
My love from another door

[dramatic teen romance. Warning!! too refreshing] "am Austin Filmore the first son of the owner of this school and the Filmore company." he said and looked at her. "okay" she said ' why is he talking to me?' she thought. "And you are?" he asked a bit frustrated. "kimberly smith" she said and he nodded. "why is your hair like that?" he asked wanting to open her hair to see her face when she hit his hand and everyone in the class gasped. "why did you do that?! show me your face Kimberly!!" he said frustrated and tried again but she dodged and hit his hand until he gave up."meet me on the roof at break" he whispered to her and she nodded and the teacher got in and taught and after a long long while it was break. Austin already left so Kim packed her stuff and took her lunch and put her headphones and headed to the roof. And of course they looked at the scary girl walking alone. she headed to stairs and went to the roof with her lunch and and a can in her other hand. she got to the roof and the twins left when they saw her and he was left with two of his friends, Dylan and Cole, who were supposedly also rich and beautiful. " I thought you wouldn't come" Austin said and his friends looked horrified by her. "austin?! is this her?" Cole asked and Austin nodded. "ok we'll be downstairs" Dylan said and they ran down the stairs. Kimberly looked at Austin and Austin did same. "show me your face now!!" he shouted and demanded and she shook her head "Do it or else I will get you expelled" he threatened. Kim remembered her mom's words 'dont get in trouble with anyone at the school because they are all rich and will ruin your life' she thought and then she sighed and put her lunch down. "okay but only to you" she said and parted her hair and showed her face. Austin's mouth dropped when he saw her face. hehe read to find out what she like!!

_amanda · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

no, maybe

Kim headed downstairs and spotted her mom on the couch watching television and smiling like a fool. She went to her and sat besides her and took a deep sigh "mom can I ask for a favour?" she said and looked at her mom. "what is it sweety?" Elizabeth said and looked at her worry in her eyes

"mom? Uhm... Austin..Uhm..m-my..b-boyfriend wants to take me out...for the..Uhm.. weekend" Kim said hesitantly and Elizabeth's face lit up "really?! for a whole weekend?! where are you going?! of course you can go!! my baby is finally grown!!!" Elizabeth said excitedly and then she suddenly hugged her daughter due to the excitement in her heart 'my baby is all grown' Elizabeth thought and Kim just stared at her and blinked, she was rather speechless.

"really?" Kim asked and her mom nodded and clapped like a teenager. "so baby do like this boy?" Elizabeth asked and Kim's eyes widened "what..no,maybe I don't know" she said feeling a bit frustrated and her mom just looked at her clueless daughter "you know Kim, I know that you and I aren't that close but I love you sweety. I know how frustrating it feels when you don't know or understand what you are feeling and that's more of a reason am allowing you to go out with that handsome boy. If you don't want to, I understand but look on the bright side he cares about you even when you look like a spirit walking down the school halls" she said and Kim's eyes widened in disbelief.

Elizabeth just chuckled and gently pinched Kim's cheek "this is the first boy you have ever dated right?" she asked and Kim nodded "interesting..how did you guys date anyway. I only know the Kim who runs away when a boy approaches her" she asked curiously and truth be told, Kim never liked being close or talking to boys she would run away or sometimes cry. She just acts weird so that no boy will approach her, so this is a first to Lizzy.

"no I am not telling" she said and adverted her gaze to the TV "secrets huh? I will find out sooner or later"lizzy said and the watched the TV. In the mansion next door, Austin's family never stopped questioning him about Kim, well Austin didn't spill any beans, not even one tiny detail why? because he knew that his family will see her and want him to find someone new or better like they did with his first love.

Austin loved that girl but unfortunately his family threw that through the window and found him that drama queen Kelly. So he zipped his mouth and went to the balcony for some fresh air