
I'm Dead

My name is Ryan and I killed myself. If you were to ask my family and friends why I did it, they'd say they don't know. They'd say I had a great life. That everyone loved me and that I had so much to live for but that's not true. You see to every story there's always two sides so here's mine. Like I said before my name is Ryan and I'm transgender, it's not my fault, I was born this way. My mother called me a curse and my father was so ashamed of me that he wouldn't look at me. To me my parents were weak and didn't stand up for me. My friends weren't really my friends, they were bullies. Everyone treated me as though I shouldn't exist and so I killed myself because I was tired. Tired of smiling, tired of trying to make my parents proud, tried of trying to make friends, tired of bullying, and tired of trying to find my way out of the darkness.

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