
My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Penulis: Varakiel_S
Anime & Komik
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Well First of all I wanted to write something fun you know, but after writing and writing I kinda fell in love with it? this is the first time I write, hope someone likes it, I plan to also go for fate and maybe hero academia. but overall enjoy, this.....thing, I will be revealing mc backstory as the story goes on, on another note no, this is not a self insert, I really wish to act the way this varakiel does hahaha. also currently worlds written are monmosu quest, konosuba and currently writing high school dxd, yeah this is harem, but I try not to force it, for example, also a bit of spoiler no one is added to the harem in konosuba, they just became great friends. :D PD: there will be side stories in the future for the missing histories like the promestein and mc.

7 tagar
Chapter 1The Journey Begins

Have you ever wondered why you it can't be you who gets the girl, why it as to be you the one than must stay in the dark like a side character, why can't you be the one changing the world like a protagonist?

The answer is simple you are weak, you are weak, too weak than you can't get the girls, you are so weak than you must stay a side character, you are too weak to change anything at all.

That's why you want to be the strongest isn't, so strong than you will never fall, never surrender, so strong than your back will never hold a scar, so strong to make a change, the strongest to even make a protagonist a side character or even your own squire.

"That's why I want to be strong I must become strong to protect and have everything I want."

My name is Varakiel, I always have wonder why everyone can have everything I won't, I been always living by myself fighting everyday wondering why I must live in this world were even the strongest end up dying, I have train myself since I was able to remember honing myself becoming strong day by day hoping I will break the shackles from this empty world.

I been always a fan of novels and anime because they show than even the weakest of them can fight for themselves.

On a Dojo Our Protagonist is training as his usual routine.

Varakiel: *off* another day of hard work, this new technique is awesome if there was Ki I wonder if this will be able to break up a mountain.

I have trained to the point of breaking boulders but still is not enough I must train even more, there is never an easy task but at the same time there is never an impossible.

???: Congratulations the host as unlocked the first step to get out of this world.

Varakiel:umm what's that? Who are you?

???:hello,my host, my temporal name is the "system" I am here because you meet the conditions and mentality that I seek in someone.

Varakiel:hello system nice to meet you my name is Varakiel.

System:I notice you aren't surprised of my arrival host Varakiel.

Varakiel:Well I have found weirder things on my life, like a pig flying, not ask how thats possible because I not know how to even answer, so whats that about the first step to get out of this world thing.

System: host Varakiel, you have meet the conditions to be able to get out of this world, please read this tab with information about it.

First step to get out of this world: Congratulations you have meet the conditions for the first step I will bring you the resources and information to break up the shackles of this world.

Conditions:desire to become the strongest, train diligently every day with outstanding will, not get limited by the mentality of the earth (aka:not hate other races, gender, etc.).

Varakiel:I see so what's the step two, system?.

System:As the information said I will bring you the resources and information for it. But first we need to make the proper configurations for the host.

Varakiel: Alright, Bring it.

Sys: Understood. First : What is the host most desire.

V:Become the strongest to protect and love my loved ones.

Sys: Understood. Second: if you leave this world anyone will miss you?

V: the only one than I know is my grandpa, I will need just to leave a letter and he will think I have left to live my life.

Sys:Understood. Third:Are you fond of the acts between a male and female and are you willing to do them with any of them?.

V: Woah this one came really at random but yes I am aware of them and I am willing to do BOTH of them if any of them are cute or beautiful (RUN AWAY TRAPS HE IS DANGEROUS).

Sys:.....Understood.Fourth:Are you Familiar with videogames involving fighting monster to become stronger like RPG, Roguelikes, etc.?

V:Of course I am, even though I want to be the strongest I need to always take a break for my body to not fall apart, I have played a lot and read a lot of novels involving them too.

Sys:Understood. Congratulations host now you have 100% accessibility to the functions of the system.Now I will bring a brief explanation of the functions.

Status:Here you can check your Stadistics, Condition, Skills, Equipment.

Lv: 1. Varakiel, 20 Years Old, Male, G:0, Titles:Lucky Motherfucker(+5000 LUCK), Unbending Will(Immunity to Mental DMG), Desire to become the strongest to love and Protect (Permanent Condition:Constant Limit Break).



STR:280*(You can Break Boulders With your bare hands)

AGI:200 (You are as fast as a properly trained dog)

VIT:180*2(You can pass through broken glass easily)

INT:150*2(Your Mind adjust to any situation without Panicking)

DES:175(Your Hands are very dexterious so much anyone, even a succubus might feel aroused with your caress)

LUCK:5000(you lucky mother fucker ).

Condition:Constant Limit Break (No Limit to your grown. "Only by will and desire one becomes unstopable").


Gi(Good Quality, defense:20)

Fighting Gloves: (Common, Attack:30).


V:*pffff* what with those descriptions.

Sys:The system assume the host would found them funny so we made them like this.

V: they are quite funny.

Shop: Here you can find all kind of items from healing ones to functional ones.

Basic Healing Potions: Heals 250 HP. Price:30 G

Basic Mana Potions: Heals 200 MP. Price:15 G

...(A Lot of items than you will find on a RPG or MMO)

Varakiel:Even though I expected those to appear I am already getting excited to try them out. 

Skills: Here is the host skills list From active to passives.


Quick attack : deals dmg 1x your STR, Instant Attack.MP:2 Lv1:0/20000

Smash Strike: Deals dmg 3x Your STR MP:5 LV1:0/10000

Meditation: Fully Heals Your HP And MP , Cast 10 Seconds, MP:0.LV1: 0/5000

Sprint : You Move At High Speed, MP: 2 Per minute.LV1: 0/3000 minutes


Regeneration: Recover 5% HP every 1 minute. Lv1:0/10000

Infinite Stamina: Never Get Tired no matter what (you still can sleep).LV MAX

Gurmet quality Cooking: Your Cooking techniques are peak level.Lv 5 : 2023/30000

Varakiel:Well now this is a surprise the infinite stamina one now thats top tier quality, but how did I get it I am a regular human….

Sys:I decided to grant you some abilities for future worlds, travelling between worlds can get you very tired on a short time.

Varakiel:Right it would be dangerous If I feel in the middle of a war or something and I were unable to even stand up

Sys: Now the host will receive information to proceed with the 2nd step.

2nd Step to get out of this world: The host will receive on short a guide for training than will help him to grown up for the Mid Level Worlds Read the guide and the host will unlock the 3er step on 1 year.

