
Morning Shenanigans

The 5:00 "scream alarm" woke the sleeping man, back against the cold wall. The lack of lighting made it annoyingling difficult to be able to see anything, not even one step ahead revealing itself.

In this hour of early darkness, Sae ran his torn hand through his long,messy black hair then pushing himself up to his feet, his eyes still closed.

But a sudden adorable voice caused Sae's heavy eyelids to pry open and walk towards the voice, only to be blocked by the metal bars.

"Hello? Is...is someone there?"

Sae reached out his slender, cold fingers and wrapped his hands around the bars, curious about his new cellmate.

" Hey!"

Sae rolled his eyes as he turned to lean his stiff back against the cool bars. The clicking of a female guard's heels grew louder and had just passed Sae's cell.

"Look I know you're new here, but you don't have the right to be no damn noisy! One more peep out of you and I'll have to send you to Miss Clyde's office!" there was far too much excitement in the woman's voice as she threatened the new young slave's life. But she wasn't done there.

The guard stepped away from the young boy's cell and stopped in front of Sae's. Her tongue caressed the cold metal bars as she moaned, making the young boy's ears feel unclean. But as the guard lost her mind in her deranged fantasies, something suddenly grabbed her by the neck.

"Now, does this excite you, Serena?" the female guard's lust towards Sae had vanished and only fear took over her whole self. She struggled and her hands tried to pry the man's fingers away from her neck but his grip amazed her.

"For a woman who works at a slave establishment with only male slaves just so that you could take your anger out on us, you sure are showing just how pathetic you really are, to suddenly be so turned on by me when you can't even see or touch me." Sae's expression was blank but his aura was dark and colder than ice.

After a few minutes of her choking, Sae let her go and laughed softly as he heard her running footsteps.

"...she's loud...it hurts." the adorable voice had silenced Sae, making him lift a brow.

'What's his story?' he thought.

New slaves came every day, but Miss Clyde, the main woman, usually ignored such young boys like Sae's cellmate.

"So, what did you do to get in here. I mean, other than being a male." Sae's words confused the young boy like he spoke in a foreign language. Truth is, this boy had been cut off from the rest of the world from the day he was born, due to his disability.

"I...can't answer your question. I apologize, but I would shake your hand if I could see you." Sae couldn't help but laugh. The young boy was polite and well-mannered, quite the opposite of Sae who never thought before he spoke, nor did he care whether people got offended by him.

"There's no reason for you to apologize, it's not like any of us can see. It's pitch black in here and smells of blood and dirt. Though, that's probably what it is." Sae let out a deep sigh and laid down in a corner but the boy was intrigued by the mysterious man on the other side.

"What's your name? I uh, I would introduce myself first but I'm afraid I don't have a name." the young boy scratched the back of his head while Sae slowly sat up, staring into the darkness. There was a silence between the two as more and more slaves started to wake up and talk to the people around them.

"I'm Sae."

"Hmm. Nice to me-"


The young boy frowned when he was so rudely interupted by the mysterious man named Sae, but Sae had gotten strangely irritated by the boy's kindness.

"Enough with the formalities, all right? You and I and every man in this damn building are slaves, the lowest rank in society. We don't have rights, we don't have privelages, and we sure as hell don't live in a nice world." it was quite scary how true Sae's words were.

As painful of a truth it was, the boy had to learn to accept his new life.

Sae let out another deep sigh and fell flat on his back, eyes closed and his breathing quiet. It had been about ten minutes of silence but it wasn't silent at all. It was like being at some auction or fancy event with all the talking and shaking of the bars. That was until the speakers blasted, making everyone think they had gone deaf.


Sae clapped his palm against his face with four visible hashtags above his head as two cell doors swung open. A different female guard had a lamp in her hand and a whip in the other as she walked in front of Sae's cell.

"Hands behind your head and slowly walk towards me."

