
My Toilet is a Wizard

"After your tasty soup I am not moving my butt of the toilet. That soup had milk in it. I am allergic to milk, and now after suffering a horrible death on the toilet I myself was reincarnated as a toilet". The main protagonist Vadim, an Otaku must navigate a tricky cyberpunk new world as a Toilet! Will he piss and shit himself? Or will he actualy manage to achieve something? Find out by reading!

helixedo · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

True Beginning


Shattered glass surronds me.

I can't move, I can't feel, thinking is becoming hard and my mind is going dark. I can hear some sort of commotion, people shouting, gunfire. I can roughly make out somone knelling next to me. Now I'm being dragged. An explosion sounds somwhere.

I think just how absurd the whole situation is just before I lose consciousness.