
My Love Rival Likes Me?!

After graduating college, Jian had never imagined his life going downhill. In a stuck up job with minimum wage, no social life, too much overtime, instant noodles for almost every dinner, and his relationship that's about to break. Nothing went well in his life after graduating. He even found out that his first love in high school getting married. After a few drinks, he passed out. Upon waking up, he found himself in his old bedroom, way back in high school. It turned out he turned back the time. From that day on, he promised to change his disastrous future. And this time around he'll confess his love for his first love! But before that, can he get rid of his rival in love? or will this turn upside down?

GreenAlienBlueDuck · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 14: "Compensation"

"Today is the day! I'm going to give him my answer." I thought to myself as I wait for Zen Liang outside of his classroom.

It's break time and the students are already going out of the classroom. Except for Class A, the students in that room loves to ask for extra minutes for class.

Weird people. Who would want that?!

After a few seconds, the students started to go out of the classroom. I tiptoed to see Zen Liang.

When I saw him walk out, I can feel my heart racing.

I waved my hands to get his attention but failed because he is surrounded by girls.

"Uhm... I don't really get this. Can you teach me, classmate?"

"What perfume do you use?"

"You were great back there, pres."

Damn, this guy...

I stormed in and took his hand. He was startled, but I was eager to take him out of there. I grabbed his hand and walk out. His classmates just looked at me in confusion.

I took him on the corner.

"What is it?" He asked.

We are now facing each other. He's looking right at me with his hands on his pockets, while I am looking down.

"I will do it." I said, all flustered.

He just looked confused to what I am saying.

"Do what?"

Is he doing this on purpose?!

"The thing you said yesterday!" I exclaimed. "I-I... I'll pay you with m-my... Body." I hesitantly mumble.

"Oh, that. Good. We can start now." He calmly said as if it was not a big deal.

Does this guy do this often?!!

"H-here?" I asked as I look around.

"Where else?"

"This guy is shameless!"

"F-fine." I replied.

"Alright. Let's go to the council's office."

I gulped and followed him. When we arrive in the council's office, he shut the door and loosen his necktie.

I just stood there nervously. We're the only people there.

He looked at me and moved closer.

I unconsciously move back.

"No one's here yet. Let's begin." He stated.

"O-okay..." I was fidgeting.

I am gathering all the courage I can get.

"Let's start with the boxes—"

"P-please be gentle—"

We spoke up at the same time. He didn't finished his sentence and so did I. We just stared at each other awkwardly. It looks like I misunderstood things... A lot of things!

I can feel my whole face turning red due to embarrassment.

"Hold on. Did you think we're going to—"

"Ahh! Haha! Where are the boxes?!" I quickly changed the subject and covered his mouth with my hands to prevent him from finishing what he wanted to say.

"O-oh! There! L-let's start." I quickly went to grab the piled up boxes on the corner.

"So, you're ready to give yourself to me?" He asked.

"L-let's just start!!" I exclaimed, still not facing him.


"I think we need ask for the dean's permission first."

"That's not a problem. I can handle that."

"Pres, we should also put this one..."

They are having a meeting while I am arranging some stuffs in the council's office.

And by what Zen Liang mean about using my body. It's actually about helping do the chores here and running errands for the student council.

"Why did I even thought he meant the other thing?!" I thought to myself as I bump my head on the wall.

"Photocopy this too." Zen Liang came up to me and handed me a bunch of papers.

"Ugh..." I sighed and took it.

"Pres, we're leaving." The members went out.

"Okay." He shortly answered, still focusing on the paperwork.

I finished all the tasks he had given me. Therefore, I decided to sit beside him and peek on what he's writing down.

"What's that?" I asked.

"That looks boring." I complained.

He didn't talk to me at all, it's like I'm talking to the wall.

I don't mind though, I can do this all day. If it's the only way to get him to befriend me.

"Do you have any social media account? Do you do this all the time?"

"Aren't you sick of papers? Dude, you should try playing with mobile games instead."

