
My love from the sky

Reb_Bud · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Kian

The annals of the Joseon Dynasty state that an unidentified flying object was seen in various regions at the same time. That unidentified flying object brought me to London. Earthlings have no idea of my home planet but its similar to earth. I have lived here for over 1000 years I have watched how London turning into huge capital city. I've adapted completely to life on earth, such as its magnetic field, gravity and water. My vision and hearing are about ten times more advanced in every way than people here. Thanks to that I see things and hear things that I don't want to know about. I have no dietary restrictions, but I cannot have our bloods mix that's why I eat alone for protection.

Stranger: Oh no! My bag! Thief! What do I do?

Why didn't I help? It's meaningless for me to get involved in their lives. Just as I come from another planet and lived on earth for over 1000 years against my will, things that are meant to happen will happen, whether I want it to or not. Earth people call it "destiny".

A new destiny is beginning the comet that I waited for 1000 years is approaching Earth. Six months from now, I'll be able to return to my planet.