Host receives Rookie Training Guide:Read this to learn a training method than will help you grown for the future, 0% Read.

Varakiel: Cool , Now lets Start up, By the way can I change your name system?

System: yes the host can change how he adress to me anyway he likes.

Varakiel: Great then I will call you, Lily and please call me Varakiel instead of host.

System: Understood, Changing from System to Lily and host to Varakiel.

Lily:Nice to meet you Varakiel :).

V: (So cute)nice to meet you Lily.

2 hours later.

V:Finally I though I will be here all the day, the book looks small but it has a lot of information.

Rookie Training Guide, Read :100%.

Lily: Congratulations the host as gain the temporal buff : Rookie Training (any use of skill or Training yields 3x the Growth) Duration 1 year.

V:oh ho there is not time to waste lets start up.

And so Varakiel started up his training to become Stronger.

8 Months Later.

Somewhere on the mountains, after Varakiel is training started up he left his house for he will be leaving earth soon he left a letter thanking his grandpa that took care of him and explaining why he was leaving, with this Varakiel was completely on his own with no one knowing he will leave this world.

Varakiel:How much time has passed up lily? I have no sense of time up here.

Lily: It has been 8 months since host as started with his training.

V: That much? Lets see how much I have grown up.

Status: Varakiel, Lv:1 0/100, 21 years old, G:0, Titles: [Expand](leave it like this to not write it every god damn time.)



STR:400*(Your Punches hit up like a Truck)

AGI:350 (Your moves are very fluid)

VIT::350*2(your skin is though as rock)

INT:350*2(You can turn situations on your favor) 

DES:275(Your Hands are very dexterious so much anyone, even a succubus fells aroused with your caress)

 LUCK:5000(you lucky mother fucker can make even make males feel for you).


Quick attack : deals dmg 3x your STR, Instant Attack.MP:10 Lv MAX

Smash Strike: Deals dmg 10x Your STR MP:80 Lv MAX.

Meditation: Fully Heals Your HP And MP , Cast 5 Seconds, MP:0.Lv MAX

Sprint : You Move At Sonic Speed, MP: 5 Per minute.LV5: 53213/100000 minutes


Regeneration: Recover 10% HP every minute. Lv5:51234/200000

Divine quality Cooking: Your Cooking techniques are so good even the gods would praise you.LvMAX

Infinite Stamina: Never Get Tired no matter what (you still can sleep).LV MAX

Varakiel:good I have doubled my stats on 8 months thats good progress, now I should leave this mountains there is no need to be here anymore lily is there a way to earn G's, before I reach another world?.

Lily:Yes there is Varakiel you can do quest than the system issue automatically at random, do any kind of task or favor like catching up a cat, to capturing criminals.

Vara:good then I should go to the city for a while, crime would be good for practical experience.

Vara: but first lets get some clothes.

Afternoon, on [REDACTED] 

Varakiel:Lily can you show me a map on the area?

Lily:Varakiel that function needs G's to be used.

Varakiel:figures, well then lets go look for a map or ask for some directions.

After walking about an hour Varakiel manage to found a map of the city on a bus stop.

V:Good this will work, Lily can you take a picture of the map?

Lily:with pleasure Varakiel, click there you go Varakiel.

V:thank you lily.

After checking out and memoraizing the map Varakiel decides to take the bus there.

V:lets take the bus I still have the money than I made before leaving my house.

After waiting for the bus to arrive, Varakiel got on it and get on the way to the central market.

Varakiel: lets see, lets get clothes, cooking ingredients, a camping kit, emergency food just in case, medic kits, medicines, painkillers, what do you think lily should I get something else?.

while Varakiel was minding is business a conmotion started on the bus.

Robber:Everyone Get your hands up and don't move or I will shoot you up understood?!!

Everyone on the bus with fear got his hands up for fear they will be shoot with the gun on the robber hands.

Varakiel:then I should get some weapons or maybe there will be on the system shop.

Lily: Varakiel there is a new quest issued : defeat the robber.

Quest: defeat the robber:defeat the robber on the bus you are on. Reward:500G´s, Rookie equipment set.

Varakiel:ummm?wait, a robber?*looks around*woah I got too much on my mind than I didn't notice it, but this is a good chance to check the average human stats

Robber(what do you expected)Lv1, male, titles:scum of society(this kind of people is why much of the people on earth have lost faith in humanity).









Condition:Anxious, nervous.

Equip:Gun(Common, 200 Attack, 14/14 Bullets)

Clothes(Common, 15 defense)

Robber:Hey you, I said hands up *points gun* now.

Varakiel put his hands up.

Robber:Thats more like it now give me all yo-. before the robber can end up speaking Varakiel does a jab directly on his head making him go on the floor instanly.

Varakiel:Now that was easy so that how much diferrent are the stats if I didn't hold up I might ending up killing him , although it will be a good thing for society I should lend this up to the police to save me up the trouble.

Lily: Congrats the host gets 500G, and rookie equipment set.

Rookie Armor(Unique, 100 def, Ability can change its form and color at user will, never breaks, set part 1/3

Rookie boots(Unique, 50 def, Ability can change its form and color at user will, never breaks, set part 2/3)

Rookie Gloves(Unique, 40 def, Ability can change its form and color at user will, never breaks, set part 3/3)

Rookie weapon(Unique, 100 Attack, Can change its form at user will, Really durable, repairable on shop, durability 1000/1000 (0.1g per 10 points)Offensive rookie set 1/2)

Rookie shield(Unique, 150 defense, can change its form at user will, Really durable, repairable on shop, durabilty 2000/2000 (0.1g per 20 points)Offensive rookie set 2/2)

Varakiel:this is really handy now I not need to go buy clothes, welp time to found a place to sleep, yet though I not need to sleep, sleeping is one great pleasure.

After Varakiel defeated the robber he just decided to leave the bus and found a hotel.

Varakiel: now lets equip this.

Rookie armor set 3/3:Gives 100 to every stat , gives the eternal youth buff(you not age with this armor on), Guts ( you will live with 10 Hp Once every 30 min effect last 5 seconds).

Rookie Weapon set 2/2:gives 50 to every Stat, Presence Concealment (Beings with magical sense or watching with some kind of spell will not be able to see you, they can still see you face to face though)

, Pacifist Will( leaves your foes on always 10 hp so you can fight with all your might without caring to control your strength to fight).

Varakiel equipped all of them.

