
My Other Lover

Based on true-life events, My Other Lover is an eye-opener to relationships, true love, cheating, lies and most of all deception, however not all is hopeless, in the wonderful world of relationships, as we come across numerous couples who fight to stay true to themselves, their love and respect for their partners and most of all their families. My Other Lover also tells the story of numerous families, who have been driven apart by lies and deception, only to be drawn together by forgiveness and unconditional love. See how these couples manage to face everyday temptation, but how in the end love always prevails.

BS_Mahoko · perkotaan
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11 Chs

Twisted Meetings



It rained in Centurion earlier that morning. Pule woke up before his alarm bell went off. He lay awake inside his black wooden queen-sized bed. His tiny eyes stared at a photo of a woman, inside a gold picture frame, that stood upright on his black wooden bedside table. He was lying on his side, as he picked up a ringing cell phone, grinning at the name appearing on his screen.

He turned to the other side to reveal a tattoo of his signature, situated on the side of his neck, just below his ear. He stepped out of bed, wearing only his black silk pyjamas shorts, ambled to the glass sliding door, that led to his private garden and pool area, and slid it open. He then stood in front of his two-metre-long mirror, admiring what stared back at him, whilst he checked out his face and gazed from his beautiful eyes... all the way down to his firm biceps.

"What are you wearing?" asked Pule, in a flirtatious tone, as he laughed out loud.

Pule Pooe was an extremely handsome man, with very striking features. His long eyelashes and cherry, kissable lips, had earned him quite a fan base with woman of all ages. He had a very elegant aura about him, and his smile was increasingly alluring. Due to hours of daily work-outs in the gym, he was in amazing shape, ripped and cut in all the right places, and he was an extremely wealthy man, at the tender age of thirty-three. He grew up in Hatfield, Pretoria, and was Menzi's best friend since primary school. Being the owner of Pooe Entertainment Studios, also known as "PES", the leading manufacturer in electronic, entertainment, and gaming products for professional, and consumer markets, he had earned himself quite a reputation, amongst the likes of the rich and famous.

Before the birth of his multibillion making company, he was once a songwriter and producer for Quantum Records. His mother, Mrs Toni Pooe, was a widow to Mr Pooe, who according to her, had died years ago – or so she was told. He, in turn, became the father figure to his youngest brother, Thato Pooe, Siza's ex-boyfriend.

He stepped into the bathroom, and immediately stepped right out as if he had forgotten something. He headed to his spacious kitchen, which was adorned with creamy white walls, and non-slippery white tiles, to pour himself a glass of full cream milk, his favourite drink. He opened his metallic fridge, built inside his black wooden kitchen unit that circled around a large grey stoned kitchen table, and eyed the contents of the fridge, settling for the full cream milk.

"Yes, I will call you later," assured Pule, hanging up the call and replacing the phone on the kitchen counter. He seemed distracted by the caller and decided to delay his shower and work from home instead. He headed to his bedroom, grabbed his gold plated Mac book from his recliner, switched it on, and prepared to work.

He stared at the blank screen as though he were watching an action movie, allowing his thoughts to take him back in time. He closed his eyes and recollected a dark secret he had managed to keep hidden for quite some time.

In his recollection, he saw a tall, light-skinned man and a woman, almost as tall as he was. They were standing in what looked like an old office building, the man being the owner of the building, and the woman, his girlfriend. It seemed as if there were revamps being done in the building, but to their knowledge and fortune, no contractors were working that day. There was a white marked board not far from where they stood, which emphasised the company name, "Pooe Entertainment Studios."

The man was dressed in a classy charcoal suit, and a white shirt, holding a gun in his right hand. The woman was dressed in black jeans, a light, white jersey, and knee-high black suede boots, speechless and shocked beyond measure. She seemed terrified, as she took in the scene before her, in utter horror. Her eyes shifted in sheer terror, at the man holding the gun, to the man who lay shot on the laminated wooden floor.

"I cannot believe I let you con me into this...what did you do!!!" yelled the woman.

"Please calm down - I'm trying to think," panicked the man.

"What are you going to do with the body...dump it?

"No, I'm going to bury him standing, somewhere inside this building."

"What...you do realise that's your father, right?"

"Yes! Please help me carry him towards that grey file cabinet," pleaded the gunman, preparing himself to carry the lifeless corpse.

The woman grabbed the helpless man by the hands, and felt a shiver run down her spine, when he grasped her hands right back, unexpectedly!

Her body began to tremble, as she pointed her shaking index finger at the lifeless corpse lying on the ground before her. "He moved!!" she shrieked in sheer panic. "He's alive!" she continued in a high pitched voice, as she bit her nails fearing the unknown. She was flustered as she stared at the shooter, while he examined the helpless man. The woman was beginning to have a meltdown. She was in shock and could not comprehend what had just transpired between the two men.

As he placed his right third and fourth finger on the man's neck, to check for a pulse, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as he yelled, "Dad...I was trying to scare you, but look at what you did...look at what you made me do...you made me shoot you!"

"So, what do we do now?"

"The gunman seemed deep in thought, as he paced around for a few minutes, deciding upon what to do. "I have a plan," he said, finally. "Let's take him to hospital. In the meantime, I will arrange with one of my business friends' to register him into one of his Rehabilitation Centres, in Rivonia. I do not want to see him again, ever! We must move on with our lives and forget this ever happened."

"You're kidding, right?

"Unfortunately not, come…let's take him to the hospital...

"And what will you tell your mother?"

"I will handle that later, come on….let's go."

