
My Obsessed Billionaire

# chapter two

I cupped my mouth into my palms to prevent the muffled cries that erupted from within my gut, I took slow backward steps and shook my head in bewilderment as if it would reassure me some clarity. 

" Ada please..." he called again.

  My eyes shifted to the red haired girl who had been fucking my man. There was a thousand tattoos running from her tummy down to her thighs. She stared at me, not a single dot of guilt shown, it was as if what I had caught them doing was normal to her and it didn't matter that I was there.

Normal! The word rung in my head. God, for how long had this been going on, for how long had my man been cheating on me. I felt like a fool at that moment, I had been loyal for fuck sake, I didn't deserve this.

  I turned around and sprinted out of his room, out of his apartment, away from his neighbourhood. I ran until my breath almost seized and my legs could no longer carry me. I spotted a bar and found myself wobbled into it. Immediately, I ordered for some shots until I found myself feeling tipsy.

" another " I ordered weakly.

The bar man casted a stern look at me he wanted to say something but stopped himself, instead he poured me another shot while I gulped it down my throat in one shot. I gripped tightly to the bottle as he made to return it, my feeble eyes staring at him.

" ma'am, you're drunk, if you need to get home safely then you might want to consider being sober" he warned.

" it'ssss myyy DRINK, give me myyyy driiink" I cried.

" ma'am you..."

I hit the counter hard with my palm, my eyes now hot with anger, how dare he hinder me a drink, I paid for this shit. Usually, I would have taken all my frustrations out on a canvas board, but for some reason I found myself in a bar, drunk and still fighting for more drink. I hit the counter one more time, this time even harder when he wouldn't let go of the bottle.

" fuck...iiinngg assashooole, uuuummmmm...fuck fuck fuck! let go" I yelled. I didn't mind that I was causing a little scene, I didn't mind the attention I had managed to draw to me, I just needed the asshole to let me drink.

" ma'am.." he tried to protest.

" let her drink all she wants" I heard a voice say from beside me.

Someone had occupied the sit right next to me, I saw the bartender swallowed whatever more protest he had as he let go of the bottle, I chuckled lightly and took the whole bottle to my mouth, the stinging liquid flushed down my gut.

" thank you" I said sarcastically.

Whether it was directed to the bartender for letting go of the bottle or to the man beside me for agreeing with me, well I had no idea. I dropped the bottle roughly on the counter as I turned to look at this stranger. My eyes blurred and I couldn't get a clear view of who he was, inside my head, I had hoped it would be Raymond, I had hoped that maybe he had followed me over here so he could try to explain, and beg, and make me understand, and maybe, I would have let it all go, forgive him and give him a chance for redemption, and it would all be in the past. I knew it was far more complicated than that, and I knew it wasn't Raymond either .

The man that sat right next to me wasn't Raymond at all. The voice I heard, so strong and commanding, I just knew it wasn't him.

" you..." I said and pointed my finger to his face.

I cackled a laugh, it was him. My stalker. Fuck, he looked more handsome in a t-shirt.

When I made to chug down the bottle one more time, I felt his hand on mine, this stranger who had been watching me as I drank myself to death, this stranger who seemed to have been stalking me all night. I looked at him vaguely from the corner of my eyes, was he going to stop me from drinking now?

His hands so wide and soft held on to my weak and tiny one. " let go" I whimpered.

" let gooooo" I said, tears already building in my eyes, I used my other hand to hit his hand off my drink but he still wouldn't let go, infact it did nothing to him because he still held on and the alcohol spilled over our hands and onto the counter before it dripped slowly onto my laps.

" alright, that's enough" he said.

He dropped the bottle over the counter, got off his stool and in a split second I found myself flying in the air before landing on his shoulder.

" let me down" I cried weakly. But he payed no attention to my wimpy cries, more eyes averted to our drama, I had a feeling he held a great influence at this bar because no one seemed to want to come to my rescue, they all sat and watched as he carried me over his shoulder and walked out of the bar. His black car was parked outside, he opened the passengers sit and then threw me in.

I watched him slowly, with every step he took as he round the car, he opened the front door, sat in the drivers sit and sped off.

I cackled a laugh, " are you kidnapping me?" I asked. It was the dumbest question someone could possibly ask, and I was supposed to frightened as hell, but I wasn't, I was drunk and infact curious.

I think I heard him say " something like that"

I laughed again, amused, he was kidnapping me and admitting to it? Funny.

After a somewhat long ride, his car came to a halt and I was being dragged out shortly.

" where are you taking me" I asked even though I knew he wouldn't answer me.

His grip on my hand was piercing as he dragged my staggering self behind him. I winced. " you're hurting me"

He groaned, anger evident on his face, he lifted me over his shoulder again and I couldn't fight back, was this a habit for him?, Dragging women and lunching them over his shoulders if they disagreed to comply?

