
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
253 Chs


The arrow flew through the air then stopped right in front of Lucy's chest.

I held the arrow then snapped it with my fingers. Lucy said,"You missed all the fun."

I said,"That's because I had to beat up eight of them, and you're the last."

The archer took to his heels and I smirked.

The fun way it is...

I chased him and he ran through the hall way and threw objects at me but I either dodged, slapped or punched them out of my way.

I did a fifteen step horizontal wall run and he got distracted and crashed into a wall then I landed and picked him up as he begged.

The cops arrested the fourteen of them and we could finally sleep peacefully.

I went back to campus the next day and spent most of my time with Rose, especially since she was only two months away from graduating.

I visited home again a few days later and was out baby gift shopping with Lucille and the triplets when I saw someone...

"Mr Nelson."I said to myself.

He was talking to someone shady in a private corner of the store and handing the person money.

He seemed not to have noticed me.

This is my chance!

I can catch him now and the kids and Lucy will be safe!

I was about to walk away from Lucille, who was distracted when I stopped in my tracks...

This may be a trap...

No, I'll find a better way.

That night, I walked into a bar and the barista asked what she could get me then I said,"I'll take an extra spicy moon shine mixed with brandy, shaken not stirred."

She got me my order and pushed the glass to me and I took it to a table, then I looked through the clear liquid mixture, making the writings on the inside legible, I read the note and smirked.

I walked to a wall and opened a secret door then went down the stairs. I reached a door with two hefty guards, one of which asked me,"What do you want?"

I said,"I want a fried ice-cream with a side of coconut peel."

The guards stepped aside and I walked in.

I walked to a chair which was turned away from me. The person said I should take a seat.

The person asked how they could help me and I said,"I need to know where Clark Nelson hides out."

The person asked what I would give them in return and I said,"How about a kiss?"

The person groaned and turned the chair then she asked,"Tommy, how did you know it was me?"

"I figured you were the only person with the connections, funds and motive to open a bar with a secret floor and teach highly trained staff the code."

Rose then stood up and said,"Okay, I don't know where Mr Nelson is, but I've done some digging and found where some of his most trusted agents live, you can start searching from there."

I swiped her off her feet and asked,"Why don't I start here?"

She blushed and said,"Tommy, I'm working."

I chuckled and put her down then kissed her before leaving.

I wore a mask over my leather jacket and blue denims then went to look for the first person.

The person was having target practice and shot a bullet right into the bull's eye.

Someone tapped his back and when he looked, a fist hit him right in the nose then I kicked him down.

I pinned him to a wall and asked,"Where does your boss live?"

He said with blood coming out of his nose,"I'll take the secret to my grave."

I said,"There are many things worse than the grave you must know..."

He yelled for me to stop as his head was an inch from a moving train.

I pulled him back and asked,"Wanna tell me now?"

He stuttered,"I- I- I can't tell you, he'll kill me."

Then I said,"And you think I won't?"

He widened his eyes then said,"I don't know where he lives but he often goes to visit his son who lives with his mother, I know where she lives."

I said,"Thank you, and you are personally going to lead me there, no?"

He nodded several times then I dumped him back in my car.

Mr Nelson was playing with his toddler when there was a knock on the door.

His mother went to open it then she saw five cops. They said her son was under arrest and she resisted, but they took him.

I could finally relax.

I spun around on my spinning chair, Mr Nelson was finally behind bars like he deserved to be.

Mr Nelson was pushed into a cell with some hardened criminals then they started laughing at him. One of them stood up and pushed him down then said,"Look who fell out of the richest class into the lowest dump, dude, you've hit rock bottom."

Another said while cracking his knuckles,"And were going to make sure you feel the impact."

Mr Nelson said,"I wouldn't try that if I were you."

"And why not?"

"Because if you do, he will kill you."

Just then the main doors barged open and a masked individual ran in and without stopping, injured a cop.

The others were shooting at him but he dodged the bullets and dive twirled then aimed at and shot three cops while spinning.

A shield of cops arrived but he did a twelve step horizontal wall run then did a cheat gainer off it and while in the air, shot five cops.

He landed and shot the remaining five before they could react.

He walked towards Mr Nelson's cell and spun a gun then shot the lock. Mr Nelson walked out and the man said,"The shipment is ready."

Mr Nelson said,"Thank you big brother...oh and guys, don't miss me too much."

He walked away.

All of this had happened so fast, they hadn't seen anything. One of them held the door and slowly closed it.