
Chapter 8: Quirk Assessment and Realization

Katsuki's POV:

Me and the nerd separated at the gate so as to not look suspicious. When we got to class Izuku went to go talk to Sonic and Pink Cheeks. I was just scrolling through my phone when this guy with red hair started talking to me. "Go away Shitty Hair." He pouted "That's not very manly you know. My hair isn't that different from yours either!" I went back to my phone "Tch." Shitty Hair was going to say something when a yellow caterpillar came into the room scaring Izuku half to death. That's when a scruffy looking dude unzipped his sleeping bag and stepped out. "My name is Shouta Aizawa and I'll be your home room teacher this year. It took you eight seconds to quiet down. We don't have that kind of luxury. Put these on and meet me outside for a quirk apprehension test." He said holding out some gym uniforms.

Once we all got there he explained how we probably didn't use our quirks with physical tests and so we didn't know our capabilities. "Bakugo what was your highest score in the softball throw in middle school?" I thought for a second "37 meters I think." He tossed me a ball. "Now try it with your quirk. Anything goes just don't leave the circle." I powered up my quirk and threw as hard as I could "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Mr.Aizawa showed us a measurement thing and it showed 705.3 meters. A few of the extras behind me started talking about how I wasn't being heroic. "Tch. Whatever." I walked back to the rest of the extras and waited.

Izuku's POV:

I flinched at Kacchan's loud yelling. I glanced around hoping no one noticed but there was this guy with half red half white hair who was staring at me. I knew he saw me and he would be curious. I sighed knowing I'll have to make an excuse for him later. But to my surprise he looked away.

Suddenly someone else shouted "This is going to be so much fun!" The teacher sighed. "If you're here for fun you can walk away right now. In the short three years we have, you all will need to learn to be heroes the proper way. Today you will participate in 8 grueling and taxing tests to test our limits and capabilities. Since you think this is going to be fun let's up the stakes. Whoever gets last place will be deemed unworthy of being a hero and will be promptly expelled. (Y'all already know that I'm going to expel pervy Mineta.) After we finished seven of the eight tests which I don't think I did too good on. It was time for the ball throw. Kacchan already did his so he was excused but for some reason he stayed behind. I looked at him curiously to see if he would tell me why. When he saw me he mouthed the words "You can do it. Take a deep breath and calm down." I nodded. I inhaled deeply than I exhaled. Just as I finished calming myself it was my turn. I walked into the circle and activated one for all. However, when I threw the ball it only went 13 meters. I looked over to Aizawa and then he tangled me up in his scarf and brought me close to him with his eyes glowing red.

Katsuki's POV:

When the caterpillar grabbed Izuku with his scarf I stood up from my spot against the wall and waited to see if I needed to step in. After what looked like a lecture from the caterpillar he let Izuku go. I breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back against the wall. Izuku went back to the circle to try again and looked back to me for reassurance. I nodded at him to encourage him. He took a deep breath and got ready. It looks like he powered up only his finger. I knew what he was planning and smiled. After Izuku threw the ball the caterpillar showed us his score. 705.4 I was a bit annoyed that he got better than me but he deserved it. So I let it go.

Then he showed us the scoreboard. I CAME THIRD AFTER SOME EXTRAS NAMED TODOROKI AND YAOYAROZU!! WHO THE FUCK IS THAT? He expelled some grape looking kid for being talentless.

After the quirk examination I walked Izuku to the nurse's office. Once he was healed we went back to class.

*Time Skip to the Hero Training*

We were just waiting to see who the next shitty teacher was when All Might came through. "I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!" All of the extras got excited. Even Izuku got excited even though we've been training with All Might for the past ten months. He gave a speech about how we wouldn't be heroes if we didn't look the part. Before showing us cases with our costumes.

We went to the locker rooms to get changed. While we were there I could feel the extras staring at Izuku's scars. Of course I'm curious but I knew his anxiety had to be acting up. "OI EXTRAS WE'RE HERE TO CHANGE NOT TO STARE AT EACH OTHERS SCARS!" They all looked away embarrassed while Izuku looked relieved. Then it hit me. I never asked Izuku about his reaction to that car that one time. Maybe they're connected...I'll have to ask about that later. But for now I'll look after him and watch for any signs of abuse. Apparently, I was zoning out because before I knew it I saw Izuku waving a hand in my face. "Hello? Kacchan? Are you home? We need to go." I blinked and said "It's nothing. Let's go."