
My System Is The Strongest Summon

Jordan was just an average teenager working odd jobs to make ends meet and support his family. He was racially discriminated against because his mother was a foreigner. Jordan had just turned 18 this year and was looking forward to the once-in-a-lifetime ceremony which he considered the event that would turn his life around and help him to carve out a comfortable living for himself and his family, putting a stop to the racial taunts he and his family received. Unfortunately, life doesn't always go as planned. Jordan is now determined more than ever to grow stronger. And his new aspirations? Survive and Conquer! Hello to all readers, this is my first time writing a story/novel and so I hope that you guys will give it a try and let me know your thoughts. Feedback is always appreciated!

Mysterio2250 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


Soon A giant yellow moon settled in the sky. This was Jordan's first time seeing the moon since he had arrived in this unfamiliar world.

The moon looked to be twice the size of the moon back at home. Its radiant yellow glow was mesmerizing. Jordan thought about everything he had been through and his plans for the future.

"Well, I'll first have to find human civilization to gather information. If I can't find a way back home then I'll never get my revenge. I guess I'll have to put dealing with that damned village on hold for now."

"I'll focus on getting stronger for now."Jordan internally decided.

[That's a sound way of thinking. You have my approval but don't worry too much. I'm here to guide you] The system's mature womanly voice sounded in Jordan's mind sounding like a doting parent.

Jordan finally closed his eye and decided to get some sleep. About 2 hours later the system woke Jordan up.

[Jordan, get up. You need to move now.]

"Huh, what's going on, it's still the middle of the night" Jordan woke up and asked in confusion.

[I sense several hostile presences closing in on you, they're not very strong but their numbers are more than enough to make up for that] the system informed.

Suddenly a notification dinged in Jordan's mind.

[Quest Acquired]

[A pack of Slumber Wolves is attacking the host]

[Survive the attack or escape].

[Rewards: +2 levels, +5 attribute points]

[Punishment for failure: Death]

Jordan read the notifications and jumped to his feet, he took off his shirt and tied it at the ends. He immediately plucked all the fruits nearest to him, pushed them into his shirt, and threw it across his arm.

Jordan began running in the opposite direction of where the system informed him that the wolves were approaching.

Thankfully he was no longer in the forest and the bright moon provided enough light for Jordan to nimbly maneuver his way through the pastures as he ran.

Suddenly the system chimed in again and informed Jordan that more enemies were approaching from ahead and behind him. Jordan only hesitated for a moment before deciding to jump into the wildly rushing river to escape.

The strong currents dragged Jordan along the river stream. He struggled to keep his head above the water while maintaining his hold on his fruits. The water was freezing cold and Jordan felt his body starting to turn numb from the low temperatures.

Jordan heard the sound of another notification ding in his mind but he had no time to check what it said. Jordan flowed along the river stream for another 10 minutes being violently thrown about by the vicious water currents.

Finally, he came to a stop as he slammed into a rock and was pushed off to the edge of the river landing on the river bed at the edge of the river.

Jordan crawled out of the water and lay on his back panting and coughing. After what felt like forever Jordan finally regained his composure. He looked down at his shirt and realized that he had lost some of his fruits but he managed to hold on to the majority of them.

'I'm really not cut out for this adventure stuff after all.' Jordan smiled and thought to himself self-deprecatingly.

Jordan finally checked the notifications he had received and was pleasantly surprised. Not only had he completed the quest and received the rewards, but he also unlocked a new skill.

[New Ability Acquired]

[Cold Resistance (passive)- Host remains unaffected even by temperatures below 0. Skill can not be upgraded.]

'Guess I'll never have to worry about freezing to death again' Jordan inwardly remarked.

'So I gained 6 attribute points from leveling up twice and the 5 points awarded makes for 11 points. System can you add 5 points to endurance and vitality, and 1 point to charm please.'Jordan assigned his points.

Jordan felt the subtle warm feeling flow through his body as he stood up and got ready to continue traveling. Jordan looked around and realized that he had been brought to the other side of the river by the current.

'Well, I guess that saves me the trouble of going around.' Jordan laughed.

'Suddenly I feel like a madman, I've been talking to no one but myself and the system for so long now. Hopefully, I find civilization soon.' Jordan thought inwardly.

Jordan faced away from the river and began traveling in a straight direction, there was nothing but an open plain ahead of him. There were no trees or any significant landmarks, so Jordan decided to travel in one straight line to avoid getting lost or going in circles.

'System just keeps alerting me whenever you sense danger's I'm not aware of. Thank you.' Jordan reminded the system.

[Don't worry, I'll be your eyes and ears] The system comforted.

Jordan traveled for three days with no signs of anything in his area. He just slowly ate his fruits and kept moving. He was pleasantly surprised that he did not have any more hostile encounters in all that time.

Finally, on the third night under the darkness of the night sky, Jordan saw lights shining in the distance. At that point, the system also chimed in.

[I sense the presence of many lifeforms in the distance. They don't seem to be hostile.] Jordan also received a notification ding at this time. Jordan checked its comment and immediately became excited.

[New Quest Acquired}

[Interact with first Human Civilization]

[Rewards: 40 attribute points]