Varakiel:eternal youth eh now I can go to other worlds with out wondering if I will age before I go to the next one, but actually the best one is the pacifist will one finally I will be able to fight all I want,

lets check out my stats

Status: Varakiel, Lv:1 1/100, 21 years old, G:500, Titles: [Expand](leave it like this to not write it every god damn time.)


340 DEF (1 Def equals -1Dmg to the host)


STR:550*(Your Punches hit up like a Truck)

AGI:500 (The wind is your friend)

VIT::500*2(your skin is really tough)

INT:500*2(You can turn situations on your favor)

 DES:325(Your Hands are very dexterious so much anyone, even a succubus fells aroused with your caress)

 LUCK:5150(you lucky mother fucker can make even make males feel for you).

Condition:Constant Limit Break (No Limit to your grown. "Only by will and desire one becomes unstopable").


Rookie Armor Set Unbreakable, (190 DEF, Eternal Youth, Guts.) Rookie Weapon Set (100 ATK, 150 DEF, Presence Concealment, Pacifist will.)

Varakiel:now this looks already like a world traveler set up jaja, I wonder I will be able to choice the world I want to go, meh, lets see what happens 4 months, no point on rushing up things, now I only need the provisions I should go now and since I can change the way the armor looks like lets go with a black business suit.

On the Mirror in the room there was a well built man on his 20, with black hair that reaches his shoulders and brown eyes Full of life and will, 1'84 meters tall, with a fair and simple face, on a business suit, but under that clothes hides a body full of explosive power and yet a warm gentleness from it.

Varakiel:now lets take a look on the map and walk to the Central mall.

Meanwhile Varakiel was walking to the mall he asked lily about the system and world travel.

Varakiel:Lily I got 1 XP is that because the robber from before?

Lily: yes Varakiel since he was from your same species you got 1 Xp for beating him up, since the name implies experience but experience have lot of threads and becoming familiar with your species is one of them, you will be able to get xp from other world species too since them will be similar or Stronger species than humans.

Varakiel: good, now I got a questions about world travel than I need to know before hand, ¿I will be able to return to the world I been before?¿I can for example people to go with me to the next one?¿and most important I can choose which world can I got?

Lily:to respond to Varakiel question I will answer briefly than , 1: yes you can go back to them with a G' fee, 2:Yes you can take them with you after all this is a journey to have everything you want, 3:you would be able to choice any Varakiel likes to go but we recommend to not take a world over the capacities of the host even though we want host to be the strongest we don't want him to break his body and mind, but if the host takes a lot of time on the same world the system would request to go to another one, for example if you were to defeat the strongest being in that world, the system would allow 1 to 5 years of time to stay before requesting another world.

Varakiel: Good, thanks lily.

After asking lily about the world travel Varakiel eventually arrives to the mall

Var:well now I am here lets just get what I will need , but cooking tools and ingredients are number 1 priority.

After like 4 hours of going around eventually Varakiel got all he need


Cooking Toolsx4


Camping set x4

Medical kits x30.

Varakiel:that should be all, now I should go back to the hotel.

After Going Back to the hotel Varakiel started up looking for criminals like the robber from the bus to get XP and maybe some G' for 4 months

4 Months later on a hotel

2nd Step to get out of this world : Read The rookie guide and wait for 1 year.

Well its almost time to leave lets just do a small check up on my stats

Status: Varakiel, Lv:2 12/500, 21 years old, G:3500, Titles: [Expand](leave it like this to not write it every god damn time.)


340 DEF (1 Def equals -1Dmg to the host)


STR:700*(You Punch Like a truck)

AGI:700 (You move With the wind)

VIT::700*2(your body can't get cut by regular blades)

INT:700*2(You can Make turn situations on your favor and get the best outcome out of them)

DES:475(Your Hands are very dexterious. Even a succubus queen feells proud to get your caress) 

LUCK:5150(you lucky mother fucker can make even make males feel for you).

Condition:Constant Limit Break (No Limit to your grown. "Only by will and desire one becomes unstopable").


Rookie Armor Set Unbreakable, (190 DEF, Eternal Youth, Guts.) Rookie Weapon Set (100 ATK, 150 DEF, Presence Concealment, Pacifist will.)


Cooking tools x4


Camping set x4

Medical kit x10

Varakiel: Alright everthing seems in order. I managed to increase everything 50% more and it is a good thing I decided to buy more ingredients just in case.

Lily: Congrats The host has completed the 2nd step to get out of this world. On short we will bring you the 3er step.

3er Step to get out of this world Congratulations you are now ready to get out of this world.

You can choose any world you want to go from here just tell the name of said world and we will make a calculation of danger of said world and we will take you there

Varakiel: sweet, since I can choose lets go to one than I know is good for training and as a lot of strong opponents there and of course a lot of girls,

Lily: please host Introduce the name of the world you wish to go on.

Varakiel: I choice the world of Monster Girl Quest

Lily: Received calculating world danger level...Level:Excellent. I may ask Varakiel why you choose this kind of world?.

Varakiel: what you mean there is a lot of girls and the protagonist is really cute and all the foes I will face there are with the mentality than the stronger is the king perfect for me than I have to grown up, I will have to face a lot of powerful enemies and then conquer them and seduce them that world is perfect for me JAJAJA.

Lily:Understood, Please if you can give me a reference to where I should leave you in that world.

Varakiel:Oh you can do that? Nice so I will not be at lost when I go there, drop me on a mountain near a town called ilias village, actually can you make me go before the original story starts up?.

Lily: yes Varakiel I can do that every 200G'equals a year to make you arrive before the main story happens.

Varakiel:Cool Very Cool lily I want to arrive 10 years before the plot starts up, on the same location.

Lily Understood , the host wishes to get a map of the world before hand? With the size of this world it only be 100G'

Varakiel:oh so the price is equal to the world size, alright get me the map.

Lily: understood I will proceed to deduct 2100G' from master.


Varakiel:'che' the things I do to be with Luka boy, just wait for me buddy I will make us strong to protect what we believe.

Lily:Now please host, stay still while we proceed with transmigration to Monster girl quest, do not worry this process is 100% safe.

Varakiel:jejeje now I am excited tamamo, granberia, eurobitie, alma elma, Micaela, Lucifina, Luka boy, and all the other girls, wait for me I will make you mine jajajaja.

Lily:Transfer Starting up 10 years before the main story starts up, making the host automatically learn the language and writing of the desired world, providing world map.3...2...1...Begin.

And so the journey between worlds and the harem king and pervert Varakiel begins

Somewhere near a mountains on ilias Continent Our Protagonist Varakiel is about to arrive on the year 1357, lets see how he involves in this world.