They both exited the building and carried the injured man into the back seat of his son's Porsche Boxter. Before departing the building, the son of the injured man moved his father's Volvo SL40, and parked it on the other side of his building, planning to fetch it later.

Pule opened his eyes, with tears flowing down the side of his cheeks. He quickly wiped away his tears with the back of his hand and dismissed the thoughts of that day from his head. "I have to stop thinking about that awful time in my life…mom does not need to know what happened with dad." He said out loud.

He decided to shut down his Mac book and take a long nap.


Isango Estates had always been one of the quietest neighbourhoods, and that was the main attraction, for Menzi buying a house in that particular part of town. Menzi woke up early, retrieved his phone, and ordered twenty-five bunches of red roses to make up for last night. He quietly walked to the kitchen, so as not to wake Siza from her sleep, and began to prepare some breakfast for her.

He received a call a short while after that. The florist had personally come to deliver the flowers herself, which was the type of VIP service Menzi expected from each of his suppliers, considering the amount of money he spends at their stores. He pressed the remote button, opened the gate, and welcomed the florist into his home. All of the roses were in fancy little white vases, and Menzi had instructed the florist to scatter each one of them around the kitchen. The florist man passed Menzi his ringing cell phone.

"Pule, my Man," greeted Menzi.

"My brother, what's up?" replied Pule.

"I'm not too busy bud, and yourself?"

"I'm good, man. How about a braai, later? You can come over to my place, or we will see you at your place, whichever works for you."

"Yeah, your place is cool, Bud."

"Please bring your lady along. It will be an honour to meet her, and I would like for you to meet my girl as well. How about two o'clock, this afternoon?"

"That's cool with me," said Menzi.

"Great, let me see you soon my man…later!"

Menzi went to the bedroom to wake Siza up. She was sound asleep, as he kissed her on the cheek, and she slowly opened her eyes. She frowned, and stared at him at first, then covered her face with a pillow; irritated to be disturbed and woken up from her sleep.

"What's wrong, Menzi?" she asked in a croaky voice.

Menzi kissed her forehead. "Morning my queen, how are you this morning?"

"I'm tired Menzi, I need to sleep for another hour."

"Babe, I made you some breakfast, and I would love for you to eat it, while it's still warm.

Siza yawned. "Thanks, but I'm not hungry." She said, feeling annoyed and out of sorts.

"Don't you want to come downstairs with me? There's something I'd like to talk to you about."

Siza yawned. "Can't we talk here, in the bedroom?"

"I don't want to sit in the bedroom, babe…please may we go downstairs?" pleaded Menzi, tugging at her hand.

"Fine, I'll come down, just give me fifteen minutes, I need to brush my teeth," replied Siza, slowly getting off the bed.

"Thanks, babe, you will find me downstairs."

Menzi rushed downstairs to check if things were still in order. He played some romantic music and sat down by the table. Siza ambled down the stairs, but stopped halfway, and gawked at the sight before her. The adorned kitchen with its picturesque view of tiny little vases, filled with red roses, left her standing there in awe. She could not contain her smile, as she looked over at Menzi, with love in her eyes.

Siza chuckled. "Menzi, WH-what is going on here?"

"All this for you, my queen. I'm sorry about last night, I didn't mean to hurt you like that… Please, please sit down," cooed Menzi.

"Menzi, you didn't have to do all this! She gaped. You apologised, and that was more than enough."

"Still babe, it won't happen again, I lost focus on us last night."

"What really happened to you yesterday?"

"I lost a business deal with a major client yesterday, and that hit me hard."

"Babe, I am so sorry to hear that. More deals will come your way – you know you are good at what you do. I know you feel like a failure, and it's not in your nature to lose business deals, but learn from where you went wrong, and your next break will surely come," she advised, with a voice full of empathy.

Menzi kissed Siza. "Thanks for the uplift, babe…enjoy your breakfast, and then we'll talk."

"Thanks, babe."

She smiled at Menzi, and he bent down to kiss her forehead, totally smitten with her. Menzi would do anything to make Siza happy, but his affair with Lelo mattered to him most. After having their egg and pork sausages for breakfast, Menzi placed the dishes in the washer.

"Babe, please tell the house-keeper not to come in today. I want to spring clean the house myself. There's so much I need to sort out, and I never get the time to do it whilst I'm working. I thought I would take the liberty of doing it today."

"I don't think you should do that today."

"Why is that?"

"I got so engrossed in the moment of apologizing, that it completely slipped my mind to mention to you that we've been invited to a braai, at Pule's place today,"

Siza placed her hand in front of her mouth and yawned. "Babe, I'm too tired to go anywhere," said Siza, as she slowly chewed on her food.

"Babe, I know you are tired, and after what happened last night, you are more than likely drained as well, but I am asking you to humour me just this once. We were both invited, and I have already accepted his invitation on both of our behalfs. Please join me?"

"Menzi, please don't worry, of course, I will join you. Let me take a hot bath, and get ready. What time is the braai?"She asked, trying to muster up a smile.

"He said twelve noon, or two in the afternoon. What time is good for you?"

"Let's rather make it two in the afternoon, I'm exhausted," replied Siza, feeling irate, as she retired to their bedroom.

"That is perfect, babe. I will call Pule and confirm," he yelled up the stairs. "Save some space for me in the bath, I'm coming to wash your back," he said as an afterthought.

"Don't take long," she replied, nonchalantly.

Siza was inside the bath rubbing soap on her body, when Menzi joined her, and rested behind her. He kissed her neck, but Siza flinched.

