
My Spoilt billionaire boyfriend

Katherine Andrew the first child of the Andrew family. She is from an average family of four, her mom,her drunkard father and her little sister Kyle. Katherine mother have a very serious health issue that cost them a lot of money ,Katherine drop out from school due to the family financial problems, her father left them to god know where. He left everything for Katherine to take care of . Katherine best friend Mina a single mom who don name is Lewis help her out with every of her problems. Katherine work in a club belonging to the youngest richest spoilt billionaire in the world, who name was Eric masterson along side his best friends Ryan Lewis who both her players due to some past experiences What happens when all four crosses path? What will happen when a player fall in love ?

Rainbowhart321 · Realistis
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

 Where It All Started 

Katherine pov

 Eric Masterson,I just bump into Eric masters " shit, why do we always meet in a awkward situation "I thought to myself. "Don't you have a sense of direction " he said rudely" oh I am sorry, I was not focused " I said looking up. He removed his sunglasses revealing his ocean blue eyes "Have I seen you before because you kind of look familiar " He asked checking me out " Yeah , we were in the same grade back at high school,Katherine Andrew I work for sport health care" I replied " hmm it does ring a bell " he said his sunglasses back on" big sis, let go" Kyle said. I totally forgot about her" What your name little girl " Eric ask bending to her level " Kyle" she replied "beloved such a nice name" he replied" I bet it is " she replied " Kyle can I borrow your sister for some few minutes" he said with a smile " hmm , how much will you pay me if I give her to you " she asked playfully " very funny Kyle but I just want to have a few word with her " he said to her" hmm do try to hit on my sister, and I need to get to class also " she said" oh no she is just a friend and don't worry I will take care of ur registration okay is that a deal " he said bring out is hands fo an hand shake " deal"she said joining her hand with his" Mark that this little girl and do the need full" he said to one of the man following him" okay sir" he guy replied and carry Kyle into his arms, she wave me a good bye and left.Eric asked me and he to go to his lounge at the back of the school talk , the moment he opened the glass door a wow came off my mouth the place was big and sparkling I checked around, from the living to the swimming pool is all luxurious." You are so rich" said to him" well that nothing " he said and say on one of the cushions, I took my sit beside him" so what do you want to talk to me about " I asked the moment I settled down " I wanted to ask why your friend Mina drop out of school back then" he said " oh that ,it was due to lack of money and my dad left me and my family with nothing I have to leave school to work and take care of my mom ill and my little sister school " I said to him remembering every thing" what about mina" he asked" I am not in the the place to tell you about Mina "I said to him. All of a sudden i got a text for Mina " let meet at the high school old site " that was what she texted me." Well you can ask her your self"I said to Eric and texted Mina back okay. " Where are we going to the school where it all started were all four of us , call Ryan to met us there you guys want to know what happened you will found out let go" I said to him and walk out of the lounge to wait for him.

 I hope u guys love it well I am not that good at this but I am trying my best for u guys to read amazing stories stay Tone for chapter 3