
Chapter 5

As the night enveloped the world in its inky embrace, a solitary figure occupied an impeccably lit office. The man, aged and adorned with the distinctive marks of time etched upon his face, exuded an undeniable aura of authority. This venerable presence belonged to none other than the esteemed CEO of SW Corporation—Shin Jiyeh's grandfather. Amidst the sea of documents adorning his desk, he immersed himself in the labyrinth of work.

The rhythmic clock ticking was shattered by a soft knock at the door, disrupting the solitude of the room. "Come in," the CEO uttered in his measured tone. The door creaked open, and a man entered with silent efficiency. Dressed in a suit, his countenance revealed a certain middle-aged formality. This individual held a position of prominence within the company—a manager at SW.

"Tell me today's business report," the CEO commanded, his gaze unwavering, fixed upon the papers sprawled before him. The manager, undeterred by the CEO's lack of visual acknowledgment, diligently began his report.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as the manager detailed the day's affairs, the CEO's stoic facade unchanged. The report, though mundane, unfolded with precision. When the manager concluded, the room lingered in an anticipatory hush.

"Is that all?" the CEO queried, prompting a nod from the manager. Dismissing him with a subtle gesture, the CEO watched as the manager bowed respectfully and retreated. Yet, just as the manager approached the door, a sudden inquiry sliced through the silence.

"I heard Jiyeh's schedule today involved overseeing the evaluation of the recruits. How did it go?" The CEO's curiosity betrayed an interest in the outcome of the recruits' assessment. The manager shifted his focus, pondered briefly, and responded.

"According to the Team 2's Leader report, the recruits' performance was deemed unsatisfactory." The revelation hung in the air, leaving the CEO intrigued.

"When will the next batch of recruits arrive?" the CEO inquired, expecting a routine response but receiving something unexpected.

"Sir, the Director has granted the recruits one month for training," the manager disclosed cautiously. The CEO, surprised by this uncharacteristic extension, probed further.

"Why would Jiyeh give them more time? What's the reason for this?" The CEO's brow furrowed, puzzled by the Director's decision to grant an extension. The manager, searching through the Team 2's Leader report, clarified.

"Reading through the report, no standout performance was observed initially. However, towards the end, a recruit named Gwan Joon captured the Director's attention." The manager's revelation sparked a palpable interest in the CEO.

"Gwan Joon? Provide me with his profile folder," the CEO instructed, eager to delve into the details of this seemingly ordinary recruit. As the manager searched for the information, the CEO perused Joon's profile with growing dismay.

"High School Graduate, completed military service, not affiliated with special forces," the CEO muttered, perplexed by the lack of noteworthy achievements. Questions swirled in his mind, questioning Jiyeh's interest in this seemingly unremarkable individual. Despite the absence of clear answers, the CEO instructed the manager to keep a vigilant eye on Gwan Joon.

The night unfolded slowly, giving way to the approaching dawn. Joon, meanwhile, emerged from his slumber. His hand, not yet fully awake, sought his phone, unveiling a barrage of notifications from colleagues, including Dae-Ho. However, these expressions of gratitude and thanks for the dinner brought no joy to Joon. His night had been a relentless ordeal, and the wish to turn back time haunted his thoughts. Negative emotions threatened to consume him, but he reined them in, acknowledging that the choices were his own.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, Joon embarked on a light exercise routine. The casual training clothes clung to him as he jogged through the neighborhood, immersed in contemplation. The streets gradually filled with people as the day unfurled its lively canvas. Taking a break outside a convenience store, Joon observed the ebb and flow of the bustling crowd, reflecting on the surreal events of the past 24 hours.

Moments later, he stepped into the convenience store, grabbing a snack and a drink. Approaching the counter, he encountered a distressed girl, Yu Dayun, frantically searching for her forgotten wallet. Joon, recognizing her as Ijin's younger sister, intervened with a simple offer to pay for her items. Grateful yet hesitant, Dayun accepted, unknowingly causing another dent in Joon's finances. A notification rang in his head, "Pretending to be a gentleman. Pretense +," offering a slight solace to his internal turmoil.

As they left the convenience store, Joon and Dayun engaged in a brief conversation. With Dayun expressing her gratitude repeatedly, Joon maintained an approachable demeanor, concealing the turmoil within. Another ringing sound signified the accrual of more Pretense + points.

Eventually, they parted ways, and as Dayun continued toward school, she realized she had forgotten to ask for Joon's name. Though regretful, the image of Joon's face lingered in her memory.

As Joon observed Dayun from a distance, his thoughts wandered to the arrival of Yu Ijin in South Korea. The uncertainty about his presence lingered in his mind, a curiosity sparked by the events in the Manhwa. However, he quickly dismissed these musings, realizing that more immediate concerns demanded his attention. With a shake of his head, he refocused on the pressing matters at hand and made his way back home, eager to find solace in rest.

At home, Joon found himself immersed in contemplation, searching for ways to accumulate Pretense Points. He deliberated on various strategies, discarding the notion of being overly pretentious to his colleagues and recognizing the potential backlash and negative impact on their dynamics. Another idea involved feigning an intense workout routine, a seemingly foolish endeavor that would drain his energy and vitality, pushing him to his limits each day. Additionally, he considered aiding his teammates under the guise of farming Pretense + goodies.

Little did Joon anticipate that these seemingly absurd decisions would play a crucial role in his colleagues' success during the evaluation, earning affirmation from both the Director and the CEO in the future. The execution of his plans began to take shape in the coming days.

As time passed, the routine of his daily life continued, marked by moments of reflection on various strategies to amass Pretense Points and thoughts about the meals awaiting him at the dining table. The days blended, uneventful on the surface, yet each one contributed to the groundwork for Joon's forthcoming endeavors.

With the approaching date for the training to resume, the instructor expressed satisfaction with the changes he had implemented, eagerly anticipating the challenges that lay ahead. The day finally arrived for the training to recommence, and an air of anxiety and nervous anticipation enveloped Joon's colleagues. They braced themselves for the hardships that awaited them. In contrast, Joon faced the impending trials with resolute determination, a confident smile playing on his lips as he embraced the inevitable days of relentless challenges, welcoming the impending journey through the crucible of Hell.

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