
My World Creation System

world creation system A boy who lived with his mom was later assassinated. He was hit on the head with a baseball bat and fell unconscious waking up in an unfamiliar world called Teran. He would up with a beeping sound on his head, [ My World creation system booting up]. Jake was prophesied to have been the chosen, the one to Save Teran. And to fulfill his destiny, he must complete all quests to archive

Mitchelle_Oneil · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: New School

Jake woke up and rushed to the rest his bladder was about bursting, he got dressed and rushed down to take his lunch he was so happy, he was going to a new school. Jake's mom saw him coming down.

' Jake, you are late? I told you to always go to bed early so you can wake up early, this is a new school Jake and I don't want you to go late on your first day!'

 'Mom is only a few minutes  late, nothing to worry about, as long as you drive me there before 15mins then there's is no problem!'

  His mom just sighed and walked to her room to take her car keys, after which she drove Jake to school.

Jake's mom was the only one he has, his father died while he was still 2years old in a car accident. Since then his mom has been the only one taking care of him, she runs all the errands, and does the cooking and she was just a cook at a local restaurant just 4 streets away from theirs.

     She dropped Jake off and rode off to work, Jake is 14 years old and in the 8th grade, the vice principal of the school took him around the school and then to his class. His new class was bigger than his former class in the school he came from.

     During lunchtime, he saw a group of boys that were in his class heading towards his table, they were about 5 and they all look old to be in the 8th grade, they look 2times older than Jake and the one who looks to be the leader of the gang was fat and bigger than the rest of the gang members.

    'Hey boy what's your name?' asked the fat boy

'Hy am Jake and am a new student here!' Jake replied.

'I see a newbie, well put this in your skull newbie I run things around here, don't try crossing in my path, or will be crushed?' The fat boy said punching his right hand on the left.

    He gave a sign to the rest and worked out, it seems suspicious to Jake so he just stood up took his lunch bag, and wanted to go to the next seat, but was stopped by the group and they surrounded him and one who look to be the tallest spoke!

'Where you going to newbie The boss Chad told us to give you a little taste of what you will pass through if you ever disobey his orders or cross his path!'

 They immediately took him and put him down in the trash, Jake started shouting at them.

    'take me out of here you freaks did I do you anything?'

 'So you still nerves to speak, guys let's give him a little taste of what people who talk back at us get!'

  They beat him up and threw him back inside the trash can.

Jake went home looking dirty and smelly, his mum asked him what happened to him, but Jake just said he rather not talk about it.

    He went straight inside his room and locked the door, 'Am so weak and am still been bullied after I thought changing school would make things better!' 

He went inside the bathroom took his bath and came out only to hear noise coming from downstairs, he quickly ran down only to find his mom on the floor with blood pouring from her head.

    He rushed to her and started screaming!

'help! help! somebody! anybody! please help me!'

  He heard a noise coming from the kitchen he kept quiet, the person who hit my mom could still be here he thought to himself.

     He took a baseball bat and tiptoed to the kitchen, on getting there, nobody was there, he turned back to go to where his mom was but he felt something hitting him on the head and he fell unconscious.

Nate woke up the next day with a dinging sound, ringing in his head.

[System activating...]

[Data loading...]

[System name: World creation system]


Race: Eminent ability user 1

Mc points: 30

Agility: 20

System skills: Location scan

Skills: Fire skills and combat skills.]

    Jake was kind of confused and shocked. He got up and went to the sink to wash his face. 

'It must have been a dream! Jake thought to himself. He remembered his mom he rushed to the sitting room and did not see her, it was as if nothing happened in the house, everything was perfectly arranged and the only thing that seems odd was the broken plate that fell on Jake's head.

Jake then went upstairs to his mom's room, he opened the door but she was not in, he then started shouting at her name-calling her. 'Mom! Mom, where are you? This isn't a dream; it's fucking real. , Mom, I hope you are not dead. I hope my fears don't get the better of me.

    Jake fell to the floor and started sobbing, 'Who could have done this?', [New quest found...host should go outside the house reward 10 points.]