now reached the peak of the game and was working on building a clan. I wanted to build a clan first so I could find trustworthy people I would want to join me in the new world after I would turn the clan into a guild. 

PVP was the usual tactic used by a group of human players to hunt down heteromorphic players. Doing so was also labeled as PKing, which was player killing. There existed the contents of "PKing for Dummies", there was also no penalty for PKing heteromorphic species existing in the game.

Since there was no penalty for killing heteromorphic they became targets due to high XP gains. Of course, Players dropped more XP than monsters. So, it was rare for heteromorphic to make it far in the game... but at the moment, I was sitting in a crowd in a human form, looking at a player called Touch Me, currently in the World Champion competition in Álfheimr.

Touch Me avatar was that of an insect, it creeped me out since I had.... well, I didn't like insects. Let's say other people would help me with spiders when they popped up. I wasn't scared of them, it's just the thought of a spider crawling on my body made me shake in disgust. I killed a spider before with my hands, but it was a quick slap and I ran straight to the bathroom to wash myself from head to toe.

Anyways, back to Touch Me. he went on to come out as the winner, becoming the world Champion of Alfheimr. Touch Me stood in the center of the arena which was a forest, he raised his hands to the sky in joy but paused when he saw a nullification appear before him.

after a few taps, he was equipped with a new set of gear. A shining platinum white armor, with a helm in the design of his chosen race, and a chest piece that has a huge sapphire embedded in the middle over the sternum/heart; the armor itself radiated with pure and divine light. He is also adorned with a crimson-red cape with gold accents attached around his left shoulder; as well as a draped coat tail from the hips of his armor at ankle length. Additionally, he is armed with both a sword and shield,

This was a champion-grade item. I of course had my own, but they became useless once I became a dragon. Although I could still equip gear in my dragon form, I would have to craft them myself, which I was too lazy to do.

I had seen a few tournaments to see if I could find anyone among them I would want to join my guild. But Mai rejected most of them as she said they couldn't be trusted, Touch Me was the only one she was okay with.

Seeing Touch Me disappear, I went on to open the system log and went on to add him as a friend. My name was of course famous across the whole game, and to say the least, it stunned Touch Me to see me adding him. It took a second but he accepted the friend request, after I cast the spell Message, allowing me to speak with him. I had learned over 800 spells, and with the help of Mai, I made sure I learned the most useful type of spells I could learn.

"Touch Me, I saw your match... I was wondering if you like to join my clan?" I asked calmly while walking off. far away, within a base, Touch Me stood around a few of his friends and was stunned hearing my words.

"You want me to join your clan?" Touch Me asked in shock

"Indeed, I came to realize I alone can't fully explore the game. I want to find powerful players who I can help get stronger. you're the first person I asked." I said calmly, leaving Touch Me Quiet for some time.

"Igneel wants me to join his clan." Touch Me said to his friend Amanomahitotsu, Amanomahitotsu took the form of a huge crib-like monster, they were not alone as many other Heteromorphic were there, all people that have followed Touch Me.

"He is the best player, why does he need a clan, when he one-shotted over 50 players?" Amanomahitotsu asked with an uneasy voice

"He said he realizes he can't fully explore the game, so he wants powerful players who he can help reach his level." Touch Me said causing everyone's eyes to glow at such an opportunity, seeing this, Touch Me sighed.

"How about my party? would they be able to join?" Touch me asked, moving his friends as he didn't just abandon them.

"I don't see why not. but I don't want too many players, the more players, the greater the chance for betrayer." Touch Me nodded at my words and told everyone this after he scheduled a meeting place. it was outside the city, near a simple village far away from any level 100 players.

Touch Me and his friends quickly headed over there and waited. to be safe, Touch Me friends went on to hide, while Touch Me got ready to meet me. they didn't need to wait for long as a huge dragon that covered the sky flew over, leaving Touch Me and his friends stunned at the sight coming towards them.

Slowly, the Dragon landed, causing the earth to shake. while it took a step forward, its form transformed, taking on a human form. there, I appeared with long red hair and golden pupils that had a slit in them. 

Walking up towards Touch Me, I looked towards where his friends were hiding, stunning them all. but I ignored them and looked towards Touch Me, who was not on guard... why? well, like me his instincts were sharp. He could instantly sense an opponent's intentions, something which greatly helped Touch Me reach his current levels... which is why he had such a weird name, it was his way of mocking people as they couldn't touch him. but he didn't think too much when picking this name. 

"... how?" Touch me asked in shock, not that many people knew I was a dragon... well, almost no one knew I was a dragon.