"Oh, wait! Have you played that famous game right now? We should totally—"

My nonstop talking suddenly stop when he shoved an unwrapped lollipop on my mouth.


He is now facing me with his face closer to mine as our eyes are fixated on each others'.

"You're so noisy." He said without breaking eye contact.

I felt my heart trembling.

I don't want to cause myself more trouble, that's why I looked away.

"I-I'm not a kid..." I mumbled as I chew on the lollipop he gave me.

"It's to shut you up. You talk a lot. We need to keep your mouth busy." He said as he shifted his eyes on my lips.

Wait! Was I imagining that?!

He then turned his attention back to what he was doing earlier like nothing happened.

"Buy me a drink. Here." He said and handed me money.

"Hey! I'm not your lackey!" I exclaimed.

"Who does he think he is?! I won't—"

"Buy something for yourself too." He added.

A grin on my face formed as my mood changes.

"Gotcha! What do you want? Soda? Milk? Ice coffee?" I took the money and ask him what he wants.

"Anything will do."

"Alright! I'll be back right away! Hehe."


I was happily walking on the corridor, full of snacks and beverages on my hands.

"It's not like he would mind, right? He'll eat these too."

"Oh, Jian! Hi!" A sweet voice had called my name.

"M-miya? H-hi!" I greeted back.

"Hey, I'm here too." Riri interfered as she was standing right beside Miya.

"Do you want s-some?" I offered her the foods on my hand.

"I know, it's not mine. But, it's good to share, right?"

"No, thank you." She declined and smiled.

"I want some." Riri volunteered.

"Then buy some!" I replied, sneering at her.

"You piece of—" she kicked my butt.


Miya giggled. She even giggle like an angel!

"Stop daydreaming." Riri whispered beside me.

This girl is really nosy...

I noticed that Miya is wearing a necklace. It has a ruby stone that is shaped like a heart.

"Wow. That's really pretty." I said while looking at her necklace.

"Yeah, the ruby is really beautiful." Riri added.

"Oh. Thank you. My father gave it." She smiled as she held it with her hands.

"I'll get going now, guys. Bye." She bid her farewell and left.


"Bye, Miya! See you later!" Riri waved her hand.

I was left with Riri. She then put her arm around my shoulder.

"So, what's the progress? Do you feel like you're finally changing the future?" She whispered.

"I guess so. A lot had happened since I travel back in time." I whispered back.

She let me go and walked along with me.

"That's great then. Although, be careful."

"Why is that?"

"As you know, there are consequences in changing what is fated to happen." She continued.

She's right. What is bound to happen wouldn't happen anymore, since I chose to change my actions. Well, maybe some of it would stay the same. However, it is not entirely.

Upon being lost in my thoughts, I didn't noticed that we already arrived at the council's office.

"Riri, you're here." The vice president greeted. "Oh, Jian is already here, too. Are you two dating?" He teases.

"The hell! That idiot is too far from my type."

"Same goes here."

We stared at each other with a hint of annoyance.

Zen Liang slammed his pen on the table and turned his gaze on me.

The rest of us flinched with those death stare.

Are we too noisy?

"My drink." He said, signalling me to come close.

I went to him and placed the food I bought on the table.

"Which one do you want?"

He just looked at me and said, "Anything."

Damn this guy..!

I sighed and gave him a soda. "This one?"

He nodded, but he didn't took it.

"Open it." He said, still staring at me.

"Ugh... Seriously? You're not disable!" Even if I did complain, I still opened it for him.

He took it and continued on what he was doing earlier.

"Is he his lackey now or what?" Riri whispered to the vice president.

"I don't know either."

I turned my attention back to the other three people in the room. Riri, the vice president, and the auditor.

"What are you doing here, Riri?" I asked.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? And to answer your question, I am the council's treasurer!"

Oh, right. I forgot that this girl is a council member, she rarely attends the ceremony because she's often late. It's supposed to be Miya but she declined and to make up for it, Riri volunteered on her behalf.

"Wow. The students are so lucky." I sarcastically replied.

