
My scam marriage: It is real.

After the tragic death of her mother and being abandoned by her father with her new born sister. Kaleah finds out she is about to get deported; her friend comes up with a plan to get her married so she can stay in the country. Her first date with her potential date ends up in a disaster, also earning her a stalker. She thinks it is hopeless after meeting her friend’s big brother and sparks fly, enough to earn herself a rich powerful husband. The catch, it is a fraud to get her to stay in the country. But it is not, she just hadn’t realized it yet.

MonarchTheFirst · perkotaan
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72 Chs

Hospital visits

[Third person POV]

"Morning again, wow, I hope some of you slept well because most were fearing for their lives after Ellen Mule's live footage, anyway, this is Mimi Dawson, and we are reading top comments on last night's video. First comment is from AlphaMan2 'I get Clayton's anger but all that for some b*tch, how stupid," Mimi reads before giggling, "I also agree with AlphaMan2 here, that was too much."

"Second comment from Allora it reads, "there could never be anything bad about a husband protecting his wife, Ellen Mule deserved that."

Mimi Dawson continues to read the comments taking note to giggle at ones that condemn Kaleah, this was sure whose side the media was gearing to steer on.

"Huh… such baloney for views and likes," Clayton cursed, Mimi Dawson was not a gossiper Clayton was unfamiliar with. He knows her pretty well, in her fifties but still going around gossiping till this day.

"Don't stress sweet Zoey, Dad will sort that woman out okay," he says changing her clothes, though Melisa missed Zoey, she let Clayton bond with his daughter that day.

Zoey continued to giggle happily at her father, she had changed diapers and bathed. He had made sure to change her into a cute blue romper and cute white sandals.

He sweetly starts combing her beautiful hair, "it seems the braids that you and mommy went to have been now ruined," he says to her, trying to be gentle as he brushes her hair.

Zoey just continues to giggle happily, it is the giggles that make Clayton happy, giggles he wants to protect forever.

He was happy that Zoey's cheerful energy seemed to radiate so brightly it felt infectious.

"I am going to see Leah?" he says to his grandmother with Zoey strapped in her stroller.

"Oh… you can leave Zoey if you want, I can take care of her," she suggested, Clayton shakes his head no, "it is okay, maybe Zoey being there will help lift her spirits up." Clayton explained.

He travelled to the media-packed hospital and managed to get in without getting a picture taken.

"Ugh… so much for privacy," he groaned, Conan was sleeping on the chair outside Kaleah's room.

"Morning loser," Clayton Joked making Conan jolt up.

"Ugh…. Just you, anyway, you look better that you did yesterday." Conan says.

"Thank you for staying here, I will take care of her for now," he said getting the room to wake Cyan up.

"Any changes?" he asked.

"No, she hasn't even moved, the doctor says it might take a while before she could wake up." Cyan says.

Clayton had taken Zoey out the stroll before laying her next to Kaleah, "maybe having Zoey's cute giggles with wake her up."

"Yeah, um... I am going to take a nap and return in the evening. "

"Sure, Conan is waiting for you outside."

After Cyan's departure Clayton sat on the chair Cyan had slept on previously before taking out a fairy-tale book.

"I hate these stories, but Cyan said you liked them, oh I chose PG 13 ones since Zoey is here with us," he explained before reading the book to both his wife and daughter.

He hoped no paparazzi sneaked in to see this scene, well he didn't mind being called soft for his family, but with all the bad press Mimi Dawson is trying to create, Clayton Beckett reading snow white and seven dwarfs to his wife might become bad press as well.


Caleb Mule had turned the house upside down in a search for something valuable enough to sell so he could gamble.

"What are you doing? Give me that," Crystal says snatching her necklace off his hands, "we might not have food to eat tomorrow, and you are probably worried about the wrong things."

"And whose fault is that?"

"Are you trying to say this is my fault?" She roared, they were both Ellen's parents, they both led him astray. If anyone could be blamed is both of them "you are as guilty as I am Caleb Mule."