"The dragon race is a hidden class that I unlocked, I'm now stronger than world Enemies," I said calmly, stunning Touch Me. If his eyes could glow to show how cool he thought this was, then he would be doing so.

"So, what do you think? are you and your friends joining?" I asked to which Touch Me nodded lightly, normally he would ask everyone to see if they were united, but this time he was standing before me, so he wasn't thinking right. 

Touch Me called out everyone to come over, and I got to meet the whole gang. Amanomahitotsu along with 5 other Heteromorphic races stepped out. I greeted them all, 

Amanomahitotsu was the first person I greeted. He was a blacksmith and wasn't all that good at fighting, which I didn't mind as he could be the one to build my gear.

Nishikienrai was the second person I greeted. He was the best at dealing with physical damage. As he concentrated his character build on stealth and damage dealing, his defense ability was very low. In addition, when Nishikienrai used his stealth abilities, he was capable of delivering a single blow whose power could outstrip even Warrior Takemikazuchi's

the third was Warrior Takemikazuchi. Warrior Takemikazuchi is considered to be one of the strongest in the party. He had levels in offense-oriented classes like Kensei and so on. Much like Nishikienrai, his defense was also low. At the same time, however, he had the highest physical damage ability in the party.

Wish III, Ancient One, and Flatfoot were the other 3. but they were considered average among the rest. 

"So, I was thinking of building a clan, after we can turn that clan into a guild. I was thinking around 30 or so members." I said calmly, making the group of 7 look at each other for a second before they nodded agreeing with this.

"wait, before we form the clan, I want to know what the goal of the clan would be. I want to form a clan for the sake of self-defense against other players PKing us." Touch Me said, everyone there followed him because Touch Me had saved them, 

"Sure, why not? I would need a lot of time experimenting with your races to find the best possible way for your races to unlock hidden racial classes, so for now, you would be the clan leader since my attention would be elsewhere. when i'm ready, I will take back and point the guild towards seeing what this game is hiding." I said stunning Touch Me.

"Well, I should show you all instead of hinting at it. hope on my back." I said while going on to transform into a dragon. although the group was confused, they hopped onto my back, and with a flap of my wings, I shot off toward the edge of Álfheimr.

Álfheimr was the home of the elves, as one left the center of the world, one would start meeting many powerful elves, and at the very edge of where I was going was hone to the Elf Emperor, and the garden of the Tree of Life.

But as I neared, the elves all began to start nearing level 100, with many of them having the power to defeat more than 1 level 100. Touch Me and the others were stunned seeing such powerful elves, but they were even more shocked at the fact I was able to ignore most of their attacks. when the 12 elves' king and the Elf Emperor came to fight me, even I had to fall backward as they were all level-breaking lifeforms. just one of them could take on a world enemy. 

"How on earth did the World Devourer devour the 9 realms if they are here?" Touch me asked stunned seeing how powerful those elves were. but he also noticed that the elves stayed in the range of the Tree of Life as it was giving them power.

"There is a reason these 9 realms were the only ones to survive, they are the strongest. also, the world devourer was devouring the whole realm, not just one point. he was devouring the world, which took time. plus, these elves are only so strong within the domain of the world tree." I said while looking at the injuries I suffered, which was quickly recovering.

"This game is large, and I came to learn that every race has a hidden super-racial class that they need to hit all of the marks to unlock. A player could rival the world's Enemies, they just need to hit these marks. I plan to see if I can make a guild of such people." I said while Touch Me and the others looked back toward the Tree of Life, their eyes burning

"L-lets do this." Touch Me said softly... and so, Touch Me took the step into building the clan. meanwhile, I began to start helping Amanomahitotsu out, seeing if he could unlock any overpowered Blacksmithing job classes, I, of course, knew everything he needed to do, I was just going to slowly point him toward it...

A few days later, within one of the lower areas where players spawn after being killed, A skeleton wearing black robes stood before players who wanted to kill him... but with a flash, they were all slaughtered, and Touch Me appeared, looking at the skeleton laying on the ground shocked that someone saved him...

The Building blocks for the Ainz Ooal Gown being built were laid out. I didn't want to take full control of everything as Ainz Ooal Gown had many geniuses amongst them. All of them picked to follow Touch Me due to his heroic aura... although it's funny how Ainz Ooal Gown would turn into the household of villains even though Touch Me was heroic,

So, Heteromorphic started joining the guilds. Mai made sure to tell me they were all members listed within the novel. these were members who would make Ainz Ooal Gown the strongest, a guild so powerful that even with just 1 member, the guild was still in the top 10 strongest guilds... well, let's have a small time skip.