
Combat Training

Izuku was changing into his costume, he remembered getting the outfit from his mother and how she gave at as her way of supporting him.

"*sigh* [I guess she is going to be a weakness for me, a weakness I can't get rid off. I'll just see to where this leads, however, I seriously worshipped All Might didn't I, to think I'd make a costume based on his form. Whatever it should give me extra points in his books that I won't mind having in case any mishaps happen.]" - Izuku

After Izuku completely wore his costume, it was a green full-body jumpsuit with a red belt, elbow pads, knee pads, gloves, along with his red boots. He also wore a mask with long ears like protrusions that resembled All Mights haircut and a respirator with a smile that was based on All Might. Looking at himself in the mirror of the changing room, he quickly started walking out as he was already behind everyone.

"[Man, wearing a one-piece is much harder than I thought, especially when it's so tight...]" - Izuku

Izuku walked out and was greeted with the site of a variety of uncanny costumes. As soon as he came out he was noticed by Uraraka and Momo, they both came up to him and started looking at the costume, while Izuku was looking at theirs. Uraraka's costume consisted of a skin-tight pink and black suit with detached sleeves, knee-high boots, belt, helmet, collar and thick, round bracers with handles attached to them. Momo's costume was a red leotard-like vest with silver linings and edges, with matching red boots. She sported a gold utility belt that matches a band that goes across her chest, her vest left space open from the Center of the collar to the waist above the belt. The skin exposed by Momo was the area from her stomach to her chest including her arms and legs as well.

After they commented on Izuku's costume with Uraraka saying it looked cool and Momo saying it reminded her of someone, Izuku asked his questions the costume makers for Uraraka ended up making the costume skin-tight since she didn't mention her 'dimensions', as for Momo, she designed he costume like that because It allowed her to use her quirk from multiple places. As he was talking to the girls an annoying little glove came and started spouting something about the hero course being great, he ignored him and continued talking to the girls. That's when Izuku saw All Might looking at him, he saw all might look at his protrusions and his respirator and then snicker into his hand.

"So Obvious." - All Might

Izuku just smiled at that, which happened to be blocked by the fake smile drawn on his respirator and continued talking to the girls.

"[So easy.]" - Izuku

All Might then gathered everyone together and started talking about the class, and like always Ilda asked a question, while All Might answered. This went back and forth for a while with everyone asking questions until All Might got annoyed and told them to shut it and started picking out teams. Izuku got paired up with Uraraka, he didn't bother seeing who else got paired together and just waiting until it was his turn to fight. After everyone got paired up All Might picked the teams that were going first and coincidently it was Izuku and Uraraka vs Katsuki and Ilda. This cause Izuku to end up having another stare down towards Katsuki

While everyone else was sent to the surveillance room, Izuku went towards the test site, All Might explained how they were given a five-minute head start to get set up in the building and told them to act like villains in this exercise to understand them better. Izuku watched as Katsuki walked into the building while looking at him with anger and rage in his eyes.

"[What's with that expression? If it wasn't for the bigger picture I would have already ended your life for what you've done to me in the past, I can't even beat you to a pulp in this exercise because of All Might. Fuck, this is frustrating, I need to get stronger faster, I need the power to do as I wish.]" - Izuku

"Memorising this floor plan is hard." - Uraraka

Izuku looked at Uraraka and decided to give out a plan.

"I've already memorised it, just follow my lead. Also, the plan is simple, all I need you to do is support me with your quirk while I fight." - Izuku

Uraraka looked a little upset.

"I can fight too you know." - Uraraka

Izuku looked at Uraraka and saw that she seemed upset, he decided to miss lead her a little so he could test out his new ability.

