
My life in Konosuba

This is adventure story of a normal high School boy reborn in KonoSuba world. I'm a newbie Author. Please give me an advice :) The cover photo is not mine. CCTTO

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6 Chs

Chapter 1- The town of Beginning



This was the name of the town. Other people call it the beginning town or a novice town. A peaceful town with no strong monster in the vicinity and the main unit of the demon king army is very far from here. That is why those who were inspired to become adventures came here and set it as their starting line.

Considering the setting of this place in the Middle Ages of Europe, the town is full of horse carriages, and houses are made of bricks that can be found everywhere.

More importantly, the people who live here belong to different races. The most notable among them were the elves.

It was my first time seeing one but I was captivated by their beauty and otherworldly features. To avoid being labeled as a creep, I stop gawking at them and try to compose myself to begin examining my situation.

I was then transported to an empty alley. From the look, I was getting from the surroundings; it seems like the way I dress myself is unique for them. A fitting orange shirt under my red jacket, black jeans, and black casual shoes.

Ignoring my surroundings, I begin exploring the area and asking someone I meet along the way a question to get basic information, such as Adventurer Guild, Weapon stores, lodging, etc.

With the increase in my intelligence, which I gained from my ability, memorizing information became much easier.

First, to register myself as an Adventurer, I need some money or 1000 eris to be exact. Someone who owns nothing that is a lot.

I need to find a way to earn that 1000 eris using the ability that I got from Aqua and I think I knew a place.

Skill: Root of Origin

Charges: 10/10

Level: 1/100

Effect: The ability to restore anything to its original state.

+ 1000 Intelligence

Cool down: 1 hour/charge


With the goal in mind, I began walking in a hurry to that place, which is the town's gate.

Arriving there, I greet the town's guards.

" Good morning officer how's your day? This might be a peaceful town, but with you guys guarding this place put everyone at ease. I'm very thankful. "

"Hey kid, stop with the nonsense what do you want?"

The guard on duty watches me carefully with eyes full of suspicion.

"Come on officer-san don't look at me that way I'm just an ordinary law-abiding citizen being grateful for how safe and peaceful this town is."

Seeing how the guards rolled their eyes, not believing in my nonsense.

Sigh... It is difficult to be a good person.

"Okay fine, I bet Officer-san must be aware of how the price of the goods lately increases because of the crisis we are facing by fighting the Demon army right? As such, right now, I am very tight on Eris. I am just here to do some business opportunities for the adventurer who fights us. You see despite my look I've got myself a unique ability, a rare healing spell that can rival a healing potion. The treatment service is only 100 eris which is lower than the price of potion. With this skill, I can't help that adventurer to save some Eris right?"

"Young lad I know a healing spell is but I haven't seen a healing spell that can rival a potion. There might be out there who possesses it but you? Don't talk nonsense. Ahahahahah.!"

Along with other guards, everyone laughed at me after Officer-san claimed my ability to be nonsensical.

Well OK, that was unexpected.

It seems like powerful healing like what Aqua did in the anime is very rare. I cannot help it if they do not believe that all I have to do is let them see and judge it for themselves.

"Regardless of whether my spell was fake. Can you allow me to perform treatment here? I promise I won't disturb your work."

"Yeah, do it at the corner, don't block the way."

" Thanks officer-san."

Giving my thanks, I find myself in a corner outside of the gate waiting for an adventurer from their quest.

It did not take long for an adventure to come to my view. The party consists of five men: a Swordman, a Shielder, a Thief, an Archer, and a mage. They do not have a healer type since a class like Priest is rare.


I approached them carefully, letting them know of my presence.

I noticed that they all suffered only minor injuries, except for their swordsman, who hurt his head and was wrapped by a bloody bandage.

"Hello Adventurers, My name is Hikimori Saiko, nice meeting you! I apologize for stopping you but can I have your time and listen to my offer?"

"Make it short, we are in a hurry."

The one who steps forward is the swordsman of the party, who makes remarks.

Because they are in a hurry, I immediately state my intentions. As expected, they are initially skeptical, but after I demonstrate it by healing one of their parties, they have no choice but to believe.

" That's a very impressive skill you have there Hikimori-san, how about joining our party, we are lacking a healer. If you join us that would be great!"

"I thank you for your kind words but I must decline."

