Amidst the chaos and destruction, a deep crater, over three meters in depth, now marked the battleground. Within this pit, Leo stood triumphant, a cruel and enigmatic smile etched upon his face.
The cursed barrier enveloping him bore web-like cracks from the devastating blow it had endured, but it had not yet shattered. Instead, it began a process of self-repair, its mystical energies knitting together the ruptures.
Leo's laughter rang out hysterically, echoing in the ears of those who watched from above, including the resolute Pope. The masked figure, undaunted and defiant, locked eyes with the Pontiff and proclaimed, "You will need far more than this if you wish to win against me."
The Pope's expression remained stoic, a faint frown etching lines into his wrinkled visage, but he did not respond further.