
The Parallel World

The stories begins on present earth.

Im Eric a simple guy with a simple life my daily routine is wake up lately eat play game watching anime and movies and sleep lately until dawn.

One day i dont expect that my life will end in tragic incident. In morning in that day i decided to wake up early and buy a food in a nearby convenient store. an unexpected event come inside the store i was in the counter to pay out my items i see 2 strange man coming inside a store im not suspecting them because its too early to do unlawful things. When they come inside the only people here is a girl sitting on bench with table maybe waiting someone a old man whose next in line me and the cashier.

Later on the strange man just walking around and inspecting the products in the corner then later on the one decide to comfront us saying hands up give your money and valuable materials while the other one jump on the cashiers place and take the money in the counter.

The girl whose on the bench shocked because her money and phone was first taken then im next i only have $20 on my pocket and my phone then when the old man turn to surrender he's money and item he pleaded for because he's an old and poor guy that only $2 money left on her hands and nothing more.

The holdaper was so upset he's no mercy he grab the money in the hand of the old man but the old man push the holdaper and the holdaper seriously point the gun to old man and in a few seconds befores the holdaper click the trigger im jump on and i was shooted 3 times the other holdaper panic so he ran outside also the holdaper that shoot me ran to escape the scene.

I was on heavily breathing because the shot was so fatal and i know any seconds my life end. After few seconds after i die i open my eyes and wandering where am i i only see a white place with no one after that a side show a big screen of how i came to earth from birth to death showing up my simple life as a flashback after that a strange man show up he's so bright and after a while he talks on me he said " well done you save a man from death while not thinking yourself " and i reply " I'm only doin it what was im thinking what is right to do " the man smirks and say " your life will now start in your life that dreaming of hero" and i reply " huh? im already dead right how can you say that? who are you i am in heaven? " and he laughed at me and say " enjoy its not the end for you do the things that was worth for your life" after that he suddenly gone and the place starts to crumble.

I fall down so deep seeing indescribable things, colors, darkness, planets, familiar and unfamiliar plants animals, seeing evolutions from different ages, from past present to future from dinosaur to robotic mechs and so on...

After a while my head hurts and suddenly i woke up thinking what happened i laughed oh its a dream but before i realize i woke up in different places looks like a end of the road place with tallest buildings made in iron so many different lights and when i looked up in the sky i saw flying cars drones and a disco bar flying then saying in myself " what the heck is this place " and im start walking around to the boulevard seeing a lot of different people's weird one punk one a unidentified clown or what a badass girls and i suddenly bumped in a mechanical bald headed dude with he's right eye looks like red cyborg eyeballs he's pissed off on me and saying " what's up kid wanna mess yourself huh!? " before i asking her where am i he suddenly give me a punch " aww" but good theres some enforcer in the area and chase him and i stand up but before that a cute girl give me a hand and i stand she say " are you okay? " and i say "yeah yeah im fine " also i say " where am i " then she laughed ahahaha and say "are you new here? its the biggest city in the whole planet the Arzadania" and i was surprise " Where is this place what country is this in planet Earth why it so advance" and she laugh again saying " are you day dreaming huh! and where is planet Earth? its planet Andromeda in country called XP-001" then i was overwhelmed and surprised again " whaaattttt!?".

After a while walking and talking my tummy feels hungry she heres my tummy she said "are you hungry?" i feel shy because she so kind so i ask "anyway we are talking a lot but yet you didn't tell me your name by the way im Eric how about you?" she replied " ohhh yeah your right its fun to talked you a lot so i forgot to ask it im Lina lets go to that shop nearby" and we walk through it i cant read what the shop name because all of symbols are unfamilliar but i can understand their language only the letters i can't understand also the numbers while ordering in menu i had trouble to order because i can't read it so Lina said " hey are you okay? " and i replied "haha i think i cant read this" then she laugh again on me " oh you are really a foreigner huh? " and the we both laugh then the waiter comes and she said "give us 2 orders of this" then the waiter left after i ask her what you order for us? " she smiled and said " don't worry its a cheapest meal here but the best in taste" then the waiter back and bring us the meal it so delicious i dont know it but its great also the drinks its kinda refreshing its more likely a cola lime flavor after that the checks out i ask her "sorry i don't have money here but i will pay it to you soon and i also treat you if i got a work" and she smile then the waiter backs to get the money but i dont see her pull out her wallet so i ask her "wheres your money?" then she replied " well because you really not from here take a look what i will do" the waiter have a some unidentified device in his hand and Lina's thumb put on it Lina said "in this world your wealth is in your finger print because each finger print is unique to everyone your money your life status all your details is in your finger prints just you need is to register your finger print to the government to monitor your status" after that the meal is paid i ask her "how much cost of our meal? " she replied " well it only cost $5 each i said " i will pay it you soon" then i ask again " where i can register myself here can you take me there? " but someone calling her from her phone i guess because i cant also identify the device after that she reply " sorry i can't take you there i need to go now my boss have a emergency meeting but if you want to go there see that tall building you can register there i hope we will meet again soon Eric thank you for the time " and i replied " thanks to you i learn a lot here i hope to see you too again next time to pay my debt to you" we both smile then she run fast and ride a vehicle its a taxi i guess after awhile i forgot to get her contact or the location where she leaves or work yeah im so dumb then i start walking going to that tallest building then i arrive i ask the woman on the desk where i can register my account then she ask " are you new here? " i remember what i and Lina talk about the account most of people here are registered when they born. Then i replied to the woman "yes can you guide me please?" she call an assistant then we go to the registration room after that the assistant said "all information we gathered from you are all private including your life and wealth once its done you can always check your account on the life machine that you can find anywhere theres also in outside of this room" then the assistant explain me the steps and instructions how to register my account then in the time that i register my fingerprint on the machine the machine beep then the assistant came and said "you have already an account why you trying to register again". then im shocked and confuse the assistant said "go outside and check you account sir"

then she walked away after that i go to life machine and check my account how why i have already account did someone register mine but it impossible so i checked it and im surprised to what I've discovered.