
Angela Haynes

Rash turned his face towards the young girl and understood the situation at first sight. Because this was his first moments here, and he did not want to complicate matters. He nodded as an expression of greeting.

"Humph…" though, Angela Haynes shrugged her shoulders and turned her face. What made Irina's face change, and she sighed in her heart.

"Angela... You're being rude to our benefactor. Rash will live with us from today onwards, so I hope you get along with him." Although she criticized her, Irina did not speak out loud.

In fact, she did not want the two of them to meet so quickly. It takes some time for Rash to get used to the place more. In that period she can tell him about her daughter and try to explain the situation, alas it seems that Angela has dropped out of college early today.

"Mom, I told you I'm against this from the start. Just why are you going so far with him? Wasn't it enough what you did for him til this moment?" She lost herself and revealed what was in her heart in front of the boy.

Rash: "…"

Because Irina had already decided to bring Rash home from the start, she briefed them on the matter while he was still in a coma.

At that time, his condition was unknown, and the girl said nothing. However, days ago, when they learned that he had already woken up, the lady told them of her final decision. Although Angela vehemently objected, she failed in changing her mother's decision.

Irina raised her voice a little, shouting to Angela in an intense manner, "Didn't we talk about it a lot already... Do you think we can pay back his debt with just that?" She questioned her daughter, what made Angela unable to look at her mother's face, "We owe two souls to him. If not because of his brave action, you will not have me or your brother today. He did not have to do what he did and almost lost his life for it. Is this how you treat someone done so much for our family?"

In this regard, Irina restrained Angela and made her unable to outer a single word. And the girl stood in the center of the room with dropping shoulders, feeling at a loss.

It is the first time Rash has witnessed an internal conflict in the same family: 'What an experience.' Although he was the principal reason for their quarrel, he could not utter a word on the matter.

Irina reclaimed herself a little, while cleaning up the mess caused by little Larry, she personally apologized to Rash, "I'm sorry for showing you this bad side of our house… I know my daughter very well, she is usually a good girl, but she tends to be very jealous when it comes to her parents. Despite her reaching this age, this aspect of her has not changed, like a little child." What made Angela's face turn red from embarrassment!

In fact, not only because of Rash, it took her a while until she accepted Larry into the family. Since her mother became pregnant with the boy, she began to act disobediently most times. In the end, her personality changed after the birth of the little boy and now she is very attached to him.

'Live and see,' Rash took a breath, responding with a small nod, "Don't worry, I'm used to such things..."

His response did not comfort Irina's heart at all, it only made her more anxious about his condition. The average person will feel angry when insulted, and this is normal in humans. But when he does not show any reaction, it means that he has already filled up and lost interest in things, and this is not a good situation.

Angela also felt offended by his response. His words suggest that he did not give any consideration to her existence, which immediately made her face black.


Knowing that she could not compete with her mother in the argument, she decided to withdraw. The girl noticed that the little boy was constantly yawning, so she took him from his mother's hands and carried him. They went out.

"Don't you want to eat your lunch?" Irina tried to ask her, but all she got was a long silence.

Rush: "..."

Irina: "... Huh, what a girl."

She then turned by the edge of her eye towards Rash to make sure of the situation, afraid her daughter's behavior would very upset him. Yet she found him looking at her with his lip slightly raised, a sly smile on his face.

Since the inconvenience is gone, he can speak comfortably, "It must be very difficult raising the children." As if he were an adult.

That made Irina smile. Her daughter is actually older than Rash, even though with only a few months old.

"Well... it's very hard, but it's like honey. As long as you try a little you won't stop asking for more. For me, I'll be happy with many more of them." Irina felt a little hopeless, even if she wanted more, but as she got older, it was impossible.

The years in which she could not conceive are still anguishing for her life, yet she is grateful for having given birth to Larry after a long time.

"In fact…" Irina became a little sentimental, "Angela is not my daughter of flesh and blood, but I raised her myself, a few days after her birth. Although it was not a secret, I never encountered her with such a matter, and she was always my only daughter. She is not young now, and she probably knows the truth already. Maybe that's why she feels insecure to see you here." The lady explained the situation, hoping to let Rash understand why Angela had acted that way.