Varakiel: uff now that's a hell of a ride I didn't expect for it to be like those novels said

Varakiel arrived safely to the world of monster girl quest on the ilias continent-

Lily:Congrats Host for arriving safely to your first world I wish you good luck on your journey.

Varakiel: thank you lily, please take out the map.

Lily:With Pleasure Varakiel.

With Varakiel command , a map of the whole world appears on his hands

Varakiel: great …. looks like I didn't arouse any high level being attention with my arrival that's good I not want trouble on my first day here, and I arrived 10 years prior to Luka leaving the town so I got good time to get along with him and his mother hehe Lucifina-chan I am coming, but first lets make my clothes more adventurous ish like.

Varakiel decided to change the armor , he changed the armor to a padded leather armor with a long red scarf, the gloves and boots both of leather.

And with this Varakiel decided to go down the mountains and he goes to ilias village.

After approching the village Varakiel inmediatly notices the bad looks the residents were giving to him like saying he his not welcome here.

Guard:stranger halt, what his your business in our town?!

The guard yell at Varakiel like telling him to fuck off and leave.

Varakiel:¿me? my name is Varakiel and I am an adventurer I recently ended up my expedition on the mountains on the east of this town and I decided to settle on this town and live here for a while.

Guard: I don't believe you how could you be on those mountains full of monsters and still be alive.

Varakiel: well I know how to defend myself pretty well.

Guard:you? Someone not baptizaded by ilias jajaja not make me laugh.

Varakiel:well are you letting me in?

Guard:JAJA j-just because you made me laugh you can go in but not make trouble outsider or we will beat you up JAJA.

Varakiel:thank you... ahhh this kind of people is annoying he things he is allmighty with those stats

Guard, male, human , lvl 10, 40 old.









and so Varakiel got into the town walking around checking up the shops just to see if he found something interesting, eventually he faced the blacksmith shop Varakiel was curious with the difference between his equipment and this world equipment.


Blacksmith:oh an outsider what do you want?

Varakiel: not mind me sir I just come here to look around.

Smith:ok but leave quick you outsiders are not welcome here.

Varakiel:(wow they are really against outsiders)lets see this sword

Iron Sword : (Poor, 10 Att, clearly an sword made very poorly, one would have better result with his bare hands)

Varakiel:what a poorly made blade, I am so lucky I got the rookie set before.


???:sir is the sword than I asked already made

Smith:oh is you brat yes is done take a look.

The smith hands a Iron sword to the boy , the boy looks at the sword like he is getting an immeasurable treasure, Varakiels notices the sword than the boy has and appraise it

Iron Sword (Poorly, 5 ATT, would be better if you use it has a mace this thing doesn't even cut) 

Varakiel:hoi old man why you would give such a poorly made sword to a child the thing doens't even cut.

The boy hears him and looks at him, the smith starts yelling at varakiel.

Smith:Mind your own business outsider or I will kick you out.

Varakiel:you are really giving such a scrap of a weapon to a child what if it break up with only a swing he might enden up hurting himself here lend me it ill show you.

Varakiel approches the kid and ask him to lend him the sword the kid unconsciously gives it to him 

Varakiel:looks at this.

Then Varakiel use a little strength and the sword Snap apart like scraps.

The Smith face turns ugly, while the kid looks at Varakiel with shining eyes. Like this 

???:wow sir you are so cool are you perhaps a hero?!

Varakiel then notices the kid purple hair and blue eyes, he looks like a kid with not more like 11 years old .

Varakiel:(how I didn't notice before the only kid than will think of getting a sword on ilias village would be Luka hehe what a funny child we finally meet).

Luka is there still waiting with those innocent and naive eyes for Varakiel answer to his question.

Varakiel:(je what a cute kid), yes kid I am a hero.

Luka:WOW a hero and he looks so cool, sir hero can you please train me please I want to be a hero too.

Luka Still with Shining eyes, looks at Varakiel.

Varakiel:(lets see if I can convince him to live with him hehe so naive and pure), I am sorry kid right now I am looking for a place to live. I came to this town today and I still haven't found a place.

Luka:awww.....wait Perhaps you can live with me and my mom she is kind and we have spare rooms so maybe she will lend you a place to live with us if you train me please.

Varakiel:(got them)well if you put it like that show the way *smile*.

Luka:yaaay Okay Let's go sir hero.

Varakiel:Kid, you can call me Varakiel.

Luka:ohh what an awesome name my name is Luka.

Varakiel: you got a cute name Luka ´ pats his head´

Luka:hehe thank you

Before both leave the store the BlackSmith yells at varakiel.

Smith:Hey where are you going, pay up for that sword.

Luka: oh yeah I forgot to pay up for it here is si--

Varakiel:not pay up Luka, he does not give you a proper sword.

Luka:b-but we are already broke. We have to pay for it.

Varakiel: yeah Luka but he didn't give you a good sword he gave you a bad sword on purpose think what would have happened if it broke and you can't fight anymore?

Luka:I will become the monster prisoner and never be able to see my mom again?.

Varakiel: thats right, now sir please never do that again or we will have a serious talk about doing that kind of thing to a kid, you could have got him killed.

After That Luka guided Varakiel through the town all the way to his house.

Luka:Mom I am back.

???:Welcome back dear how did it go, did you get your sword.

After Luka shout to his mom than he was back, her mother came down from the 2nd floor of the house she notices Varakiel with a surprised expression.

???:ara who is this Luka?, why did you bring this young man to our house.

Luka:Mom this is Varakiel, he said he is a hero and will train me if we can lend him a place to live in our house can he do it mom please?.

Varakiel:Nice to meet you, Luka's mom. My name is Varakiel, and like Luka said I am a hero and I just arrived at ilias village from the mountains in the east today.

Lucifina:Nice to meet you Varakiel please call me Lucifina, come inside and sit down, and can you please tell me exactly why Luka bring you here.

Varakiel:Sure why not, I will excuse myself in your house then lady Lucifina.

After getting inside both Lucifina and Varakiel sat down on the table while Luka got on the 2nd floor to change clothes.

Lucifina:Now can you please tell me who sent you?!

Varakiel:(aiya I figured this would happen), what do you mean lady Lucifina? Who sent me? I don't know who you are talking about?

Lucifina:not lie young man liars should be punished!.

Varakiel:I legitimately do not know what you are talking about lady Lucifina.

Lucifina:I said not lie young man you are not a hero you are not blessed by ilias.

Varakiel and Lucifina looked straight up at their eyes for about 1 minute but for him it was like hours.