"Babe, I love you, and I don't want to lose you," professed Menzi.

Siza kept quiet and continued to bath. He tried to hold her chin to kiss her, but Siza declined. She stepped out of the bath and left Menzi staring at her in confusion. As far as he was concerned, the flowers had been a peace offering, towards reconciliation between them. She opened the wardrobe, withdrew a pair of blue denim jeans and a white laced top, and slipped into them. She searched for her high-wedged denim shoes and completed her outfit with accessories bought by Menzi. Menzi exited the bathroom and found Siza packing her flat pumps inside her bag. She was not aware that Menzi was watching her.

"Why are you taking your pumps, babe?" asked Menzi, as he opened his closet, snatched his light brown pants, short-sleeved white shirt, and shiny dark brown shoes.

"My feet may become sore, babe," replied Siza.

Menzi shook his head and chuckled to himself. "Alright…That's woman stuff, I wouldn't know."

Menzi was already dressed, looking like he had just stepped out of a photoshoot. He took a seat, whilst he waited for Siza to finish.

"Siza stood before him, and he snapped out of his reverie, "Babe, may you please spray some perfume on my back, thank you," said Siza, handing Menzi the perfume bottle.

"Mmmh, babe, you look absolutely stunning! I love that about you. You are always so well-groomed."

Siza chuckled. "Thank you, babe. Just for you," she teased.

He grinned shyly at her, "Are we using my car, or yours?"

"Let's do my car."

"Are you finished…Let's go."

We'll need to pass by the liquor store, to get your friend some wine."

Menzi nodded, as he took his wallet from the bedside table, and tucked it into the back pocket of his pants.

Once they were done, Menzi met Siza in the kitchen, and they exited their home in Siza's new Coupé.


Lelo was in the comfort of her home, inside her honeydew coloured bathroom, perfecting her hair and applying her makeup. She wore her short knee-high denim skirt, a purple lacy shirt, and her purple strappy sandals, to complete her outfit.

Like Menzi, she loved being in the limelight and ensured that she was the centre of everyone's attention. No matter what life dealt her, Lelo never showed her weaknesses to those around her. She made a point of showing up, and looking her best at all times, even though inwardly she felt sick to her stomach. Lelo made her way to the kitchen and ate a fruit salad for breakfast. She sounded very delighted when she answered her phone while rinsing her dish.

"My love, what time will you be here?" questioned the man.

"I was on my way out when you called, I will be there in twenty minutes, Babe," replied Lelo.

"Wish you were here already babe, I'm so excited to see you."

"Me too, I'm on my way, babe…love you, bye"

Lelo locked her house, walked to her garage, and stepped inside her second car, her cream-white Mini Cooper sport, drove out her home, and headed to her boyfriend's house.


The doorbell rang and Pule opened the door for his guests, Siza and Menzi. They had made it to his house earlier than the discussed time. Pule lived in an exceptional Country Estate home, that transcended luxury space and outdoor living. It had high ceilings, four spacious en-suite bedrooms and was set in an expensively tranquil garden, with enough space to entertain. Externally, it featured a duck pond, a large pool, an en-suite guesthouse and four garages.

Pule was delighted to see his best friend. They hugged each other before Menzi introduced him to Siza, and he could not help but stare at her. She had a bottle of "2002 Joseph Drouhin, Marquis de Leguiche, Montrachet 1245" in her hands, and she shyly handed it to Pule. Pule was very excited to see his best friend Menzi. The bond between these two men was so tight, one would say they were brothers, instead of friends. Pule approached Siza, took her hand, and kissed it on the back of her palm.

Pule could not tear his eyes away from Siza, as he continued to speak to Menzi. "Your girl is exceptional, brother," he said, still in awe of the beautiful lady standing before him. Pule softly kissed Siza on the back of her palm again. He gazed at her like a vulture on carrion. Siza could not help but smile at him. Menzi gently seized Siza's hand away from Pule, feeling slightly uneasy.

Menzi smiled. "I proposed to her, brother…she is officially my fiancé," he said proudly, wanting to make a statement. Menzi cleared his throat. "She's soon going to be Mrs Gama, of course," he concluded, showing Pule the ring on Siza's finger.

Pule smiled. "Hello beautiful, how are you?"

Siza greeted Pule, "Pule, you're charming as always…how are you?"

"I'm impressed by your beauty, as usual, thank you."

Siza chuckled. "Thanks, Pule, you are sweet."

Pule said to Menzi, "I guess you were right, my friend, she is as beautiful as the moonlight in the dark."

Menzi smiled. "I know bro…are you alone…Is your woman here yet?"

Menzi and Siza entered into Pule's large open-plan lounge, and dining room area, tastefully tiled with an "old lace" colour tile. The interior decor was welcoming and warm, and one was reminded of the Cape when encompassed by it all. The area was set opposite a gourmet fitted, shiny silver kitchen, which was fully equipped with a wine cellar – filled with a variety of expensive and matured wines. Two rooms down from the kitchen was a beautifully designed movie room for entertainment purposes, which completed the area. They both greeted Chef Zeus, who was not only Pule's Chef, but also a friend to both Pule, and Menzi.

After a brief chat with Chef Zeus, Menzi returned to the lounge area, to join Pule and Siza. He gently, but firmly grasped Siza's hand, and kissed it. Siza maintained her composure, surprised by Menzi's sudden change in behaviour. She was not accustomed to Menzi acting territorial towards her and began to feel uncomfortable. She discreetly shook her head at him, so as not to cause a scene, and told him to calm down.

