
Entrance exams

As his essence grew he summoned the scroll he began cultivating and learning . His cultivation growth was rapid as he manifested his essence into the scroll. He had begun cultivation, was given a task and had already leveled up to a rank 2 blacksmith he new it wasn't a large achievement but it was a start .

Surprisingly his other stats cultivated from manifesting his spirit essence into the scroll

Level : 23 + 1

Strength: 16 + 2

Spirit Force : 500/500

Spirit essence: 320/500

Cultivation rate : 100% 1st stage

Mental state: 23 + 1

Intelligence:20 + 2

Skill points: 58






Flame burst (Flame attribute)

Shadow blade (Shadow attribute)

Lightning curve (Lightning attribute)

Shadow realm (Shadow attribute)

Light flare (Lightning attribute)

Flame pillar (Flame attribute)

Ignite (Flame attribute)

Task [ Regulate your heat to be above 200°]

You have been tasked to get your heat level with the fire attribute above 200° to melt the metal used for crafting

Reward [10 sp and a blacksmith's guide book]

After the process he fell fast asleep recovering from the toil.

The next day Toshiro wakes up getting ready for the exam when he remembers what happened last night. The cleared his mind trying to focus on his performance. He went downstairs and saw Miwa had a rather excited look. He concluded she summoned her sword. They had breakfast and set-off for the academy.

When they arrived Toshiro noticed it was more l clustered than yesterday. Him and Miwa were at the gate and we're asked to fill a register for the a academy records . They filled it and proceeded . They we're both given token numbers. Miwa was N.O 123 and Toshiro's was N. O 134.The current number was at 110 so In a few hours it would be Miwa's turn. Toshiro took the time to look at his stats for cultivation. He had completed 5% of the blacksmith's scroll. He had made significant progress for a night. He then proceeded to use the time to take a nap.

As he slept it was eventually his turn.

" Number 134 come in "

" Toshiro, it's miwa , wake up it's your turn "

" Huh , I'm going I'm going "

[ In the exam room ]

" Toshiro are you present "

" Yes sir "

" * ahem *

Name :Toshiro

Age :15

Attributes: Fire and lightning

Spirit souls : None .

Did you fill this, boy "

" Yes sir "

" Okay, you are to show me your spirit Force

and you aura simple "

"You ready "

* NOD *

He concentrated his energy as a yellow colored aura explodes from his body . He then clenched his fist and released a flame spirit Force for his flame attribute. The examiner was shocked seeing his explosive power . He was told to proceeded to the next stage. He went with a smile on his face as he walked towards the next room . He got there and saw a similar setting of the stage as his previous room. He was then asked for his sword essence and showed it's beauty. He was then taken to the next room .

He was told to stand on a white platform. As he stood it began to glow and the number 24 hovered above his head . They had finished the exams and was brought to the other side of the gate.As he stood in front of the crowd a man came on a platform and announced.

' Well done to all the new students of the cultivation academy , I am headmaster Tang '

' The school will resume In two days time. To all those without a spirit soul you have before the school resumes to make a contract with one. If you fall to do so you will not be permitted into the premiss despite passing the exams. See you all in two days. "

Toshiro began to search for Miwa and found her in the mist of the crowd. He was relieved she was here because only those who passed were permitted. She saw him and smiled at him. they had both passed and would be students in the same class. As they walked home he asked a question.

" do you have a spirit soul "

" no, not yet "

" how was the exams "

" it was good "

" may I see your spirit sword "

" not hers, at home "

" you go home I'll be back in a while "

" okay "

He had found a quiet place to try and complete the task. He began enclosing his hands with great and

rising the temperature slowly. After some time he saw his system tab that said he had completed his talk.

New task [ expand the metal ]

A steel rod came out, as he held it it began to glow red and he tried smoothing expansion

it began to expand with only his hands as his tools he had finished the task .He had forged an earring.

[ store in Black box ]

He put it in his inventory and asked his system for the spirit soul store tab.

Spirit Soul Tab :

Silver crow egg -- 12 sp [level 8]

Shadow / flame wolf hybrid egg -- 15 sp [level 11]

white wolf egg -- 17 sp [level 14]

silver fox egg -- 19 sp [level 16]

black eagle egg -- 22 sp [level 19]

Red dragon egg -- 30 sp [level 27]

* okay , I'll fill the contract later *

He went back home with a few pastries to celebrate their success.

" I'm back , and I came with pastries too "

" welcome back Toshiro "

" Thank you Miwa "

" Wow you bought so many "

" well it is a celebration "

" I guess so , we bought passed after all "

" oh yeah , you promised to show me your sword remember "

" oh yeah "

A bright green aura came forth as her sword emerged.

" Pretty neat , huh "

" Yeah "

" the next thing we need to do is to get a spirit soul and shun has it all covered "

" I've got my worked out, at least most of it "

" so let me see it "

" I said most of it "

" well I'm going to my room, leave some pastries for me and shun okay "

" Okay "

He went to his room and had decided which spirit soul he would choose.