"I'm not looking down on you Uraraka-san, it's just this is between me and Katsuki, this fight is something that needs to happen between us and besides I'm going to need your quirk to finish off the fights anyway." - Izuku

"I see, Bakugou's the one who makes fun of you, right? A fated battle between men?" -Uraraka

"Well, you could call it something like that, I just need you to be ready to use your quirk at all times. I won't be able to signal you when it times to fight." - Izuku

"Let's do our best!" - Uraraka

Just when Izuku and Uraraka finished talking, All Mights voice came from the speaker and told them to start.

"[Katsuki has always been a restless one, and from the eyes, he showed before heading in he most likely isn't going to sit and wait for, so instead of him finding us, why don't I dash inside and find him!] Uraraka-san follow as closely as you can!" - Izuku

Izuku then started his 'One for All' mode and dashes into the building, out of the corner of his eye he can see the shock on Uraraka's face, which disappoints Izuku.

"[so the Lightning isn't only something that I can see? But then what is it? All Might doesn't have lightning when he uses 'One for All'. Does every successor have a different form for 'All for One'? I'll need to ask All Might about it after class. I should focus on my first fight in this form first, need to see all the weaknesses, so I can cover them up.]" - Izuku

Izuku keeps a steady but fast pace as he runs around in the building searching for Katsuki, he can see Uraraka barely keeping up. He was just about to tell her to keep her pace steady so she doesn't tire herself out when he saw something coming out of the corner he was just about to turn.

Izuku and Katsuki were both surprised but it was Izuku who reacted first, Katsuki who was in the middle of jumping around the corner still had a dazed look, it was probably because he noticed the green lightning that was dancing around Izuku, but Izuku wasn't going to let such a perfect chance pass.

Izuku suddenly increased his speed and slams a fist right into Katsuki solar plexus. While continuing his forward motion Izuku dashes under Katsuki and during it he silently extends the capture tape and wraps it around his right leg. As Izuku get behind Katsuki, the latter although hurt forces himself to turn and fight Izuku as he doesn't want to lose, because Katsuki is forcing himself and is fighting on instinct after that hit, he uses his stronger hand which happens to be his right. Of course to get a better swing with his right fist he turned left not noticing the capture tape that began to wrap around his left leg. Izuku just stood in his place not planning to dodge the attack.

"You usually start off with a big right swing, we were once best friends, how much do you think I've been watching you? Or have you forgotten who I am already?" - Izuku

Only after completing the full motion does Katsuki notice the capture tape that had started to wrap behind his legs, but it was too late. Izuku blocked his right swing and prepared to do a throw, Izuku turned his back towards Izuku to lower his centre of balance and picked Katsuki and turn 180 before throwing Katsuki back at the spot he was just standing in. Izuku had done this with only one hand while the other wrapped the capture tape around Katsuki right fist. Now the capture tape had wrapped around the front and back of Katsuki right leg and from the back in extending behind Katsuki left leg before coming to the front and extending upwards towards Katsuki right fist and wrapping around it near the shoulder.

Unfortunately, Izuku was snapped out of his 'One for All' mode after blocking the hit from Katsuki as he hadn't mastered it yet. Fortunately, Katsuki became completely disoriented after taking that throw from Izuku. However, Katsuki didn't plan to give up just yet, he had difficulty controlling his body from all that so he just decided to use his quirk with no target or aim, hoping to gain enough time to recover. Izuku who notices the look in Katsuki's eye reacts quickly, he quickly slides his foot under Katsuki and actives his 'One for All' mode and kicks him towards Uraraka.

While she was surprised, Uraraka reacted instinctively by putting up her hands and activating her quirk, Katsuki who is now under the effect of Zero Gravity stays floating in the air in front of her.

Izuku, who had activated his 'One for All' mode, had already arrived next to Katsuki by the time the Zero Gravity was in effect. Izuku then begins to spin Katsuki, while wrapping him up with the capture tape.

"I'm sorry I surprised you like that Uraraka-san, but Katsuki was about to start using his quirk and as much as I don't want to admit it, he has an amazing and dangerous quirk." - Izuku

"Ah, that scared me, but luckily I was able to react and be of help to your fight of men!" - Uraraka

Izuku just smiled at that statement, as Uraraka released her quirk. Katsuki who was now wrapped up started to breathe out his rage, he didn't accept his defeat and wanted to continue fighting... Even though he was looking and shouting to the left of where they were standing.

