
My System Is Unreliable, What To Do?

Feng Yongrui had just died, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself bound to a "System", allowing him to travel to many worlds and complete missions. At first, Feng Yongrui was elated. Would this System help him conquer worlds, find his true love, or reach the pinnacle of life? System: Heh, dream on. ...Because of his System, Feng Yongrui found out that when he traveled from one world to another, he would always find himself in difficult situations... Join Feng Yongrui as he goes from one world to another, and, against all odds, complete his missions. *** First world: System: Oops, I lost the information about this world~ Feng Yongrui: ...Then how am I supposed to do my mission? Second world: System: Host, the System has accidentally transferred you into the wrong person~ Feng Yongrui: ...You don't need to sound so happy, right? Third world: System: Host, unfortunately it seems some of the information I gave you is... false... Feng Yongrui: Wait, then all this time, I was doing the task for the wrong person?! ...Nth world: System: Host, it seems like -- Feng Yongrui: ...I'd rather not know what went wrong this time, QAQ ***

Daoist5hO6Jh · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
169 Chs

Hu Feizi (Arc 1)

After hearing Zhong Weimin's cry, Feng Yongrui knew that his guess was right. Hu Feizi had an artifact that could increase his strength.

Zhong Weimin did not stay idle -- he observed Hu Feizi and used a few spells to find the artifact's location.

"I found the artifact! It's the small bronze bell inside his sleeves!" Hu Feizi cried.

Feng Yongrui instantly reacted. He stopped his movements at the last second and changed his aim towards Hu Feizi's sleeves. A ripping sound was heard, and then a 'clink'.

Hu Feizi was enraged, but before he could take his artifact, a smooth white hand grabbed the bell and darted away. Ma Bo clutched the artifact in his hands and scoffed at Hu Feizi.

"Let's see how you fight without this," he smirked.

With his only trump card gone, Hu Feizi's movements became sloppy and his power was significantly reduced. Feng Yongrui was able to suppress him in no time.

On Hou Renshu's side, his movements were getting faster and his blows were also growing stronger. Hu Zemin was pushed back a few steps and he panted a few times, obviously tired. However, Hou Renshu did not continue attacking him

"Hu Zemin, look. Your father is already suppressed by my Master," Hou Renshu spoke. "It's the end for him. As for you, we already know what happened to you. You might not know this, but there's a Demonic Artifact inside your body."

Hu Zemin's face showed an ugly expression, but Hou Renshu continued.

"We suspect a Demonic Cultivator, who holds a grudge towards your family, was the one who hurt you. The artifact inside your body is like poison for you. Rather than fighting me and dying, you'd better give up and come clean," Hou Renshu said.

Hu Zemin huffed, his chest heaving up and down as he looked at Hou Renshu.

"I know there's something in my body, but... It wasn't a Demonic Cultivator who did it," Hu Zemin said, his eyes showing anger.

"The person who put the artifact inside me was my father!" Hu Zemin spat.

Everyone was shocked. At that moment, Feng Yongrui had already subdued Hu Feizi.

Hu Feizi really cut a sorry figure, kneeling on the ground, his face covered in sweat. Feng Yongrui's sword was pointed at his neck, and Hu Feizi was slightly trembling. When he heard his son's words, Hu Feizi was stunned.

"Stinky brat! What are you saying?!" Hu Feizi roared.

Hu Zemin threw down the sword he had been holding and walked closer to Hu Feizi.

"Oh, father," he said the last word with obvious contempt.

"Did you really think I would forget? That year, my little sister died because of you!"

"You..." Hu Feizi was too speechless and could only make incomprehensible sounds.

"I may be your son, but I know you don't like me. You've hated me for a long time, right? You hated me and my sister, all because you hated our mother!" Hu Zemin yelled with deep emotion.

The four of them were stunned and listened with obvious interest. So it turns out... the one who put the Demonic Artifact inside Hu Zemin was none other than his father?

How could a father be so cruel?

Hu Zemin gave a cold laugh. The rims of his eyes were red and he looked like a vengeful ghost.

"That year, my sister was sick with a cold because you made her kneel in the rain for an entire night. When she was sick, I begged you to send a doctor, or give her herbs, at the very least..."

"But you didn't, right?" Hu Zemin sneered.

"You left your seven year old daughter to die! You didn't even blink when my mother begged you to call for a doctor! You're a despicable person," he spat.

Turning to Hou Renshu, Hu Zemin took a deep breath and saluted. "That man who calls himself my father... has never been a true father at all. He's the one who put the Demonic Artifact inside me..."

"He's the one who enjoys seeing me suffer. He's nothing but a coward and a vile man!" Hu Zemin cried.

Feng Yongrui looked at Hu Feizi. The more he looked, the more he felt that he was an eyesore.

"Y-you! Stop speaking nonsense! I have no idea what he's talking about, I swear!" Hu Feizi cried desperately.

Seeing everyone's cold faces, Hu Feizi clasped his hands together and begged. "S-sirs... No, heroes... Please spare my life... Spare me, okay? I was momentarily confused and made a big mistake..."

