
Good boys won't survive.

-2 days and 7 hours since the start-

The young man is still sleeping but this time it seems his sleep isn't as deep as before since his eyes keep moving as if ready to wake up at any moment. Not long after some nightmare like expression, the young man finally woke up.

"arrrghh!.... I feel horrible, it's like I was hit with a wood cub followed by a rock and metal one.... That sure was the weirdest dream ever. Well, I should go take a bath." The young man said then got up from his bed and went to the bathroom and took a bath, after that he went to the dining room to have breakfast.

The young man was immediately greeted by four women.

"Good Morning son, did you sleep well?" said a mature looking woman as prepared some waffles.

"Yes, mom, and you?" the young man said as he seated on the table.

"Yes I did, thanks to God." the young man's mother said with a smile on her face and continue making waffles.

"Morning bother." Said a girl that looked around 10 years old.

"Morning." answered The young man to his younger sister.

"Morning." said a slightly older looking girl that should be around 12 years old.

"Morning" the young man answered once more.

"Good morning, so do you know any good series I can watch on Betflix? I've almost finished the ones you recommend last time." said a girl that looked around 17 years old.

"Morning, humm... Well, I don't remember any good ones right now, I'll just check it later and tell you if I know any you haven't watched yet" The young man answered his sister as he fitted down and grabbed some bread, butter, milk and so on, to eat for breakfast.

"Son, you need to eat more, you're so skinny and you won't grow tall if you keep being so lazy, at least go to the gym and exercise a little, you don't have that much time before you stop growing." The young man's mother said very warmly but in a somewhat strict and worried tone, after all, her son only has the height of 1,67m(167cm) and weighs about 58kg(58.000g), for a 19-year-old man those are rather low value and it would be best if he gained a little bit of weight, since the hopes of growing taller at this point aren't many.

"I'm fine with my height and weight, you don't have to unnecessarily worry, I'm actually closer to my ideal weight this way you know and what if I'm not tall, it's not like there aren't shorter girls if that's your concern and about defending myself, I'm pretty fine and actually most people I meet tell me I have an intimating aura and even arrogant aura around me, that might somewhat be a problem, but it also means not that many people won't want trouble with me and even if they do, I didn't train Muay Thai for 8 years just to get beat up for being short or slender. So to sum it up, I'm fine mom, you don't have to worry about my every step, you know." the young man resorted to his mother who in his opinion is just worrying too much, he's fine and he already has a girlfriend from a good family, his mother even knows and approved herself.

At this moment the young man seemed to remember the day he met her parents the first time, back then he was just a 'friend' and his girlfriend's mother started questioning him to death about his origins and intentions, while her father was pretty nice to him and even saved him from her mother. That night during dinner in her house, her father who was most likely just joking said the following 'My daughter, just who has been grabbing your breast for them to grow this much?' and after that, the young man nearly choked himself to death trying to contain the laughter inside, but in the end, he survived the night and went back home.

Once the mother was done making the waffles, she joined the table and they all talked while eating breakfast and the mother starting telling stories of when the young man was younger and the laughs wouldn't stop, but the young man didn't mind it for such a beautiful family moment, in their house the days where everyone had time to sit together and eat happily while talking calmly like this weren't many so it was best to make the most of them.

But things are never perfect.

Suddenly the peaceful atmosphere completely changed things seemed to be getting sinister, the appearance of everything surrounding the young man started distorting and now looked abnormal.

The young man seemed to not have noticed the difference and continued appreciating the joyful conversation with his family. Then the space broke down and the young man lost consciousness.

before fully fading away he heard these words. "Son, please take better care of yourself. Your mother is getting old and can't always pay attention to every small detail, so please take care of yourself, you're my precious son, if you won't do it for yourself do it for me." Those words were full of care and love as even though this is not exactly real, his mother could still feel that her child was going through something tough even though he didn't say and knowing she can't help him directly pains her, but having no other choice she decides to leave him with these words and pray for his safety.

-2 days and 9 hours since the start-

"Mother! I-!" the young man was trying to say something to his mother in the moment he realized he was getting thrown out of that place but woke up before he could.

"I'll take good care of myself. I promise." Even though he isn't exactly sure what just happened, he felt a real connection to those people and the situation in question. Thinking that maybe he has been forcing himself a little too much he decided to accept his mother's advice.