Varakiel:´ahhh´ you win lady Lucifina I am not actually a hero I am an adventurer than I came back from an expedition from the mountains from the east of here.

Lucifina:Look at that now you are a good boy by not lying, then tell me why you say Luka then you were a hero?

Varakiel:Let me tell you about the whole thing.

Varakiel then proceeded to tell Lucifina what happened at the blacksmith shop.

Lucifina: "Slam" that stupid man. What he was thinking giving, my Luka such a bad sword I will talk about this later with him.

Varakiel: please lady Lucifina not care about it I will do it myself.

Lucifina:¿? How so?.

Varakiel: If he ever does that again, I will have a very serious talk with him…with my fists.

Varakiel said seriously.

Lucifina:I see then I will not talk about it anymore. Then you said you want to live here in exchange for teaching my son. What are your reasons?

Varakiel: well you'll see lady Lucifina I actually I not have any place to go too tell the truth it was an impulse from the moment there when I saw Luka and he got such a bad, and mind my words crap sword I couldn't let that injustice on front of my eyes to go on and when I saw Luka, I feel some kind of connection, and I saw his great potential, a potential like no one else on this world, and I will be sincere I am an orphan and I always wanted a little brother to take care of him and protect him. I mean look at Luka, he is so cute isn't?!

Lucifina:JEJE of course he is so cute is my son after all.´cof´okay Varakiel I can accept you to live here but please promise me that you'll take good care of Luka.

Varakiel:Of course and I will take care of you too lady Lucifina!.

Lucifina:fufu then I will be on your care "hero" Varakiel.

Varakiel:"slightly blushing"jeje I promise I will not lend anything harm to both of you I promise it over my life.

Lucifina: Then shall I show you your room?

Varakiel: please lady Lucifina.

Lucifina: dear please just call me Lucifina.

Varakiel: Ok la-

Lucifina stares at Varakiel with really scary eyes,


Lucifina then smiles. Both of the reaches to the door of a room

Lucifina:Here is an empty room that we got for spare , please use it.

Varakiel: Thank you Lucifina.

Lucifina:not a problem, I look forward to your training with Luka.

Varakiel: leave it to me he will become so strong even ilias will struggle with him.

Lucifinia:.....*puff* I look forward to it jajaja.

After thanking Lucifina, Varakiel settle up on his new.

Varakiel:... Oh my fucking god she is so beautiful and cute at the same I can't believe I managed to act polite right there , okay, okay stick to the plan first I need to find a way to hide lucifina from ilias survey or find a way to get a cure for the plague than ilias will sent to her, Lily can you help me with this I need a way either hide Lucifina from ilias and cut the plague when the time comes.

Lily: Yes Varakiel there are various way the easiest way to cure the plague would be buying a panacea from the shop for 100G'.

Varakiel: a panacea? There was that on the shop?! Damn I need to check out the shop content more in the future, alright lily buy 4 panaceas.

Lily:Understood Varakiel deducting 400G'.


Suddenly an item appeared on Varakiel inventory

Panacea(Cures any kind of malign status effect like curses, diseases, etc.as strawberry taste.)100G'

Varakiel:What a good item and it is cheap, why?

Lily: that's because the host would face a lot of diseases, cursed items, on his journey and taking account of the host's personality of heading to danger, the system decided to give him at a fair price for the host.

Varakiel:I won't do that....a lot...anyway the plague problem is couped up now, what I can do so ilias believes Lucifina end up dying , maybe get a item like the ring Lucifina gave to Luka to seal his angelic powers, lily is there a item like that on the shop

Lily:yes there is Varakiel, it has the price of 1250G'

Shadow Ring:a ring that Conceals any energy fluctuation , and makes you undetectable to any entity.

Varakiel:Nice with this all can go according to plan, but the problem is the G' I will need to work hard for them maybe if I go to the near forest or maybe in the town if I am lucky.

While Varakiel was making up his plan to save Lucifina from her imminent death, Lucifina called on Luka.

Lucifina:Dear tell me, is everything Varakiel said true?

Lucifina asked Luka about the events with the blacksmith.

Luka:yes mom everything is true, Varakiel was so cool not letting an injustice happen.

Lucifina: I understand fufu Luka should get ready for his training tomorrow, you shouldn't let him down

Lucifina noticed that it was nighttime already, she told Luka to go to sleep already because tomorrow he will make a lot of effort.

Luka:Good Night Mom hug

Lucifina:good night Luka.

Then Luka goes upstairs to his bedroom.

Lucifina:"sign" at least if I die Luka would't be completly alone.

Lucifina then remembers what Varakiel said before.


Varakiel: Of course and I will take care of you too lady Lucifina!.

Varakiel:leave it to me he will become so strong even ilias will struggle with him.


Lucifina:fufu I look foward to it sir Varakiel. It has been a long time since someone took care of me.

The next day in the morning.

Rumble "rumble" "clang" "clang" " sheeeh"

Lucifina and Luka were awake for the metallic sound from down stairs their house thinking it might be a thief Lucifina told Luka to get back to his room, then she go down to check out the sound then she smells something sweet coming from the kitchen, She enters and found a view than surprised her.

She found Varakiel cooking all kind of food but what attract her more was the smell. It was so good that she was almost drooling.

Varakiel:Ah Lucifina you are awake , good morning, can you tell Luka to come down? the breakfast is almost ready.

Lucifina then snaps from her trance for the smell then she moves to the side to hide her mouth drooling.

Lucifina:V-Varakiel why are you awake already?!.

Varakiel:¿?What do you mean? Of course I need to be awake already. After all, I need to prepare everything for Luka's training.

Then Varakiel give's Lucifina a big smile.

Lucifina:b-but still as the mother it should be me who does breakfast.

Varakiel:I know but Luka would need a lot of energy to last in my training after all.

Lucifina:I see, thank you for making a lot of effort for Luka.

Varakiel:Of course I have to give my all to my new family jeje.

Lucifina looked at Varakiel with surprise on her eyes

Lucifina:fufu, what cute child you are, then I will be in your care.

Varakiel:I am the same Lucifina, I will be in your care.

Then Lucifina told Luka to come downstairs for breakfast.

Luka:incredible mom you did all that?!

Lucifina:Luka all this was made by Varakiel for you he said that you will need a lot of energy for his training so enjoy it.

Luka:Wow Varakiel even knows how to cook like mom.

Varakiel: jaja Luka you will need to learn to cook eventually I will teach you that too, actually I will teach you everything you'll need to live by yourself like a hero or an adventurer.

