
My Salvation

Lia Brown, a 20 year old girl, goes on a family trip to her hometown during summer vacation . Wanting to escape from her loud and bothersome family members, she goes out where she bumps into a handsome looking boy on the street. Next thing she knew, the same boy was helping her when she fell victim to some vicious prank. A long time passes without her seeing him again, only to one day bump into him again. She thought it was all a coincidence, but little did she know he kept watching over her for months in secret. Noah, her secret observer, failed to understand the reasons behind his attraction to her and had finally decided to get to the root of it as he approached her. His friend complained, "But she's a human." The werewolf alpha showed no intention of backing down as he strode forward, trying to unravel the secrets surrounding her that only he could feel.

P_Mitra · Masa Muda
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8 Chs

Moonlit Fury

Chapter 8: Moonlit Fury

Lia and Noah landed in a roll, their bodies absorbing the impact of the fall. They quickly regained their footing, their adrenaline still coursing through their veins. They found themselves in a dimly lit alley, surrounded by the remnants of a forgotten world.

As they caught their breath, Lia's senses heightened. The full moon hung in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow upon her. Something within her stirred—a primal force that awakened with the moon's embrace. She felt a surge of power coursing through her veins, a connection to a part of herself she had never fully understood.

Noah turned to Lia, his eyes widened with a mix of awe and concern. "Lia, what's happening to you? You're glowing."

Lia glanced down at her hands, a soft, silvery light emanating from her skin. It was then that she realized the truth—the blood that flowed through her veins was not purely human. She was a half-werewolf hybrid, a being caught between two worlds.

With newfound clarity, Lia embraced her inner strength. Her senses sharpened, her reflexes honed. She looked at Noah, determination gleaming in her eyes. "Noah, we have to fight back. We can't let them capture us."

Together, they ventured deeper into the night, their footsteps purposeful and swift. Lia's transformation granted her heightened senses, allowing her to detect their enemies' presence from afar. She led Noah through the maze-like streets, avoiding their pursuers and seeking opportunities to strike back.

As they navigated the labyrinthine city, they stumbled upon an abandoned warehouse, its doors creaking with neglect. It provided the perfect hideout—a place to regroup, plan, and gather their strength.

Within the warehouse's darkness, Lia and Noah devised a strategy. Lia's hybrid abilities granted her enhanced strength and speed, while Noah's sharp intellect and resourcefulness made him a formidable ally. They armed themselves with whatever makeshift weapons they could find, ready to face their adversaries head-on.

As the moon's radiant light spilled through a cracked window, Lia's transformation became more pronounced. Her eyes glowed with an otherworldly fierceness, her fangs peeking out from her lips. She embraced her dual nature, channeling her inner ferocity to protect those she cared about.

Their enemies arrived, their footsteps echoing ominously through the warehouse. The scent of danger hung heavy in the air as Lia and Noah prepared for the impending clash. They moved as one, a well-coordinated dance of strength and determination.

Lia's claws swiped through the darkness, striking with precision and grace. Noah fought with calculated strategy, using his agility to evade their adversaries' attacks. Together, they formed an unstoppable force, their combined strength and unwavering resolve pushing back against the encroaching threat.

Amidst the chaos, Lia's wolf-like instincts kicked in. She detected an enemy closing in on Noah from behind. Without hesitation, she lunged forward, intercepting the attacker with a fierce growl. Fangs clashed, and a flurry of movements ensued, the clash of steel against steel resonating through the warehouse.

Their adversaries soon realized they were facing an unprecedented force—one that possessed the strength of a werewolf and the strategic prowess of a human. Lia's hybrid nature proved to be an advantage they hadn't anticipated.

With each strike, Lia and Noah fought back, driving their enemies further into retreat. Their foes, outnumbered and outmatched, soon realized that capturing Lia and Noah would be no easy task. They retreated into the shadows, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty and fear.

As the dust settled, Lia and Noah stood victorious, their bodies covered in sweat and battle scars. They

exchanged a glance, a mix of exhaustion and triumph filling their eyes. They had faced danger head-on and emerged stronger together.

Lia and Noah knew the fight was far from over. The night's events had revealed a world they had only glimpsed in their wildest dreams. They needed answers, and they needed them fast.

Together, they embarked on a quest for knowledge, searching for clues that would unlock the secrets of Lia's hybrid nature. They delved into ancient texts, consulted enigmatic sources, and sought out individuals with arcane knowledge.

Their journey led them to a hidden underground society—a sanctuary for supernatural beings. Here, they hoped to find guidance, a path that would shed light on Lia's origins and the purpose behind their enemies' relentless pursuit.

Within the sanctuary's hallowed halls, they were met with a mix of skepticism and intrigue. The residents, each with their own unique abilities and stories, shared fragments of wisdom that slowly pieced together Lia's heritage.

They discovered that Lia's hybrid nature was rare and coveted among supernatural factions. Her existence posed a threat to the delicate balance that had been maintained for centuries. Her enemies, a shadowy organization known as the Nightshade Syndicate, sought to capture and control her powers for their nefarious agenda.

As Lia absorbed the revelations, she realized the weight of her responsibility. Her destiny was intertwined with a battle that extended beyond herself and Noah. She had the power to tip the scales in favor of good or evil, and she vowed to protect those she cared about, no matter the cost.

Noah stood by her side, his unwavering support a pillar of strength in the face of uncertainty. Together, they vowed to unravel the truth behind the Nightshade Syndicate, to dismantle their plans, and to secure a future where love and justice prevailed.

Armed with newfound knowledge and a determination that burned like a flame, Lia and Noah prepared for the next chapter of their journey. Shadows loomed ahead, but within their hearts, a glimmer of hope shone bright.