I didn't know where we were, but this place looked huge, a hotel?, Or his house?, If this was his house then he lived in a fucking mansion. Before I knew it, we were in a room, I winced and shrinked my eyes at the bright light illuminating from the ceiling, he tossed me on the bed, I lay there on my tummy watching him slide his fingers into his deep dark hair in frustration, his grey t-shirt jumping up from the motion. I caught sight of something in his lower abdomen, I couldn't decipher if it were a tattoo or a scar, but all I knew was that even as vague as my sight were, I saw how smoking hot he looked, and I just knew I wanted him, I wanted him so badly, I wanted him to make me forget this night and the pain boiling in me, I wanted him to make me feel like I and Raymond are even, if he could cheat on me, then it wouldn't hurt to do the same, the need for revenge surged and clouded me like fog.

He looked at me, I mean really looked at me, his eyes sweeping on every part of my body as he stared, I saw his gaze linger more on my butt that was sticking out, his chest dropped as he heaved a sigh, questioning every demon in him. He shook his head and turned around to leave the room.

" wait.." I called out and stumbled off the bed.

He halted at his track and turned around to look at me while I staggered towards him. He was tall, really tall, and I stood in front of him with my body leaning on his and my hands hovering at his chest, I felt like a child in front of a hulk. Without hesitation I grabbed his face into my palms and crashed my lips into his, he hesitated, probably thinking through it before he pulled on to my hair and returned the kiss, fiercely.

He placed his hands over the back of my thighs and lurched me off the floor, my legs wrapped around his waist, he dropped me on the bed and then broke the kiss while still leaning over me, I looked up at him, his breath fanning my face as he stared down at me with mixed feelings, was he contemplating if what we were doing was right or wrong?, Did he want to back off now?. I stared harder as though if I did, I would get the answers I was searching for, his body began to ease away.

I clasped my legs tightly at his waist, refusing to let him go, I pulled up to him and collapsed my lips on his. I wanted him, I craved for him, this night I needed him. If fucking this stranger would mean that I get Raymond off my mind then fuck him I would. if my stupored mind thought that fucking him was somehow going to make me feel like I had earned a requital over Raymond's cheating on me, then fuck him I would.

He reciprocated my kiss, the longing in his eyes made me realise that he wanted to bang me as much as I wanted to fuck him. I helped him pull off his shirt, there was a really deep scar that coated his abdomen, it was rough and appealing, and strong. I pressed my fingers tracing every line on the scar, I heard him hitch a breath and when I looked up at him, there was a flicker of hurt in his eyes, that scar held so much to him.

He pressed his lips on mine, it was a way to diverge from the short tense moment happening. I understood and unbuckled his belt as i dragged down his pants, I didn't care to look at what he looked like down there, if he was big or just manageable, I just didn't care about anything in the world at the moment, I craved for him, wanted him inside my already wet pussy, I dragged my dress over to my waist as he slid into me, my eyes tightened shot as he thrushed in deep, and deep and deeper, it was evident enough that indeed he was big. A moan escaped my lips, my hands dug into his back under his t-shirt, he let out a deep growl, so sexy it turned me on even more, he thrushed harder, and harder, and harder until I felt my release crawling inside of me, he winced and I caught him bite his lower lips. He was about to come, he tried to pull out of me, but I pulled him back on me, closer and tighter. he looked down at me as he struggled to understand the meaning of what I had done. Passion and pleasure overrode in his eyes.

" fuck." he moaned.

He sounded even more sexier in bed, I could see the veins on his neck bulged, his whole body tightened.

" what are you..." 

I didn't let him finish, I planted my lips on his and rode him from beneath. In no time his come colliding with mine, I could feel his release inside me, my eyes ran to the back of my head, my body trembled in pleasure, orgasm ravished the whole of me.

He stayed there for a bit, I could see a flicker of anger plastered on his face before he pulled out and scrambled off me, he sat with his back to me, half of his plump ass on display.

" what the fuck was that?"

I blinked, a wave of sleep had began to threaten my sight, I could vaguely see his back rise and drop, he turned to glare at me when I didn't reply, I could see his lips part as he spoke but his words only came out as a silent whisper while I drifted away, slowly until his sexy handsome face became a blur and darkness took over.



For a split second my vision blurred and then adjusted to the room's strong lighting, my head pounding different beats, I looked at him sleeping beautifully, my eyes captured every bit of his face , the broad lips I had bit my way through last night, the young nose that had rubbed on with mine while it omitted fresh breath that fanned my face, I faught a part of me that kept tempting me to run my fingers over his neatly cut beards that ran from the side of his cheeks down to his chin. He was beautiful.

But it was a one night stand and nothing more, it was a way for me to feel like I had accomplished my revenge on Raymond for cheating on me, a way for me to ease my body from the anger I had felt last night. That was it, a one night stand and nothing else.

I brushed my hair with my fingers without minding to look into the mirror, I knew I must have looked disoriented from how he had handled me last night, I just needed to get out his room, board my flight back to Maine and take a really long bath. I looked around in search for a paper or anything to write on, I let out a low groan when I couldn't find any. I caught site of my bandana lying about on the floor close to the bed, I picked it up and lay it on the nightstand while I wrote.

" thanks for your service last night" 

I dropped twenty dollars on the bandana before walking out of the room.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ameerah_Hashimcreators' thoughts