Then the 3 of them procced to sit down on the table and enjoyed breakfast like a family.

Luka:ahh Varakiel cooking tastes even better than mom's ones.

Lucifina:as a mother it puts me to shame to say this but it is better than mine "pouting" 

Varakiel:well as someone than as travelled a lot I have a lot of experience cooking for myself jeje.

After breakfast, Varakiel took Luka outside the house, and they go to the yard, and Lucifina follow them,

on the yard there are several training dummy's and target for archery.

Varakiel:well here we are Luka, this will be where you will train for 10 years.

Luka:wow you did all this while I was sleeping?!, wait why 10 years are you leaving in 10 years?!

Varakiel:yes I did all of this, and Luka you not know ilias will descend to give her blessing in 10 years already?

Luka:heeee she will descend in 10 years?!, there is no time to waste then lets start the training?

Varakiel:wow hold on it there little hero.

Varakiel grabbed Luka by the neck of his shirt, while Lucifina got a small laugh by the nickname of little hero.

Varakiel:you can't start your training yet I must first check out your condition to measure your training

Luka:hee but not all hero's train the same? Like with your sword defeat the monster?.

Varakiel: not this hero, lend me tell you something Luka everywhere there is good people and bad people the monster are the same there are good monsters and bad monsters.

Luka:b-but are you not a hero sir Varakiel?you not follow ilias teachings?

Varakiel:let me tell you this Luka no one is born a hero, the hero needs to make himself, there are bad heroes than use his title to hurt other humans, but at the same time there are heroes than want to get along with monsters and end this pointless war, now tell me which hero you think I am.

Lucifina heard everything Varakiel said and was surprised there is someone in ilias continent willing to get along with monsters and get peace with them

Luka:there are really bad and good heroes?

Varakiel: yes Luka there are for example if it wasn't me the one than was with the Smith yesterday but a bad hero he would have took your sword saying kids like you should be in the farms growing crops for them to eat.

Luka:uhhh how mean...okay I understand then I want to be a good hero like Varakiel.

Varakiel:jajaja you will be Luka not worrys until you become a hero I will train you and protect you but for now take off your shirt to check out your body condition.


Then Luka took off his shirt and what it was show an slim and petite body, then Varakiel approched Luka and touch him all over his body.

Luka:uhhhh Varakiel that tickles and it feels weird, uhh.

Varakiel:.....¿?(oh crap right the Dez stat).not worrys I will not take too long, umm firm legs and arms they can be train properly a chest without excess of fat signals of not eating more what he needs, an purple hair good for concealing in the night, good good.

After Varakiel was inspecting Lukas body he check out his Stats.

Lv1 0/30. Luka, Male, Human?(half angel), 8 years old, Titles:Legendary Hero Descendent(+100 luck), grandson of a goddess(+100 luck), previous hero son(+100 Luck), second seraph son(100+ Luck), Protagonist(600+ Luck).

HP 150/150(300)

SP 0/0(5)






Luck:1000 (there will be always something to save him from death like a fucking cockrach) 

Condition:Powers Sealed (his powers are being sealed by an strong spell he is now a full human.)Source:Keepsake ring.


empty handed

cloth clothes (common, 5 def)

Keepsake ring (unique, was given by the second seraph to seal his powers so hes not eroded by them).


Edging : Reduce 99% of hp and gives 50% crit chance SP 0 desc:Just don't use it for the love of god who teach him this one.

Varakiel:(no wonder he succeeded and Alice and the demon generals fell in love for him hehe now they and him will be mine.)Okay everything seems in order but tell me do you not feel anything weird in your body?

Luka:well I feel a little hot when you were touching my body "blush".

Lucifina:(oh my this can become a problem in the future).

Varakiel:not that kind of feeling forget about it for now I mean like a hidden power?, I don't know something like magic?.

Lucifina Frowned her eyes when she heard hidden power, but relaxed when she heard the second question.

Luka: ummmmm no sir I don't feel anything like that.

Varakiel:good then thats all for you body check, for now we need to train your body for the actual training go warm-up I need to talk to Lucifina about your training.

Luka: Understood Varakiel I will not lend you down.

Varakiel then come to the side of Lucifina and asked

Varakiel:are you aware of his angelic powers?

Lucifina quickly showed hostility towards Varakiel but he said quickly.

Varakiel: calm down I am not gonna tell someone about it I said I will protect you and Luka and that was a life promise no matter what.

Lucifina heard Varakiel then she calmed down and show kind eyes

Lucifina:you really are a good kid and good kids not lie, tell me how did you notice his powers if they were sealed.

Varakiel:I mean you did wonders with the ring sealing him but you forget to make the ring at the same times absorbs his how power to sustain himself, a single touch to it and someone will notice it.

Lucifina: ahhh I forget about that but is enough for people far from him to not notice, tell me why you tell me the truth you could haven't tell me.

Varakiel:ummm first of all now you two are my family I will not hide anything from you, second this is a good chance for him when he his still young I can help him to learn to control his angelic powers, third I want you to know than I like both of you and I will do my best to make your life the happiest , there will never be tragedy even if I you are the enemies of the world I will never leave you aside.

After Varakiel ended up speaking, Lucifina and Varakiel looked at each other.

Lucifina:haha what a great kid you are if it weren't because I am a mother I might falled for you.

Varakiel:jaja thats not even my best lines wait until I end up training Luka we will go outside when we have got coexistance with monsters


before Lucifina can end up Luka came from nowhere

Luka: Varakiel I have done my warm up please can we start.

Varakiel:alright lets start look very well Lucifina we will become the greatest heroes even more than the legendary hero heinrich jajaja.

Lucifina:fufu I look foward to it.

And like this Varakiel started his training with Luka training him to become a great hero for the world

1 month later.


After 1 month of training everything goes normally, well almost normally...

Luka:Varakiel, I am done with my training for today.

Varakiel:well done Luka now sit down and focus your power to form a ball.

Luka:alright I will do my best.

Then Luka released a warm but dangerous power and focused to make it a ball the size of a pea.

Luka:uffff, focus, uffff.


like a bubble the ball popped up

Luka:ahh I failed today as well.

Varakiel then said to Luka.

Varakiel: not get anxious Luka remember than you started only 14 days ago to train this power.

Yes Luka started to train his angelic power with the help of Varakiel, and of course used and item from the shop on the system since he has no idea for angelic power

Ring Of control:controls and regulates any kind of power.Perfect for training a being with a lot of power but little control. Desc:Power is useless if you do not know how to use it, release its full potential with full control.