Drenched in his own sweat the young man slowly breathes in order to calm himself down and to retain all that is happening to him.

"So, I did have a family.... just what happened to me? When I was there everything felt so natural, like if this white space had never existed. I felt like I was me but someone else at the same time.... The me before I lost everything.... *sigh* I seemed to have a pretty normal life and even had a girlfriend, how did I end up here?!.... Why did I end up here?!..... Maybe if I had listened to mom and exercised a bit I would have been able to leave this place already....." The young man had a completely different aura around himself than the one he had before, now that he has some memories of his lost past, his way of viewing things changed and his determination to leave and find answers only increased with many questions about his many still missing memories.

"Just what was my name? Where was my father in that dream? Memory? I don't know but he wasn't there, also how did my girlfriend look? Now that I think of it, I don't even know how I look..... I didn't see any mirrors in my dream/memory, that's weird I'm sure that house was so full of mirrors I was surprised it wasn't haunted.... I don't get these memories at all, besides this horrible headache they bring too much confusion!!" The young man is trying to understand his dream/memory but the more he tries the worse he feels.

The young man got up while a little dizzy and almost fell down but regained balance, slowly until he stabilized a bit.

"Ok, now I can't stay here. Thinking about these things while it won't help me at all right now, I have to keep going." the young man once again convinced himself that the only way to get out of there somehow.

Then he looked at his surroundings and saw his left foot's shoe that was not in front of him how he placed before fainting but besides him.

"I'm sure I had placed the shoe in front of myself.... Did I move that much while asleep? Well, that's the only possible explanation. I can't just stay here, I better get going" The Young Man concluded that he probably misplaced himself while asleep, so he simply started moving in the direction his left foot's shoe is pointing.

Once again the young man's great walk has started and he doesn't know where this will lead him but he hopes that he eventually finds answers.

-2 days and 12 hours since the start-

The young man had been walking for 3 hours, so he decided to stop for a while and take a break. After all, he did promise to be nicer to himself, well, considering his situation before was that of someone who had nothing and nobody besides his clothes it's understandable that he would want answers at all cost, but having met his mother he feels a little more at ease and that even if it takes time he will find those answers, and so decided that he doesn't have to faint and maybe die of exhaustion for it.

"The more I think the words it gets, now that I have a piece of myself back with me. It feels very weird to not have the rest, I don't even know how to feel about all of this anymore..... and this headache, just when will it stop?!" the young man complained as he let out a little of his thoughts to try and feel a bit better.

"*sigh* What a very bad story this one being..... I wish I could re-write this." the young man said somethings he himself didn't expect but it just came out natural.

After resting for enough time, the young man once again began to move.

-3 days and 21 hours since the beginning-

It's been 30 hours since the first stop and there were about more nine stops after that. The young man wasn't as tired as he naturally should after walking for so long.

Once the young man reached this point he found something that shocked him.

"How can it be here?!?!?! This is the right foot shoe?..... Wait, that's the one I took with me.... I was so distracted by the dream/memory I didn't even bother paying attention to the shoe.... How is it possible that I was back there again? Have I been walking in circles?! No there's no way that can be true!! I, I... This has to be a lie!!!!" The young man was furious at the current situation, after all, the effort he has putting on to this. He's once again faced with a situation where it seems to have been in vain, he stopped trying to understand the situation and simply fell on the ground with his eyes that were already filled with some hope now emptier than before.

"Does it really matter what I do? Can I really get out of here? Isn't all this just me fooling myself?.... I knew it from the beginning, I knew I would fail, but the idea of having no choice just scared me so much I decided to lie to myself instead.... I'm so pathetic... It seems even my own mother thinks too highly of this child, I'm just never getting out and I'll either die or simply go crazy here..... What a perfect ending for somebody who became a nobody" The young man said each of those words with immense sadness, just like that the hope and motivation he had been building for himself crumbled like if it never existed. 'A year's worth of work can easily be destroyed in a day' it's always hard to build or achieve something but it's always much easier to destroy or lose it, hard work doesn't mean great results, sometimes life plays pranks on those who try but whether to give up or not is a choice.

At this same moment, it seems our young man gave up.

Thanks for reading.

Darkias07creators' thoughts
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