After thanking Mars-san, their leader, who introduced himself as the swordsman of the party paid me 2000 eris. Although he looked so disappointed in my refusal, he did not pursue it and walked away with his party.

"If you decide to find a party later on you can just find us, goodbye!"

Their group disappeared after saying goodbyes.

With the amount in my hands, I can now register in the guild, take a quest to earn some cash, and then find a place to stay for the night.

A comfortable bed is required.


Walking on the roads towards Adventurer Guild and feeling up the atmosphere, I cannot help but think how absurd my situation is.

Then REALITY hit me.....

This is just a DREAM, right!!

Getting reborn in the KonoSuba world...

Ahahah, who am I kidding!"

This is scientifically impossible.

That's a bullshit that can only happen in some fan fiction stories... Nai Wa!

This is just a DREAM.!


There is no way a loner like me can make a conversation like that without stuttering and facing a person holding a weapon that kills me easily. It's a DREAM. Ahahahah!!!

I feel like going crazy at the absurdity of my current state and end up being lost in thought.


"...Uhmm, excuse me are you okay?"


Getting called out suddenly while daydreaming in my DREAM piss me off!

However, looking at a young girl who looked scared after my outburst made me calm myself. How stupid ME...

"S-sorry for calling you suddenly, ... I am just worried, seeing you standing still on the road for a long time with a face full of worries. I just can't help but ask if... there's something wrong ...sorry!"

Seeing her attempt to run, I immediately blocked her way without thinking ...



Groaning painfully after being tackled, along with the young girl.

After a while.

That...what happened?..


What a nice smell...


Can't breathe!

What is this?

Feeling something soft on my face trying to suffocate me, I hurriedly try to remove it.

Squeeze ~

What's this? Feeling up with my hands. So soft...




I'm screwed up!!!

With a hard slap on my face, a girlish scream hangs out.

With a red handprint on my face, I am kneeling on the ground and grinding my forehead on the hard concrete floor in front of a young girl I just molested in broad daylight. What a bastard.

The girl is also kneeling on the ground trembling while hugging her chest with a drop of tears at the corner of her teary eyes and blushing furiously.

"I'm sorry! please forgive me!"

I cannot think of anything to console the girl, other than saying sorry.

My mind is a mess because of what happened and the sensation of her breast. Damn it!

Looking up the girl looks pitiful and cute .. wait fuck .!

What the hell is wrong with me there's no time for that.

"It's my fault, I don't know if slapping my face or beating me up makes you feel better but if does then feel free to do so. I won't say anything."

It seemed like the girl did not hear me still shocked by what happened and mumbling something.

"...My body. M- My body was touched by someone... Father s-sorry your daughter was no longer pure. I can't marry anymore.." *sob.

Whaaa--!! Shit!

Think! Think!

It's time to use your high intelligence to come up with something to alleviate this situation.

Faster ME!

Gathering my thoughts.

I faced the girl calmly while looking sincerely with gentle eyes and said softly.

" I am Hikimori Saiko, I just arrived in this town a while ago. First of all, I'm very sorry for my outburst early on. I'm not thinking straight and my head was a mess. That reminds me that you approached me because you are worried about me, right? That's very kind of you... but instead of being grateful I treated you harshly, furthermore...for what I did please forgive me."

Seeing the girl did not react to me, putting me in a tough spot. What should I do?

In that case...

"W-W-hat are YOU doing!"

The girl shouted with a beet-red face after looking at me removed my upperwear and was on the way to remove the belt.

"I'll get naked. So we can call it even."


After saying that I prostrate myself, and I grind my forehead against the floor.

"N-o it's fine, please get up. It is embarrassing, and people are watching us. It's also my fault...sorry!"

"No please don't apologize, I can't forgive myself for making you feel that way."

We apologize to each other while prostrating myself and the girl trying to help me up. After a while, we look at each other and find ourselves laughing at how comical we say sorry for each other. It seems like I have already been forgiven.

What a nice girl.

Then, we noticed the weird look we were getting, so we decided to find a quiet place to talk.

Taking her hand gently, though she tried to resist at first, I led her away from the crowd.

"Again let me introduce myself, I am Hikimori Saiko, A new face in town. Nice to meet you."

I extended my hand to a handshake, and the girl timidly took it.

It seems that this cute girl was shy type.

"N-nice to meet you Saiko-san, My name is Y-yunyun..."

Yunyun? What a cute name.



Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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