"[I need to work on mastering my 'One for All' mode, if I wasn't snapped out it, I could have made that gut kick hurt more.]" - Izuku

"[Bakugou is scary.]" - Uraraka

Izuku decides to ignore the annoying Katsuki and continue with the battle. He's not sure if he can just leave Katsuki out like that, so he just decides to do a chop to the side of his neck, which isn't as dangerous as a chop to the back of the neck but can have the same effect. Izuku and Uraraka continue on their search for the bomb, Uraraka noticed Izuku limping a little.

"Are you okay?" - Uraraka

Izuku looked down at his leg and continued walking.

"It's nothing, I just slightly overused my quirk in the rushed moment." - Izuku

Uraraka although a little worried, decided to wait until the battle was over before getting Izuku to go to the nurse.

"[ah, I need to add training with the 'One for All' mode, I got snapped out of it even when all I did was a block, what would happen if I took a real punch, would I not be able to get back into the mode then? I also need to gain more fighting experience, even though I was able to plan perfectly I feel like I could have done better. Of course the most important is to train my body more, even after gaining control, that small slip of concentration when I was in a hurry ended up hurting my leg. Luckily I gained control of this quirk, otherwise, I might have ended up with a broken leg again.]" - Izuku

After a bit of searching, they are finally able to find Ilda.

"I am... Extremely evil! Bwa Ha Ha Ha" - Ilda

That was the scene they walked into, as they entered the room. They Uraraka couldn't help but laugh while Izuku just got ready to end the exercise, his leg was starting to affect him now, he needs to get it healed.

With a two against one, the situation was entirely in the hero teams favour, although Ilda had 'cleaned' the room which lowered the possibility of using Uraraka's quirk but it wouldn't affect them much. Ilda seeing he was at a disadvantage, picked up the rocket and ran. Izuku having no other choice used his 'One for All' mode again and chased slowly cornering him, Ilda then used his recipro burst and started to run on the wall but Izuku was expecting this and ran to Uraraka who was also helping corner Ilda, grabbed hold of her and threw her towards Ilda. Uraraka wasn't as startled against Izuku's abrupt action this time, although she was a little embarrassed but that didn't stop her from grabbing hold of the bomb and completing the combat training with a victory.

Izuku who heard All Might announce on the speaker that the hero team had won, finally relaxed. This was followed by his leg giving out from under him. Although he hadn't hurt himself a lot when he kicked Katsuki, he did tear the muscles in his leg and the chase of Ilda worsened them even more. Ilda helped Izuku up and supported him out of the building, a few robots then came to carry Izuku towards the nurses' office so Izuku just laid down on the stretcher and headed towards the nurses' office.

Izuku didn't know how the remainder of the matches left went, but he was happy he didn't get scolded from Recovery Girl for injuring himself again, in fact, she seemed happy that he was only injured this much and he was able to control his quirk. Although his injury was easily recovered he still felt tired from it and took the offer of recovery girl to rest in the nurses' office. He slept until it was time to leave, he went to class and grabbed his bag. As he was leaving out the entrance he noticed All Might standing there, while looking at a vanishing figure of Katsuki.

"[All Might probably tried to stop Katsuki from being depressed. He doesn't know how stubborn that bastard is, iv already tried to break his spirit, didn't go well.]" - Izuku

Izuku then greeted All Might and after a little chat about Izuku's well being and asking for help with his 'One for All' mode, he headed towards his home, to add things to his plan.


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I was confused while writing this chapter, I wasn't sure if authors don't need to upload on their birthday or upload more. So I'm going to upload this one chapter like always :D.

Anyway, my first fight scene, how did I do? You guys understand it?

Bodhisattva_Pandacreators' thoughts
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