Varakiel:(the best thing it only costed 50G' and with the minimal imput of regulation his body can withstand the erosion, it was a good investment...)

14 days ago.

On the Kitchen Varakiel told Lucifina.

Varakiel:Lucifina I want your permission to train Luka angel powers.

Lucifina:no, You can't do that!.


Lucifina: his body is one of a human if he tries to use them he will get eroded.

Varakiel:oh you are talking about the erosion of his body?not worry about it actually on one of my expeditions I found a certain item than works like Luka's ring but instead of sealing it, it controls and regulates magic, so maybe it will work with Luka, is a matter of me giving it to Luka and you giving me your approval.

Lucifina:Really?.....can I see that item?

Varakiel:Sure I have it on my backpack 1 minute.

Varakiel goes to his bedroom and ask the system for an item than can do the fuctions he talked about.

And then lily tell him about the ring, Varakiel was delighted he bought 1 and then he got back with Lucifina.

Varakiel:this is the thing Lucifina, I call it ring of control, I have tested it before on people with magic power, it just a matter of trying it on Luka.


Lucifina puts on the ring , to test it

Varakiel:Lucifina wait don't d-

before Varakiel can stop it Lucifina put on the ring and tried to release her power but she noticed than her power could't be release at all.

Lucifina:... were you find this Varakiel I can't even use a bit of angel power.

Lucifina right now was wrapped on white wraps only covering her boobs and lower body was covered as well with white wraps with a big halo on top of her head and white wings on her back.

Varakiel:....you should revert back before Luka finds out.

Lucifina:... alright.

Lucifina revert back hiding her halos and wings and her clothes appears back.

Lucifina: you don't seem very surprised by the fact than I am an angel.

Varakiel: jaja if I didn't find out about Luka angel powers, I might have been surprised, now I have more reasons to make you fall for me, I want to touch those beautiful wings "grining".

Lucifina:"blush"umm a kid like you will never make me fall in love, maybe if you could kill the demon king, I will think about.

Varakiel:jaja that would't be good, I don't want to kill her after all she supports the peace with monster and humans, at the same time I know you want this war to end once and for all.

Lucifina:...you are really a good kid I am glad than you can take care of Luka.

Varakiel:jeje not forget than I will take care of you too.

Lucifina:jeje thank you.

Varakiel: now than we are alone I must ask , and forgive me for asking this but where is Luka's father

Lucifina:.....he is dead.

Varakiel:.... I see forgive me for asking.... and Luka knows about him?

Lucifina: yes but not the way I would like, Luka as grown up hating his father because he is one of the founder of ilias kreuz and he believes his father was evil.

Varakiel:.....but this is not all true , right?.

Lucifina:....would you like to hear all the history?

Varakiel:if you are willing to tell me I will hear all you need and want.

Then Lucifina Proceeds to tell all the history about ilias kreuz and marcellus death.

Varakiel:"heavy sigh"so everything is a big misunderstanding mixed with rage, and that guy lazzarus is a fool, filled up only with vengeance, killing his best friend "hump".

Lucifina:why you always believe everything I tell you without questioning me , what makes you to trust me that quickly.

Then Varakiel looked at Lucifina with a serious look and then a smiled

Varakiel:...."puff" hahaha I have said it before and I will say it forever, I love you and Luka and I will always protect you , besides such a beautiful and cute lady can't be a liar.

Lucifina:"slighly blushing"I see, but sweet words will not make me fall that easy young man.

Varakiel:je I am counting with that watch me even if ilias were to send a plague I will go to the end of the world and come back with a cure on less than a weak, or who knew maybe I will have it already before that, I like to be prepared for any situation for the ones I love.

Lucifina:okay stop flirting with me, take back your ring, and give it to Luka and please teach him properly so he not need to hide is potential.

Varakiel: not worrys I know what I am doing, and since Luka doesn't have a father figure I will become his big brother or who knows maybe I will replace his father in the future.

Lucifina:.... shameless kid .

Present time:

Varakiel: what a good thing I have 5150 luck no wonder all the girls end up going for the protagonist's, but Luka's training really is paying him up...

Lv1 0/30. Luka, Male?(he is half a energy being), Human(half angel), 8 years old, Titles:Legendary Hero Descendent, grandson of a goddess, previous hero son, second seraph son, Protagonist.

HP 300/300

SP 5/5







Condition:Power Regulated (minimal imput)(His Power right now its being controlled by a external object)Source:Ring of control


Training Sword (Common, 20 ATT, 10% training growth) Training Suit (common, 15 def, 10% training growth) Ring of Control:Controls and regulates the Energy source of the weilder by the will of the host.

After Luka ended his angelic power training he got back on the house to take a bath, while Varakiel goes to the kitchen to prepare his, Luka and Lucifina meals, Lucifina then enters the kitchen while Varakiel is cooking up.

Lucifina: ara, thank you again for the meals Varakiel, you are such a big help.

Varakiel: jeje you say that, but you are the first one than looks foward to it , while I am cooking I wonder who is the kid here jeje, and besides its the least I can do after all I am living in your house for free, yeah I know I said ill train Luka in exchange to live here, but yet is not right to not repay both of your kindness for accepting me in your lifes.

Lucifina:hey I am not a kid is just your cooking is really good.

Varakiel:I am really that good ? Then I am honored than an angel says my cooking is good.

Lucifina:tell me, how has Luka been doing with his training?.

Varakiel:he fails and mess up things sometimes and still can't hold a ball made of angelic power.

when Luka was going down to the kitchen he heard out Varakiel, and whispered.

Luka:"whisper"I am really that bad?

but then Varakiel said.

Varakiel:but he has the will to stand up over and over again, and never give up, and with just that he has gain my respect , humans are weak by nature but there are some who doesn't like that and decide to give their all day by day, there are proofs of that already, Luka is one of them, and to be honest I like Luka very much, like I tell you before if its possible I want to become something like his big brother or even a father figure for him, no one should't live without a mother and a father, I have experienced that.

Luka:"tearing up"ughhh he believes in me that much.. I must give everything I got from now on.

Lucifina:so you never had a family?thats why you say than we are your family now?...

Then Lucifina got close to Varakiel and put his head on her chest.

Lucifina: you are a great man, even without someone to guide you walk on the right path, I can rest assured than Luka would walk the same path as you from now on.

Then Luka suddenly bust up on the room and yell.