'She's new.' Sae could tell that this was a newbie. Not only by the fact that he had never seen this woman's face, but her body language and slightly shaky voice made it crystal clear. But even so, Sae followed her instructions and could feel the woman put him in handcuffs.

Sae was number 007, but there was an order for 008 too. Thinking about this, Sae turned his head when he heard someone else being handcuffed. The young boy. Sae only looked at the young boy with question marks in his eyes and his lips parted as he saw the little mummy in front of him.

'Fire? Is that why he's wrapped in bandages? Or did something else happen?' Sae snapped back to his senses when he felt his exposed calf being whipped by the guard.

'Hmm. You're not afraid to use that thing are you? Tch.'

The shy but fierce guard walked behind Sae and the boy in bandages. The lamp was the only source of light but it still wasn't very bright, still making every step like walking into a trap. At the crack of the whip, the two came to a halt as the female guard walked to the front, her lamp illuminating the door that hid in the darkness.

The two waited as the guard struggled to open the door. Getting severely impaitent, Sae took the guard's hand and led her to the side by the boy and kicked down the door, leaving everyone around him speechless including the woman waiting beyond the fallen door.

"Present!" Sae's handcuffed hands were in the air and a forced smile spread wide on his face.

"You can go Zara. That'll be all." the woman waiting in the dark room couldn't be seen as she was lurking in the shadows.

The room was quite large and there was a small circle table in the middle of the room with a golden candelabra and an open book at the page of Sae's information.

"You've been here for a while, Sayrid. Yet, you're the most mysterious one in all of the slave establishments." the woman spoke softly, like a soft howl in the wind of a dark night.

"This, coming from the woman who's too afraid to show herself? What? Worried I'll knock you down like I did your damn door?" Sae had a wry grin on his face and excitement glittering in his eyes as he threatened the hiding woman.

What Sae didn't know was that the woman had been silently moving around the room, observing him as he stood by the candles, illuminiating his beautiful features.

Out of nowhere, candles from all over the room lit up, revealing the many bookshelves fully stocked that surrounded the three. Sae turned around to see a woman in black wrap her arm around the young boy while pointing a gun at Sae's head.

"I assume you've met this little rat, right?" the woman's emerald green eyes were glowing with passion and danger like a million daggers headed straight for the calm man with a blank expression. Seeing how bored Sae looked annoyed Miss Clyde, making her push the young boy into the shelves on the right, a few books landing on his head.

"Well?! What you're not afraid or even a little bit shaken by me threatening both of you?!" the woman's sharp eyes only frowned at Sae as she was filled with disappointment.

"My dear Levi, if you were really trying to be oh so scary, you would've loaded your gun." Levi's jaw dropped slightly as Sae was able to figure out something so important, but he knew more.

"You didn't even wrap your arm around his neck very tightly at all, otherwise he would be struggling. Your form is all wobbly, you're not balanced at all and that look in your eyes is rather boring to look at. You could probably kill someone by boring them will that dull expression a-"

As Sae went on and on about Levi's failed attempt to scare him, she leaned against a bookshelf with her head low as Sae proudly went down his list.

"Anyway, is this why we were called? So that you could fail at scaring me?"

"Everyone's afraid of SOMETHING, Sayrid."

"Hmm. True, but why do you need to find what scares me?" Sae started walking towards Levi, slamming his hands against the shelves and trapping Levi between his arms.

This situation seemed to be constant in Levi's life but she could never get used to it as Sae's eyes sparkled beautifully, taking her breath away.

"I-I...It's because s-she nee-" Levi was rudely interuppted when Sae buried his head in her silky pink hair making Levi's eyes widen in disbelief as she could feel Sae's warm breath on her neck.

Levi could feel her knees shaking and a part of her aching to keep this dangerous but beautiful man all to herself.

"Still that woman's little puppet, hmm?" Sae brushed his long cold tongue against Levi's slim, fragile looking neck, making her eyes shut instantly as she enjoyed the bitter pleasure, wrapping her arms around Sae's neck.