Momentarily confused? Feng Yongrui had an urge to tear him apart.

"I-if you want money, I can give it to you... I have lots of money, really!" Hu Feizi cried, begging as tears and snot ran down his face.

Feng Yongrui felt a bitter feeling rise in his heart. Why were all evil people like this? Did they think that, just by giving money, they could erase all their past sins?

What about the children who died? Could his money bring them back to life, or repay them for all the suffering they endured?


"Master," Hou Renshu called him.

Feng Yongrui looked up and gave a questioning look.

"Master, I think we should just kill him," he said.

Feng Yongrui nodded. He was planning on killing Hu Feizi anyway. He also had to complete the side quest.

Hu Zemin's face was resolute and he knelt down. Bowing to Feng Yongrui, Hu Zemin spoke.

"Sirs... Having met you today is my greatest fortune. Please avenge me and my sister, as well as the innocent children, by killing this despicable person!" Hu Zemin cried.

He didn't even call Hu Feizi his father.

Hu Feizi stuttered and wanted to say something, but Feng Yongrui had sliced his neck. Blood spurted out of the wound, and Hu Feizi's limp body fell to the ground.

The secret room was filled with silence.

Hu Zemin stood up and gave a deep bow to the four of them.

"Thank you so much, Sirs... Now that my father is dead, I will be in charge of Hu Manor from now on. You can all rest assured, I will not be like my father. From now on, the Hu family will no longer practice these horrid arrays anymore."

Feng Yongrui and Hou Renshu sheathed their weapons. Zhong Weimin wanted to speak, but Hu Zemin was faster.

"All of you must be tired from all the fighting, right? Please come inside, we can eat and drink together," Hu Zemin said.

The four of them exchanged glances, and then Feng Yongrui nodded in assent. Seeing his Master's approval, the two disciples were relieved and agreed to go with Hu Zemin.

They walked out of the secret corridor and followed Hu Zemin into the Hu manor. Feng Yongrui found it funny -- previously, they entered the manor as if they were thieves. Now, they were walking inside the manor through the front door.

Hu Zemin led them into a dining room, and he called a servant to prepare food and drinks. In the dining room, there was a round table and five wooden chairs for each one of them.

While they were waiting for the food, Hu Zemin started talking. "You all may not know this, but, even though the Hu family looks righteous on the surface, my father has been involved in many cruel things..."

Hu Zemin poured wine for all four of them and continued. "Everyone in the Hu manor, from the servants to the children, are afraid of him. He has absolute control over us..."

"Is it because of the Gu worms?" Ma Bo asked.

"Ah, yes... it is precisely because of that. My father even planted Gu worms on all of the servants to keep them from rebelling or telling the world about his actions."

"Tonight, you have done all of us a great favor by killing my father. Please rest assured, I will get rid of all the arrays that my father was using," Hu Zemin said.

By this time, the food had already been placed on the table. There were all sorts of food: stir fried vegetables, sliced pork with gravy, roasted duck, wonton soup, and so much more.

When the servants had placed the food, Hu Zemin dismissed all of them.

The four of them immediately felt hungry, and their appetite was stirred. Thanking Hu Zemin for the food, Feng Yongrui, his disciples, and Zhong Weimin began taking the food and eating.

"Right, tell me more about the demonic artifact that your father put inside you. How did he do it?" Feng Yongrui asked as he chewed on his vegetables.

"I'm not too sure either," Hu Zemin gave a few coughs and then gave a bitter smile.

"I only remembered that there was an incident when I got sick... At that time, I lay unconscious for a long time. When I woke up, I became sickly and my abdomen hurt from time to time."

"At that time, I thought it was strange. Then one day, by a stroke of luck, I met a cultivator who told me there was a demonic artifact inside me. He told me that since my spirit root was of the light attribute, the demonic artifact was just like poison to me..."

Hu Zemin gave a long sigh.

"After investigating, I realized it was none other than my father who did that to me... I was really angry at that time, but I --"

"Kuhk, kuhk!" Hu Zemin's words were interrupted by Zhong Weimin's coughing.

"Weimin, are you okay?" Ma Bo's face was filled with concern and he hurriedly supported Zhong Weimin.

Instead of answering, Zhong Weimin continued coughing until his face turned red.

"Urgh... My chest... Kuhk, kuhk!" Zhong Weimin coughed again, this time spitting out blood.

"You..." Before Ma Bo could finish his sentence, he also began coughing. He struggled to stand up, but instead spit out blood.

Hou Renshu's face had turned pale, and he reached out for Ma Bo. Hou Renshu was also coughing and spluttering. However, his body swayed and he collapsed on the table weakly.

Zhong Weimin and Ma Bo also lay on the table weakly.

"You... What did you do?!" Feng Yongrui cried angrily.

He clutched his chest in pain and a trail of blood flowed from his lips.

Feng Yongrui's eyes widened as he glared at Hu Zemin.

"Did you poison us?!"


You get the chance to make an artifact. What shape would you make it into? A bell? A mirror? A sword?

Comment below~