Pule replied to Menzi's earlier question, "My girlfriend will be here soon." he said, directing his answer at Siza. "Baby girl, there is a movie room just two rooms away from your left. Please help yourself to some entertainment and movies, whilst the gents prepare some lunch outside by the pool."

Siza smiled. "Thank you, Pule. That will be amazing."

Siza ambled to the movie room as Pule had suggested, and closed the door behind her. The doorbell rang whilst Pule was busy with his chef on the patio, so he asked Menzi to attend to it. Menzi went inside the house and answered the door. To his chagrin, he stared at the person staring back at him, in utter disbelief. He felt his heart racing, and could not contain his anger.

"Do you want to get me killed, woman?" whispered Menzi, pushing Lelo backwards, so that no one would see her.

"What are you doing here, Menzi?" whispered Lelo.

"I should be asking you the same question?"

"You better not mess this one up for me, Menzi."

Menzi chuckled. "What the hell are you doing here Lelo, tell me!"

"Let go of my arm, Menzi!" Lelo whispered loudly, as she nudged him aside, and swaggered past him, treating him like the perfect stranger, whilst he stood there and gawked after her.

Composing herself, she continued walking toward the lounge area, willing herself not to fall prey to Menzi's orders. She pretended that he was a person in her past – someone she no longer shared life with.

"Lelo, come back here!" murmured Menzi.

"Pule…Baby! Where are you?" shouted Lelo, ignoring Menzi.

"Hello my love, I'm in here!" responded Pule, welcoming Lelo into his home.

Lelo and Pule were standing under Pule's covered patio set, surrounded by a large pool, excited to see each other. Menzi was not very far off, as he stared at them, extremely upset. He watched in horror, as Lelo and Pule publicly displayed their love and affection for one another, while they embraced and kissed, oblivious to those around them. There was no way Pule could ever find out about his shenanigans with Lelo, and he knew he had to do something drastic, to control Lelo's mind.

Menzi chuckled. "All this time, this woman has been cheating on me! She played me!" pondered Menzi, as he stared at Lelo, feeling betrayed and humiliated.

Lelo kissed Pule. "Hi, baby."

Pule laughed. "I see you've met my best friend, and your ex-boyfriend, Menzi."

"Oh! I saw him, nothing to write home about."

"Come on, babe! Don't embarrass me like that!"

Lelo extended her hand towards Menzi. "Hello Menzi, it's me, Lelo Ntlue. Good to see you again."

Menzi chuckled. "Hello Lelo, it's good to see you too. It has been ages, yes."

Menzi left Lelo and Pule standing there and went to find Siza. He opened Pule's entertainment room and found Siza focused on the movie. She glanced at him, then diverted her attention back to the movie, and then gazed back at him, when he sat down next to her.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

Menzi frowned and nodded. "I am…why?"

"You don't look happy."

Menzi rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Babe, Pule's girlfriend has just arrived, and she's made me feel very uneasy about us being here."

Siza looked at him questioningly, "Who is she?"

"Lelo…my ex…she was at the restaurant the other day."

"Pule's girl is your ex? Siza laughed…alright Babe, I'm coming…I can't wait to be amused."

Menzi went back to the pool area to join Pule and Lelo, and his heart almost stopped when he found them making out. Lelo was sitting on Pule's lap while they kissed, but they pulled away from each other, as soon as Menzi approached them.

Menzi cleared his throat. "Sorry to disturb you folks, my fiancé is just finishing the last part of the movie, she will join us shortly."

They all headed to the patio where lunch was prepared, and Siza joined them at the table shortly after. She stared at Lelo, forced a smile, and tried to remain neutral, as Lelo denied her. Her smile soon turned into a frown, as the conversation progressed.

"Hi, I am Siza, great to see you again," greeted Siza.

Lelo smiled. "Oh, have we met before?"

Siza tittered. "As a matter of fact, we have. Perhaps you don't remember me," said Siza, sarcastically.

"Please…let's eat people," said Pule to everybody.

The table was overflowing with food, drinks, love, and bountifuls of chatter, and loud laughter. Chef Zeus joined them when he brought dessert to the table, and later returned to the kitchen. As the jovial banter continued amongst them, Pule poured peach champagne for everybody and rose to make a toast. He was nervous all of a sudden.

"I would like to propose a toast," announced Pule.

They all raised their glasses, and Pule turned his attention to Lelo, sporting an incredible beam on his face. He became increasingly emotional, as he took every inch of her in, and his eyes filled with tears, as their eyes finally met and held each others' gaze. Lelo was confused but smiled back at him.

Without giving too much away, Pule then directed his gaze at Menzi. "To my best brother, friend, teacher, and mentor Menzi, all the best to you bro, you mean the world to me."

Menzi nodded, and acknowledged the praise, with appreciation written all over his face. He stood up and hugged Pule.

Pule then gazed at Lelo, again. "To the most beautiful soul, I've ever met, Lelo Ntlue."

Pule walked towards Lelo and knelt on the ground before her. He took out a pocket-sized silver box and smiled.

"Baby, I would like to thank you for the most beautiful two years of my life…I love you very much; say you will be my wife?"

Lelo was stunned and held her breath – inhaling deeply before exhaling. She was wide-eyed as she stared at Pule, while the realization of what he had just proposed began to sink in. Her eyes slowly formed tears of joy, as she stared at the ring. He had bought her a fancy, vivid, huge purple-pink diamond ring, worth 8.41-carat in weight. Lelo was emotional and speechless, and Pule began to agonize over the possibility that she might reject his proposal. He prayed that she would say yes. He wanted this more than anything and longed for eternal love and stability in his life.

