
My Silence

Kisszperhale · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


Silence. It has been my companion ever since childhood, even at the so called highlight of someone's life like " HIGHSCHOOL ", silence have been with me for all my existing years on this planet. There has never been any loud disturbances that distracted me from any of my work or studies, or any unusual event that one could write a book or build a figure on my behalf. Well, not that there would be any, since one: I don't have friends or someone at least interested enough to actually hold a conversation with me, two: I have social anxiety disorder ( heh! according to my mom's psychiatric friend), Three: I'm the not the type who would stick out my head for someone else, I dont like trouble ( but trouble seems very intent in finding me *deeply sighs*), Four: Trust me, I'm just a piece of garbage, you wouldn't even notice me, Five: The list could go on, but to sum it up, It just sucks to be me, One could probably say my life is at the brink of normalcy, no!, even lower than normal. That's abnormal right?

* Deeply Sighs AGAIN*

My life only consists of going to school, work voluntarily in the library during lunch and afternoons, answer casual and petty questions from teachers, superiors and unacquainted schoolmates and classmates despite almost always having a breakdown, play violin at the rooftop, go home to assigned dorm room, eat, and inevitably sleep out my very pessimistic, bleak-routine inane life. Really pathetic, unlike mine, my family surely is living their life to the fullest, I'm not even gonna mention them on this prologue, because if I'd really have to, which I hope am not gonna, it'd take a lot of positive and good description words to describe them, really, so please don't, I really don't want to. *serious face*. I'm just gonna tell you something though, they're one of the reason why Im practically not living there.

Anyways, let's get back to my prologue, Even if I don't admit it myself, I have a capital, bold letters 'B-O-R-I-N-G' written all over my forehead and a capital 'D-U-L-L' all over me. You see, not only do I lack social skills but my physical appearance doesnt help much in boosting up of what is left of my morale. In short, I don't have the confidence and I'm 'U-G-L-Y', please don't make me feel better *peeks at the comments*, I just know I am. Messy black hair, always tied in an old-fashioned bun ( please don't judge, that's the only way I know to tie up my hair), I wear glasses because my eyes are genetically defective and much to my mom's sentiments, she can never persuade me to wear contact lenses- It's uncomfortable and unsafe. My skin is rough and dry, even my lips are cracking out of water famine. Due to my lack of demeanor in beauty department, I swear I could definitely pass as an old maid, I couldn't even begin to comprehend the horrendous words that my Mom would always throw at me and that out of all my family, I'm probably the only person who was asleep when God decided to be santa claus, and graciously gifted my family the gift of BEAUTY. The irony of it all.

Unsocial + Boring + Dull + Ugly = 0

I don't even know the answer anymore. Tsk! I could've sworn that my life should be just fine with it. I was so perfectly comfortable with my world, my solitary filled with peacefullness and silent world. But...

Yes there's always going to be a but in a story, and this happened with mine, I couldve handled a little hiccup but TROUBLE isnt settling for just a hiccup but a freaking Nuclear Bomb, and how am I supposed to dodge that? huh? huh? you can't right? And now, Im standing on a cliff of pandemonium, troubled and scared, facing a life and death situation, How did it all started?

Lets backtrack into a few years of my life...

Oh by the way, it was so rude of me not introducing, my name is Arinawen Caldwell and this is...well its my prologue and you know my story...


I actually dont even know what to say, probably that this is my first time publishing my story and I hope that eventhough just a few, I can atleast share the stories I wanna build up in my brain and imagination. I just Pray and hope youll like it.

Kisszperhalecreators' thoughts