
Chapter 1.

Chapter 1 - Beginning.

Opening my eyes I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Trees of all types and colors crowded the view before me. My breathing was hitched and ragged, almost like I woke up from a scary dream.

My thoughts were all over the place; what happened? Where am I? Am I dead? No matter how long these thoughts floated within my pounding mind, none of them were answered. It didn't take long for my emotions to start welling up and divide.





Hell, you name it. My breathing started to worsen as these feelings took over, the climax reaching its peak. However, before the full onslaught of these emotions released themselves, most likely ending up with me having a panic attack.

A cold, but soft feeling washed over me, drawing me back from my realm of loss. My breathing calmed, my heart that was… not beating? Wait what? My heart beat, where the hell is it?!

My right hand instinctively shot up to the left side of my chest, anxiousness starting to rise. The absence of my missing heart almost sent me through the roof again, but just like before, that cold but soft feeling washed over me.

Clearing me of my worries. A sigh left my lips as I dejectedly lowered my head. I can't seem to remember a thing about what happened before I woke up. To me, it seems like I just… Blanked out and just awoke here.

"I can answer those questions for you. Of course, if that's what you desire." A deep manly voice vibrated about, catching my attention. My eyes widened as I took in the red skinned man. His hair was long but smooth, soft looking if I might add. It flowed from his scalp to his back, ending just above his buttocks.

A smile wore his face as his equally red eyes gazed at me full of softness one would see a mother using… That smile only filled me with a sense of dread. My throat constricted, allowing only a gulp of saliva to pass through.

"Hmm? Cats got your tongue? Though, I suppose this reaction is natural after death. I don't have to experience such things, so I had no clue." His speech was prideful and powerful, almost like every word he meant was supposed to mock me.

But I didn't feel that way. His tone may be arrogant, but there's still a warmth there.

"W-who are you?! A-and where am I?" I stuttered out cursing my inability to keep myself composed in such a serious and mysterious situation. I tried my best to hide the fact I was intimidated by the man, but that facade quickly crumbled when my words came out choppy.

"Oh? Isn't it polite to introduce yourself first before asking for others? Well, no mind. My name is Lucifer, the first angel to fall from heaven, as well as your new savour! Now, now, on with you." I stared, completely lost.

Lucifer? Fallen Angel? It couldn't be…

'The Devil!?? Am I really going to hell? I thought I was pretty clean! What the hell happened?!' My heart– My would be heart beat started to pick up, my head started feeling light as I clumsily spoke.

"U-Um, am I by any chance… Going to Hell?" My voice shook with the concern and fear that coursed through me. I didn't even bother trying to hide it at this point, I knew my rising emotions would soon disperse in the guise of that weird 'cleanse' that happened the past two times.

I was right, not even a second later that same cool but smooth feeling washed over and took all my stressful feelings with it. Leaving me a cleanse slate.

Lucifer smiled a soft smile. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was my dad…

"Hell? What makes you think such things? Oh my, it must be because of my reputation. Correct? Well if so, then my apologies. You aren't going to Hell, unless you want to?" A cheeky smile took the place of his trademark one.

I shook my head quickly, denying the accidental possibility of me going to Hell. What type of question was that anyway? Why would someone deliberately want to go to Hell? I mean, its flipping Hell! The place of endless torture! The place where you spend eternity drowning in the weight of sin!

Hell no I don't want to go there!

"Haha, I was just joking~ Don't be so serious! Ahem, moving on. Do you have an idea as to why you're here? Any guess is okay, I totally don't mind listening to your mortal thoughts all day… I have nothing better to do either way." His true but sarcastic remark caused my previous emotions to hide, all that was left was a tinge of annoyance.

I soon hid that as well. Don't want to end up pissing off the Devil now would I?

Haha! Nope!

"I have no clue… Unless this is like… Reincarnation with wishes. If so then I know about this very well! I've read some things about this before I died." I was feeling so ecstatic that I didn't even bother to fight back the giddy smile that threatened to split my face. All kinds of childish visions raided my mind. The thought of getting awesomely overpowered cheats and getting sent to a new world full of beauties… It was just something that anyone had fantasized about once in their lives!

"Hehe." A perverted laugh exited my mouth, but it shut just as quickly as it came out. Fake coughing to hide my embarrassment, I focused back on the Devil in front of me. The sight of him smirking amusingly did nothing to help ease my embarrassment, but what could I do except push past it and hope to move on.

"As interesting as it is to do something like that, I will not. In fact, all you will get is a little gift, a weapon to accompany you on your journey, and a new life. Any complaints?" I'm not going to lie and say my feelings aren't hurt due to me jumping the gun, but atleast im getting a new life… Right?

A couple gifts as well. Can't ask for too much. No matter how much I wish I could…

"Oh… That's good too. Will the world be random though? Or is it something I get to decide? As well as the weapon… Can I choose those too?" Lacing my voice was the hope I had left within me. Every single word was dripped in it, but it doesn't seem to have worked fully…

"The world will be up to me. The weapons are up to you though, so do choose wisely." Smiling politely, Lucifer waved his hand and the next thing I know, a giant golden black door sat in front of us both.

Pure white pillars resting just beside the goliath of a door. It gave off a vibe of mystery as well as divine… It kind of reminds me of something that would be on Olympus.

The doors opened with a BANG! I instinctively covered my eyes with my forearms only to be left with a feeling of self loathing at my stupidity. There was no dust or particle where we were, making my action useless.

Lucifer chuckled off to the side as he led the way. I glared at him but only received a shake of his head in response.

So much for starting anew… My actions now are a lot more embarrassing than they were when I was alive.