Rash nodded, showing that he understood what the lady was trying to say, and remained silent, thinking of himself.

After a while, Irina led him to his room, and she did not forget to tell him about the other room next to it in the house.

Rash's bedroom was on the second floor.

Even though it was just one room, he was speechless upon seeing it. It is too big to be called a room. The second floor of the house contains four living rooms, Rash's room and Angela's room, then Irina's room in between. The latter is usually reserved for guests, probably.

His bedroom is characterized by softness, luxury, and rich in every detail of the design besides the luxury and richness of materials. The decor used gives comfort by choosing its own colors carefully.

The window's curtains were open, so you could see the large balcony overlooking the pool and back garden. The big double sized bed is in the middle of the room with lots of relaxing add-ons. The bathroom connected to the room is spacious and has all the comfort requirements.

Irina didn't stay with him for long and left him alone for the first time in the house. Still, she didn't forget to tell him how to handle things before that.

"Huh…" Rash exhaled, then took a very deep breath. Does it really make sense for Mrs. Irina to get this far with him?

Unfortunately, he couldn't help but think there was another hidden reason behind her affection towards him, and not just because she wanted to return the favor.

However, he proceeded with the situation with no prior objections. Yet, the questions did not diminish but rather increased little by little. Still, he did not know how to explain the situation.

"Nightmare, do you think there's anything fishy about it?" He couldn't help, but he asked the only one in the world he could trust. At least.

"She does not intend any harm toward you, and she is sincere in her intentions. Even so, that is not all. So you can rest from this side." Nightmare sufficed with this amount of information, and Rash didn't ask for much after that. As long as there was no ill intention, that is all that matters to him now.

He took some time to explore the room by himself. One of the maids came after some time to ask if he needed help or needed anything, but he sent her back immediately as he was not very used to this treatment yet.

Then he enjoyed a warm and refreshing bath, changed his clothes to a comfortable sports suit, and then left the room. The destination was the gym.

Since he found out there was a gym in the house, he had been thinking about finishing his daily quests. Priorities come first, and other things he can slowly discover later.

When he entered the hall, it was completely empty. What made him comfortable!

Lots of different machines and tools there, because it wasn't his first time to see a gym, he went straight to the jogging machine. Rash didn't even bother to be amazed. Everything in the house is so luxurious.

Rash stood on the treadmill, in its black and white colors. The treadmill didn't need any prior experience to use it and just by standing and giving order it will start working. He started running while checking each time how far the task was progressing.

100 meters ~ 200 meters ~ 1 km ~ ... ~ five kilometers.

He ran the entire distance uninterrupted at a moderate pace, despite his weak body, but he didn't have many problems with his physical fitness. His life forced him to work hard every day to overcome the many obstacles, many times he had to run long distances to avoid harassment.

"Still only other four…" He clenched his fists firmly, filled with joy. Since the task is renewed every day at 12 noon, he must finish it before the specified time.

The other three tasks are straightforward, but he has to go to college the next day to finish the last. Remembering this made him frown a little.

This will probably be the most difficult of the six.

Rash picked a suitable spot in the great hall, then applied for the handstand position. As Nightmare told him, this position has significant benefit as it makes him able to focus well, and the position of the head down makes the blood transfusion help the nerve cells. Of course, staying too long would make it bad.

After the quarrel between them subsided, Nightmare returned to his nature to give some advice each time.

Ten minutes later, Rash heard the sound of feet approaching him. He thought it was one of the workers spread around the house, so he didn't care much.

However, the sound got close until a girl stood before him. It was the daughter of the family, Angela Haynes. Looking at him and an expression of 'I caught you alone on her face.'

She wore her pink bunny-shaped track suit.

The girl is exquisite, her oval face and small nose, pink mouth with tied back beige hair that appears from the back of the hat.

Had it not been for her sharp gaze towards him, she would have been perfect for everyone else.

'uh huh…' Rush lamented into himself upon seeing her, sensing trouble was coming, and Irina was not around.

Just why? Can't others pretend not to see me and leave me alone?

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