She nodded repeatedly. "Yes, I will be your wife, Pule," she responded lovingly.

Lelo knelt on the ground and embraced Pule. He was also in tears, as he slipped the ring on her little ring finger, and it fitted her finger like a glove. Menzi was shocked, and in tears as well. The emotion Menzi displayed towards Pule's proposal to Lelo, amused Siza, that she chuckled silently.

Siza tapped Menzi on the shoulder, and asked "Babe, what's wrong?"

Menzi wiped his tears. "Nothing Babe, I'm just happy for my boy, that's all."

Menzi was furious, and could not stop staring at Lelo, who was blatantly ignoring him at that point. Menzi excused himself and went to the bathroom. He stood against the bathroom wall, shut the door, hit the wall in rage, and hurt his hand. Lelo realised Menzi had disappeared, so she formed an excuse to go inside the house to find him.

Lelo told Pule. "I hear my phone ringing…I will be back in a few minutes, my love," she said, standing up from the table.

Pule nodded, and he excused her, leaving him alone with Siza. Lelo ran to the bathroom, shut the door, and locked it when she saw the distracted and enraged Menzi. She walked over to him, and he grinned when he saw her face. He stood up to give her a passionate kiss, and Lelo melted into his muscular arms, and hugged him, resting her head on his chest, as she cried tears of sadness. Menzi was the love of her life, and she felt as though her heart were breaking.

"I guess you never loved me," cried Lelo, from the pit of her soul. "If you did, you would have declared your love for me, regardless of the situation." "You would have stopped Pule from proposing!" "But you didn't, because this is about your ego, not your love for me." wept Lelo, her voice now hoarse, as tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably.

"I do, Lelo," declared Menzi, kissing her forehead.

"Why aren't we married…what are we doing here, in this house, in this bathroom, and in each other's arms…hurting the people that we love?"

"Sssh! don't cry."

Menzi undressed Lelo while their emotions ran high. He pulled her towards him, embraced her, and kissed her passionately, while he unbuckled his belt, and lowered his pants. He lifted her skirt up, and seductively lowered her underwear. He elevated her, and placed her on his lap, while he balanced himself on the bathtub.

"What are you doing?" moaned Lelo.

"You know what I'm doing," groaned Menzi.

Lelo tried to fight Menzi but eventually gave in. He placed her against the wall. They were both in tears, driven by the effects of what had happened earlier. They moaned and groaned in silence, as heart sore tears continued to flow from Lelo's eyes, contradicting the smile she now wore on her face, exuding sheer pleasure. Menzi made love to her; it was intense and steamy, in fact so intense, that Lelo became emotional and powerless.

"Menzi, you're so good," whispered Lelo.

"You are mine, Lelo and I won't stop, no matter where you go," declared Menzi.

"I am wicked…I'm no good," she cried in pleasure.

"Baby, I am wicked too," moaned Menzi.

While they were busy in the bathroom, Pule was sitting by the pool, admiring Siza, whom by then felt very uncomfortable, at the way in which he was staring at her. She gazed at Pule and flashed a pretentious smile. She glanced at her watch to check the time.

"You're breathtakingly beautiful both inside and out, Siza. Menzi is very blessed to have you in his life," admitted Pule, sipping on his glass of champagne.

"Thanks, what's keeping Menzi so long?" questioned Siza, feeling irritable.

Pule laughed. "Please relax, I'm sure he will be out shortly."

"I am beginning to stress, Pule. Menzi left in tears, and now Lelo has dashed off as well. Does it not bother you?" questioned Siza.

"Why would that bother me?"

"You know that Menzi and Lelo are exes, right?"

Pule chuckled. "Are you jealous, or are you just feeling insecure?"

Siza chuckled. "I don't have a reason to be."

Pule chuckled. "Menzi is a handsome man, and Lelo is loyal to me."

Siza chuckled. "Gosh! You're so bright."

Pule smiled. "Am I…How so?"

Siza chuckled. "I mean think about it, Menzi, and your fiancé, making love in your house…that memory will be etched in your mind, longer than that expensive ring on Lelo's finger."

Pule scratched his head, stopped smiling, and gazed at Siza seriously.

"I will go and check, but for the record…Menzi will never do that do me."

Siza smiled. "Mhm…if you say so."

Pule left Siza sitting by the pool area, hurried into the house, and began searching for Lelo and Menzi. Pule knocked on the bathroom door, turned down the doorknob, and found it locked. He panicked.

"Baby, are you in there?" enquired Pule.

"I'm in here, babe, still in the bathroom," replied Lelo.

"Please open up."

"I will be right out, baby."

"Menzi!" shouted Pule.

Menzi exited the toilet, to find the worried Pule in the hallway. Pule seemed relieved to see Menzi coming out of the toilet alone. Menzi went back inside the toilet again.

"I'm sorry bro, stomach bug," shouted Menzi.

Pule chuckled. "I was beginning to worry there for a second…you and my woman disappeared simultaneously, for quite some time now."

Menzi laughed. "Stop kidding, mate. I've been in the gents' room, sorting out my business."

Menzi exited the toilet, gazed at Pule, and chuckled. They strolled together to the pool area and joined Siza. Pule went back inside the house and checked on Lelo again.

Menzi turned to Siza and said, "Hey, my love, sorry to have left you on your own for so long, I am certain I have caught a stomach bug." "Would you like to move inside the house area, where it's a little cosier?" he asked.

"I was about to leave!" carped Siza.