"You want to die huh..." She's pissed off.

"Jian volunteered to help us with some chores here in the council." The vice president said.

"For real? This guy?"

"Yeah, right. It's not like I have a choice."

"Are you that cool guy from Class D?" The council auditor asked, pointing at me.


It boosted my ego. This guy is quite a sweet talker.

"You think I'm cool? I-I mean... Yeah, it's me. I'm Jian Tan." I proudly introduced myself and shook hands with him.

"Hi, it's nice to see you here, Jian. I'm Ryan. The student council's auditor." He got this bright smile. Unlike, Zen Liang, this guy is pretty approachable.

"He got him just like that?"

"He's simple minded."—Riri.

"That's enough talking. Call the other members so we can continue the meeting." Zen Liang instructed.

They immediately moved after he spoke up.

"What should I do?" I asked him.

"Bring these papers to the other building."

He ordered as he point on the mountain pile of papers on the other desk.

I take it back. This guy is definitely a jerk...


After running back and forth from the council to the next building, I finally have the last pile of paperwork to bring there.

I sighed, "This feels like what I used to do in the company."

As I was mumbling to myself, I happen to meet Ryan on the way.

"Jian!" He called out to me with a warm smile.

"Oh, hey. What's up?"

"You need help?" He asked as he caught up to me and stood beside me.

Ah! Finally, another angel came!

"Yes, please." I shamelessly gave him half of the stack. It was quite a lot that it already covered my whole face.

"No worries."

As we walk on our way, I can't help but ask him about Zen Liang. I think he knows him well enough, they are classmates after all and they are both in the student council.

"Uh... Can I ask you about something?" I started.

"Sure. What is it?"

"What do you think about... Zen Liang?"

"Hmm... There's a lot of things to say about him. He's the top student, the council president, the school's role model. He's perfect in every angle."

"I hate it that I can't deny that..."

"What about you, Jian?" He suddenly asked and looked at me. "What do you think about him?"

"What do I think about... Zen Liang?"

"I think..." I'm lost for words.

"Don't worry, I won't tell him." He whispered and raised his right hand.

"I think... I think he's a jerk! Emotionless! Heartless! And he always got this stoic face of his!" I whined as I imitate Zen Liang's facial expression.

Ryan laughed at what he heard. "Right. Haha!"

"However... I also think he's kinda... A little... Just a little bit... Cool and gentle." I felt my ears heating up.

"Sounds like a love confession." He teased.

"The hell?! No way. I already like someone!" That's right. I like Miya, and Zen Liang is just my key to get close to her.

"I was just joking. Haha."

"Haah... Right."

After we put the papers on their designated place, Ryan took his leave because he still has a part-time job to take.


I returned back to the council's office to tell Zen Liang that I already finished the work he had given me.

"Done!" I exclaimed and slammed my palm on the table proudly.

"Great. You can continue tomorrow." He stated while putting his stuffs in his bag.

"What? It's not over yet?" I complained.

"Yeah. You're still in debt." He replied and walked out.

"Ugh..." I sighed and followed him.

It was quite late and most of the students had already gone out.

We proceeded on our way. We were walking side by side. It was awkwardly silent, so I took the initiative to yap about stuffs.

"Do you know Ryan has a part-time job. I thought rich people doesn't need part-time jobs, perhaps he wants to be independent. That explains why he's humble."

I am used to him not talking even a single word. Therefore, I just kept on yapping on and on.

"He also helped me today. And looks like we have so much in common. We could be best buddies! Oh, and he also likes curry! Bro, we should totally go to—" I stopped as I felt his hand gently grabs my wrist.

He suddenly took something out of his bag and put it on my palm.

"What's this?" I asked.

It was three lollipops with the same brand he gave me awhile ago.

"Your salary." He answered, and continued to walk.

I caught up to him. "Huh?! You're giving me lollipops as a salary? What do you think I am? 7 years old?" I whined.

"Hey! Zen Liang!"

I'm starting to love this candy, though. It's sour at first, but it becomes sweeter afterwards.