
My System Is Unreliable, What To Do?

Feng Yongrui had just died, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself bound to a "System", allowing him to travel to many worlds and complete missions. At first, Feng Yongrui was elated. Would this System help him conquer worlds, find his true love, or reach the pinnacle of life? System: Heh, dream on. ...Because of his System, Feng Yongrui found out that when he traveled from one world to another, he would always find himself in difficult situations... Join Feng Yongrui as he goes from one world to another, and, against all odds, complete his missions. *** First world: System: Oops, I lost the information about this world~ Feng Yongrui: ...Then how am I supposed to do my mission? Second world: System: Host, the System has accidentally transferred you into the wrong person~ Feng Yongrui: ...You don't need to sound so happy, right? Third world: System: Host, unfortunately it seems some of the information I gave you is... false... Feng Yongrui: Wait, then all this time, I was doing the task for the wrong person?! ...Nth world: System: Host, it seems like -- Feng Yongrui: ...I'd rather not know what went wrong this time, QAQ ***

Daoist5hO6Jh · Fantasi Timur
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169 Chs

The Robbers' Stronghold (Arc 1)

Feng Yongrui bent down and took some flowers into his hands. The wildflowers were really beautiful, with multiple colors shining underneath the warm, golden sunlight. Hoho, time to do his Daily Task! Feng Yongrui rubbed his hands together in glee.

With skillfull hands, Feng Yongrui plucked several flowers and weaved them into a flower crown. Hou Renshu and Ma Bo watched with obvious interest. They had lived a hard life and naturally did not know how to make something like a flower crown. At that time, they were young so food and survival was the most important thing for them.

Noticing their eager eyes, Feng Yongrui grinned. Finally! A chance to show his awesome skills! Skills that belonged to him, not the original Feng Yongrui, and not because of the System's help either!

Feng Yongrui patiently guided them, telling them which flowers were the best ones to use, how to weave the flowers together and so on. The three of them soon sat on the ground and made a flower crown for themselves.

Ma Bo's flower crown was slightly crooked, but he couldn't stop himself from grinning foolishly. Master taught them a new skill! When Ma Bo looked at Shu Ge's flower crown, however, he had an urge to cry. Why did Shu Ge's flower crown look so pretty!

Compared to his... Ma Bo's heart started cracking into tiny pieces. Why... QAQ...

Feng Yongrui smiled at the two kids; he couldn't help feeling amused. When the flower crowns were done, Feng Yongrui solemnly put on his flower crown, and told his disciples to do the same.

Hou Renshu and Ma Bo were slightly surprised, but by this time they were slightly immune to Feng Yongrui's "strange antics" and merely obliged without asking any questions. Feng Yongrui, however, felt that he needed to give them an explanation.

"Wearing this flower crown is said to bring good luck... Since this is our first excursion and we don't know what will happen to us, we have to keep wearing this flower crown," Feng Yongrui did not hesitate to blabber nonsense.

His two disciples nodded understandingly. If Master said it was for good luck, then so be it. They would not question it. After all, an elder like their Master was bound to have a few quirks.

The three of them resumed their journey and walked together to Luofeng Village. Feng Yongrui had hidden his cultivation, so they looked like normal travelers.

As they walked, they admired the scenery and gazed at the people who walked to and fro, busy with their daily lives. It was hard to imagine that their peaceful lives had just been disturbed by some robbers.

As they walked, their flower crown attracted some people's attention, and a few people even pointed and whispered to each other. Feng Yongrui felt quite embarrassed, but knowing that he had changed his face, he felt a new burst of confidence and ignored the heated stares.

You people don't know anything! I'm doing this for the sake of points! Precious points!

When they drew near to the mountain near Luofeng Village, Feng Yongrui examined the map once again, but he couldn't understand a thing. He wanted to cry but had no tears. As he was thinking, the System's voice broke him from his thoughts.

"Dear Host~" The System's cheery voice sounded.

"Host, would you like the System to help you read the map?"

"...Will you help me for free?" Feng Yongrui cocked an eyebrow.

"Of course, you will have to pay a very small~ fee~"

Feng Yongrui scoffed in his heart. As expected, the System would not help him with pure intentions.

"I won't fall for it. Just give up," Feng Yongrui told the System quietly.

He would have 100 points soon! Why should he waste his points on reading this map?

"You know, System. I just thought of something," Feng Yongrui gave an evil smile, causing the System to shudder.

"You made me bring my disciples here, but you yourself have no idea why. You should know that I don't trust you at all..."

The System sulked. "Just tell me what you want, you don't need to blackmail me like this."

Feng Yongrui's evil smile grew bigger. "Give me free directions to the robbers' stronghold, and I'll believe you. If you don't, I won't bring the disciples with me to do the Sect Master's task. Instead, I'll send them back home first."

System: "..."

Feng Yongrui was sure he heard the sound of teeth gnashing together, but soon a very cold voice answered him.


