He is everywhere! He is unpredictable! The chaos mage! The phantom Lord. Imperial Prince Arian Brook along with his family were murdered by the Chief imperial guard to secure the throne and the Farem group. As his body sank to the bottom of the sea where he was drowned, the Phantom relic he had acquired from his master lighted up and banged into his chest. [Warning: current host depleted] [Scanning for permanent host] [Host found] [Intializing transmigration...] [Transmigrating...] [5..4..3..2..1..0] [Transmigration complete] He woke up with his memories erased in a parallel world where magic and mystical creatures exist with a system. When most people cultivate their magic element to face these monsters, Arian goes on system quests and levels up at a really fast pace, becoming the Phantom Lord that is everywhere at the same time and kills with just a gust of wind.
There has always been danger lurking in the Farem group, the leading company in the real estate world. The king and CEO of Farem group has always been conscious of his security, his family and the company but..this seems to be much more than he can handle. Even as he is going for a board meeting at the Farem hotels conference centre, he is very intent and meticulous of his security.
His convoy lined the streets of the imperial city as the news of his retirement had spread the whole country before his son, the heir to the Farem group takes over the company.
So many congratulatory messages filled the air as he passed the rows of buildings along the streets. On the other hand, his nasty son will not be officially present to witness his father's retirement speech. He's somewhere out there frolicking like a homeless cat.
"I have some business to take care of dad!" He had yelled as he took off to his room.
King Kim Brook sighed. He was sure his son would take up his responsibility soonest.
His fleet crossed the streets and drove into the highway.
A young man in his early thirties slowly walked in after the last car had left. With his eyes glued to the empty road, he pressed his cellphone to his ear. "He just crossed the oak Street, boss."
"Remember the plan. Gather your troop and head to the conference centre. I desire only good news."
"Who do we spare?" The man's voice was strangely deep while he maintained a robotic face, blinking only once in a while in his spectacles.
"Spare no one." The receiver's deep voice dragged out the words. "The companies will be mine and I will make the rules. Make it a remarkable bloodbath ever in the history of the imperial city."
A helicopter circled the Farem hotels before sending a safe signal to the king's patrol team. It landed safely on the roof of the tallest building in the Farem hotels.
King Kim's convoy gracefully entered the hotel and stopped before the conference centre that has a capacity of accommodating more than a thousand people. The hotel is the biggest in the whole of the imperial city.
Camera shutters and lights streamed into the environment as his majesty made his big entrance into the conference building. His two personal guards followed him into the room while the rest were on standby.
People's chatter and laughter ceased as the king walked in. They all stood up to welcome his majesty.
Long live the king!
All hail the king!
The meeting began within few seconds of paying respect to the king.
"It has been an honour to serve the imperial city..." Camera lights flooded in on the king who was live on the stage as he continued with his well articulated retirement speech.
Outside the hall, unforseen bullets landed into the skulls of the guards on patrol. Silently, one by one, they dropped dead. It was a perfect shoot done by a skilled gunman.
In the conference centre, the king was still giving his speech. "Even as I retire, the levies for the citizens will still be below average as the subsidy will not be lifted. An international conference centre with a whopping number of two million capacity is now being erected at the heart of the imperial city as my parting gift."
The king was applauded.
"In addition, the trade centre has been totally renovated for a good working condition for even the less privileged..."
The sound of gunshots filled the air. People scampered and screamed like scared cats but before they could get to safety, armed men rushed into the hall. Some surrounded the hall and blocked all exits.
Right in the middle of these armed men, a man slowly approached with his heels clicking heavily and noisily against the tiled floor. He raised his right hand and signalled the armed men to shoot.
Indiscriminate shots were fired into the room. More people were killed even as they tried to hide from the bullets. Blood and gore covered the floor. Nowhere to run to.
The man in the middle placed his cellphone over his ear. "The king is being cornered, boss."
"Awesome! Get the papers signed."
"What about his son?"
"He is no big problem. I know where he is."
The man signalled the armed man closest to him and he came closer with head slightly bent. "Get me the briefcase."
A briefcase was handed over to him within a minute. He fixed his eyes on the king who was standing behind his two guards on the stage as he approached them. Briefcase in hand and feet landing on people's thick blood on the floor, he maintained his pace.
His feet eerily imprinted on the floor and bodies on the victims as he did not avoid walking on them, instead he walked over their bodies in order to maintain a straight line.
The guards protecting the king quickly slipped out their pistols and aimed at him but he kept approaching fearlessly.
"Stop! That's a king's order!" One of the guards commanded on behalf of the king.
Ironically, the king was behind them cowering heavily with fear that he wet his pants.
The man didn't stop. He maintained his straight line and rhythmic movements.
Two more steps to go, the guards cocked their guns. Two gunshots were fired. The guards dropped to the floor.
The man stepped up to the stage while the king took few steps backwards.
"What do you want?" King Kim asked, trepidation lapped in his voice.
"Another nation under the busy streets of the imperial city, your majesty." The man said with a wicked smile at the corner of his lips. He bowed. "Let me introduce myself. I am your biggest fan, Hay. Pleased to finally meet you in person, your majesty."
"Hay, whatever you want, we can fix this." King Kim knew he was in no position to bargain, so he kept his voice low and tried to speak sense into Hay.
"Sure it can be fixed. The tax, the rent, the tributes weighing heavily on the citizens. The poor gets poorer while the rich gets richer and...the king amasses the whole wealth of the nation. Surely, it can be fixed when power is given to the one with the mind of the people."
"I try to keep the standard of living moderate. I don't overtax people. This is a big misunderstanding Hay, and am sure we can fix this."
"Go to hell!!!"
Hay pulled out a gun from his pockets and the first shot landed on king Kim's right leg. King Kim dropped heavily to the floor and writhed in pains.
"If you want to get at least a life in the countryside, if it pleases me though, you'd do something spectacular for me, your majesty."
King Kim groaned in pain. His blood lined the floor and stained his imperial robe.
"A spectacular handover of the Farem group and the imperial palace to the imperial guard, your successor, Olly Mcfield. Just a thumbprint and some signatures on these..." Hay took out some papers from the briefcase.
The first paper had the FAREM GROUP boldly imprinted on its header.
Hay concluded.