"Leave, and go where?"

"I would like to call on Lungi for a few hours. She landed yesterday, and I am very excited to see her. I will be back later to pick you up."

"Can't you do without Lungi, just for today?"

"Can't you do without Pule, just for a few hours?" "Babe, I was here with you the whole day. At least you will have time to catch up with Pule on lost time."

"Its fine, Siza you can go…I will call you to come and fetch me later."

Siza and Menzi joined Pule and Lelo, in the living room. They sat down for a bit, and Siza said her goodbyes to the couple. Pule hugged and kissed Siza on the cheek.

"Thank you for the lovely lunch," said Siza, expressing her sincere gratitude towards Pule and Lelo. "Once again, congratulations on your engagement, and please let's get together again."

Pule shook Siza's hand. "Thank you for coming, Siza. We most certainly will do a get-together, before our wedding. It was a pleasure having you over."

"Thank you for a beautiful lunch," added Lelo, with a smile on her face. "If only Siza knew how beautiful it truly was," thought Lelo, laughing inwardly.

Siza smiled at Lelo. "I'm so happy for you."

After their exchange of goodbyes, Siza and Menzi sauntered to the car, and Menzi kissed Siza on the cheek, as she stepped into her car, and drove to her friend's place. Pule left Lelo sitting in the living room, to answer a business call in his study. Menzi came back from outside and found Lelo sitting alone.

"Menzi, I thought you left," whispered Lelo.

"Don't you dare lose focus," yelled Menzi, giving Lelo a very cold stare. "Pule is my best friend, and if anything gets out, you will lose everything! Don't you forget that!" he sneered wickedly.

"Ha! You think! Are you sure you care about him...Because from where I'm sitting, I'd say you are very greedy!" shouted Lelo right back. "You have a beautiful, and amazing fiancé, but you are just too blind to see it because your main focus is on your mistress," added Lelo, with sarcasm dripping from her tone.

Menzi was speechless, as Lelo left him sitting there with his mouth gaped wide open. She grabbed her handbag and car keys and hurried away to search for Pule around the house. She found him in his study room, summing up the business call, but she remained rooted to the spot and waited for him to finish. Pule saw Lelo standing by the door, and gestured for her to enter. He walked up to her, and Lelo kissed him passionately.

Pule eyed Lelo and smiled. "Mmmh, what's that for?"

"For the loving man you are, Babe…Listen, I just want to go out for a little while," said Lelo.

"Where are you going to, babe? I don't mind you leaving, but I want you back here later"

"Menzi is a good man, babe, but I am in no mood to be in his company this evening. I find him to be extremely egotistical, and it somehow bores me. I'll be in Melrose, babe. Enjoy your evening." conceded Lelo, exiting Pule's study.

"Babe, wait…Where are you going again?"

"I will be at Pearl's place, in Melrose. Pearl is my best friend, Pule. I need to be with her during this tough time."

"Lelo, you told me that Pearl had just gone through a rough divorce recently. Don't you think it's a little too soon to flaunt your engagement ring, babe?" I don't think it's the right time for that." he added.

"She needs me, and I'm not going there to flaunt, but to be there for her."

"Alright, have it your way, see you later," said Pule, escorting Lelo to the car.

He headed back into the house, and found Menzi in the entertainment room, having drinks with Chef Zeus. They were laughing at some joke, as he joined in the festivities, watching sports and enjoying the banter. It felt good to catch up on the good old days with the guys, and they spent their evening reminiscing about their youth in Hatfield, their hometown.

"Bro, did I tell you how gorgeous your fiancé looked," declared Pule.

Menzi chuckled. "I know, bro, I've never seen anyone like her. I still pinch myself daily to make sure I'm not dreaming. I truly am blessed with her. Don't get me wrong, Lelo is just as beautiful – I can't believe you're dating my ex." he said, with a smile.

Pule chortled. "It was so weird actually. As you know, she is the Editor of Igama magazine, right…so she set up an appointment with my personal assistant, so as to interview me. At the time, she was working on a column based on hard-working CEO's, climbing the ladder to success. I accepted her request to be interviewed, and the day she stepped into my office, out flew professionalism, and in flew hello sweetheart," he said, with a huge grin on his face. "I worked my charm, man. She is quite a catch."

Menzi cracked up in laughter. "I can't believe she works for my old man, but then again she is a clever woman."

Pule nodded. "Yes, we've got the best women, my brother."

They continued chatting and laughing, with Chef Zeus abundantly spoiling them, by filling the table with more beers and biltong to feast on, while they continued to watch their sports.



Siza parked her car outside Lungi's Georgian cluster home, which was situated in a very upmarket complex, based in the beautiful luscious area of Sunning Hill. The three spacious bedrooms were beautifully adorned with an African Theme, and the two bathrooms were made up of comfort and luxury, suitable for guests that may want to spend the night. The cluster home was not only desirable and easy on the eye, but it too was made up of a beautifully landscaped garden, with a tiny splash pool. Her spacious patio was designed for the likes of braais and get-togethers, with friends and family, and Lungi had found inner peace in her safe haven. Siza let herself inside Lungi's house and found her with company. It seemed as if they were having a little get together on her patio.

Siza walked up to a beautiful, averaged height, curvaceous woman with long woven hair. The woman was wearing a white tank top covering her curves, red jogger pants, and red designer sneakers. Siza tapped her shoulder, and the woman turned to look at her. They both laughed and hugged each other.