Feng Yongrui couldn't help feeling pleased with himself. He told his two disciples to follow him. Listening to the System's instructions, Feng Yongrui walked up the mountain and turned here and there.

However, he soon realized... that they seemed to be going in circles!

"...System!" Feng Yongrui's murderous voice said.

"...This System is not doing this on purpose. Host, please do not slander this good System."

"I never said you were doing it on purpose, though?"

The System did not reply and instead sulked in silence.

"Master, are we lost?" Ma Bo finally asked.

"N-no, of course not. We'll be there in a few minutes," Feng Yongrui smiled and assured him. The two boys nodded in understanding.

Feng Yongrui did not want to continue fighting with the System, so he said a few appeasing words and promised to buy some items from the shop later. Hearing that he would spend money, the System regained its joyful mood and directed him to the robbers' stronghold almost immediately.

Feng Yongrui wanted to curse the System, but decided against it.

The robbers' stronghold was located in a large cave. Feng Yongrui and his two disciples hid behind a boulder and observed the robbers. Most of the robbers were in the early Foundation Establishment Stage and late Qi Condensation Stage.

This meant that Hou Renshu and Ma Bo could easily take care of them. After all, the two of them were in the late Foundation Establishment Stage already. Feng Yongrui saw the robbers eating and drinking around a campfire, their rugged faces were quite intimidating.

Feng Yongrui also found the leader of the robbers. He was a burly man with thick, coarse black hair and a strong body that screamed "strength". He was at the mid Golden Core Stage and looked very imposing.

Feng Yongrui quickly cooked up a plan. Hou Renshu and Ma Bo would go first and start attacking the normal robbers. Since they did not look very strong, the leader was bound to underestimate them, lean back and watch the fight.

Then, when the leader got anxious and moved to attack, Feng Yongrui would appear and finish him. Feng Yongrui thought it was a good plan, but his heart grew restless and uneasy. What if something bad happened to his disciples? Or what if the robbers had a trump card?

Feng Yongrui changed his mind. Forget it, it was better if he fought first.

Feng Yongrui decided that he would set up an array to block all the exits of the cave. Then, he would go inside first and take down the leader. When the leader was down, all his followers were bound to flee. However, the array would stop them from leaving.

This way, the robbers would be trapped inside like practice targets in a cage. Only then, would Hou Renshu and Ma Bo come in to take care of them. Feng Yongrui wanted to chuckle a bit. Wasn't this like a game, where he carried his teammates and let them reap the kills afterwards?

Feng Yongrui didn't mind it, though. It was better this way. His disciples would be safer but also gain real battle experience.

Feng Yongrui explained the plan to his disciples, reminding them that this excursion was for them to gain experience and understand what it was like to have a real battle. If they sensed any danger, it was imperative that they run away immediately.

The two disciples nodded to show they understood.

Feng Yongrui's plan went without a hitch. He set the array and sneaked in stealthily, avoiding any detection. The robbers' leader was seated on a makeshift throne holding an axe.

In all honesty, Feng Yongrui was afraid. The only time he had fought in the cultivation world was during the "Mother" incident with the Sect Master. At that time, his body had moved reflexively. Now, Feng Yongrui had to consciously attack someone.

Even though he knew the robbers weren't good people, Feng Yongrui still felt reluctant. As Feng Yongrui was having mixed feelings, he heard soft cries and whimpering. Feng Yongrui turned his head and was stunned. At the back of the cave, he saw several captives, mostly young children, huddled together.

The children were small, thin, and emaciated. Their tear-stained faces showed pain and fear. It was hard to imagine what they had gone through. Feng Yongrui felt his heart drop down.

This situation reminded him yet again, that this was a real world, where real people lived and loved and died...

This was his first time seeing something like this, and Feng Yongrui felt a mix of emotions. Shock, fear, anger... and a little bit of relief. Yes, Feng Yongrui was relieved that the ones that were captured were not Hou Renshu and Ma Bo.

Feng Yongrui knew his thoughts were selfish, but he couldn't help thinking that way. He also felt slightly bitter in his heart. His two disciples never said anything about their past, but they must've suffered a lot too.

Feng Yongrui turned his head away and strengthened his resolution. He had to take care of the robbers properly!


Small theater:

When they arrived at the robbers' stronghold, Feng Yongrui took off his flower crown because his task is finished (35 people have seen him wearing the flower crown).

His disciples: ???

Ma Bo: Master, shouldn't you wear the flower crown for luck?

Feng Yongrui: ...Well, you can keep wearing yours... But I don't need mine anymore...

Hou Renshu: *serious face* Master, we will keep wearing this flower crown. Master should keep wearing yours too.

Feng Yongrui: No... it's okay...

Hou Renshu: *stubborn and cold face* You have to, Master.

*Feng Yongrui sadly putting on the flower crown again, regrets his previous words*

System: Hahaha~


Was there ever a scene in your life that made you feel a mix of emotions? Was it a scene from real life, a book, or a movie?

Comment below~

When it comes to his Master's safety, Hou Renshu can be quite persistent~

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