
My Race Are Superior

Reincarnation, OP System, Ultimate Race, I Have It All! ————————————————————————— This novel was created based on ideas and imaginations that came suddenly. ~DimensionalEater

DimensionalEater · Fantasi
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16 Chs

A System creates systems?, Holy King Song Jin Wuu (1)



Hi, I'm Vain, this time it seems the testimonial has gone smoothly, after Crescent met the girl and dated for several years, they finally did a bed scene. To think Crescent was really bad when it came to romance, even when they first met when the girl passed out she didn't even put a hand over her. If I become him I will do 5 days 5 nights.

Btw, time to change topic. My new super genius 1000 IQ plan will be done soon. Do you guys want to know? the plan was to mass-create systems and find random hosts in Universe 2.0, one of the goals of creating a clone named Crescent was to test whether a given system suited the host's tastes. It seems that the first test will be possible now. "Sera, I hereby bestow you with the authority of creating a system as a subordinate". Immediately, when I stated my intention, 90% of my power was drained, leaving only 10%.

This is the cost of the Creation skill, a very OP creation power as it can ignore everything and create something on top of its created setting. It's even possible to reproduce a second Beyonder World with this skill. In fact, the Beyonder World was in a period of endless expansion. 90% of my power quickly recovered, and my abilities increased by almost 2x. This is what makes the Beyonder superior to other superior races. When my power merged with Sera who was in the depths of my soul, she underwent a spectacular evolution, my power which was like a boundless universe started to rapidly shrink and merged with Sera's. Without any fancy effects, Sera was successfully updated.

[Sera 1.0 (Multipurpose System)

- New features added!

[★ System Creator

Create all kinds of systems according to your wishes! The created system will never betray the Creator. Systems that violate orders will be destroyed.

... ]

I'm only giving this update, with this should be enough to start my plan. "How does it feel?" I asked casually. Sera gave an answer

[Master, why do you do things as you please? Master didn't even seek approval from me first]

"Master's orders are ABSOLUTE, don't make me repeat them. Now create interesting systems and give them to the right people. I will give authority to use my powers as much as you like, and for reference I will give a bit of my past memories. That's all".


With this Sera set to work, she first created a world based on technology and science like Earth as her first place. A huge gate opened in outer space above Earth and monsters entered from all over the world. Humans are almost extinct leaving only 10% of the population. However, luckily humans who had managed to awaken his skills, thanks to mana crossing the world through gates began to appear. After that, the great war was fought for 20 years, finally mankind won. The great gate that connects the monster world to the human world is sealed, many magicians are struggling to seal it, with this humanity should be able to continue to live in peace. But sometimes small cracks appear all over the world at different times, making the human world still under threat. Luckily the hunters started cleaning the gates around the world. This is the story of a H rank hunter who was a freighter, accidentally got lost from the group, when he was looking for his way back he accidentally saw a big door and opened it. When he entered the closed door, the surroundings of this place were golden colored skies which made it beautiful. Suddenly he heard an AI-like voice, he chose him as the Host due to his strong soul that could bear the brunt of the system's power.

1 year later..

Song Jin Wuu, who was in a coma woke up, the first thing he saw was a golden colored panel.

[Good morning Host, did you sleep well? ]

Jin Wuu was shocked by what he saw, many questions in his mind, but the system suddenly gave an explanation through the information sent to his brain. With this Jin Wuu understood the outline, this system called Alice, a system that traverses the universe to search for the right Host.

After receiving the super OP leveling system named Alice, Jin Wuu tries hard to change his fate as an H-rank Hunter. Secretly solos leveling, builds an army of angels with his Holy Power, shocks the world with his strength, challenges the old Hunter, ruffles hell , conquered the monster world, now the world is in true peace under the leadership of Jin Wuu. Alice gave him the title 'Holy King'

However, suddenly a being who claimed to be a Lord appeared and attacked the Earth, with the power of death so strong that inversely proportional to the power of Holy Jin Wuu, the fight reached an epic level. They fought in the dimensional rift with hundreds of millions of angelic troops against billions of armies of darkness. A battle broke out, the angel troop and the dark troop were immortals as long as they were supplied with mana from their Masters, so the fight had reached a stalemate. The Lord stepped forward and attacked Jin Wuu, suddenly not leaving the slightest trace, as if teleporting. Holy King Jin Wuu also launched an attack with his sword. The Lord's gauntlet and Jin Wuu's sword clashed as they moved at the speed of light. Lord hit Jin Wuu's stomach with his gauntlet, as soon as Jin Wuu landed on the ground hard. Blood sprayed from Jin Wuu's mouth, the difference in strength was huge, Jin Wuu stood up and attacked with all his skills. This battle culminated when Lord assumed his true form as a 1,000km Dragon. Not to be outdone, Jin Wuu mobilized his holy power to the extreme, suddenly an 800km-sized humanoid creature with a huge holy light illuminated the entire place, a huge ring disk appeared behind the humanoid, and a crown of light shone brightly on the humanoid's head, making it majestic and looks great. The angels who saw this prostrated themselves as if worshiping their God.

The Lord gave off a purple breath of extreme heat, illuminating a large part of the place with scorching light and heat. Jin Wuu exerted a large amount of Holy Energy, creating a thick shield of light surrounding the area. When the fire and shield met, the surrounding area was scorched in flames, half of Jin Wuu's shield melted. Jin Wuu took a step forward, drew the longsword right at the Lord's head swiftly, incomparable to his large size. The god who had extraordinary instincts quickly formed a mana shield and covered his head with his hands. Immediately, half of the Lord's arm was cut off and blood was splattered. The Lord couldn't help but take this opportunity to attack, his sharp claws stabbed and scraped Jin Wuu, a large gash appeared on the humanoid's chest, Jin Wuu took the opportunity to teleport above the Lord and stabbed the newly made gigantic sword into the heart of the Lord. The reckless Lord roared in pain, seeing that the Lord who was still in a fit state did not seem to be that easy to kill him. The wound on Lord's hand quickly healed, but it took longer for the wound on the heart to take 1 minute.

86 years later, Jin Wuu who had a handsome face and long white hair that reached his feet with a luxurious golden crown on his head looked down. That person was a kneeling Lord with 12 swords stabbing his heart, his opponent for the past 86 years, he didn't expect it would take this long to execute him. "Kill me" said Lord with a satisfied face, he was satisfied with his opponent this time, he looked forward to fighting with him again. However, his end had come. Jin Wuu drew his sword, and beheaded Lord. He then saw hundreds of millions of angels surrounding the Lord and shouted "WE WIN!!!". Angelic cheers reached all over the place. The earth is now destroyed, there is no place for me to live, all of a sudden. Ding~

[Congratulations Host, you have received the Restoration Item, repair whatever has been broken]

[Conditions, repaired items must have remaining]

" Can I use it for a planet?". Jin Wuu saw a hint of hope, Alice said

[Yes, the planet will be in the state it was before its destruction. So all mankind will be saved]

"Thank you Alice, for everything. If it wasn't for you, I don't know how many times this world has been destroyed." Jin Wuu said happily.

[You're welcome]

After using the Restoration Item, the Earth which was in its usual state was in Jin Wuu's eyes. "I'm home, Mom, Dad, Brother".

the end


After watching the story for 122 years, it feels so sad to see it end. Well at least I have a television now. With this Vain returned to the mansion....