Lungi Phethu was a twenty-five year old, plus-sized international model, who met Siza whilst she was on the hunt for an attorney. A close friendship formed between the two women, as they gelled immediately, establishing a very close bond. Lungi was made up of many attributes, and many would call her sister, as opposed to friend. She exuded confidence, but remained humble and forgiving, regardless of her career and celebrity status. Not only was she a world renowned model, she too was gifted with intelligence, loyalty, courage and life. She loved to socialize, and was very much a people's person, but most of all she was selfless, which was what brought her much joy and pain, simultaneously. Lungi and Siza's friendship was based on unconditional love. Being an International Model, Lungi was mostly out of the country, travelling to different parts of the world, which left her with little time to maintain friendships, but this, however, was the glue that kept these two women together. After four years, their bond was stronger than ever, and Siza made a point of visiting Lungi, each time she landed back in South Africa.

"I'm so happy to see you…I'm ecstatic," admitted Siza.

"I have to be honest with you…I landed a week ago, but I've missed you so much, girl," confessed Lungi. "Come, come and meet my crew," added Lungi, pulling Siza's hand to sit with her on the pale-purple suede couch.

"I'm so excited to see you."

Lungi introduced Siza to her colleagues, "Hey guys, let me introduce you to my best friend, my sister, and my lawyer, Sizakele Nkabinde."

The other models welcomed Siza very graciously, and Siza immediately felt at home.

Lungi and Siza could not stop giggling, whilst talking on the couch.

"So, tell me, what I have missed?" Lungi enquired.

Siza smiled. "Well…where should I start…Menzi finally proposed," disclosed Siza, showing Lungi the ring.

Lungi applauded. "Yippee! Wow! Siza, I'm so happy for you, finally, that fish decided to swim your way," Lungi laughed. "Wow! Have you set a date as yet?"

Siza smiled. "No, not as yet... it's still under discussion…Things are quite complicated at the moment. My mom is the only one that knows out of my family members, and we have yet to approach both sides of our parents, to inform them of our engagement." "My mom and dad have not seen me in four years, Lungi, and I need to make things right, first."

Lungi frowned. "Why haven't you been home in four years, Siza?"

Siza shook her head. "Babe, it's complicated, and nothing has been sorted since I walked out." "My dad does not approve of Menzi, and we haven't discussed it since."

"I'm sorry, angel. The time will come when you will be ready to face it all," said Lungi, sympathetically.

"I can almost hear my mom's approach on this one." she sighed heavily. "I'm not sure if it's the right time to get married, baby," or "I doubt whether daddy will approve," she said, mimicking her mother.

"It's not something I want to discuss tonight, girl. Tonight is about you," added Siza. "Tell me what is happening with you?" asked Siza, ecstatic to see her friend.

Lungi blushed. "I have met the most amazing guy. We have been dating seriously for two years now, and I have a feeling he may propose. I'm so nervous, Siza. I want this so badly, but I don't want to get my hopes up." confessed Lungi.

Siza smiled. "Oh my! And you never told me, so…who is this man…Do I know him?"

Lungi shook her head. "I doubt you do. His name is Percy, and he is the owner of Mula Empire Designs…ever heard of him?"

"Oh, no! Percy Mula? That sounds like my client?"

Lungi shook her head slowly. "Really?" "I somehow doubt that, but he is on his way over. You will get to meet him shortly. I'm so happy you are here, Siza. How I have missed you!"

Siza forced a smile. "I'm not looking forward to that," she mumbled under her breath.

Lungi dished up for Siza, and instructed everyone else to help themselves to dinner. Siza and Lungi went to the kitchen and grabbed a few bottles of sparkling white wine. One of the girls came to the kitchen and notified Lungi that Percy had arrived. Lungi left Siza in the kitchen and went to welcome Percy. Siza was nervous and irritated at the thought of seeing Percy again. She was in no mood for confrontation, or pretence, and was almost sorry she came. Lungi found Percy in the garden, preparing for the photoshoot. They kissed.

"Hello, my beautiful princess! How are you, biscuit?" greeted Percy.

Lungi smiled. "I'm good, thank you, baby. I'm so happy to have you here," said Lungi, leading Percy by the hand, towards the kitchen. "There's someone I'd like you to meet," she added.

They entered into Lungi's warm, cosy kitchen. The walls were painted white in colour, and she had opted for a white modern fitted kitchen unit, with four hanging crystal lights in the centre. Lungi pointed Percy in the direction of Siza, and his eyes darted from Siza back to Lungi, in utter shock. Siza stared at them without saying a word. She knew she had to act quickly, before causing a scene. Siza waved hello to Percy, who seemed distracted and dishevelled by the sudden introduction.

"What is this, babe? I hate surprises," yelled Percy, thinking the two women had set him up.

Lungi said to Siza, "Siza! This is my boyfriend, Percy" and said to Percy, "Baby, this is Sizakele, my best friend."

Siza extended her hand to shake Percy's hand, and he returned the gesture hastily as if he wanted this moment to be over with before it even started. Percy's face was filled with embarrassment and misery. He wrestled with the idea of walking out or having to stare her in the eye, after their last encounter. Not only had he made an idiot of himself, but he knew now that Siza looked at him through very different eyes. He was no longer an important client – instead, he was a rat, as far as she was concerned, and this bothered him immensely.

Siza forced a smile. "Hi, I'm Sizakele."

"Hi! Hello! I'm Percy, Lungi's boyfriend, good to meet you," stuttered Percy.

"Good to meet you too, Percy," said Siza, with all the pretence she could muster.

