
Power duo fight kashi

Meanwhile rin and his team were trying to find the caster of the barrier when they were blocked by two foes. Rin took them out in an instant and began interrogating them.

" Tell me where the caster is " -- Rin

" It's pointless, we already have you cornered even you escapee's. your friend is being watched as we speak "

" What do you mean " -- Rin

" We've been watching you and your friend. The reason why we didn't seal your magic was because it was too great to be sealed in this way. So our allies went to bring something can that can hold you and your friends magical power in a single swoop "

" I need to go and tell Toshiro and warn him, keep on looking for the caster" -- Rin

Rin ran as fast as he could trying to save as much time as possible before he could end up a casualty.


[ Back at the arena ]

Anne had successful healed all the injured in the crowd.

[ Notice ]

Side Quest :

Defeat Kashi the leader of the night ravens group and drive them out of your school.

Reward : 20sp and reward from the school.

" so which is he " -- Toshiro

" He's the one with side armour on his cloak " --jay

" Okay "-- Toshiro

Rin had caught up to Toshiro on the rooftop and told him what he knew.

" So that's it "-- Toshiro

" That's all " -- Rin

" It's a good thing you are here, I'm ab out to engage the leader, could you help me" -- Toshiro

" why not, but the problem is his minions" -- Rin.

" I've got it planned out " -- Toshiro.

Toshiro sat down as he concentrated his essence and activated his skill.

* Devil's Aura *

The guards stationed below them began to drop down on their knee's. Anne felt it and remembered the devil they fought in the forest.

With the constant pressure the only one standing was the leader. Toshiro dropped down from the roof causing a little dust rise as he and rin came forth.

" Anne take them away " -- Toshiro.

Anne began to evacuate the arena knowing what would happen and in a few minutes the only one left conscious in the arena was Kashi and the power duo of the academy.

" I knew we would fight, but not so soon " -- Kashi.

" Spare us the lecture and let's get this over with " -- Rin

" If you say so " -- Kashi.

As he finished his sentence he vanished and there was a moment of silence.

" you really think you can beat me " his voice echoed through the arena.

" Gen come forth " -- Toshiro.

" Fuji come forth " -- Rin

Two great silhouettes emerged gen from the shadow pool and Fuji the The green feathered eagle from her wind summit.


Two minutes had passed since they had engaged kashi in battle with Kashi and the duo were holding their own to kashi's surprise.

" wow, you two are quite interesting, say why not join us. it'll be a waste leaving u here. So what will it be, do you accept my proposal boys "