
My Journey in ASIOAF world

After dying from Corona Virus I woke up in my 14 year old body in Kingswood without gifts how would can I survive here

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47 Chs

Chapter 37

297 AC Inside the Manse in Qarth

Jorah POV

(In Daenerys room)

Milady we have trouble the Lady we just met is the head of House Darklyn the family your father has killed in duskendale you may be in danger

I told you that man is not to be trusted.

Ser Jorah I received a word from Lady Serena she wants us to meet in private please refrain from your suspicions to our potential allies we accompany me to the meeting as Ser Carlos will accompany Lady Darklyn. Daenerys said.

Serena POV

What is your plan here Carlos why did you bring here her.

Well to fullfill one your dream to have House Targaryen Apologies to you Carlos said

Is that it?

Yup just that Carlos said

(with daenerys knocking to the door and Carlos opening it allowing them to enter to start the meeting)

Good day princess are you aware of who I am?

Yes I am Daenerys said

Good now please be informed I have no plans to kill you or anyone in your group just to steal your dragons as we are kin with me being the great grand daughter of Shiera Seastar and Brynden Rivers from my Mother side. Also I have been aware that what happens at Duskendale was a Lannister plot to kill your father it was Rykker men who have captured you father and it was Tywin who manipulated everything from behind

What I will only request is an apology from your house.

Jorah spoke the princess will not apologize

Ser Jorah be silent Lady Darklyn please accept my heartfelt apologies my father did to your House and I am with happy that I am with Kin and not alone anymore Daeneys said.

Thank you princess I needed that now that is over let us proceed to business.

Right now Westeros is embroiled in Civil War 5 kings are fighting for the iron throne. we can provide you with ships money and troops all I ask is for Duskendale to return to the hands of House Darklyn and a City Charter.

With this I agree as well but I want to add something Daenerys said

I will be seating on the Iron Throne and I do not want any Lord Paramout to have power over me with the dragons and your support I can become a Queen without being cowed by the others. So I propose a marriage alliance between our houses with you being my Hand of the Queen and your Knight Ser Carlos as my Prince Consort. Daenerys said

You must be kidding me you want my husband to become your consort.

(Carlos speechless unable to talk)

Your husband Daenerys said

Yes my husband with that Serena stood up and showed everyone the marriage certificate done on 296 AC

I think we need to take a break let us continue this discussion tomorrow Carlos said