The room was basically an armory, a resting place for different mythical and divine weapons. None of them caught my eye at first, that was until my eyes landed upon a black scythe. Its blade was made out of something pitch black but still reflective. The handle was silver but had a black snake wrapping around its head as well as the hilt.

It's design was beautiful and unique, but it wasn't something I would want.

Sighing, I moved away and continued on with my search.

There truly were a lot of weapons. I wonder how many Gods or Goddesses Lucifer had to kill to get these… Maybe he even went to different universes or timelines to take these. Some of them are even biblical weapons as well.

'Truly a fallen angel. He lives up to his name, to think someone would steal from God…' A chuckle escaped my lips, causing a head tilt from Lucifer.

"Nothing, nothing. Just thought of something funny."

"Very well. Continue on with what you are doing then." Nodding to his words, I did just that.

The search continued on for what felt like hours. I was on the verge of giving up but something caught my eyes. A duo of weapons.

I strutted over, my eyes shining with curiosity as I looked at the steel bladed longsword. The thing literally shined! The hilt was pitch black with a dark-black steel encasing the base of the hilt. The cross guard was a perfect T shape, made with the same dark-blackish steel.

There were designs etched into the hilt that gave the sword a more… Enticing look. I'm truly falling for the shiny shit right now…

I lifted the blade along with its black sheath. If I had a heart, it would no doubt be thumping loud enough for anyone to hear. I don't know why, but I feel so drawn to this blade. It's like it was made for me.

"Urfael? What an interesting choice. Certainly more on the bland side of things, but it could be even blander. After I stole it from the wraith-human, I added my own touches to it. Looks better doesn't it?" Lucifer's voice was just like background music to me. My entrance seemed to grow more and more with the blade.

"Acharn? Was it? The broken blade that he wielded as well. His weapons truly were barbaric. But whatever." His voice this time was a lot clearer and louder. It drew me out of my trance, but I was put back in it almost immediately as my eyes landed upon a pitch black dagger.

Or should I say, broken sword?

The blade of the dagger was what looked to be steel, just like Urfael. But the handle this time was pitch black, it's sheathe was black as well.

Lucifer really does like his black doesn't he?

"Wait, did you steal these from Shadow of War? That world actually exist?" Amazement was all I felt while I gazed at the Devil. He really is mischievous though. I wonder if Talion is still alive…

"Don't worry about the useless things. Is this what you choose or not? You should keep in mind that you should hurry. The faster you reincarnate the quicker you get to use my gifts~" If I had eyes they would be widened to the max right now. He's right! I'm technically wasting time!

"Can I uh, get Acharn as well? I mean, they technically are a pair… They go together, can't have one without the other… Haha." A nervous laugh escaped my lips. Lucifer stared into my eyes with his squinted.

I don't know what he's doing but he's been nice so far. Hopefully he'll let me have both.

"You have a point, and I don't see why not. I don't have a use for those anyway. I don't think I would be using any of these weapons at any point in my life either. They are yours. Just place them upon your being and you will start the bonding process."

"Bonding process? What's that mean?" My eyes looked curiously at the blades in front of me.

"Well, I can't have my precious treasures stolen in lower worlds now can I? This bond will allow only you to be able to wield them. Unless it's someone of higher power than even me, you should be fine." My eyes widened once again.

"There's also the neat little trick of being able to sense the weapons from any place at any distance. It'll be like a personal waypoint will be set on it no matter where it's placed. It truly won't be able to escape your grasp." Lucifer's words sold me on everything.

A soul-bound weapon only I can wield? I only hope they are unbreakable.

"What about the durability? Let's say… I dropped them in lava, would they melt?" I was nervous and a little anxious waiting for his answer. If it was a yes, then that means I'm going to need to be extra careful. Wouldn't want my weapons to turn into liquid metal, rendering it useless. Breaking into shards would be even worse though… Can't really do much about that.

"Mmm? Haha! Oh God no. Not even the hottest star could cause a sliver of harm to the blade. No worries about that. Trust me, the material this is made out of is something you wouldn't even fathom. All my stuff is top quality afterall."

Whew! Some sweat off my back. That's great news. Now I can go as wild with these babies as I want!

I'm wasting too much time though. I want to know what his other gift is as well, and the thought of finally being able to test these babies out was enticing for me.

I picked up both weapons and slammed them onto my chest. The weapons disappeared into my body, basically sinking in.

I let it happen since I trust Lucifer, even though it's dumb too. He's the Devil for crying out loud, but fuck it!

"Alright! Lets get on with the gifts and the world! I'm ready for my new life." I truly meant every word I said. I'm sure he can feel my excitement buzzing off of me.

"Yes yes, come here." I did as I was told. I watched with curiosity as he closed his eyes, said some words in something I couldn't understand, and snapped his fingers. A weird feeling washed over me before it quickly dissipated. It was a lot different from the one thing used to clear my mind before.

This time it felt… disgusting.

"Kay~ Gifts granted. I added one thing though. It's useful so I'm sure you'll like it. Now, do you want to know what world you're going to, or do you just want to reincarnate? I do hope you choose the second option. Guessing the world would be fun to watch, and surely nerve racking and fun for you as well!" Lucifer's reasoning was quite solid…

That did sound fun.

A smile tugged on the corners of my mouth as I nodded and spoke.

"Then, reincarnate me. I'll take my luck in guessing the world." Lucifer had a smile of his own at this point. He nodded in understanding before sighing and raising his hand to the sky.

"Good luck, and I do hope you enjoy this world as well as my gifts. It should make living a lot easier."


My vision was gone.

Pitch black nothingness greeted me once more…

Maybe I trusted him too much…



Urfael/Acharn Appearance.

First chapter is out!!!!

I liked it alot, It felt pretty fun to write.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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