Luka:yeah mom is right I will give my all to become someone like big brother ... I mean Varakiel

Varakiel: jeje is okay to call me whenever you like Luka.

Luka: then big bro please train me to become a hero than can unite monster and humans together.

Varakiel:not forget about the angels too Luka.

Luka: ah right they too.

Lucifina then whispers on Varakiel ear

Lucifina:"Varakiel thank you"

Varakiel:"is the best I can do for now watch us our family future is bright together this world would shine without the flames of war anymore".

Lucifina: "jeje what a realiable guy I look foward to it."

but before this sweet family moment can continue, a smell like is burnt came from the stove.

Varakiel:ahhhhh!! I forget I was cooking, turn it off turn it off!!.

Lucifina and Luka: ahhhh the food.

And with that a happy family was born, from the ashes of burnt food (remember when you are cooking not get distracted is dangerous.)

7 years later on ilias village our 2 protagonist are performing their morning training.

Varakiel:good job Luka keep up you can do it.

Luka:y-yes big brother ufff, focus, ufff I must meet my big brother expectations.

Then a ball the size of a pea made of light appers on Lukas hand.

Luka:ahh b-big brother I made it I finally made it.

Varakiel:wait Luka not celebrate too soon try to remember how you do it and familarize with it.

Luka: understood.

Then Luka concentrate on the feelings when he did the ball.

Luka:(I was thinking of meeting my big brother expectations maybe it was because of that).

Luka then tries again thinking of meeting his brother expectations.

Luka: ah I made it again big bro.

Varakiel:congrats Luka your efforts and will filled your expectations, this is something to celebrate you can ask me anything and I will do it.

Luka: really?!

Varakiel: yes but first lets go take a bath today we will have a feast.


Then Luka and Varakiel got on the bathroom together.

The bathroom looks like one you will find on a house for rich people or a royal castle, this of course is a Varakiel doing.

After Varakiel and Luka took a shower they got on the tub together.

Varakiel:.....is the water confortable?

Luka:...."blushing"yes big bro.

After 5 minutes of silence Luka talked first

Luka:big bro I really did that good today?I just made a ball of that size than can't help me at all.

Varakiel give a pat on Lukas head

Varakiel:of course you did great Luka it only took you 1 year to learn something than you didn't know about I just help you to regulate it for you, everything else are your own efforts, besides now than you can control it everything will flow like water, later you will able to regulate and control it with out the rings help.

Luka:ok I understand.

Varakiel:and you have grown a lot stronger I bet if I didn't train you, you will struggle with the weaskest of monster girls jaja.

Luka:jeje yeah thank you big bro, then when ilias descends what will happen?.

Varakiel:(I want to go with him to experience in first person every demon general and the cute Alice hehe).you will go to the church and become an ilias hero and then go on a journey to defeat the demon king.

Luka:Is that all about hero's killing the demon king?Why can't we have peace with them?

Varakiel:haha that's right why we can't, well Luka you'll see is simple, thats because they do not know anything better, this war has extend for than the world wanted and needed when your training ends everything will come to an end eventually.

Luka:why you said that?why me and not you? Or even better you and me together?!.

Varakiel:ara Luka perhaps you like me that much than you not want to go away from me?jeje.

Luka:"blushing" of course I never had a big brother or a friend before so I like you very much..uhhh.

Varakiel:hahaha if that's your wish then I will accompany you on your journey when it starts.

Luka:really?! You can do that?

Varakiel: of course I do, I didn't say it you can ask me anything you want.

Luka:yay!!, but when we leave mom will be alone.

Varakiel:not worry about that, she can come with us, not look at her like than but your mom is very strong, I bet she wants to go on an adventure.

Luka:ehh mom is strong really??

Varakiel:yes after all she took a good care of such cute kid.

Luka:"blushing"I am really that cute?.

Varakiel:yes(oh boy I like where this is going.)

Luka:I-I see then you like me big bro?

Varakiel:(I am really a lucky motherfucker)of course I do I like Luka very much.

Luka:t-then can you hug me?

Varakiel:sure, you want anything else?(please do come on, I am on last step for the conquest plan!!.)

Varakiel then hugged Luka from behind on the tub Luka was red as a tomato.

Luka:t-then c-can y-you kiss me.

Varakiel:(ITS HERE WOOOJOOOO)okay.

Then Varakiel got his face near Luka's face and kiss him on his cheek.

Luka:ehhh?(why I asked him that ahhhh).

Varakiel:oh my Luka you wanted one like a married couple, hehe Luka might be a pervert.


Then Luka fainted from the shyness

Varakiel:hehe Luka really is cute.

Then Varakiel noticed Lucifina outside of the bathroom


Then Lucifina left.

Varakiel:aiyaaa I will need to talk to her later but first lets take Luka out can't believe he faint from a single kiss on the cheek, no wonder he will lose when they make him cum.

Then Varakiel took Luka out of the bathroom, then he put his clothes on him and took him to his bedroom.

Varakiel:there we go, sweet dreams little prince jeje.

Then Varakiel left Lukas room and got on his way to Lucifina's room.then he knocks the door.

Varakiel:Lucifina can I come in?.


Varakiel:please let me explain what happend is not what you think.

Lucifina:there is nothing to explain I saw everything, you like Luka don't you then go with him, hump.

Varakiel:fine then ill stand up here until you open the door.

Lucifina:do whatever you want.

Varakiel then did has he said, until 3 hours passed, on those 3 hours checked out the shop of the system for something usefull for the future.

Lucifina:Varakiel?, ....are you still there?.


Lucifina:fine you can come in.

Varakiel:nope I said I will wait here until you open the door and I will do that.

Lucifina was dumbfounded, then she open the door.

Lucifina:now who is being childish, come in.


Then Varakiel got inside the bedroom and Sat on a chair.

Lucifina:then tell me what you want to talk about.

Varakiel:first of all I am sorry I should't do that kind of thing with your own son forgive me.

Lucifina:ara ara I am not angry about that I am angry than you go for Luka instead of me first, hump.

Varakiel:.....wait really?!.

Lucifina:you really thing I will be mad about my son liking someone?hump, I am not someone narrow minded.

Varakiel:"puff" ahahaha you were just jealous ahaha now who is being childish, Lucifina I can believe you are this cute hehehe.

Lucifina:hey not make fun of me of course ill be jealous, who has been flirting with me for the past year nonestop is normal than I will eventually give in your tries.

Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai
Jilid 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Jilid 1 :World Number 1 Monster Girl Quest
Jilid 2 :World Number 2 Konosuba


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