Caleb rolled his eyes, he didn't want to come back to this house, it brings bad memories, having watched as his son loomed over his dead son's body with no remorse.

Ellen was the reason Archie died and he didn't care if he rots in jail, but then again, he needed the money to help him cope with his demons.

"Give me that," he said, taking back the necklace, but they both tug the necklace on opposite sides, the two husband and wife continue to grovel for the necklace until both of them tumbled down.

"Mother! Father! Can you stop," Layla shouted, after finding the two fighting over a necklace in the living room.

"Huh…. You are one to talk," Crystal said pushing Caleb off her, before she stood up, "you are the one who didn't satisfy Ellen enough that he to kidnap another woman."

"What…. Mother how can you…."

Just then they heard a knock, it was quite peculiar, though the Mules were in the heart of all this mess, no one had ever knocked at their door since now, neither the media nor the police.

Crystal carefully made her way to the door before gasping in shock.

"Crystal Mule you are under arrest for obstruction of justice," detective Ross says firmly.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?"

She nods still in shock, "Layla gets me a lawyer," she muttered to her shocked daughter-in-law before allowing the officers to handcuff her.

"What? Why is she getting arrested? It is Ellen's doing not hers," Caleb shouts watching his wife get handcuffed, he didn't hate her, she occupied a big part in his heart, still does.

What had Ellen done, he single-handedly ruined them, maybe if he had gotten what he wanted he wouldn't have turned like this, maybe they should have just given him that last piece of cake, or bought him that bicycle, it is not they couldn't afford it.

Outside the Mule Home Evelyn and Joshua stand at a distance witnessing the arrest.

"Why did you only get Crystal arrested?" Joshua asks his wife.

"Because she seems to be the one with the brain, Layla didn't seem like she understood what was going on, she just followed like a fool." Evelyn explained.

"Or maybe you just sympathize with a woman who married a monster, you know shared experience or whatever they call it."

"I didn't marry a monster," Evelyn shoots.

"You almost did," "almost is never enough," she joked.

They continue to enter their car and drive out the Mule home, "let us go check on Clayton after the whole thing okay," Joshua says, he hadn't seen his friend since last night and he is getting a bit worried.

That evening Cyan came back refreshed, finding Clayton and Zoey sleeping next to Kaleah.

"She hasn't woken up?" Cyan asked, Clayton woke to the voice of his sister, "what?"

"I asked if she hasn't woken up yet."

"No, she hasn't, ugh..." he stands up before stretching his muscles, "you didn't have to return I am sleeping here tonight."

"Ugh… fine but I will take Zoey with when I return home," Cyan said, and Clayton only nodded as he yawned.

"I am going to the bathroom," he said kissing his two girls on the forehead before leaving the room.

Wasn't it long enough that she would wake up? Did she give up on life? He thought. He was passing through the reception area when he heard chilling news.

"Did you hear it seem the Ellen Mule guy in Ward 10 is awake, ugh…... can't take him as a patient."

"They better not be expecting female nursing to help him."

"They have security guarding guys stop bugging and do your jobs."

"You are one to talk like you will have to nurse a monster like Ellen Mule."

Clayton felt his blood boil as he overhears the four nurses' gossip, how dare they put that man in the same hospital his wife is at, do they disrespect them that much.

He felt everything disorientated, something urged him to do something, but he was sure he would regret it.

But nothing could stop him from walking a straight line to Ward 10, he didn't know why he wanted to go there other than to finish him off, but he couldn't control his feet.

"Clayton!" He hears a shout; he turns back to see Joshua. But he still felt the urge to march towards Ward ten.

"Whatever you are thinking it will not end well," he warned his friend, "Come on, Kaleah is awake."

He immediately felt happy before running to his wife's room, Joshua sighs. This country's police force was sure a joke, why put Ellen Mule here of all hospitals. Hopefully, he gets discharged before Clayton makes a grave mistake.