"I will leave the two of you to become acquainted," said Lungi, about to exit the kitchen. "I know both of you are extremely shy, but you are two very important people in my life, and I would like for you to get to know each other better. It's important to me," she said, looking at them with puppy eyes.

Lungi left them standing there in the kitchen, shocked and unable to maintain eye contact. Lungi assisted the photographers and crew to set up and requested the models to get ready for Percy's photoshoot.

Siza stared at Percy. "I can't believe you, I really can't, Percy!"

"How was I to know you were Lungi's best friend? This was not intentional, Siza," whispered Percy, checking the doorway to see if the coast was clear.

"Tell me something, Percy...If your intention was to cheat on woman, especially a woman as decent as Lungi, then what the hell was I defending you for in court? I stood up there because I believed in you, but as it turns out, you are the rat Mrs Mula said you were!" yelled Siza.

Percy shook his head. "You have no idea, no idea of what I want, do you?"

"Damn it, Percy, she is my best friend! While you were still married, you dated Lungi for two years, and you tried to ask me out on a date! Who the hell do you think you are?" Siza was enraged and appalled by this man. It made her sick to her stomach to think that she had defended a cheat like him.

"Lungi knows about my divorce, Siza, because my wife and I ended things a long time ago," explained Percy.

Siza chuckled. "Are you kidding me right now? How stupid do you think I am? Lungi deserves to know the truth. You have a choice – either it comes directly from the horses' mouth, or I spill the beans. Decide Percy. Your time is up for playing games, and that's final!" declared Siza, in a firm tone.

"Siza, please, let's not make this any harder for her, than it already is."

"Then tell her the truth, please! In addition to that, leave me the hell alone…You just want to have your cake, and eat it too…You're a creep!" shrieked Siza.

"Calm down! Here she comes," whispered Percy.

Lungi came back and joined them once again. There was tension in the air, and Lungi noticed that neither of her guests looked happy. Something was going on here, and it concerned her. Lungi embraced Percy, and then grasped Siza's hand.

"So...what do you think?" asked Lungi, gazing at Siza in anticipation.

"About what?" replied Siza, looking very confused.

Lungi laughed. "About Percy, silly...where is your mind tonight?"

Siza giggled. "Oh! Sorry, Lungi...I'm a little distracted tonight," said Siza, gazing at Lungi straight in the eye.

"Lungi we need to talk, it's important."

"Siza, can this wait for later. I am sorry to be rude, but we are running out of time, and the models still need to be prepared," said Percy, hastily. Picking up the car keys, he handed them to Lungi, and said, "Babe, there are a number of outfits in the back boot of my car. Please remove them, and start working on the models' wear," he instructed, doing everything in his power to deviate from what Siza had to say.

"The models are prepared, Percy. I will, however, give them a once over, just to ensure that everything is in place." notified Lungi, as she took the keys from Percy, and exited the kitchen.

Percy scolded Siza, "I thought we agreed not to tell her! What were you thinking?"

"I don't remember agreeing on anything with you," declared Siza. "I told you, either you speak up, or I will!"

They did not see Lungi standing in the doorway, staring at them as they snapped at each other. She folded her arms, and stood there, listening intently. Finally, she spoke up.

"What are you both not telling me?" enquired Lungi.

"Lungi, we need to talk...please. There's something you need to know," pleaded Siza.

"Babe, time is not on our side. That will have to wait!" said an irate Percy. He was desperately trying to prevent Siza from telling Lungi the truth and was becoming increasingly annoyed with Siza's persistence in the matter.

"Babe, please excuse us for a minute," Lungi told Percy, as she gently pulled Siza to take a seat at the kitchen table, and looked at her worriedly. "Siza, what's wrong? This sounds serious," she said, taking a seat next to her.

Irritated by the whole scene, an anxious Percy left the room to join the models, and camera crew. He was avoiding the inevitable confrontation and began the photoshoot without Lungi.

"I will be frank with you. Percy and I know each other…He is," confessed Siza.

Lungi laughed. "Is he your ex?"

Siza shook her head, profusely, "No! He was my client, during his divorce, and we haven't had contact since then."

"Siza, I love your honesty, and I appreciate you not keeping the truth from me, but Percy has told me about his divorce, and I am at peace with it," said Lungi, sincerely, with so much love for her friend.

Siza smiled. "It gives me great comfort that you know," said Siza, relieved that Lungi at least knew half the truth. She glanced at her wristwatch and jumped up. "Oh no! Look at the time! I'm sorry Lungi, I have to go! Menzi is waiting for me!"

"No! Siza, I thought you were spending the night," whined Lungi.

"I'm sorry, babe. I won't be able to spend the night. I have to leave early tomorrow morning to Athol Oaklands, to tell my parents about my engagement to Menzi. As soon as I'm done, we'll definitely hang out, I promise," reassured Siza.

"Of course, babe, I understand. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Please let's get together real soon, because I may be leaving town for another assignment," sighed Lungi.

Siza hugged Lungi. "Alright, alright, it will be soon…Let's chat later…be good."

Percy watched, as Lungi escorted Siza to her car, and didn't know what to expect, when she returned to join them for the photo shoot. After making sure that Siza had left, Lungi headed towards the house, eager to see Percy. It had been too long, and she missed spending alone time with him.

Whilst driving, Siza speed dialled Menzi's number, but to her dismay, he did not answer. She pressed the accelerator, driving as fast as she could, but she knew in her heart that Menzi was very upset, judging by the many missed calls she had received from him. She wasn't too concerned, however, as she knew that Menzi would understand, if she explained what had happened to her.