"...why..." Levi could feel the salty tears threatening to flow down her pale face as she whispered to herself as she felt she could die of shame, enjoying the games of the wicked man teasing her. Hearing her cries, Sae couldn't help but smile as he looked up at her as he laid his head on her shoulder.

"Are you afraid of me, Miss Clyde?" Sae's seductive yet threatening voice made Levi's eyes instantly open, but she avoided looking at Sae, embarassed to look at him with her running tears. But it seems that they both forgot the young boy who had been listening the entire time, on the other side, sitting on the floor with his head slightly tilted.

"Sis, are you okay?"

At the simple question, the man and the woman instantly turned their heads and stared at the boy with disbelief. Sae had every right to be deeply confused at the word "sis", but Levi felt anger at her little brother who had exposed the fact that they were "family". Levi was about to walk away but felt her back smash into the bookshelf again, her neck trapped in the tight grasp of Sae's cold hand.

"You know I never did like the Clyde family. You remind me of my own father. You're all driven by your greed and lust for fortune and suffering of innocents. But you, Levi Clyde, are the worst of the worst." Sae's head was low and he stared at the floor as Levi felt he had just crushed her heart with his painful words.

"Sae...please..." unable to finish her sentence, Sae let her go. Levi fell on her knees and massaged her neck but Sae focused his attention on the young boy, and crouched down in front of him to unwrap the bandages.

"NO!" Sae ignored the horror in Levi's voice, but he only smiled when he laid eyes on the young boy's face.

"Aziel." Sae tossed the bandages to the side. The little boy in front of him stared at Sae's chest, and hugged him, catching Sae off guard but he wasn't displeased.

Sae patted the young boy's head, admiring him. The boy's skin had been covered in burn marks, but his emerald eyes, identical to Levi's, showed how strong he was. Sae thought that this young boy was beautiful. Though covered in permanent scars all over his body, Sae saw no flaws in the innocent child hugging him.

"You rat! Get away from him!" Levi pulled her little brother away from the man, Sae just watched silently on the floor.

"I'm not a rat. My name is Aziel, God is my strength." As the boy spoke calmly in Levi's arms, he was able to get to his heartless sister. Levi's brows furrowed as she inspected her little brother.

"Aziel? Ha! You're as weak as they come. Why do you think mother drenched you in that oil? Why do you think that I lit that match and threw it at your feet? You were an accident of our lame father and that little bitch of his. So don't think you have the right to have a name now." the cruel woman threw her frail brother against the wall but became furious when there was no collision.

Sae had caught Aziel in his arms in the nick of time, and gently set him down on the floor.

"Now, now Levi, that's no way to treat your baby brother." Sae's crystal eyes were filled with something indescribable, making Levi shudder as her own fear engulfed her. Despite that, the thought of treating the boy she saw nothing more than a rat as family, hurt her unshakable pride.

"He's not my brother, Sae. It's like I said, he's an accident! A disgusting little vermin! He brings shame to the Clyde name, he's nothing!!!" Levi's voice was trembling and her voice got all raspy. But seeing her in such a panicked state, Sae swiflt stepped over to her.

Thinking he was going to attack her, she turned as she lifted her leg to kick Sae's jaw but felt his hand on her ankle, stopping that from happening.

"Enough. You're exhausting yourself."

"What do you care? Let me go!"

Sae could see her eyes water again as she begged him to let her go. Once he finally dropped her ankle, he grabbed her wrist instead.

"Dammit Sae-"

Levi could feel her wrist being yanked and her head pressed against Sae's exposed chest. This, unlike Sae's other games, was simply an innocent hug.

"You're a pain in the ass you know that? Stop hurting yourself, and stop hurting him. If you want to kill me, fine. But keep yourself and your brother safe, at least." Sae's eyes were closed and his voice soft.

Levi could feel her stiff shoulders finally calm down.

"I thought I was supposed to be the one giving you orders, Sayrid."

"I'm not giving you orders. I'm giving you advice, Levienne."

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