

I hope no one really reads this.

Well, I am planning on making a diary here.

I have tried many times to start making a diary but failed at it every time. Every time it's like, " I wanna start making a diary" but then, that's it just the thought.

and the excuse I give myself every time is, " I'll start from the 1st of the month" or "I'll start from Monday or Monday" and blah blah blahs...….

I'm making it online because; I wanna share my problems, feelings, and stuff with people and at the same time I don't want anyone to know. So, here I am writing about myself and planning on sharing my secrets and stuff.

I'll share my real-time life & information minus the names; don't want people to know who I am.

let's just wish and pray that people I know don't just somehow come here; that will be freaking embarrassing if they somehow guess who I am.

Moving on; ABOUT ME

And I am an Asian, I live in PARIS; en France. I am like 21(huh!!!! and I still remember when I was 19 and here I am somehow 21. I didn't even remember myself ever hitting the 2 tho. )

I graduated from HS when I was 19 but you know COVID HAPPENED; didn't apply for UNI( we do have online courses but the truth is I was just procrastinating and didn't want to study). So around October, my mom was nagging the hell out of me cuz im leeching off her and I don't go to work or UNI; so she made me apply for it. I actually studied SCIENCE(physics/chemistry/mathematics) back in high school but who freaking remembers those stuff after 2 years of not touching anything related plus I just chose science just cuz all my friends went for it. And u know I sucked at it too, tbh it still amazes me that I somehow passed my HS.

for my bachelor's, I chose to study business(just cuz) and the UNI I apply to is an International Business School since I was late for the fall intake I chose the spring intake. Here comes the problem now, so we r done with the 1st semester recently and I am about to have my finals for S1 on Tuesday( right now it's gonna be SUNDAY in like 5 mins) they did give us a week for preparation and what did I do? I went to my cousin's place in Lille (outside of Paris but in France) so I spent the whole week doing nothing related to study and school, so rn im a mess cuz I'm going back to Paris tmr(Sunday) and I'm not prepared at all for my finals. GOD BLESS ME! In the first place, I went to my cousin's place because I dint want my mom to be nagging me the whole week(I should have stayed home cuz my mom would have nagged and I would have at least studied somewhat) anyways I should prepare tmr and the day after.

and the bad thing is, I have an exam for 3 continuous days. It's like this INTERNATIONAL LAW & PROJECT MANAGEMENT on Tuesday and GEOPOLITICS & SOFWARE TECH on Wednesday and finally MARKETING & FLE. And thankfully MARKETING Is postponed, well the prof was sick, so he wasn't able to complete the semester.

I think that much is okay for today

PS: I was able to make myself write this because I had no excuses to not make me write is since its Sunday

You can say whatever you want

Ps : English is like my third language

BorderlineCrazycreators' thoughts